NEWMARKET Baby Carriages Picture Framing Kettleby Mcii I Ml in Com borne in lie Bills Pa Stores Hi J Little Mull Wall nig Marc presented i MM Stouffvitle RAYON CREPE GOODS FOR 38 Inches Wide Priced 95c 125 and Per Yard A BRUNTON CO fie niglil Great of the parly must given to the Tennis which during the evening beautiful rendering of selections inelud That and The Prteonofa Song parly was brought to a close for Mrs and family for in Special he char on Palm Sunday March at the seven oclock evening worship Dr Cleaver in an outstanding Cana dian preacher and lecturer Those who heard Dr Cleaver give the story of Jean Jean ties to select but colors lie said must be loft to tin crimination of the ladies A vote df thanks to th the President of the Horticultural Society Mi W Hunter presided with id- including fancy and Mae in e with Mrs J Holling as accompanist piano duet and Mis Hewitt cornet solo by Calvert with Dr as ac companist all of which well received It was the best meeting Horticultural Society has and augurs well for from rived In Whitchurch three days going Jliiilv Mrs great Col Daniel Boone of Booties Bprougll whose grand parents George and Mary Boone ill preach on Monday Wednesday and Tours- ling al oclock March April 1st and also at the Oftfomatry Its Value to the Public T C WATSON Detroit Optical Institute 1894 Canadian OpUialmls Col lege When reading what Indi selection and paper i held I I i inch defray The public fll Hip charge but Then a person cannot clearly to read ordinary prim at lhat distance strains the eyes it- 1 in attempting to read without 1H glasses i lie power thai can be oy fake cordially hinder Ivanlage of this j rye devotion Continued Next Week iLtntliLillii imshiftstt meeting After Hie there was a ion drawn on the Blue Boo and the member responded Mr road a paper on Answer gave In liiiiiiLiitil of officers as Who ays does good slock I it knows Hie lop for above ivilh his I Inc i Saturday naxl Line accompanied by his it have make their present will his sister Mi I Slimier of I Mr and Mrs llwoocl Dans of misers Ihe Line are moving inl- the house at present occupied by Newmarket Markets Kail Wheat Spring Duck wheat Small Peas 50 back home Butter Mrs Levi Watson formerly of Kettleby now of visiting anions old neighbors I who disposed stock of his farm and slock on the Toronto Prlcu W A POULTRY CALVES HOGS or SHEEP dressed ship or H