Massachusetts S J BOYD Graduate la of Toronto University also Lfcenllale of the College Physicians and member or the Royal College of Surgeons clinical assistant Eye Bar Nose Throat Hospital tendon England Our Local News The vacancy on the York Allowance Board ring to tho death of Mrs E me has filled by the ap- Farmers Estate Leaving an estate of David who died at Whit- December 21st ha- tod that go to his DR J H WESLEY Associate Coroner for County of York each to Elsie Olive daughter and Howard Ol a grandson An adopted DR L DALES and Confinement Millard Ave Newmarket DR CECIL GILBERT Dentist Diagnosis by Transillumination DR J W BARTHOLOMEW ta of the Forum Toronto by Appointment Phone DR T J HACKETT Over Imperial Bank Newmarket Open evenings by appointment Gas for Extraction hone Wilkinson E VAHDER VOORT University of Toronto Fifteen Years in all branches of Dentistry Office over E Lyons Candy Store Special attention given A STOUFFER and Violin MATHEWS Newmarket Phone Evenings by appointment J GENTLEMEN ATTENTION I The Social Season is with us Formal attire Is In for men of all ages G WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket i at Ihc lop of bar work down recover In- worth think Dike The widow daughter share the properly made up of Concert in St Church ladies and Concert March for Supper and nts for of I nhiob will be the boy elo- who ecivlier- lias been gd foT this occasion win render selection to 8 Tickets for sup concert can be Had Osborne Son J Kershaw and Ticket interest for afternoon in Hie auditorium at p sharp win be found in detail on wo of this issue In view Provincial hich the hoped that the citizen the Town hi general will lake advantage of this opportunity bear a wellinformed and quest peaker on a subject of public importance dinger delighted his a hence will several numbers English Scotch and Irish solos Tire speaker of the Was Hon Duncan Marshall rave a description of a Hi rout it I and tying NEWMARKET Strength and nourishment of prime fresh beef and foodvalue to soups hash and meat pie CUBES well joyed a lin of real In the morning message In- very beautifully portray- the yearning of- Jesus to humanity Into a closer fellow ship with hip w the failure watch with in a led John tin St Andrews Defeated 20 In the first of home and me gamed decide the Cham pionship in the third round of Mathews of Toromto the game The gam was- well Newmarket having the best the play throughout and was the cleanest of the year only four penalties being awarded all go ing St Andrews Though the game not fast he Midland games good team play and goal tending was displayed theme of the God could not have revealed His great love in any other way than His Son Jesus Our ambition should now be How love can I give Him Tiro Awakening Chorum a and- spirited anlbeni was Mrs Boag a beautiful soprano and alio duet Just the Whimpered half the he made some grand the locals Thorns and on the defense were again beatable and seldom did the gel them Thorns worked hard time after time score but was beaten only by the goalie scored tin first goal of the game Townsley again displayed his brilliant slickhandling and credited he second goal shooting near centre ice Marshall and Murray were flashy players locals and many times wen nearly rewarded for their effort but were beaten by The subs and Thome played good hockey saved the team from a larger de while Mercer was the for St Andrews At the very beginning of tin game it looked as though An would have lo mighty hard beat play Friends Tonic John N Ik Missionary Meeting Mil it Help StC Pa undy and Alice team sons lads excelled in and kept lie visitors at work all through he period while goalie had he tima of his life Though he locals had- the of the play the Newmarket Jit niors were out lucked and scoring was done SI An draws received wo penalties by far he belle The did could II thiuli play hockey a fev mile- play 111 toward Hi It was a real good clean gam and the large crowd went Urn Goal defense Thorns and centre wings and Marshall Bill Thorns and Roll St Andn Goal with are if 4400 riiiles is one he largesi playground- in tin A of this Mm of tin central sec ion is still unexplored but tin is being rapidly opened Answering the Csll from the Kcnzlc Mabel Winters Senior Endeavor Program March 2 Areas In the Meeting Missionary Com Meeting Miss and Mrs Walter Collins How to Overcome tho Spirit Anger and Matt Miss Mean by Dealing John Misj A vlss and Mr Belfry Willi Teaching About Prayer Phil Hob Mr and Ml Annie Rheumatic Pains Go Swollen Joints Vanish AolIei joints an rapidly freed and brought back to normal with 11 lieu ma Lame people walk without aid sleep comes to those who i bed hand that were helpless been terrible rheumatism now lo do their share for the of the family Itheumn is a wonderful for rheumatism gout neurli lumbago and neuralgia It is a wonderworker it nevt falters gives up unfit evei vestige of poison is expelled fro the body on stomach kidneys and bladder nil at oik and quickly brings long prayed for comfort to distressed suffer W J Patterson and Canada has officially invit British Dominions and colonies and all foreign powers to attend the worlds poultry congress at Ottawa which Is to be held from July 27 to Three thousand delegates are expected to attend Canadian construction for the month of January totalled as compared with I in January This rec ord for January indicates that win ter construction is rapidly Gras celebrations at Que- bee started off along the lines that have made the Ancient Capital fa mous throughout the continent This year the activities were rendered even more interesting by the fact that the city now at the height of its winter sports celebrations i Public Following of Ihe Hoard and the following tiled Herald W I Globe Mrs So on motion of Mr and seconding of Mr thai they be paid motion was loved by Mr and sec onded by Mr Eves that Mr- L be appointed attendance officer for the year 1926 at a of per annum Carried Moved by Mr Manning and sec onded by Mrs Stephens that lender- half of the total Dora total of which yielded an bushels per acre bushels One of the most i from sudden death train to the reached the lo heat the Rend tracks the very thrown from the for per specifications Principal Carried Principal filed reports Move I Mrs fcitplie by Mr Mai of paper of be istructed to istance in by Mr- Stephens am Mr that Hoard lo the Boat Health that a school nurse ployed and that the Board of he position by asking any salary shall not and dollars of w paid by the Depart Health of the Pro to Mrs Stephens Mr voting yea Mr nit Impalable irbltary thing Ion iletci l time and telegraph In Urn It of the man la Hie set by the stars of the va in heavens llicrc nix cither lo or im to at liio iiiiillim lif I hie key hand On his rdlng called a chronograph This shows at what lime the star the meridian Astronomical tables show at which It should have crossed Comparison of the standard clock Willi these tallies show or not the clock Is light The time Is distributed at noon Three minutes before twelve oclock thousands of telegraph operators In silence waiting for the click or Ihe key which shall tell them that Ihe master clock In Washington be gun to speak At minute twelve It begins beating every second until Then after the come- a single boat which exact noon and for another day knows that it has the to ihe fraction of a second I AND 1 HEARD stockings thought her the senator and saying thai and J A Fullei of ion of the Canadian old Allen Line through Montreal A little la ly years of age and totally arrived from Swift Current Winnipeg Given into the of the Cana- make ble and assured that she no other changes to Mr also ascertained she was to be met by her son Toronto and assured the feeble that she would be looked and had would not have taken the journey came the tribute from her Pacific Social and Athletic Club of contributed to the LeaderPost Christmas Cheer Fund Of this sum was to the Old Folks Home at to the Orange Orphanage at In- the Salvation iris Horn the day of the Christmas School Santa Claus arrived at the Re- Station on a train and distributed candy to children who were also taken to various thea tres All thts was arranged by of- of the Social Club DAD WILL READ THIS ALOUD A wealthy bought a in six years She things over to suit the newer styles Now to tho chorus of reading this paragraph to In wives and grownup daughters SKINNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous Men DONT TH18 hind the I that Cod Live i greatest flesh produce Because It more vitalizing vitamlnes than any food you can bo glad to know that Coys Cod Liver Extract Tablet come in sugar coated form now si If you really want to put lo pound of solid healthy flesh on you bones and well and strong am a complexion thai people ask any druggist for a bos McCoys Cod Liver Extract Tab- Only cents for tablets and li u dont gain five pounds hi days ur druggist hand you back the you paid for them It isnt anything unusual for a lo gain pounds In 30 days A Friendly HE was a farmer of sound character and ability So when he asked for a loan to further develop bis farm it was readily granted With the loan he bought more stock machin ery and seed His farm prospered and his profits swelled After selling his crop he paid back the loan and had a handsome surplus This surplus he wisely deposited In the Bank of Toronto Wiser still he sought the expert in vestment counsel of his Bank of Toronto manager That was years ago He is now retired com fortable and prosperous But He still comes in for advice on banking and investment matters For he regards the Bank of Toronto as a good friend a friend that givesser- and that is unfailing in its welcome A friend that has earned the trust and cordial goodwill of thousands of farmers like himself The Most Digestible of Sweets Our pure Corn Syrup relished by and children because of its delicious flavor It is also rich in food value and so easily digested Doctors recommend it CORN SYRUP STARCH CO Lit NEWMARKET EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEEDS FARM TOOLS OF ALL KIND8 OIL AND SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWf PAINT8 OIL AND VARNISHES LET 8HOW WHAT WE HAVE Phone 39 SMITHS HARDWARE If You to go to the Country Pleasure or Business CALL UP B L PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In COVERED BUQQY OR AUTO Prompt Service Reasonable E A BOYD Prop night on Promptly Attended to nmm GREENS FINK QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARQE8T AND BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM lOo TO PER ROLL Variety of alaxed and In Oatmeals TTnU WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX GREEN AND COMBINATION Wo Ball Any Paper With or BERT Painter and Paper Hanger SQUARE