A E Tells of Wonderful After Taking Lydia Vegetable Composed operation After hospital For four I was al and suffer ing until J weeks j in a hospita be left month- One day without agony mother begged My bust of Vegetable Coi I took it I started and to my in my aide left me completely am able to do all my work help I am a farmers wife so you t be idle long In all I have bottles of E Compound five boxes of the Compound Tablet two bottles of E a Blood also used the San- Mrs Medici better accomm public than we ha London Iho Form Ho awn- Tit a leal drawn a a for both sides gain Miliar for urged by Dr papula would fall last touch goods laid eat drink ami God said to film fool died that night makes this story but that all striv ing his life should have brought and and Ianidi great sinkholes deficits he ad millions of employment couti difficulties of when the out- real as the in- York Marble and Granite Works JOHN MOSS So Newmarket Phone 241ur Realty Go NEWMARKET FARMS ANtT HOUSES For sale Richmond and Lake on provincial Apply WM Phone Office Dos Newmarket 334w as there four hundred turned soldier- many of probably be induce FOR SALE TenRoomed Stucco House cor Cedar and Timothy Street All con veniences Price Veneered Cement Block House on Main Street North all con veniences Price Apply WESLEY WALLACE Phone Newmarket PERRINS GREENHOUSES St Newmarket lay if With Flower pots Cyclamen it Flowers Reaaonable Prlc remlers Precedent ndon Advertiser The of the in an end to the talk about thi government pealed joke Mr of the our of it had mad its dee a precede is of Canada vision and ha on their YOUR VOICE LOW light that God look Its Ideals we might bo the Impending i not he purpose of t thing to do is to shout and Hie you shout the angrier you Nor is this all for nothing is to leniper than to Idrcselng gets angry too and so is made decidedly worse soon as you feel your temper your attention on Force yourself to speak rem And if shouting has n a fun damper low Phone of from line and la ROD AND GUN Rod and tiun is an feature lue March issue of lie magazine The cover design is also a interest a very fine color due Idon of photograph of two will apply to he Parliament for of from her Shaw of the said City Insurance ground adultery lo the death nt place in Ihcjr respect since she ways last to be considered lessens the mothers efficiency Itier ought not to wear Ihe clothes In the family and be th without fir her who does these thing build a saintly soul for hersel has lessened her the family come past he danger points past the age rein school are able and if well Iralm were near thflr irn lhan to have child different provinces they arc near the for until they I home Many limes Ih you and give them a home The husband Who says that his wife all his hardearned sur plus income on will have to tlilnk up a new one Nothing of kind says tho United Stfites of Labor who has conduced Inquiry Into cost of feminine garments and accessories The truth Is the average husband spend- more for his clothes than his wife spends for hers If you want the whole trulilL morel Believe It or not hut hero are the figures for her hat cents for dress fur pine will find her because Ihe In school but will i idle by that her i know What son continue the led of thinking lli mind inHWIe II I If she her Into I I she She f- 0 Bars Such sweet puffy little cokes filled with just the loveliest fig you ever tasted No one but Christies ever put such tempting goodness into a fig barno one else ever baked such substantial food values into of such fairy lightness Christies Fig Bars are a wholesome delicious sweet enjoyed by all young and especially good lor all because so wonderfully easy to digest a your grocer for Christies Fig Bars by the or by lie pound whichever you prefer Christies Fig Bars are sold by BOSWORTH COWIESON W R MARSHALL H B BOLTON T DOMINION STORE MOUNT L BARKER KNOWLES H MOLYNEAUX H BOWSER KERSHAW J SCOTT A BRUNTON W A Christies of SuaMif FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING OUR SPECIALTIES THE LEADING R OSBORNE SON Next to Office COUNTY POLICE COURT Police Court ken an extra half stuck of hay id Old him to go to J accordingly faced a charge of was the main wiln suffered a brief chief from the I crosHexaminatian from he defence counsel and an evei examination from Hi bench The strain even hotter than court which strong somnam bulistic tendencies Tho methods or garnering and ramification- did not prove feting three 1 for her silk stockings a pair of shoes Her gloves She carries a mil an umbrella worth feminine garments ace bring Ihe total average lo again and keep up with the child ahead of litem she will is her husbands world and again the details of Is Interested In She will know something business and of the sport or hobby that he cares for She will find time again for the sport of her girlhood Let her take again ti swimming skating and charge of some older person she got them ready on Sunday morning and they were off she breathed a sigh of in her thankfulness to have a quiet hour to rest It Is easy to get out of the going habit and then stay out But as soon as tho children ore old enough to help themselves It Is no longer a physical impossibility for the mother to get let her go with on lornlng It Is of no use to send the You must take them If Irish to Impress upon Ihem that Is the greatest Inspiring id uplifting force of the community They not really believe it If you tell so and slay at parents took them that mother their going not live in a your tlildren brought up there You know how tho forces of evil run there You know every good thing In your coimi has Us In ho of thought and work that lie 1 HELP your salesman Call the customer YOURSELF by Long in sales is invincible problems by becoming settled They sink down Into a routine of life thai does for half the power of either hand or brain and promptly proceed to grow old There Is no quicker way of growing old than lo the long cultivated powers atrophy from want of use danptvui who places valui hind lisle The Family Remedy For Over Forty Years Calller Suffered from is In and Is Now Completely Relieved Kidney Pills ho states Mrs Calller Avenue in an inter view I was doubled up with pains in my back hut after tak ing Kidney Pills I fiove not fell a pain in two years My father always kept them in the ithci thing In which children for One hundred and for divorce arc before his session Of lltese been made by husband- and sixty- 1 Vou four by wives One hundred wha for our like llii up and mainliiincd lion Dodda Kidney Iili bold Beat your at and months will hear lo his that Is some swimmer could Is what you must do at this time You must keep alive and up date and keep you rightful place high honor hi tht home Servo you desire to for lhat is glory of motherhood it must the service of dignity and not thai one who has lost zest of life In monotony of daily round The mother of growing child of Iho home No sho may be through the years growing up Tin and Ihcir problems part of her time some things that si Agencies 1 sighted church in th benefits It hi do anything lhiuli Will llliti i I tin all of brought but falling Us support so In to help other generations not Christian In ally accepting Christ if and patriotic wo ought to give active support to the church Just In the degree that the church Is powerful and aggressive Is our community a better places lo live But Ui confess thai life AflWthat one Is really Is only w to be drawn To travel hopefully Is a belter thing than to arrive said Stevenson who lived this fine philosophy and like found every day lh- best day of Ihe year He novel finished his Journey went travelling hopefully until Into the wirld annot l the p- Us with the journey half done and de- time still more with both danger and a for good That Is when Children have at lengh left the home nest to go lo college Into business hoi longbusy ham period and But While Iho children wore babies she no doubt gave up habit of going to church As they grew old enough to toddle lo Sunday school In strangely empty lire when no duty lonjness and un manly women meet this solve Us problems by be coming settled They sink down Into business or of own Now longbusy ore strangely empty There fire long when no duly calls There fire loneliness and unrest Too many women meet this and solve life her Sho Is robbing both and the No woman of forty or fifty or sixty has a right to had done her work and hence forth may fold her hands and wall Life is still full of golden oppor tunities for doing what you do want to do- and have not become granite even at youth never knew to other lives There are women seventieth milestone still serving splendidly a public others of as many years their communities quietly hear dull LavalQuebec Mines Limited An Opportunity All eyes are on recall the early days of Northern Ontario LavalQuebec acres of seasoned Lavals healthy market the th fartic buy in order e in the wealth of this offers excep tional speculative possibili ties and we suggest that you send In the following coupon today no Mowat Please send me the latest Quebec and its profit CHIVES OF ONTARIO