1 the Canadian All sr Siting Phone or prices Orchard Beach Lake Front Good builder West Toronto To Lb A s of mi all eady lira- for ice or livi pur Dr J Phone J Sale Limited supply Dry Body Hard Wood at jlusl per cord delivered E Lewis fuM phone ring I The priming deseripti Holstaln Cow March Aha Cockei Sale- For Safe About Tons of Good Clover and Timothy Hay Apply for Sale years of life but Enquire at Era Office Home Reasonable Hughes Prospect Ave A la riving the or all the family given free for The Imperial are agent for Canada Tin should he on ill the Premier King has invited Pie Dunning of Saskal to the position of Minis- r of Railways Canals ii to the Jit Hon Geo P resigned In ordc way for Premier Dun ling Mr Francis Darke Libera for ha Respectable Woman Housework in Comforl Apply Mrs A Miller Nov mis Light I market PO Mil of Ma I- a- I will be on March merit of Mr he King is ded popular favor the Jj ill ip Oats A Timothy Hay Jack For Sale Buckeye Brooder chick nearly new Box New market John Monllt 2w3 for Sale Or would good Gramophone Era Office It Mr Alice on Main St Apply to building J Wesley Spy Apples for Sale by Hie basket or Morion phone Alio Millard Av Sale Live or dressed Oarage to Rent Commodious cen trally located Immediate possession Enquire ot Era Office targe or small quire at Era Office lection for a manufacturer treat campaign inn id towns ai of the shows Hi at hut satisfactory the lime than doing the nee the auto has become such general means of travel iailae of the Act cry Township commuting i statute ami doing the wo frcendS- replied fittingly then a bountiful were Th happy party broke up in Ml hour- the Qlenville leighlng while in Aurora v Mr Lome Ir to cut his foot good he Mrs Sam Hope for topped Jims forward lo gain Nothing like fer spent a daylasl Moody St home for Mri James- Webster iilr the Miss Dora noon spent Sunday with end of the town was TueSiMy to Mi- Ralph Flint nto for the sum of 4100 George is nursing a of right arm result Pennoek has Mr Toronto lo build him a new this spring on his property is present home now stands Ringwood friends in on id Browns Wit Miss l of lib- Mi of an I inula Hi Mr an J E coombs Ml or went r 1 visit r Mi ii ft ii V to Ii i about leu i TO call Mann I Quee lie lie Im let mill was i tie To to Central Presbyter unit fmWiudd I- Committee accepted call- Col and ni i III- 1 1 I Mildred o Mr Deck Jr son of Mr and Mrs f iitl mar will lake place on it the United before passing into is due leave own on Sunday evening where lie is to he mar led on Wednesday March 3rd Fisher of Toronto Cm Baker Is not former good as like since effort of our Smith returned home week with her of Dicksons Hill PVllL pastorate He goes fine anvj for the splendid field THE CLEAN TOWN Clean line he it been said Is to Godliness clean spiritually nor mon- Jlty morally The Mm Vincent Henne wishes to her friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during Choice situation WOODSALE quantity of Mixed Wood Also a few Wood Lois on tot Apply on If km every pent then County road fiftyfifty which did not avail ictuses Ives of l he Act arc now out of it A is to bo made In the future policy of building by the Govern ment The mileago is lo he so as hring the total expenditure within a certain each year pledging that if A lfLt plebiscite lie Ihe Act has ill light ho Wednesday fovernmoiil would with the aid of a 300000 bribe that could promise anything In hat line The vote however was to expefaion and In order lo concilliafe he he went hack on his word and reoglltend he beer Jow pinch The is a disappointment arid hey ioi 110I advancement fiouilsJi kempt dwellings or If any town pi- city vote their ferment of Ihe way achieve i up make back y pica IhT re ready surest a Is to i and front to beautify tht yards stimulate a love for and In heir homes and in their repair the tumbledown fences make things as clean alde that a coE to SHOP and different Removing wrinkles bringing kinds toning stimulating and clearness Into the face and equipment for removal of Superfluous Hair Permanently MRS Dank of Toronto Holt had lo Quite a sleigh loads Mr and Mrs P Cunningham look tea and spent evening with Mr ami Mrs Knott on Sunday Miss Mamie spent Sunday with Miss Mary Mr Waller Couch was culled to relief foremen for n Mrs Couch returned home fan Mrs last week Ii take up housekeeping In Newmarket Mrs p Couch Mrs Thomp son were visiting at Walter Couch on Sunday and culling lumber Scott Mr John Hogg Is getting ready for Mrs Geo Green of Keswick was vislltng her father Mr Geo Maries till very 111 STAON days in Cobalt Herald Bos Hall liiiiiily Hull Ills North Bay el the way anil and Km Ii soil I I Canes St ot Mr a Kr in bl Ii chief sue was one of onl icason Miss lo- inolbr was lu at the of St lames Mr John- Sale Register Fob Messrs John Lewis and Son will have a sale Gallic Reg at the King George Hotel Yards Newmarket at 3 credit Smith auctioneer Thurtday March Auction Sale of Furniture and Household Ef fects belonging to Arch In Market Building pm Wednesday Maroh 10 it oiiden will I Implements Fur lure etc on lot Con King Township No reserve as farm has been Bold Credit to Oct 1st at oclock sharp Landlords of Farm Slock and Implements the West part of Lois and the 2nd Con of King Old Sun Mr- Archie old an extensive far clock Seven auctioneer SOUTH END BAKERY A M SCOTT SOUTH END BAKERY Temperance Rally ADULT DEPT TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL Feb 28 PROGRAM Hymn Rescue the Perishing No Prayer Mr Solo Miss McCall Reading Mrs A Hone Solo r Mrs Ralph Smith Reading Mrs J Thompson Wale Quartette Messrs Eves Gilbert unci Rowland Reading Mrs Ed Young Respect for Colleciion for purposes Hymn God Send Us Men No 114 Benediction Organist W JACKSON Adult For Adults Only Everybody Come I Mrs of days her Edgar of Mount A rclurned from moon ami A nil week to which the ponded a i3 now in the Terrlli platinum mine sal from Fort Smith lies states a jo show Ihericb- Altar On Wednesday iOth at Pauls Church Die Rev Dr Cody Brown second daughtvr of Mr and Mrs James lo and Mrs Lancelot A Strolher of Homings Mills Ontario formerly of Whitchurch Tp In his year Fun- from Id Stouffville on Friday Service at the house at p m tcrmonl at Stouffville Cefnetery On February Toronto Emma dearly beloved or Septimus Morris In her I in lit at New- Deceased was daughter of laic Dr who married Charlie John and Septimus The Miss Clara and Toronto MADHOUSE ROSE Funeral Directors NKWEURKBT NOTICE TO on or March 1st with the derstgned or C Davidson agent after which dale the assets said estate will be distributed amen parties entitled thereto bavin regard only to such claims as Dated Ibis Slli day of ISRAEL J Adminlslrato DAVIDSON His Mount w OF