dr error Physician end Surgeon Newmarket Ontario Graduate University of To resident physician Hospital F11 River Phone Hours J BOYD in Medicine of Tore University also College of London England Tested Supplied Telephone J WESLEY Laboratory lie Coroner for of York DR L DALES Surgery and Confinement Coroner for York County DR J W BARTHOLOMEW Late of the Forum Building Toronto Dentist Over Pattersons Drug Store Newmarket by Appointment Phone T J Dentist Imperial Bank Newmarket Office over attention giver BARRISTER SOLICITOR STOUFFER Singing and Our Local News Trinity United Church Rev A Hone Nest is Ft Friendly Last Saturday Cecil Bond mot master Trinity United Church Usual good Sunday Hie Worth While Dont miss Ihe Trinity CnMed by T of Bradford on temperance Everybody Hospital Carnival oiij a pee la the Arena when the Ton Skating provided a un under Hie of the York County perforn v attendance being favorable results The ice was keen and aided those taking part J the progr by the Club which thrilled the black trimmed Then Miss Smith and Ch it in a double received Clifford vhen f the ladies with white fur Maude rles Foster thetr special elf ho Cecil Eustace Smith fancy skater was warm ly welcomed when she a single Wilson and Wilson each ed a ingle very gracefully ill- Eleanor Barton and Bertram showed great Maude Smith Mis- Montgomery Wilson a Eastwood which proved lo he Mi and pleading medy made by the young Th on the by the Club mem handled a sus Wr The Upward subject Je- I was afraldloeU because I ways had si crouch after wards taking Adtertka I and fee fine Mrs A Howard spoonful J prising relief to the stomach Slop that full bloated feeling Remove matter from Intestines am mates you feel happy and hungry Excellent for obstinate constipation Patterson Druggist Sirs Scott Howard J Six daughters and five sons share I equally under the will made Decem ber last by Mrs Mabaia Scott who died in Newmarket leaving personalty and in real estate in the and manner turning it into a real gospel sermon At the morning service Mr of Toronto sang with very splendid voice of Praise and in the evening Miss King very sweetly sang the solo in the anthem The pa Next Mans the Father Special meetings The Week of eel- which ha ell attended The take- place this at Don at 3 oclock in the Church All are Midland Defeated In one of the fastest thrilling lined to defeat local period The and against the themselves game Th loan goal exciting event took the end of the first len the limekeepers pule was well filled by thvjsiaslic bunch they made rd throughout the Town Band kept Iween periods The Newmarket lads gave the visitors a lough battle and had the best of the play for most of the game though Ihe Green and squad was always dan gerous Several were out Cotbell in the local net was excellent and saved a number Of shots Which looked like goals Midland found Thorns and an almost impassable barrier The hole forward line went strong all thai of chances lo goal- tending- by flic goalie held the local Ihe kept the locals in and tie 1 the score on Marshall Mr allied for th Midland he In I lie lad- Ihe The Bund provided skating Chili hot supper by the Hospital J SAMSON iftttd Church hefor were enter by Mrs Davis the III lljl period the local he puck around for the first of the game but relumed and if th the superb hockey Th tallied and for a he local fans lookcii before the J tors bad a the fig GENTLEMEN ATTENTION Have your Full Dress or Tuxedo Suit mads to meas ure in the Latest Designs by F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket liens PILLS of Ihe opening tie IS liev It Fen of thy Ontario Imcjltal Confer lunches then on Thursday it are to withdraw meeting- in order to allow people altend which will hf of a ire lhal will the non public and it is hoped be a to the joy for fori of whisked wand line was a when they Iried score but the Irene daughter of Mr Haines to Mr Lynn Williamson was solemnize J Mann performed the Park Ave bride lok lill yard Looks fivck or pink Safin Dorothy Evans of King wear pretty dress of pale green attended the bride am was best Only the immediate relatives the brides home lo lake of the wedding breakfast v table and Mrs Williamson howors of for to and Niagara Falls On lock an from mediately It Thei by ill by lent and parents should caution children against meddling the alarm boxes If it again an example will be Newmarket at Midland We clip he folio the Midland Argus of last wee irke Juniors are veil balanced bunch i players and this wi demonstrated in the game he- locals game the one here was tits of excilei he spectators all the way through During the first part of the game Midland had the of the argument and early the Core rallied and were able to ivercome this lead and nearly it out The combination work during the last period was remarkably good and the check ing close and hard From the appearance of game here with a onegoal lead it will keep Midland busy lo win out in New- Hugh McWhirlei late Mr McWhiilr a wellknown public of being years a clerk Feb the Ihev v The 1 hi llu Hospital the La die a delightful program of be Toronto- Skating Club skating There was a attendance with It- the funds people were thrill ed the beauty and skill shown a the skating events as a good hare of comedy built into this ranged program which as under the direction of rOodwin Cecil Eustace Smith was a perfect form and her as one of he most graceful he has given Other note- orthy singles were given lis Constance Wlison and Mr Maude Eustace Foster Miss Miss Louise Bert iffui I and Mi given by Ihe iwg four and rid- Hounds and a fox piece of fooling the United church and skating club wonderful the illiieked imes to the hot and brought Hie The local boys at period to do and had the by the exercises Dr if A iiiuil i arc don and in charge- of of Aurora young from be two short one by Rev Ferris on the of by Rev I Parry The will close at in order that Ihe Aurora people catch he ten oclock car for home The public are and hoped that the church will hi filled lo capacity of the play though don eked The hie fi but failed to skated trying break deadlocked but were unrewarded for Ihei brilliant work The score having ended In i tie on the round another- set home and home games wes nged for Ihe Itefe Mitohell melting snow ran In along the sleigh tracks a happy time for the but the only drawback lack of sleighs tin ride Whil one set of boys and girls Ihe leiglis anotbci el were en leriained with pictures on the screen by Mr Hone Over sat down lo upper in the Gym the youngsters greatly en joyed occasion The aft the ladies and gentlemen win It so Tin tha were distributed a aong the poor the Town Quick Relief for RHEUMATICS Local Druggists Sell Rheuma Plan suffer from pains swollen twisted joints and suffer intensely be cause your system Is full of uric acid that dangerous poison lhal ntakes thousands helpless and kills thousands years before their yon need It now taking it today once on kidneys liver and blood and you can I of in this CUBES and In liie country bless the day when W J Patter son and other druggists offered to Iho afflicted at a small ami guaranteed mon ey refunded if not satisfied If you have a of foday i Mr in lia Mrs Ei 111 Smith Johnson 1 n Miss Miss Mm 1 son Mi- 1 ktiiu ii sin in She A ami 1 Drupe PLAN NOW THAT PACIFIC COAST AND ALASKA TRIP YOU INTEND TO TAKE NEXT SUMMER through hiloreseen con try restful lops at splendid and y reach iCaii if you travel the Canadian Na tional on radioeiuippeii Iniif -mil- lift prnr- ie country the ofJhe Empire is always in ten sting Then there is NaUional Park and Jasper Park Lodge of fume There arc mountains on all aides he be obscure worker or influential king of finan the warmth of the welt that awaits him at this Ban never varies The Bank of Toronto believes in an equal of courtesy and ser- for all ranks and classes NEWMARKET BRANCH A Lister Manager lowly luihuhMit rivers ami dashing until you reach Hiq Coast Vancouver or Prince To make he most of your trip Hie Shelter ed Scenic Seas of North Pa cific bo token from Van couver Ho Princo Albert or ka On the voyago you will ee from splendid lluring inlets tower ing headlands and tumbling icy streams and glaciers On the rHurn journey and its totem poles Mount Rob- son the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies and to National Park hips as mapped by Canadian National Railways are not surpassed Ida to liberal our Canadian 30U3 between May and Sept return limit of Oct list tit a minimum Make sine of yoilr Wejilorn ummer planning ihead Any National will you full and booklets NEWMARKET GREENS FINK WALL PAPERS EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEEDS 1 FARM TOOLS OF ALL KINDS OIL AND STOVES SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWr PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE If You Want to go to the on Pleasure or Business CALL UP B PHONE Lot us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUQQY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop on phono Promptly Attended to