rtfS Strain Pes bred and 3rd Newmarket matfd lo 1st Pea bred DWffo AIs u A Black Giant Cockerel also one i Thomas I f Good In st lor builder Cheap or Apply US Westminster Ave To Let A suite of rooms already healed for office or living purposes in Hie Bank of Toronto Building Dr J Wesley Phone Tucker Practical Nurse Rev Parry Park Ave market Phone HHorM I Om ha can been think of Jung ler iui it down and Cur Wonder iie ExpresH formal Ion thai he editor laid his we Ho did avoided are and Efforts dial the death raj Society good thing and tcVJuragiBnlBnt but with the flow of prosperity about that lime the appeared fo lie swallowed up in the practical Lately there Las been much more interest taken in producing the very best of special kinds With that iiLsfjioct in the foreground there should be difficulty in main taining a vigorous in the Ontario Legislature Question Another people next Sires which ionwas What irk Roads and leave it If the Com la gang of men in ha Bate Delaware Potatoes Seed Oats A Timothy Hay Jack J patch up the tlu espep Apply should keep the roads Work Wants For Sale Carriage lo no iployed in tin it is up her to open his Iref Perhaps Mr- toil question At the meeting of the Safe Brick House large lot Reasonable terms Hughe- Prospect Ave House- All Lol on Main St Apply to Alfalfa Seed for Sale 2nd Street Newmarket and two ganders John Draper Kes- mil ling Building lo live In the Dr If Wesley CI IK llic Iuirri WHS ion that might iiw Of Hie were opposed to idea J who lias ilr infii Itifi in in Hie ii lently up said that snmll fair might he a some where there was overlapping it no meet favor as a genera iolicv over the Province H way the any traffic yhcv product of the fan den and home is funclion- fiaisfieloriy in Ihis respect under conditions he added So far apt York is llic Directors of Township Fairs have no easy lank lo he of the ttchool cover the makfl no charge for or it will country fairs out Choke All conveniences Electric Garage CIlANTIyER Newmarket that Ottawa to he trapped clause In whereby returns are demanded those dealing In large number or bills are being seated to lire legislature to out of county premier said he was opposed In principle as for the withdrawals was taxation for He hoped escape certain legislature the i half- hour It I i a fighling session of IWe lature The thst of real Progressive Hi reply l lint the throne moved an of Ihe debate against wish thai the house p with a session premier Insisted upon session anil Mr divh louse on the question The gi as follows Temperance Act Is They have Voted on it on two occasions would do muggllng Continuing the lift stop Act The people house and many of his following arc anxious to know challenge him lo say In Ihla debate hat Ihe do the ftCt Liberal leader consumed all afternoon with his address the debate on t minutes to leader took the after a few moments asked lowed to adjourn he next day Mr refused and Mr divided the House his being lost by vole of to unexpected turn of the do Premier Ferguson thus he could not keep temper Issue out of the discussion even though It was ignored In the Speech Mr nancy attack ed him at the night session that the of the Government fell obliged to reply very but intended to do Twenty thre by- Joy riders And Monday and- Tig certain that the home with Pure some Bread be one with happiness If you wish Jo be certain of securing the Quality Reasonable Price Ave t amputation slice Kelly King City in connection with the Young Peoples work waa told In the United Church last week Two students from Knox College Toronto Mr Hodgson and Mr Cox conducted the meetings They stated they found Ihe here in good working or der and carrying on in a very pftlrlent Saturday evening Monday Mr Hodgson and evening The n Ices on Sunday and leetlng opened by a sat evening Mr Cox ed A hearty fended by Rev men had ho help our and also to Ihe worthy president Mr Will Cairns In great Interest he has taken and his faith fulness to all the meetings la more Mrs W of laHt A Hal declined Church minorities of St Jam iiu the Melville- to the julgmenl Monday They liovtw that the allowed lease the villi an option to buy the proper at any time for the present lime the base ment of the former Church is leased to the School Hoard and the Commission re commends hat pending the termination of this tho 1 rental or A quantity of Mixed Wood year ago on Lot Con New King Part foot long and part in poles the red should ascdi bo Includes whole Judgment whicili s two folic says applicants tlnnk a lorfg way if not all the way proving the hockey evening I and Ihe and did lies part well lies Aid Was welt pleaded he proceeds lorry the truck load was late Sunday School Glad to so mo visitors Hope lluey will agun Some if the young folks fllnvilhi went to the Carnival iy night and report Miss Dorothy Mitchell who was operated on 1 In To- a few we s able to home to Wednesday In Glebe d lst Tuesday A and John of DOWN C THE OR Allied with J Miner naturalist In a diletiiiin effort deplete Uric ere by DO per cent Frank mil for the Ihe destruction of the wll bird until North sister Mrs day this week 18c r J Rowland and Mr Noble attended the Hard Convention tin the Jewelers Convention in To ronto last week It was oik of tin largest in Cana da one whole floor of the Edward Hotel fcteing l- Hie newest goods in Mrs J Nelson of Meeting Alberta writer We had a wonderful winter in we ha drift Mr Wing- ham formerly a photographer here writes that they are having lots of As a proof of the statement ho sends us a snapshot of Main street show ing that the snow shovelled Off the is piled from to feet high in front of the stores Mrs Keith wife of member for York in the Legislature a reception Wednesday attended a reception at Govern ment House given Cock- wife of the Mr art frock of mauve leiwd with her Mrs Cody i joid gown iif Sale Register Saturday Feb Auction 50 King lite Mrs Howard Victoria in Newmarket No Sale starts Smith Mr Joseph Con will hold extensive farm sale one clock months credit J goi- In lew Mr Blair declares he has poisoned or fihot or trapped rows than any other Individual United States Prom xamlnatfona of observation they are nan wishes lor his i hey destroy more bird a and of life which a use and thai the farmers than other bird or animal Tho destruction of corn borer by the crow Is so small as be In- filgniflcont only good done by far as I been able In the number of insect destroyed but which I comparlsi Iwo gregallond but even If the Co mission to tho church lo appli cants it should not I think un der the clrcumtances do bo Judgment for and wib entered In favor of James Moi of against John of Belleville the allegation being that enticed away Mooucys wife and her destroyed by destroyed by tho 1 child knows upon Ihe birds The United Sales government elves protection to a every species of bird that Is classed as Insectivorous in full Ben the term and yet the crow Is of those birds and probably 111 I of Dry Goods Groceries Hard ware Boots and Shoes at reduced prices Going out of business Terms cash Sale continued for 30 days Feb Sab- of Farm Slock etc at Oak Badges Street commencing at one oclock No reserve Saturday Feb Messrs John Lewis and Son will have a sale of Cattle Reg at the King George Hotel Yards March 4th Si of Furniture and Household I regis belonging to Arch Muni In Building at p Terms Smith Auct Wednesday March Mr Win will hold an Auction Sale of Farm Stock Implements Furni ture etc on lot Con Klog Township No reserve as farm has been sold Credit to Oct 1st Sale at oclock sharp Smith Bakers Leaf Homemade Loaf Double Our Special Pan Loaf for Breakfast Brown Bread c Ratlin Loaf Our Special Fruit Loaf 15c We also have a Great Variety of Buns and Rolls Prices to per dozen Our salesmen Deliver Fresh Bread Daily or Ring SOUTH END BAKERY A M SCOTT SOUTH END BAKERY LE1UL A newspaper publish TO CHASTISE WIFE prize to the beat answer Why is news nan Is Protected woman The prize was Against IllUsage lady who sent this every man should have he Chatham magistrate who re cently enunciated a husbands right Jlct physical chastisement upon his wife comes Into with opinions which AttorneyGeneral has had prepared for him by the legal staff of the Attorney Gen erals Department Lawyers the ernments employ have gone back to In the matter and find celebrated authority and not run after his Thomas Feb Downle aged years lesidng i a farm three miles south of killed this jp-i- by Wabash fast from such treatment although by the right of moderate Is noted as allowed due to the fact that husband was held liable for he of bis wife The law is said perfectly clear however in pro feeling a wife from any am In making Die husband who inflicts such liable to criminal The opinion rendered lo Hon Mr goes back to for case which fo found Itself and fur declares the of Code which allows a use in loco parent not right to a i case of his wife Children had individuality In Brampton Feb broke out about oclock night in the plant of Ihe ill Company owned hv iiil dil diiii- if about S20000 A did train othy The Cradle Atkinson In Aurora on Jan to d At While H S Groui Mrs Walter Feb his iity In highway wilh a telegraph pole Arthur Onl Feb Al six clock evening ire started on Main Street dStroim ti furniture and The Altar Jewelry wiliiamsonHalnes At Newmarket is Feb by Rev A J Mann Emily Florence Irene daughter of Mr and Mrs Haines to LIQUOR SBOO Ihe conduct iforc of the Ol County conducted James Hales KC chairman of the Ontario Board of License Commission J officers and MajorGeneral V A S Williams commissioner of Police brought out disclosures The King Sutton on February Daniel King In his I the that the rep Nickel An Mr Rales Idles Mr Hale I of the late Mi- being told and added not satisfied with the diiiii given In connection with changing of convicted foi from one of selling to Suddenly In Buffalo Peter Leaner In his brother of Mrs Todd Leon Suddenly on February n Hugh Ills Majestys Customs formerly of Newmarket Funeral from his sons residence Yarmouth Gardens Toronto Sal- Jay afternoon to St Jamas to Induce a number of to make deliveries to him In lhr Township of East Oxford that of that he had made Constable Fred the they could be arrested tin ly constable would then half of the fine In one that of New Hamburg it brought out Sales carried out caught and fined and costs The evidence showed Ihat had received of this tine and had In turn given of It to Sales as his reward for giving him the Informa tion This was paid to un der a bylaw appointing as the special A officer of East Ox ford by which he was to be paid half of fines collected Chairman Hales condemned this as being Illegal and In contravention of of the In In affectionate remem brance of Emily Weddel beloved wife of Jackson of Newmarket who departed this life MADHOUSE ROSE Funeral mum fit mm i