NEWMARKET Irwin OVER SMITHS HARDWARE NEWMARKET Tinsmithing Plumbing ATTENDED TO Life Around the Hub Mrs escape coal gas within terfif died the properly pro Soliell as immediately the Executrix will tribute the assets am be responsible after said date Township of East deceased who of April are of the on the ground Ontario CI Life Hid Toronto Solicitors for Applies adultery and desertion Elated at Toronto this day April AI Temple Toronto Toronto Solicitor Parliament of Cana thereof for from Ills wife Viol presently residing York United State grounds of ad By hi solid Federal Mag took place to on Mrs Nobleton J Kaake has Prank Vandorf W In the Province Mary Elizabeth City of adultery for Hie Valentine Hold in the Friday evening Feb fun and mirth the Toronto In the In the Province of day of January A Temple Bid Solicitor for the GORDON icrntay Sain Alkin Wednesday League had a debate day evening da a heller place to in than lie United Stales it large at the Sunday school taking hi the Icae her- 1 raining work in held at church Sunday afternoon conducted by and Miss Skinner Mr and Mi- leu Phillips visited Mr on Mrs Elmer Starr and laughter also spent the Mrs Miss Lottie Atkinson of Friday last calling till tit in ones in our n hood Mrs Burrow and Mi nil Ml n tin- Scott We pry to heal- of the of Toronto if llccdclf of Kijjff Township A parly of young on A online by he death any aflep a Iness Deceased I ire all her life ha by her small child ler ami father The funeral held in United husband also of Ur- after and meter of the Ob J Myers city with her ill bo held at the ling All report Ills Snowball in Feb 1 ill I Feb Aurora friends of led home after eight weeks In General Hospital fa Mrs Sire golden wedding friends called to The decorated with THE CANADA STARCH CO LIMITED MONTREAL BRAND Mid IN CASH PRIZESFREE 150 OPPORTUNITIES AT VACATION TREASURE WITH A FIRST PRIZE OF 200000 FOR Y0U1 dreamer 1Word dreams loo chances at in the die Mail and Empire It la simple Interesilns How Many Objects Beginning With the Letter Can You Find in This Picture the letter Ilka find Is sot a i picture upside down 1 objects tad Hundred end Mil visible end this ii tot lkrde MM list large plrtnre so ell tod tetter villi be awarded First YOUR ANSWER TO THE BWORD PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY MARCH 3rd Ti Mill and Empire Away to 304 It R8- Gontosts THE GREATEST GAME IN CANADIAN THE EASIEST PICTURE PUZZLE CONTEST EVER ARRANGED1S0 PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY In r nd a Jolly n BWomta for the 1 50 Cash Prizes 150 PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Heres How the Big Prizes Will Be Awarded be Mall fiecond Mall and Pries if Prtfe O0li In dime renewal yrarljr EASY RULES- of m I Ward iut tUu tut NO SUBSCRIPTIONS BE JCCKPrtD TOR PERIOD THAN THREE YEARS ADVANCE M11 Qualifying Subcrlptlon to PUZZLE MANAGER Boom THE MAIL AND EMPIRE Canada