Fab Hrlj lisr HttW Toronto Ontario dawfeUr iComments York County Council of Exchanges ait What Is Loyalty and Patriotism One Thin Woman Gained Pounds in Days lhat loyalty to J SKINNY MEN CAN DO THE SAME J tins he least possible expense Recommendations to Premier to the kinds of medicine Premier were as at the To amend the High io that all debentures by any High School id lor a Hi High School shall he by the County Council ami also country the County Council me I lie power to detornii where High Schools shall be built That in determining the cos table Compound wben I was rundown and it had helped me so much that I thought it might help her at this time She has gamed ahe ft She attends every day now and go skating and does other out- ofdoor sports I recommend this medicine to any one who is rundown 106 Street Toronto Ontario Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine For sale pupils that the to of days attendance the total num onresident pu- included as tin rule of Hoard for if tie does his own do not pay their iihare And what a hit tablets tripled hi is and lake or in days Liver times a day these flesh pro Standing Woman First to Die Cambridge graphic pie t lira of how death Sundays carbon on tragedy at drawn by Medic Dow in Hie Death was dot monoxide Waverley is Examiner port of his to a progres- had heater and unable through the tightly dowfl of the house gradually the ceiling to which i The first to bo affected Mrs Daniel and Mrs land wives of brothers had been preparing a meal landing As the po ilovnwaid tin wo Millions of McCoys Cod Extract Tablets are sold week and thousands of down underweight people of Mrs William Holland con I to talk Daniel arose go to another room and as did so his was thrust ml the lowering gas cloud and the in MX paid by North York Marble and Granite Works JOHN MOSS Sox Phone Huron St Near Ry Building Cut to Order Hodgins Realty Go NEWMARKET FARMS AND HOUSES from a dispen to the supply indeed that of Ontario a Apply WALLACE Newmarket 1 lo to the tin- v 11 v was hole A v for cur During the morning W Phillips aled with a on the occasion of birthday and also in Last Day hours concluded early Saturday by A box of GO tablets for jam where his body and if any skinny man leaning posture was and he toppled to the floor The slumped forward from is of theft of bond was committed the hearing of by Magistrate T H A Secret Scientific and Superior Process for recording sound with absolute fidelity Greater Volume Greater Tone Purity No Surface Noises another marvellous Brunswick Achievement Wendell Halt The Redheaded Maker now an Exclusive 3007 Charles slight change Mr bondsmen They are James Cooper Vic tor Alt ridge 12u00 Hiram yiOOOO John Henry and Angus MacLeod PERRINS GREENHOUSES St Newmarket Say It With Flowers In pots Cyclamen Primula Phone and thus honorable they belong snow storm of tin winter New York a solar plexus today which tajigend the optimistic department Pen and fourfifths inches the maximum fall of snow t a storm at price decided it A ease the me from five to Mm The Councils power lu THE STORKS RIVAL it was n In Holland and his sister 3 childrenof Daniel Hol land The reached them last because they had been playing on the floor Thcv together with three dogs were the only living beings when a son of Mr Dwelley alarmed by absence pushed in a door and found the tragedy Both children later died at a hospital but the dogs lived William Holland and family had just moved into the house and the others were helping them arrange- their household goods Fox by Jones Orchestra aw Hits played by Ben Bernler Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra Who Mm i l- idea hoi had and that account the business generally ion in Manhattan to death in Iran the milkman Arch ith positive He has a sign painted spending a great of the evening with friends Smith lioiii the place for him on arriving there he went sleep in the garden Early the next morning opening eyes he saw his wife looking open window Shut That Certain Party Paddlin Madelin Home 2992 Sleepy Time Gal A Little Bit Bad 3013 Miami YOU Forgot to Remember Antons Orchestra and others now on sale play on any phonograph W Opposite Post Phone Main Street Newmarket indow he yelled blinded and killed by a hat state and another truck One dk were taken to front exiiosiire of from received in falls When we ice lelifcroiLsiy Killed by Falling Wall when Hie wall of a In in C liieil the of Out at sea the storm of today and the night before whipped into a -now-swirl- gale of miles an hour thai sua fined at white tops of mountainous waves it and wrought havoc along the New Jersey New York and Now England coasts that only those from off shore can understand Morgan Baker Whit church who took a prominent part in the opposition to the motion declared that he would not accept increae In the motion ltfi Arthur Sutton styled that the men from the north had greater inconvenience in attend ing Council than those from the south He considered that men went into public life as- a and for the honor it brought them Mileage Guaranteed At first the mileage question was considered solely in the light of whether or not the in crease would allow the Northern member- a fair recompense for the loss so inflicted upon them Warden Pearson pointed out the statute er to wipe out tin Hi it the whole one- suggested lb tion be laid over until which recommendation was af terward embodied in an amend ment by Baker Police requested at the Nocemhei Hie County Police Com on he poll Signed fair Suite Street Toronto for tho Applicant FURNACE WORK EAVETROUGHING OUR SPECIALTIES LEADING tHS OSBORNE SON Next to Offlci of he county stated thai il that very uns The allowed every municipal- to manage and control its police force Ihe favored one police force for the governed by a central uininissi n but said the re- rt would be better to leave he until the prevalent rumors of geographical changes tied A motion was afterward lv i W Mutual Lifes Unbroken Progress ia1 the best the county police A bylaw was passed Benefits to Policyholders Strikingly Shown in 56 Years Record OUR attention ia directed to the statement of the total he policyholders These figu 3796982 Surplus Earnings in 1925 Shows Exceptional Strength of the Mutual Life of Canada Pioneer Mutual Company Sum for Distribution to its Policyholders THE 56th year in the history of the Life Assurance Company of Canada was marked by solid and substantial progress It is gratifying to note from the reports made to the policyholders at the annual meeting on February that the 1925 operations of Canadas pioneer Mutual Life Company compare very favorably with the record results achieved in 1924 The 56th mile stone in Mutuality marks 56 years of unbroken prosperity Our Policyholders who alone constitute the Company rightly judge the strength and progress of the Mutual Life of Canada by its surplus earnings from year to year The surplus earned by this Com pany during totalled an increase of 29672441 over the surplus earned in 1924 in which year all previous high- water marks were far surpassed These remarkably favorable earn ings will enable the Company to continue to pay dividends to Policy holders on the same liberal scale in as heretofore and in addition the free surplus available for contingencies has been increased by The amount paid to Policyholders in was 7201403 an increase of 969252 over the total Steady Safe Growth in Business Healthy expansion of the Companys for by the end of which year the total ir At the end of 1924 the assurance so that showed Alow fiftysix yea how well Hi the Compan Death benefits llciaritti I of the founders of total new issue for last year was over the 1924 volume of new busines Notwithstanding this very con ratio already notably was The percentage of income required cut from 1550 In 1924 to 1523 This economy in the exceptionally high surpli Very favorable mortality and force amounted to s in force totalled of The of ating Si l I road I and Old Mr Garter Helped by Simple Mixture suburban and construc tor the he heard the bo like that old it is now the has not her hair So accustomed to the fen iiformitics to the vho a which is the better for hoy hoarding school or the finally agreed that both i excellenl and that 111 nothing in a public- ly to Druggist J pupil Matured Endowments Other Payments And It ted factor contributing t earned for Mutual Policyholder equally favorable interest rate c other factors Low Mortality It date for the for unadjusted security of Its Reserves on J- and J I standard Provision for claims and Dividends and ai actual death strain being only of the death claims paid In was still very favorable Although throughout higher figurt toward lowei Higher Interest in so that those of 1924 the mortality ratio loans with consequently lower yields coupled urplus Funds 5720 flidt icyhol rate tetsSteadily In of the entire net in t a tendency able not funds but i now total as whereby the justifies confidence vt I O