d fer yon If i boohing work Wei Phone for prices guaranteed for jit of the lion next ay- The a of North nit earns the shore Di are led two li ho jvar ill pleased to know Deeded in ternational 8 in Grinder and one in Bos Wilkinson With Blower for J for jt the County Council last awake to lie interests of the igOve and put up a good fight Miss head in Parliament Jj means and she shows the instinct for management the following additional vole advocates At this session if tot nd government has no further J proposals on the liquor question at- Roy the Registered of Can First productive work to keep nates employed took umbrage at some i made by Frank Cabin and left house out for the vote- Two Fiend- reasoned with him the- pro- brought him back Una re to in the Bank of Toronto Building Dr J Wesley Phone of the Mutual Co lhat the again made last a good Box Era in Canada Forty- ago l he editor took with this company turned on hi While ie Stevens Mrs Alice A for tli or Toronto Building to live building Br II Wesley doubt if in thousand of three or habifarfts that Town Band Wasted Maid General Apply Mrs field Prospect Ave arket Ail through he ley have given their gratuitously at Hie keep everybody When the Band maker an to the public at their annua concert it is hoped that our wilt cheerfully rondei failed Poultry for Sale Li Aho Apples and Millard Ave Phone that expect up all interest people put Mr paid in Durham But the thing the little of Garage I Rent Com modi located Immediate pos sea themselves and it is element hat carries weight getting out the vote The Lib in North York of late have 10Q very much like West A which probably tfci i somewhat for their defeat ail the argun I of debaters not a 1 single Progressive Independent or Labor member voted against j the Administration Independent and i Heaps Hemstitching Profit CARD OF and Mrs and Mr Watson Toronto return sua heartfelt appreciation for expressions of sympathy during rcoeat bereavement In the loss i loving find wife A ARMSTRONG Barrister WJi be at his office At every Saturday and during tho week will have a Clerk in charge to look after professional SKINNER reached by lamp holds enough oil to last all through hatch cy phers Incubators and egg capacity and each AIM Barred Rock Baby Bredtolay per YAWMAN Box Newmarket Ont and ail their ac cord with the reasoning of Hon Ernest Lapointe- House leader as submitted to Parliament The motion carried by adjo HI majority calls the is concluded The Cabinet is to be reorganized during the re cess The King Government is in a better position fo carry on than it was before the election last October The cost of education in limhing up in York County his year the County Council ill spend almost on and Continuation nigh Set Weston 86352329 852172 Hill 1602010 1802610 Continuation Schools s 3606 Sutton Mount Albert 171090 Park No 332223 Hill and Park draw heavily from he County funds because so many pupils re in from townships The Stevens who as a former member of the FOR SALE for the of winding up Estate of the late Win Bond there Jo now offered for A Main street Newmarket the Murray shop 1b a desirable now occupied road from the Newmarket Cemetery now occupied by Mr OConnor acres of land There s a good Flowing and Slaughter on Wila suit Solicitor Newmarket part had been used for political purposes that a negro had been murdered for threatening to in form on a government official and that for a year the atoms and the solici torgeneral have known of Mr reply- Mr Stevens request for ar vesligation Mr i novice in public life and quite swel what his mean It they are correct mon found guilty must face the result If are not then Mr Stevens will be expected to ef face himself from public vice No other course is open when the integrity of men is o seriouely challenged matlcr what may he the motl for the placing of the Say Powerless disciplinary could not ses to give the of the the came to a p The Stevens was defeated on ivisioii by votes to motion calling for the eeks adjournment was hen put and it was expected thai the order paper 19 from he throne The a me nt to it has already New Conservative en In to the nature of the next itive amendment has yet The governmcnl weeks adjournment moth Hi ij-m-niM- debate on the and the li ne on March ndmenls to the Sutherland South Oxford having reference to the Australian treaty day opened with a objection was raised to use the support Speaker lhat by legislation wis unparliamentary taken from Ihls ruling and a short time of opening the house prepared to divide Then Mr Sutherland rose and emphatically de clared that he had not used the unci calling of the members proceeded flhd he Speakers ruling WW sustain- of on he proceeded calmly Mr Sutherland held lhat was scarcely a oily loVh In Canada In which Australian Zealand butter was not on Importations of Australian was disorganizing the Canadl give 1 of the the evening Hon J A minister of finance and acting min ister of trade and commerce replied to Mr Sutherland and defended the treaty Which he had negoti ated followed by three Conservative members The debate became very perfunctory and wound at the usual hour of It pm the opposition hopes when It Is coupled with any other subject as In this address Ottawa Feb in of the fact that the King Government has already been sustained in no jess than six all of which were forc ed by the official opposition party Conservatives It would ere determining to but at thi further obstacles In the way further punish- band by members of govern party from he Throne that measures wll brought forward by the goverr the quality of dairy amend the workmens Our Toronto is of Richmond of Ei- weekend certain that provided with Pure Whole some Bread will ha one radiating with happiness If you wish to be certain of securing list Qualify Price Due ille has bus the Mia Robbers a safe in a store on Ave early Sunday morning and got away with 547 in cash A still and gallons whiskey were seized by the Police Court on a charge or having liquor in an illegal The cused had told Constables Myers and Stewart who arrested Jiim on the Duiidas highway that the nine bags found an his car had been turned over to him by a Jew- whose automobile wafe stuck in a snowdrift He staled he was promised for taking the liquor to John of and is wonderfully la- ken up with the Rev P Fletcher of attended the funeral of the late Mrs Watson on Satur day the home of her father Mr Prospect Avenue Rev Canon conducted the service and interment was made at Newmarket Cemetery Dr Fletchers wife was a Miss Mr Laurie McCaffrey has been transferred to the Sales of the Office Specially Co ty was at week and had Chief Justice with regard to claims entitles with Mutock which he to ownership of a large acreage of land in Rama The was dressed in Bull Indian cos tume Sir gave him a ten spot and the Chief went home happy In view of the finding of the Grand Jory made Tuesday that York County he which lias heen going on for past two weekn into he has his return from Secretary of Mr presented him Gold Filled Fountain Pen Feb Held an grip of ice Charles Lyon and a hoi lo channel of th St Lawrence River while a four mile ice pack bears down river against he vessel members of the crew leapin from ice floe o ice floe shore notified the ship and fighting great odds return ed with provisions Attempts to release the from a perilous position j Saiilio miles below this city wen J abandoned tonight when dark- and the condition of the made ho work precarious To morrow 25 men equipped- will saws and other icecutitini equipment will altempt to cut a channel through which vessel may pass safely The ferry between and Ogdensbtyrg Y the Each Two Bushels tins spring Each of them gut two bushels and the pi will be per bushel The i heat matures in days days foi wheal L Newman Dominion Cer- announced today that the hundreds of farmers who were late in sending in their ap plications will be disappointed all demand lean that each farmer would so small a quantity of new grain that it would be f no benefit Therefore he department has its books All applica nt received prior to Feb 26 will be accepted wheal in existence Farms will bushels of this on the various farms throughout the Dominion Tho remainder will be to the public By tho department will prevent any group of men from obtaining control and charging exorbitant as was dono with Mar- wheat when it was first leased Originally it was expected that would be possible to give bushels per farmer Later on applications commenced to flood in the amount was eight six and finally to White playing in hie home at twoyearold Charloa fell backwards Into a tub of boiling water suffering burn from which ho died the country although the fiscal year is drawing to an end and business throughout the country Is wearily awaiting a final decision on flooded Canadian market since treaty came Into ef fect Of butter about pound have been As Canada about pounds annually what possible effect questioned Mr could the Importation of bo small a ministry carrying on the affairs of quantity have hour at which he body of little Jimmy Cornell was recovered shortly after noon today from the waters of the river at New Hamburg by Charley Neil of West Lome and father of the aid tad operated by little body was taken from the ley waters the father who has bom up courageously for the sake of the family since the ordeal collapsed The diving rod used by Mr Neil is simple In ruction consisting merely of a few feet of gas pipe with copper wire The New Hamburg child waa drowned when sled coasted into the BUSY AT HAMILTON Feb Indication Company here in announcing that he plant was working upon the largest single order ever re ceived The company is building for the and Northern Ontario Railway throe coaches and six baggage P ordered four teen steel conches ten first- class coaches for smoking car3 eight buffet parlor cars ten tourist cars and freight re frigerator cars Both order HOMES IN Damascus Syria of Insurgents have pillaged the homo of the Minister of Education here and kidnapped a doctor named klan Ten Insurgents were killed fifteen wounded and two made pris oners yesterday when a band- of made their way Infiltration Into the quarter They were by French partisans aided by a section of LnV A French de tachment in region northwest of Aleppo met a band from Turkey Fighting Is reported to bo going on with conditions favoring the ABANDON TRAM OARS St Thomas Feb The street cars in this oily will cease operation for all time to come next Thursday evening and he Metropolitan Bus Lines of Farmers around Lee Valley east of the report that are doing considerable damage lo waives sheep and fowl Bakers Loaf Double Homemade Loaf Double Pan Doffed Loaf for Breakfast Brown Bread Raisin Our Special Fruit Loaf 1c 10c 15c We also have a feat Variety of Buns and Rolls Prices from to per dozen Our salesmen Deliver Fresh Bread Daily or SOUTH END BAKERY A M SCOTT Phone SOUTH END BAKERY PENNILESS FINDS HELD IN CHECK on special duty to night at Police Headquarters here af ter of excitement and threaten ed bloodshed because of the refusal of a number of coal to cease operation during the strike The riot squad Superintendent of Police Rose declared will remain on duly to cope with any emergency that may arise because of the bitter feel ing between he operators of he and the strikers a Hold Parade severe hours today a mob than 500 idle St night in the of and voted all waBherles operating in de- of the union marched reels of Dunn wre Thoop and Many of them wet with pick handles and clubs they went along they sang their clubs and singing marched along nidge to North Scranton whore they were first sighted by patrolmen who attempted In vain to half the parade Riot Supplied Police Headquarters was notified Iftiat the mob refused to be checked and was heading for the Diamond Wnshery owned and operated by former President of the Labor Union who was termed an yesterday by Cappeiiinl District President of the Miners Union Superintend ent Rose called in all traffic officer and reserves and they were supplied with riot guns and plenty of ammu- mlnnliH Minn Feb Years spent In poverty ended in a measure of happiness for Mrs Hutton years old and blind a cedar chest containing In currency bonds and other papers of which she had no knowledge was found Is her home here Death of Mrs husband last Sunday resulted In the which he apparently had hoarded for years without telling his wife plant the had surrounded It and an advance of officers stood with guns at the fence enclosing the washery boys From lhat little box comes ideas thoughts that put to shame the wonderful exhibition of the con- tents of the magicians hat In It there ire of every kind and variety nd all of them are wonderful I He them to go to school diue long they arc able I evening The chief business of going 16 so you will learn to think clearly talk clearly and net clearly It Is of utmost importance that we to be leaders In the community The Attar Hawthorns At Hat Alberta on Feb 2nd Miss Ruth Hawthorne to Mr Wal ter both of Medicine Hat The groom is a nephew of Mr 11 of Newmarket The Tomb Boy ton Suddenly on February at his residence Ave Toronto William Warren beloved husband Of Don nelley In his year Funeral service above address Wednesday Interment at Aurora W J Sutton West passed away on Saturday Feb Funeral Monday Service in St James Church Sutton interment In Briar Hilt Cemetery Sutton On Saturday February at his residence Concession Whitchurch Township Edward D- beloved husband of John Dunham Funeral Friday lustier At the residence of her sis ter Mrs John Anderson Temper ance Street Aurora on Jan Sarah Jane Hustler his late Sunday on Mr will he applies evil thought on Wednesday 3rd Mary Jane Prof fit wife of Harry Risloy In her Shstrsr At St Michaels tot ffi Sredltmj him 1 Mrs Thomas out and ry to better his best j Polaw Ib another evil thought Interment at Friday here Is no like selfishness to Inst out the character of man or boy wale out tor There i re other evil thoughts also and all re diseases When you find you have dlseatfe of Iho mind call a a medical doctor but the Great Physician r that are j should not be in eurrijlnds w they are sinful and as God Is he One who can cure Another plan Is wvien an unclean thought enters your head And of something splendid en On In Nellie and away on Feb and months on heMlltle heart t entered there slept sweetly brow so fair Team of four dogs sold dog at Hudson miles cast of Winnipeg where miners arc in tho iflh to the Red Lake 1 Irlot Ontario Drifts seven and eight feet was too good for this cold earth Poo beautiful 0 stay so Gods holy angel lore our little one away Grandmother Father Mather Sisters and Brothers SOF ONTARIO