Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 May 1925, p. 2

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far h On n h nil ffiwCTwd MM will for Millard Ave mode eight roomed house Hardwood Hour ana large- lot aid a place best locality Terms reasonable To Rent House 7 month 5A l06 Your iwnW finished or HoughDry Work done right and prices low Phone a competent Cook general J- I Wilcox Aurora Members of the Opposition had good deal to Bay both about our railways and the state of trade during tho dilate on the Budget The people of Canada desire that National shall bo operated from the government Interference or po litical influence and this is also policy or the government The King Administration how ever lakes full responsibility for the appointment of Sir Henry Thornton followers Mr Meighen emphasis in every pos sible the unavoidable for thuy are very largely magnify lite importance of llicc never mention the faet that wo years ago the Railways operating surplus of 2000000 and that von year there was an surplus of lias been left to the pi Administration but 01 to refer lo this would not be In harmony With Opposition policy thai or preaching blue ruin and disaster which limy so zealously follow Language loo strung cannot he used in condemn in- a has the effect or supplying erroneous information and mis leading material to those who are carrying on an antiCanadian propaganda In Euidpc and they would Inn year in lb they numbered crease of per cent fro and of per cent fro What do we find with lo the causes of these failures In accounted for inexperience for and lack of capital for were duo to competition or only cent figures are indicate that business not going lo the dogs but quite 1 the goner from disoumtm si alio a more cheer OF THANK and Mrs J Cross desire to 11ir for lh floral In and aM those who mid smell so many ways In their t CARD ic family of the laic Mrs ill to to IhC IMrlKhllllrt in Wayside Inn Stop TUESDAYS A THURSDAYS Muilo by Trio iOtf Happy Thought I deis will be received for at No 3 West until 30th Plans ipeclfieallons may be scon at the of the JOHN PARIS of land 1 pear trees and small Suitable for Poultry Farm or Market years old due in May M GRANT This is where the famous Indian mlB- preached his first sermon It was through tho efforts of same Jones that tho first Chapel Newmarket was erected a century ago Geo W P Chief Liberal Whip In addressing gathering at Windsor on Mon day night slated that Gov ernment had hut of an early election and thai the abilities it will out its at Urn It is far bettor tho Liberals should have a to work out tbclv larirr A funny thing happened at iwa one last week voted with Government It on a want of confidence motion brought in by tho group but all Progressives did not support the resolution and lie secured a majority of 77 Phis shows he Progressives are not likely secure the cohesion of other divisions The Industrial Disputes which was framed by Hon Mackenzie when lie was is Mrs of Toronto Mrs on Wed- Mr Town Clerk was in Ottawa yesterday on legal business Mr and Mrs Sherman Kirby from spent over tiunday with hie parents Mr and Mrs and little son of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Cane for weekend pilss Staff spent Thursday under roof Hill Liberal Miss Bond of vpenl c weekend with her Glauber Mrs of Oak nidges visited her daughter in a one day last week and call some old friends Mr and Mrs Arthur Coomb and from Toronto motored up and Sunday with Mr and Mis 11 Eves on Tuesday evening in ionor of her guest of Toronto who annual visit Mr Harold wife and lime ago in Hint it Provincial rights Its by bill which wont through all it in the House of lernoon week Tin of this has beer biers and will get us Let it be and strive confident effort and energy will not go Our Toronto News A student at St Andrews College named Huston fell off a boVse he was week ago and died in She lockjaw named was using a to connect a rirs io an electric stove when bis Ignited rom the lame lie terribly burned bout hands arms and body that died hi Hie on Tueaday Tire from alt parts of he world who have llielr lonventton In New York paid a visit to buildings at noon on Wed nesday and were welcomed by Premier he new Canadian falgar Square London ling- laud is fn be officially opened n Mi by His Majesty Kin and Queen Mary sets of keys liave made ii onto for this occasion Canadian gold silver and nick which are lo be presented re speclively to King George Bight Hon Mackenzie King Premier Canada and Hon Peler Larkii Canadian High Commissioner i London This will be a notable whicli will help distinguish Ibis country greatest colony in the British Empire The editor of the Era with very great interest the hook just issued entitled The Ro mance of the Canadian Pacific Railway whicli is referred to at length elsewhere in this It is written in a independent manner and the first half or more is just as en tertaining as a threehour po litical speech reviving all he the what things arc Jo things arc lonely of coed report il there be virtue and If there bo any praise think on but of flho Spirit is love joy peace We i fruit of f ttiofle at Jdau My I l and a firm a closer walk with Mra John Is spending a couple weeks with her daughter Mr Norman Hopper of spent Sunday tils parents Mr and Mrs Hopper Mr Albert fipeul Sunday at Mr Jos out Young ou to protest Could you ftfford to pay It ould you afford not to I and a lwouft a civic welcome at Pavilion Wilson chief of the union ist forces in regard to the Presbyterian tie states that out of a total of nulling traces wliicli had a rlglil to amount leas lliau The total membership In the Ontario of the Presbyterian the total vote Is less than In er words less tban onethird of the Presbyterian Church even In onion Since Is stulf- Ami mother and sister here on Saturday and spent the day at the home of Dr The Mission Circle of Mi Methodist Church gave a show to Miss Hazel Hose on at the home of i Marjorie Stark lo rgood wishes for hap piness Mr and Mrs James try announce the en gagement of their daughter lo Charles Regi on of the late Charles and Mrs Wood Aurora the take place early in June and Mrs J Frank Tra- viss announce the engagement of only daughter Winifred Louise to Mr Frederick only son of Mr and Mrs Daniel Climpson Eng land the marriage lo take place in June The announc ed of Gertrude Blanc lie daughter of Mr and Mrs Barton Ward West Ontario to Clifford Wcddel son of the lata Graham and Mrs Wcd of Newmarket Ontario tin marriage to lake place early June Mr Gerald of Bed- Alberta in renewing Tor he Era writes Just a few I show our appreciation of he old home paper I fU 1 evening Mr Mo Mrs 1 sang a Mrs Howard rfj ot vlHKed Mr and Mm Sunday Bradford while it goes history of how near the P tt financially wrecked before line was completed II is A number of our people were Toronto on Tuesday evening to lie the llumb Hells Coleman of were iicre past week Mr and Mis J and to Mrs Caleb Drown on the dealh of her sis ter Mis Green bf Toronto Mr and Mrs Russell Grant visited Mrs Grants parents and Mas Robert Web on Sunday lasl We are pleased lo see Mrs Rev Robinson back again and hope she may soon be restored health The Intend a Garden on Hie nib and then we arc having allicr and seeding is and Mrs John Albert Vundorf Ontai engagement of llieir second daughter Margaret r of Mr and Mrs A Newmarket will lake place in Wesley the latter part of June ic of its Mrs Dr Wilkinson eil the Council to prepare a pamphlet on The Cradle- Roll ol the School This she lo and the pamphlet Mildred week attending tbe Miss Stella Deacon of St- J Hospital Rev Daniels of ie Baptist preached his farewell sermon day last Mr Daniels lea Marbanl Mrs Coffey Miss Grace several others All report the well fcpeol Among those who attended lb of the late Mrs Green b were Mr Dale Mr Hayes Mrs Leonard Mrs Cooper and Miss Susie Messrs Gordon Garry Frank Brown interesting meeting during coming year tiiey would thereby lessening the of accidents by keeping the streets Some The- officers for were installed Some i fl Martin of Newmarket weekend visitors with MY and Mrs Wood of OTIQ ffl Will worry and raipcnoo bo yours will you Company Ibijjuro tOfday against unknown events of o AGE NT flddroas Telephone Union Inouranco Limited 1 fttwU Eiioaed Sm ware lJ fl IP FARM TOOLS OF ALL KIHD8 OIL AND WINDOW PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET US SHOW VOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone 39 SMITHS HARDWARE The Gradlo At Sharon May and Mrs i II Us the bill but reflects the ability and earnestness which he puts this phase of iork horn year to year The Bra had a call last Sat urday from Mr Geo S of Toronto who oldtime were revived He was of he East Toronto Stan dard for some years and was obliged lo sell out 13 years ago account of failing evesight was born in East d went lo school on the just north of New market An incident hat is lii me which he and Mrs Sarah Dei years since lie left that school Mrs is a daughter of the late James a Mr and Abe Skinner a son At York County Hospital May Ifitb to Mr and a son At York County Hospital May to Mr am Mrs Elmer Shropshire still In King Township Johnson The Tomb Suddenly at Toronto on Friday May Patrick of In bis year Interred at cry on Monday May At residence Oak Rid ges on May lames Al fred Thomas Funeral Wednesday Interment at iiiroiii cemetery the To ronto on May Maud Mary be loved of Clara and the late Septimus Nash Funeral service at the family resi lience Toronto ovenlng May 21st at family plot Newmarket May 22nd at 1030 am Standard time floblnton At ber residence Street west on May Sarah widow of Joseph Robinson of Vaugban Funeral Friday ol 2 pm daylight from address by In iy likely the Bradford District of the Toronto Methodist convened at Kcltlehy a m on Monday May ist Mr Dodge yean is highly Street been teaching school is lion account of her health Mrs Rev Robinson wh tenth line last week found dead Grant of former Scotch Settlement married last week lo a lady of Sale Register Auction Sal Packer At Hospital To- on May IHh reliol Win Packer in tier year Funeral on Saturday from rest of Mr Au rora Cemetery At Newmarket on Thurs day May Catharine b- wife of Funeral on Saturday Slay at am at St Johns Church New Togue beloved wife of Mr in her year Funeral service at St Jo burob on Saturday morning clock at St Jo Newmarket in nail Before we to Thy side could In that dark hour we could but to loving Saviours And what we fad to understand To God we yield at His And on piflmlse we rely AskLut faith Thou GREENS rum umjtv ALL PAPERS fltm esLEOTiori Fori flit FROM 10c TO PER ROIL Vtriftty of flluM and In WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR AND Ml Vau Any f BERT Painter and MAIWIT the ml customary Hals ministerial for Ihe work of the District was conducted Hi iho Chairman Rev J presiding Rev J Holmes was elected Journal general session in the consisting of both lay Hid ministerial delegates was veil attended The Chairman Rev A J Mann as- ocialo pastor of he Methodist in Newmarket and on mo- ion he was made a correspond ing member of the District meet Rev Mann acknowledged irlesy and voiced his ap preciation of Ihe reception he had session was de voted to hearing reports of the of the years work from the Statistical Secretary Rev Frank Dunlop of tile The reports very successful yea W BY Eves Frank Ram say Alfred Lloyd J Bowman Hon J Davis W Evans and T J The following were lidos Brown and Frank Graham Dinner and supper was ided the Ladies Aids of the circuit Rev T It moved and Mr Ogil- a hearfy vote of lo the ladies for splendid way in which had for the physical needs frequent opportunity fael that there is no church within the cor with Ihe Newmarket pastor explained that lie debt of Id be paid off during th Bradford reported You ant Which my ft ROSE The Work L Education Secretory of the Stanley Greenslade had many encouraging features Emphasis placed on the ne cessity of he pastors ilh the Sunday School off and teachers in order effective Decision Da noted here wei Rev Laid la to the The election of to Conference choice of the following John Douglas Harry Hen J A Green of the delegati In a very gracious speech D Harper proposed a vole thanks to the Chairman for to the District durin Ihe wo years making met i of M Rev seconded the the District sig nified its assent hearty ap- The chairman replied in i few suitable words expressing lis appreciation of Ihe of working with Ihe men of Hie District in the service of Hie church and kingdom Those present were Rev and Mr Chan of Bradford Rev J Cpehrane Row A J Ma Mr ell of Newmarket Rev The Rev A Henry Mr W J Aurora Rev John Stevenson Mr Ben Webb- Rev James Mr Frank Ramsay Sharon Rev Frank Mr H Eves Queen ville Rev Thos White Mr W Rev Kilching Mr J Porter Rev How a Mi- May weeks to a day the body of yearold Charlie Hodge Hodges wag found In the with a Bobby Scott on May 7 Young Sec story of Charlie oto f but I tiuuhtal that ped The body today about reel from wi Ills fully clot trifles young Ma io Hie llodei had Oil Ijinj on Ms on and that be tog faMnd when lAHtllVES

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