cot ft Salt li AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Jack and Hope Items the home or Urn weekend f I the Ik litiin ii linen Tlic mid n iliuil of lluiil Mils Una In tin i in in Id nii mils hint Iran anil luiixiu iiiiiliilinii- A Holt Sunday with Is he I I The of Mill was well worth honing We boys for speaker ana me ones such a noire going iHUoni in of lonmtu mid iv Zephyr Mr and Mrs In jury Pickering I Ho is able Id winks with the aid of i a of Buffalo i upend of the Justice Kelly In following was jh jurors jto the time to lime by building Is at la paid by atlona made Iltftrt In tiiil at the on iyonca time We will he our Sunday school How would It he l it Mi David I Martin of St William On- lit be mil for the the bom Ml The i night should he keep spotless iMottliT ftnd ft last Sunday was a grand after her long Myers of Keswick his Mr Miss M is a Mrs only the p kern Is Jeopardize While tribute nilary con health but the farm Hie Jail Farm Is again deplored was apparently in his to make lb fawn el supporting Conflict authority In alc of produce an t iuculcni In die to of There wan an leinhiiKio he in the Hun Sunday in Mien few I Pup1ltilewltiitH know Of Itie latter head bad t ighlered Appointment of a rating committee Is urged Aged itlon waft again called to li of old mail In 4h unable to lot ill I and Mr and Mi- It IIiIHiIin i i i Is ber Mr in- 1 1 i it i J lere an ere Mtilon llllll lrci Hry in and Mrs voiv Mo Keswick a lnlCrt ill Trade bell I I icer- for the A and It Of Dccial Mothers the absence of wa- to be- of District in the I Friday May market Christian Club under be Boys i Sunday School all past records who to mate tin I one deiiKnlaled tin It is expected that present year will break all records in the movement of Eastern travellers It estimated that over a quarter of a million Americana and Canadians will travel to Europe the season The supply of farm bands for Western forms is not equal to the demand and the is becom ing more pronounced as the season progress in spite of the large of immigrants coming from Eu rope for this purpose I the months ending March cars of grafn were passed by the government in spectors for the western provinces This number been four times in the past twentyfour years Of the total for this year were on Canadian Pacific lines- According to a statement j by the Bureau of Statistics production of commercial for the past year showed a of 80M912 in Vah5 f compared with The total value of fruits grown in was I and in I Protection FACTS ABOUT TEA SERIES No Advent of Tea to England Tea was not used to any extent In England tilt about the middle of the seventeenth century although knowledge of the won derful qualities of the beverage had reached Europe as early as During the seven teenth century all tea was imported from China and cost from to per pound Not until did any tea reach England from India In that year the first shipment was made from the now famous l tea growing district of Assam India to day supplies fully half the worlds tea re quirements and provides some of the finest teas grown The rich body of SALADA is due to the select India teas used in the blend EDA WOOL WANTED -lilf- or lil Hi itii lining lioiii- j Survey tinli J Mom If P DISPUTE OVER FARM Mr IiiIp for I In llu- I I near allnprd thai he had of when lie ti FOR SALE The celebrated bred Stallion lite and Mare young Stallions a accredited herd splendid Bull and several females will it Hotel ie until Tndiy o freshen SONS 1G FOR SALE OR RENT Veneer Dwelling nine rooms Hardwood floors Georgia Pine Trtma grate and Mantle on Catharlns We In Town of Aurora Choicest 10- Apply to Aurora Phone 3lf OR W J DR M BEATIE HOU8P LOT the of Sharon firlcfc ftouc Well and DAVIDSON Mount Albert ha been a decided increase first quarter of this year in life insurance written ida as- compared with that of period In thirty million dollars According to the first weekly re- port issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway the crop acreage this year will be slightly less than last It is estimated that Manitoba will row about this year and Alberta makimj a total area J as compared the general Southern Alberta have been from Canadian Pacific Agent around Calgary Much boot has been made with seeding than was anticipated and condition are described as either splendid LAURIE FATTED CALVES FOR BRITISH BUTCHERS II Hi In of v I II Sutton West of plenty of moisture in the sported The is being- i1 tur stars Pill- Viola Dana Tom Harold d otters have pasrd through tlra last few red the Rocky Canadian in im company of mo the pede as Ml incident in drama tprJ Aberdeen and form er- of the Domin ion and Lady Aberdeen passed throagh Canada recently with the delegates to the seventh Quinquennial conference of the In ternational Council of Women of which the Marchioness is president nd founder at Washington On the bridge at Niagara Falls Ladyship was presented with a gol den bey symbolic of free entry into tha United States I on Saturday Hey ti will n them elves ED VanNORMA of Csnad emigrant Europe They belong to the Pacific East End Market Montreal ore continuing their long journey from Winnipeg Market Its fact that it the f indeed the ly known drovers for and the variety lueto the community at all is not nearly as widely except among those fa butchers and exporters who conveniences The market has been In operation site for years It has of cattle head of sheep lambs and cat hogs end can provide service for a total of time Its tiJ to be the in Can ada have SO modern light airy pens En which 1 transient guests may be housed without crowding or difficulty The establishment has branding exporting killing and chilling cattle sheep lamb3 calves hogs milch cows There Is in the market grounds a pouinspd abattoir local pure killed quickly and board handling and horse rn and may I the ped to England or of superb quality I the world is sold on auction sales of and branding takes The market by the Canadit J Is almost equal to the finest stock in market four days a held once a ropmif weekly and i inches Is owned and Pacific 11 J of which only a few the ably be converted into the and grace the tables of lo Tbe consists all fine fat fellows of whirl dent of the Livestock Produce nf the