Our Local News SoluTion on Mi Tuesday tin in anil violations of I will mooting 1 uiaikl of sin v ill I ii i arson St eel on Springs During the Month if May Most or a On SnUiitay Lis the I I sills they flortt Ill trMlli Villi 11 heir Gulden only son of Mr an King Rev Austin FOR SALE BY ROAD HOUSE ROSE GRADE North York Homes Andro man conducted I couple were unattended Ido wearing a becoming of blue crepe with coral Ilrl liuiue It trimming p tin lews I- ay evening and lliiv to necklace and water pearls the gift brother Herbert a missionary a During ttie signing of the An- register the brides sang a dainty wedding supper bride to Parry hold on at The loplo lpf and How to spend Sum- be taken by Mian May Mr will rld inning in of lh meeting wide per Yd Hoar Oil All per Yard Rag Newest Ail Sizes a Stock a Lowest to flood 7oc W A CO NEWMARKET HEW DRAPEBItiS FOR THE SPRING GLEANING Chintz from to 76c yd 36 In wide Fancy Colored Madras In Green Gold Blue and Rose 30 In wide Cream Madras In and Ecru Plain Scrim Frilled Edge White 33 In wide Fancy Check Curtain Scrim Frilled See the Jiffy Dress Lengths In Fancy French Voile length Normandy Voile all New Shades and Patterns for the New Smart Tunics made In a jiffy Sale Price yd 25o yd 35c CRAFTSMEN IN KEEPING THING NEW In each county In Ontario a highly leaning writes the shade you dyed my tin From itv YOU 111 I I i to the navy silk dress which had hit paint on it It is not ordinary work or ordinary satisfac tion which prompts such enthusiastic lti of the most And in our staff trained ill finishing department we have a staff trained to exceptional standards of workmanship We Pay Return Shipping Charges and charge only our Toronto prices Simply your parcel to Mr Geo what you have sent and what you want done Hell give your order his personal supervision M CLEANERS DYERS Head Office 249 Spadina Road TORONTO Is the Average Life of a Cream Separator for twenty years or closely then OS when new Why ponded howl remains You to waste cream leaving it in the ski Melotto costs hut afford cents per day to Your daily loss may be ten this amount Better stop it w before the heavy milk- on stalls when your loss ill be greater Get a genuine without delay Aurora Out STEWART TRAV188 Ml Albert