NEWMARKET- Pass It around after every meal tile family llie benefit of its old to digestion Cleans too fl Keep it always In the house mi Colli helps THOMAS HOGGINS REAL ESTATE Special Bargains HOUSES FOR Honda paying from lo Long or Short Terms lie Invest Matin lug Coupons Coino ami see me s Money and Delay DOORS SASH MOULDINGS PANELS SPECIALISTS una white or Application I present or session thereof tor Hill of Divorce from tits wife of said of on lire ground of and ileal Mod Dated at his Life Around the Hub Wont Mrs Tiffin Vict I Vint 1 III VlCI JlinnhiKl Ail Im Harold nolle si Mrs I me mil Frill iv mill Ileal llie by of Ml Vandorf to Street wo more of us Mr Aurora on llio ml Mr llnlHiioli ami prJrSijjLe STRIKE fOil daddy left Ills Job today where tho ma ions climb men are out for shorter brick bill from patient Our Kit to la bono fro Nice stenographic place The striking typist con And Dill has left hi happy restores PREFERENTIAL DUTIES Old Ago Increased April flic well house rep launch for who partly of the With the in Kid and fitted ban our by Mi llul Iking Mr Stanley a Mr Dai Llioso on were Me ltuml shall be born which fear shall be Schomberg CODE l Bid Sparks St Ottawa Ontario of Application I Mr diibihtks i debate in Sir A Minister wilh service in the Methodist ted by the Young Mens p- Right I and all would enjoy mi I through Ibe the I northward the nil Notice is hereby given tha ton of tbe City of Toronto County of York in the Ontario Married Woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at soon extricated not session ibeieof for a Bill of he worst for their from her husband John Henry A service of great interest of the of Toronto in the held at the Chore County of York Salesman on I on Sunday of adultery and desertion I when the- Yo Dated at of Toronto in the j Class Province of Ontario tola fourteenth of April A D 1925 CAMERON GORDON vile a Violet into Ms day Of for the Applicant ban THE GODLY MOTHER THERE is no finer niece work of the ministry his sermon ho used of bought he had during his seminary wa brilliant ill lo himself to pray to be hum- away above the audience people to which llie wai it fo It was a mas iece On the very night be the Sabbath a the spirit of his dreams look the sermon am w it flie red fire am it shrivel up and Then he fell upon hi is and asked God for a ptaii sage for a plain people his prayer and gave holy spell II ito the third he Car Sale Coupes and These Gars are all rebuilt and ready for good hard ser vice Buy get a square deal get value for your money Our Prices are the Lowest Easy DEALER I NEWMARKET Give him a plaeo on the plat form aid Betty T did hut he did not take it He put the chair down be the side of the people aid Christo pher Betty laughed Well here you fake these carnations Are nt beautiful Put litem in big jar you filled that is on my table you know and dont let the green brandies hide them Make tin Sihow as well as you can foe- they are beauties I will a as I get my coat and looked around and saw beautifully the count il been Hie If God call ye fu- first day your kirk speak a for rcsus Christ an Ill hear thai day hough no see mi and he satisfied When Hi before the Sabbath cam her face came before an her words sounded anew in hi hat fufcil the ain Ibe tor UUvell tile tits the tajers her- wfri They like ban to of the two or lift older yiXt the pleasure the Vei I have dor line in my began- Mr On back of it in all the world as I lit- had reason be f Hie exercises thai the opening to the lilt lb goodbye fe giving of for and for us for she leaeb Ilniilivn lo be good to and when Ihai ie s teaching Hi and tbe gospel littl he part of the giving sug05 He cit will Ma IheraDiy doings in and on night inkier lillle room spread a bis sheet of on worn labile ami be gan to her mother all had After a few p-dgraph- he leaned bark and al what had I tell von ut I can I will have jo till I home and do to about tiil Day at you head all will proud Of your- Dawn little Id Of Audi you be am the doctor sent Dai out into world make a stand fop herself Bel- Era la flfcaont Priori aker for the occasion Mullet who at on furlough from Chi Wednesday A Dale of formed by the Knox After that the bachelor shirks I Damage estimated at was done by fire swept the mechanical department of the auto sales and se rooms of James A Mull automobiles 15 of destroyed KEATINGS kill Kill MOTHS fo of selfglorification he was hi and his wai told Dr David MOTHERS DAY Continued from biter her Bui next instant die stepped Why there Dillons horse Hes topped again It if any And there lore of Hie school coming the plat- As the the wailing had put him in for be bench- as all eb I Teacher I ONTARIO TORONTO