IT3GREA become with our broad say Its grout lto thrcollmoaadoy food that hit lliolr palate right our pantry Is a fit companion fop the finest meat MAIM r Our Local News Depot lilK i Presbyterian Church is iiiic elation llUy MlI Iiijij in- lit Hi Commission down t widening flio roadway ton both side of Huron he Factory lo wonderfully i road for side Qm Ottawa Letter May 2nd With eighteen lilii Willie Mi All 111 In St Ma I The School Unlets algid of Will- Amos iniiuiireil for 111 Inspector was pallid Willi pleased Ho cor Company as wo Mr The i IllIll III Of hove done In villi verify lalni lliut wo do only too of memorial work W Cor Queen Main PUB UaiONVHONd All Round PAVILION also Gerhard and Doherty SOME GOOD BARGAINS NOW JOHN An final party he homo of iol Park a Doyle Iho lull know dial a real good Hi in stoic A members a of- JoiHy of diool one of tliij wand the Hindis Tim Im- May Mi in being eel- I ay1111 this a- Mo- era and I School Day throughout all of J anything he more many an in a of to Mi in In ml Sunday In child- hoed was si olden or and miles in Hansard having been expend dicd In recording their I loo H Hi- of a fitful policy which a King a closer approach unity a sections if lit I for with special programs or ill ho of Here he a icnoillnraKliiK al- Iciidancfj Sunday special offering is asked for school in aid of Sunday ill the All Iiu- cooperate in their Sunday School work through ihe fJniiirio I look for a every Sunday market on Sunday offer- ISO of ftoligious quick and thick Hardware Whip of lii iv il Mi tile iiliiilii ill I In of Die no hi Jlnc elimy Jh- Ppmler King ittul the Hi- hiHIllllur hiiiies by both going in at Hie Millie lint i find to hiv the of flu- country as II I lull if Hi- rill in of Main and Huron sis tho factories a liili Tile cause i was the stovepipes Ill- residence of Mr on The iro 1ruek was ii credible shorl lime and CREDITORS mm Essex fciO fl and Dolor MM Povjor fliltloil or WiEiijgr flfjovo Prices are All anil Paid BUILDERS GARS Itl THE IJSMB fflli Ask For VERN DEALER A CAM ami of lie irit was in and M els lUll 111 llill Hod ii he Jay of Ma King SI MKSIIS li HUH fiuui J thai llii- Is an in foi on a bank ie ad- cover had i i tlio life of tho Ail In a pulling And if ir Hiog get the to tike tie it WOlll till uiiiwifl i were to A of knit ftiU Hay May fiOYS BURN SCHOOL BUILDING met William lniei ff ei noon a in Hull arson arising on Inch destroyed if can lodg- 1 eliKil be iiiilliitenanci ut of raod of a in taxes iiiiiiiilnl of iou directly on the one member in the loube who had not advocated llic llKreby illonail Progressive iupporf by cabins taxes while the same for a higher tariff is too This lime added Mr en ie people going to find the Progressives are only combining IhU in office or la application of principles 4o Minister Reviews Governments Prime M5nlsteis review of record of policy and of what bad ed in Hie way of reducing and taxation was mMoubl- In liat during year lalklng That happened Hire i in -n- Jiiata alirnai Policy one filial give i did bear the iade by diffeient people la that and On unite against aetMUt he West Sir J would iliouli bom joy and love of other He mofed of heaven apart hey would not ha dropped lighted cracks in Hie tb lib of Hie dKlll use for every llial In I I in now spealing A How the 1924 Dollar Was Spent Budget which It I THE full circle above represonta the of the Canadian National Railways in The circli Into a number of each of which represents the portion into vhich the dollar was broken up for expenditure in The total amount spent on items in dollars and cents is follows Labor Fuel Materials Supplies and other operating expenses Taxes 458859356 Equipment and facility rentals etc 00 Balance available to apply on fixed charges width ml is tKst it it i jj itv bleb the Nations la ti of u Newly 1I of It end find y ctutnel of by hi In thU No in Caaida It felO by tta CimidLm i yi nil t it Mciti to pile lhs dininj or eltidy tf lh A Kit Ji