Amateur Athletic Association loo I How She Found Help w in Pinbhoms Vegetable Compound Ontario I and tali you my experience wttii your j the factory anemia but it didnt good wan told to take a rent but to and kept on getting J would sometimes three a troubled mostly uldEom it times In my walk I only yearn i Jimda now and b Vegetable Compound pounds I pound and when of It I felt a change My mother taking it for ban found it very en liii factory to tell friends about the medicine an I to answer letter about it Mil Ontario A week show In the pay envelope If yuu troubled with weakness indicated by run down con- tired Jmkh Compound help you f THE COMMON FOE UNTIL Weve declared ivfip ooblast Wit Frost mill you are our Wo will declare no separate- but will to coal of lire upon Unit head until lies Hiked mid away orders from J0 Phono us J LITTLE Cody In the attendance was one the larges on record mid ireal was manifested President end gave his inaugural- address li wliicli Ho urged all to for Uibgencral Day Celebration Mr Chas wan secretary in tin Dr Walker W ionic was appointed nice Hoard to arrange for Liu of Hie Pair for Do of the Newmarket im close he clock hud struck lie tool no action Sinking I at Ill last Alfred to all who cuff OP done me good stales a wellknown and highly respected resident of this kidneys Kidney mo good us in Iho and I have taken have Delving Horse the right to you K N ItOHIUi un Irwin HAKIftWARE NEWMARKET Plumbing VJOttH PftOHPYtY ATTENDED TO St Newmarket Say It With Flowers a Phone Carpentering Etc kindly NOTICE wanting any kind of work WINGER SON drew St iUl parts of FARM TO Rl One Hundred acre Lots and Sixth Cone Township of North Possession March 1st Good build end Mir following on Die fifth aim i pay to held In July Truck Committer Proctor Win si Dr Walker date mid Ticket hard It Ilulhd Smith Grand Supply arid Co It 1 It Tom Davidmi Sub Com Store loom A Br ra Mi Mo i Sports Fred tiraliam Murray Robinson L Cochrane rank Harvey Pat Vernon Decorating Construction It J Hughe- Hay Jelly Draper II If Walker Dunn Coin Hughes J W Dunn Jelly Advertising Committee Mr P Smith A ft T Eaton J Y Dr Ames Hunter Howler P Dr J Barber iv Noilly Ah Veril Cane Ja Dr Carroll Thompson Moore Sep lloulli Dr Stan Smith Walker A Tom Scott The first two named on Commilteo to funclic Mr or both at all in individual naliou be of all Executive Board lock on Monday il of Trade Rooms Block Moved by J It ton- 2nd by J Harvev ill of of 1st Dr Walker 1st Osborne 2nd Vii K Eaton IVeti surer a in bouse thanks your pills I am of my trouble and your almanacs Kidney Pills are purely and simply a kidney remedy act on lie kidneys and putting In do their full work of straining he impurities out of the Kid ney Pills have been in use In Canada for more limn years lemonifralcd their worth in the most serious forms of kidney disease as inaWflm diojisy diabetes -nou- and sciatica KING NEW GIFT OF Surplus Rapidly Has Countrys Improved Parliament JJuildings Ottawa April Premier King lonighl broughl good tidings to the He the position of Improving that the surplus foi- past year would ho almost three millions greater tbap esti mated when the brought down The surplus on over expenditure will I instead of the Hie budget speech Olii tinned by Mr whioh are to come Hie which Mr place at are now not like ly be more than III be destroyed bo it at ah early hour lorning a I times In creamery wore stored dozen of fresh whore ready for delivery in cars on Saturday besides a good supply Of freshly made butter in addition to all the equipment which was wiped The equipment alone was esti mated- as being around to get them out of their beds In order to machines but the Miss Alice Mailin Mr and Mis Charles a death i Vernon Lake on Wednesday af ternoon The young womrm who had been keeping house for Mr Stanley Martin decided during afternoon To walk down to the wharf at Rev Dr summer residence Rela Jlio fourteen year old daughter of Stanley iter The Hie edge of ho wharf when Miss Alice was seized with a minting spoil and fell forward into about six feet of water Rota heroically plunged in lo rescue her but her efforts were vain and she bad much difficulty in regaining lie wharf herself Finally succeeding in climbing hurried ho body close lo the Wharf Dr was summoned but after careful examination determined that n inquest waB unnecessary It was found that young lady bad fo Mr Martins home whence the funeral lakes place Friday afternoon Interment in Methodist Cemetery These figures disclose that Deceased was years of age lie increase in he net public and very well and favorably which the government known in Many pel lod llio year follow debt will not exceed do the large reduction in tariff cut the sales tax and relieved the people of a pari of their burden THE NEWEST THING IN RADIO From tho Lamp Socket go alternating Li plugging into an socket rent for the obtained by lamp is equipped Willi wait IransmiUiutf tubes one of Inch is use to rectify the al ternating current which is furth er smoothed out by choke coils condensers and then supplied to other lube used as an music through a poaker and will also prod amplification Ilia mplifier Port Hope Apr A trage this morning a iile- north of Port Hope on I lice I Road when Hie Iw Mi and FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUBHINQ TUB LEADING OSBORNE SON post to Office otieed egret lo hear of her untimely death Forester The Servant in the House traveltrouble it makes shopping lighter Sparing you traveltime it makes shopping Sparing jams it makes shopping easier Sparing you expense it dollars go farther A revelation to those who do not fully realize how much more it enables them to accomplish at minimum expense Six PersonB Injured rnia May aid Six person injured one perhaps late last night wllien sler driven by Carlos Mail living near Wyoming a group of people who v ere the city horn the dance of the season at Park Pavilion was subsequently ar ts being held pending Two of the sis in the hospital occurred on Point Edward Road Member of parly who were walking on be roadside noticed he ligb of the car coming behind up the child a i their way t be asleep but a few miles it the child was blue Medical aid was immediately summoned from Port Hope the child was beyond all recov ery Coroner A was notified and pronounced death odds ia hi YOUR hie nig aid little that the eiln hut companion and two young nen It is believed that tr ml see the walking down he side of the road owing to the KIONEY The Star Cars original principle of low cost with highpriced car design and quality has long been recognized by the public and is endorsed today by manufacturers of other lowpriced cars No other car in the same priceclass can show as many quality features Silent timing chain Red Seal Continental engine Small bore long motor Light Weight pistom Single plate drydisc clutch Tubular backbone Long Semielliptic Springs Rear All main units separately remQvable SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS MOSS HOLT Dealers Huron Street Newmarket I Car Today Pa May Static crashing and through aloud speaker wrecked the home of Dr one of the adio experimentation United Slates When the concert start was hardly audible of sialic so Dr Lai several powerfu plifiers to receiver a music rolled in of a pipe organ cturos trembled on tin CFtAFTSAAEN IN KEEPING NEW crack and the walls of i split open A moment ccilins fell raining a of plaster and lathing on up rig an earthquake the he yard From il dipt 1000 damage had HOLIDAY CANOE TRIP A booklet which will by every canoeist has been by the Fish and Game of he Canadian Natiou- Railways It is titled Canoe and Nature in a matter of forty pages suggestions for canoe rips There is a map showing the route of every rip and there and gives information as to out filters game and fish etc this is only- part of ho service When the canoeist has found rip which attracts him all has to do is fo send the of the trip to iho General Tour National Railways and he will be Ided fullest as to Corporation of the County of York hereby announces tint Its list has been prepared and that therefore may be bad in the of County Treasurer Adelaide that the Iffll is being Me under pi May the lauds In Inch dth a large DO to daily Our free book sent to you plains you can fit of the follow Automobile Weld Chartered School- Shampooing Rugs or Dyeing Portteres mailbox if you want your Rugs or Carpets Shampooed Curtains Cleaned and Framed Portieres Dyed or Cleaned Blankets Cleaned and made Fluffy Eultrdovn Cleaned and Mothproofed and Suits Cleaned Dyed Altered or Repaired Thousands of homes in all parts of Ontario are using craftsmanship for keep- in ihitf new We have in Mr TV J Fontaine the most expert dyer in Canada Our plant is the best equipped in the Dominion Our reputation and our are your will be done well and with every care You can safely to us the precious articles the delicate of materials WePay Return Shipping Charges and charge only our Toronto prices Simply send your parcel to Mr write a letter saying whai and what you Want done order his personal Hell give I CLEANERS Head Office 249 Spadina Road Dour Immce your car against lo by or theft and dont against claims f damages to other people may cost you many times the- value of your lea thai you a will not help you ntU long drivers may not bo as careful as you Fred A Ihs Norwich Union