Life Around the Hub Whitchurch Township Council mot do Township Hall Satur day April Willi excel The Minutes of last wore read and confirmed Co On Friday evening Mr James inkier fell from walk on the north side of his Wellington Street W the pavement Mr Whimsler was badly shaken up and bruised by full anil was confined to his bed for several days to disposed of by the will of George Wellington March of and ly lo tlio widow the FIRSTCLASS WORK and Hopalrlna Furniture OARS PAINTED AND VARNISHED House Pointing and Decorating Work Guaranteed Furniture Polish for Sale Box Newmarket- Or residence HOOQINS REAL ESTATE Special Bargains In Houses Stores end Shops Apply to Phone 334w Box Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE GOOD HOUSES FOR BALE Bonds paying from lo Long or Short Terms your Maturing Coupon Come and see me SCOTT Main St and of in land In 2l00 I 1 furniture 102 passed dome hero at the years Horn in Leeds ling whoso maid was Mary Jane Grim lo Canada Willi lie in when she was loi old family settled during to be from road being out of Lota Con Frank Tax Collector presented report of uncollected lo and penalty percentage of bill which to pay as follows viz Charles loads wood for Fred Toronto Hospital for days Van No strand destroying aught worrying sheep Mrs Dai iliil during I vived by two of Brampton i Amy at In William Hunter lildre Society Brampton At the meeting on Friday wen made to stage a series of monthly flower lliiijgiiiH lb lii the annual fall exhibition also decided to alo a campaign to have every do I for Sick Child ttlntonuncc Beatrice Cook J drugs oilier supplies for Municipal World De benture and other forms colled- dog lax assessed against Hose Lot Con Accepting as of uncollected axes of and penalty per centage collected and approving of payment of his salary by the I in- I ukiiiily our suffering on and In Ills Only rise daik mid they are big with i break in blessings I Ami who Ihrougn a glat but face love their Christian Treasury Instructing pay to Simeon Overseer for Church the sum of being of commutation of Road of the town plant on Arbor Day May 1 It announced that during the parlies of members would bo made up to visit the largo gar dens of the a group of embers going each Wednesday sons operating or desiring loop Labor collected for di In A ByLaw was passed pi for tho issue of Licenses to per Until whoii Secret Hill announced that tin was raised to 307 Mayor J Walton presented prizes to who brought in of now to join church MAKE TODAY SUCCESSFUL When you use Hie word success you think something like Ihe Wool- worth building towering up into the sky massive and magnificent A bungalow however covered with olimbing roses Is as much success In Its way as the building Do not of tin- crown of life but as some woven Into its texture day by We say that the young who la taken into partnership sucoesa His success datt when he stalled doing work a little bettor than the not worry as to whether you will be regarded as successful when you are sixty Leave that ques tion to take of itself Were yesterday Are you lay Ifcg your plans to be successful to think of Mustard it a seasoning BOOK JfhasAsaA digestion JOINING THE Says One I have begetting sins I am hem and when I have them mean to Now the which a man should run that he may fight better for his life the adversary A man says I am full of diseases from head lo foot and I get cured of them I going into the hospital What going into the hospital re cured The that hides of battle The Church is a schoolhouse ity all the members oi driving to help as far those who are them It an men are trying their fellowmen by throwing the silken cords sympathy and giving them to help Many a man that has been lost have been saved if he had aid there arc hours when I do not feel myself able to stand brethren hold me If nian comes into the Church saying I have met with a great change thank God I am safe and I come in here to if that is the spirit which one comes into the and if he can come in so really and truly we want men for lan- But then there are multitudes men who might well come into Church saying Brethren give Licenses to ho obtained from Clerk and also providing for a penally of- not loss than nor more thon on conviction for contravention of ByLaw On motion adjourned So Monday June 1st then lo meet at oclock am for business and at pm for Court Of Revision THE HABIT OP HOME lived the life we should vould he a wellbalanced lure of all things that rable pleasure and duly ly and laughter uid dilution harbor Give men in Give them shelter and profeclion What is Church good for that is for helping sinners Men say Take care of the Church J is not too good for an except what is do for len Is a hospital pretty nd to be kept clean and lilude Unfortunately us lives the life he should In stead we are creatures of habit habit usually pushed ex- even in the best of us If cad If And the i its extreme become sorely detrimental to housekeeping and children to A DEAD SINGER haying Miss Plcklhall had Join The Choir invisible pang of regret from cast to west among who had learned to love and appreciate this Can adian singer A nightingale that died In ecstaoy of song was the thought recurring rto my mind all through the day after read ing tlie announcement of her passing In the morning paper Those who knew her witlings will remember that her Lamp Souls takes Us name from tier poem of the a lamp burning In churches for unable to pay tapers thai so typify the lender remembrance of tin living for the dead The subjoined beautiful little expression of the mourning mothers prayer illustrates fins imagination and dell- of expression in his singing olce now hushed into silence The Lamp of poor Soul By hove my head llic arc stained The wind has taken his spoil Hie of dead men beneath my knees and dust Lord In my hears ray Thou the hand of faith upon my priest has prayed the silver ball has rung Jut not for him tears He was so young Into what vast dread dreams lonely lands what griefs hath death the brain Of all habit for a habit home and none that t less likely lo croacfi unduly on her time ing as so easy A thousa abides convey you Barga ales tempt you this woman mi that woman must coaled anotiher has that must copy now stay at home at any time acoidsnti of illness or weather that thwarts you seem like a great misfor tune to homepursuits with a feeling of rebellion or at least of dull disappointment But wihen you have stayed at home a you taste the of it the daily employments come what shall each one offer Have we accepted the Christ come to earth to purchase Pardon without prejudice A COUNTRY BOY He should know of plants and thai great outofdoors that lays foundation When your interest become due or when you receive cheques fojr interest on registered bonds deposit them in a Sav ings Account in the Bank of Montreal The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you Manager Newmarket Branch Established over his In lo brought up In country I- Many big and cessful men have never ceased to thank God that were privileged to their boyhood life the hills steams and fields pictures that the country hoy studied are far more real to him in later yea than canvases of the great ma Icrs which he have since enjoy all very well and it is a light to the city vacationist hut tell brought up on a farm who followed the rake with your barefoot jumping every now and Jica as Hi slalka Blabbed you si wouldnt you exchange for Off to lh Own try on Up PHONE Let you Corafortablo In a OR iRHWMik A an AtUnilMl Chi hospital good for but persons who have and to cure them A is good in the proportion which it to turn away from them If you stay at home you love homo but gadding makes- Are you going Why Why do Cradled Is he will ft forgot I cannot learn the Shine Utile lamp fed Shine Utile lamp a And art Mine Shine little lamp for love- hath by gleam Sleep Utile soul by Gods bands set free to His arms and sleep steeping dream And dreaming look for me AND A Chinese convert once said as saved Before my conversion I like one lying at bottom It A man called Mohammed looked own from the top and not give help and desperate is of the whom it rescues Hie more noble is the Church Well what aliput Us own reputation that He a shall Statesman it The A Utile girl fro vfslUn in the coi end Confuclou looked down and said If you ever out my advice ever get again fcul he went on also and did nothing for me then a third man named Buddha looked down from above and said If you come half way up I will help you out but I could not and he too passed on then a Fourth looked down and nothing but came to where I was and me out of the miry clay carried me to the top and put my feet upon a rock His name was Jesus This Chinaman was sight His story Illustrates the dif ference between Jesus and all other religious teachers ancient and modern Selected ought to lift i TORONTO Low Cost Transportation THE low price of the Star Car is further emphasized by its small gas consump tion and its minimum maintenance cost NEW PRICES Commercial ChastL Standard Touring Special Touring Coupe 97000 Brougham Special Sedan Factory Emm The Closed Models and the Special Tour ing have Full Balloon Tires and 20inch Wheels and the Special Models have BumperMotometer and Bar Rebound Scuff Plates and Trunk with Suitcase as Standard Equipment MOSS HOLT Dealers Huron Street Newmarket Cat today