THE PROOF of the of our jnoluol Is the groat number of monuments we have erected in the local cemeteries You do not have our word for It- get IIhI of work we have done in your cemetery and examine This will verify the claim that wo do only the highest of memorial work W SALE OF Sealed received by the undersigned up to and Saturday the day Nov for the purchase of Hie Old School known as the Pino Orchard School House The or any tender not MALI J A Rett he obtained Newmarket When wanting any kind of done in the Lino Carpentering Brick Work lug Etc Kindly try HOUSE FOR SALE House oil Millard Ave All and Sldvo Well situated Apply ins I lie lull an or Oak In convention for Sunday School from school us seven on four limes scVeroly on tho Mr J il of and Mrs Jo- this place vice- professor of physios and at llio Collegiate has boon Hie of princi pal of Hie in thai pleased to hear Aurora lie Aurora High I iVii- annual hyloll mil Aid St And or in tile Mechanics evening lOlli After Lecture tlupl ml id solos will he given school Kill mm Ih A quite widely known passed away lion rsday of last in tin of Daniel in The had ton years lived with hi Mrs Hold Mead he Dili Shaffer native or Whitchurch al lot concession farm on which his father located nearly a ago when much of Hi erness Here lie lived until he and Ilia good wife went Willi Mrs Mead Ho is survived three nicy till stead and his life partner win is now over years of age still quite bright late Mr Shaffer was a man of powerful physique in his more youthful days over pounds and at the lime of llio passing lib weight was pounds Till funeral on to was by Hoover and Heiso the Tunker church Yaen bee a Chinese boy living In Chatham Ontario has won tlon In the field by his and skill Fortyacre tract of standing Do they answer your questions The young people in their letters from school seldom tell you what you really want to know But how different when you call by Long Distance Jack says he is all over his cold Mary iB no longer homesick and is perfectly happy The load iij lifted from your mind And how the absent oats do enjoy hearing the familiar MAHKHAM Returning home from church Sunday Fred Van Home lot 10 con ha accident in which all five hers of lie family were moi loss injured He was cur and turning into Is and the weight of the en the cay comiidefcl upside down Mr Van Horn elf had his shoulder hi tier Dean of 111 had his fine large bain all the reasons crop and lorses burned weeks The fire broke out about and when Mr Dean rait the stables lo of the The fire had On Graham In id a sale of hid faun Block ami at nearly Mr Owing lo llio lack of a for Ibeif supplies some locnl growers ato storing heir rool crop In llio hope that prices and demand may improve Two weeks ago nearly twelve cars of loft Ihe station while last week two were shipped so badly had the market fallen off nips cabbage and beets of which there is a iremendous graced Willi I and splendid The preacher of Ihe day McKay fine win I In icaker had no rouble bis The of bo services was feu fine the strong Church Jiollon on to you vs all Ihe tun The Hit JUfll I Wlien you are doing right sloop Incsday evening by Kill form In Bombay t or Chicago Iionrd wh the Ik fight THE SINK SHINING Soap Jelly which is made by a bar of soap in wo of water and wo tablcspoonfuls of a great help in keeping the white and shining keep tin lys Arthui The year Hie fields sink while and shining I keep w n i i funnel wlc shelf and dishes ue Hi pill a little Mi II III sink I villi Ihe sink If lad give good hips and jnd wbeie dang our and then we own way a of the TO WASH WINDOWS skin in rinse out skin sen id ick si Ion I lie umply rub lightly in ivindowpano lo move the water then papo dry without any more polishing This is a quicker bolter method of keeping el to Ihe pp Only The Dr passed away January was pastor of I in Chinch I loth for fifty tin- regular church death be full charge Jain and Mr- try by bo fust Doyle hold Angus for it was in this barn pi cached I sermon to bis congregation The church was built in I860 In llio long period of more than half a century in which Dr bad charge of bis church on only one occasion did ho disap point his congregation When Dr first came lo King he preached in both Eng lish and Gaelic two sermons in each church This was work both physically and mentally but be Dr was equal to and often expressed himself as hav ing a liking for bis work Al ways young himself and full of energy he saw generation generation pass along and he of both old and youn death of ith the LETS SIT DOWN and and that twenty of is a mystery as exceedingly i confident tint he safe when he fast A chap I know and like quit well I wauled to go to his and sit a spell and talk about the boys what lived with old Kin and gossip of the thing pass a friendly hoi Stouffville The longest utile business changed bands mer- in Monday disposed dry goods A Lewis well attended not see it misse The but for Ik up that that a member of a the folks can tell be if day him loor for just as soon as fed and wiped the hard before the ye inilows generally If a pieco of being put in J wash ig on the windo Anil rtfilul iiis I Hi And of tin Dili tin be 4 old and as we lliei mil houghl of he tarried and of the reasons hem across the seas ju hen the silence dial had falle lilllc group as they si Hie deck of Arabia WD broken toy voice of Dr icr Tor seven years lie bad en in he of India pres sing power of iue both human and divine Pensively be spoke more o II I but a Though Stay the edifice- soon rtso Like tin fruin her ashes Pointing proudly to the skies The given extempore Straight from the jirciclurs heart i nail Not si j a chaplain Is it beyond the seas duly bade him at homo at case Jack floats on the breeze Just opposite the door In the altar there are colors grouped To emphasize ft more For ho church is based on loyalty And love to Motherland The love of God embraces both As all understand May that Church Around ibe Corner each a brick Henry A Ashmead CONSOLATION If could forget the past With all care and sorrow If I could forgot today And think not of the morrow I would he happy a lad Who guide- bis straying shoo From dawn tilldaik I hill Then lays him down o sleep prim and I I at just one loo gitatpr folks who Jtipr boat Id Throughout he com When we have learned I Aitdbave forgotten lei Palipiit with all i over all there is a I us day and i HOW TO DO IT have decided aft dm Price If RHINO Foot- prevents dirt wear better if manure enow or moisture didnt wear longer wo inside would not the footwear mad ironclad guarantee thnt with every pair the toughest and Thce facta hold good with that Science nil RHINO Rubber yet which Note the Protector wear up to twice as rubber shoe long ordinary rubber It i3 an patented on RHINO Foot RHINO feature Iteffec- wear Compare The Wear A E Q 81BREE Moat truck- light of World o shine nil llnil- ffioopint li aSmE THE most economical and dependable light delivery truck in the world built by equipping the Chevrolet Superior Commercial Chassis with the body which meets your needs All standard commercial bod ies are made to fit JhiB Chassis which gives you every ad vantage of the most modern automobile construction selective threespeed trans mission complete electric sys tem selfstarter etc Yet the Chevrolet Commercial Chassis is lowest in gas oil and upkeep expenses and costs so little that every lighttruck user can easily afford to have it Ask us for details of the GMAC Plan of Deferred Payments Hamilton Bros Agent Newmarket FINISHED IF NOT POLISHED and when they as nearly as human and the expend- of much money can carry finished and that the term Canadian Pacific official are applying to the companys lines between Montreal and Toronto and to many other stretches of Cana dian Pacific track in various parts of Canada It Is that Is the final touch In modern railroad track construction In rockbal lasting this particular stretch of main line three to four hundred men have been four years The th a- rails had traffic roll big hen re 1 cUI ill ballasting was first steel fore- could done the yard toaltastino lies of track hi facilities began called hard after which th the right kind of not do After many id at Ontario which dolomite thirty- the track The gang that followed raised the track four or five inches and tamped the stone underneath every tie That was th first lift and then followed other car loads of and another gang gave the track another lift and again tamped the then good eight inch bed of the tree the track Mo of stone followed and dlcated the matter slightest degree in I to the officers which Deleted is typica and Qtuj