Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Aug 1924, p. 2

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Column Editorial Notes 1 Good Bicycle fop Bat Apply lo rly ten years of if has finally been minlalcrd of thfJ CI shall pay income- lux oilier people why Apply The of pood J equal rights to mjnielcifj biff bettor able lo the I nary people Everything across biff lo ho so few of thorn have y I led In A nt the Bent On Conveniences TAKE That I h- of Ontario will not he responsible for any contracted hy my wife Huntley in Ik own or in my legal authority House for Sale or Rent 1 won All and Kl SOL ESTATE Special Bargain In Stores and Shops Apply to WM Phone Pox sale Mills and HeCleaner for lIlU who THE convenient slump and doze while their line dibs unmo lested In placid water will find no amusement in a vacation at Lake Nip- or surrounding region The waters of Lake River and Orient Bay abound with large finny wlileli warm hearts of who find no satisfaction In landjng a prize without a For the canoeist too promises plenty of adventure hakes to cruise with constant changing scenery Hock strewn rivers where the craft buoyantly rides the swift There are rapids to shoet dexterity of the most expert to guide the canoe through the mad- boiling waters wiliioul a spill Lodge is a luxurious lodge of design on the shore of Orient Bay Deep sat amidst pine and cedar it pip- game Here it is that the real spoilsmen gather and discuss their winning the coveted Trophy which the Canadian National Railways award annually to the angler who catches the largest true speckled trout hi the District An illustrated folder and complete is obtainable Canadian National Agent mi inqucsi nobody to but imalc i is conducive he that I Of Avon Int lhried birthday last Monday is lupoils any is hah and happiest arc those spends in his garden iith wonderful here arc over sard giving lin of the last Parliament cost the from to HI of I of much value is preLly well corded in the daily press little use is made of Hansard except by members of parliament wiio apparently w ding what somebody else has said This is another lace where the rff- ho Sutton Summer and Horse shows wliaA can he ben a few men with the back rig of the community can ac when they give hole time to the task Mr J Kay the president Reeve Pugs- ley coupled with the enthusiastic support of Mr Alfred Rogers of ironto were he backbone of llio lerprisc Mr Kay planned the Horse Barn and Mr J A halto look the complete of the Stands Both mado stanrtial jobs That their ef forts Were appreciated was man- Stand receipts for the two days lb over This cry and puts the on a good financial basis The management of tho Fair want to ake up or friends cany off all the Inn els THE BATTLE IN NORTH From London Advertiser The Expositor sees In Lennox picnic in North York return of coffee arid sandwlohes Into the political arena There is no patronage to give out now so the ham and the coffee pot must in as pmcli-hll- and do best they can Herb Lennox or to be more cor rect Herbert Lennox Conservative P p Is being j against Hon L Mackenzie King in North York at the next election Hence the Lennox picnic this time Herb an expert d bus He I AN EXPLOSION WITHOUT FIRE Four men were In a at Alberta Three dead and one came out unaware uny- trouble been the fourth man who was working a would have come alive I A gas explosion In a coal mine Willi- thing for to As the coal is taken out of a mine the pressure from top Increases Each ton taken out reduces the to the fixed weight above That increasing pressure bears upon gas deposit or pockets in coal jnd wfien It inched a point when longer be J of Ihat The wn by Is lake place In Hartford That fray have of htm and bride Ws parents Up P and Mrs Fletcher iye Ivlng home Torboio a from from to Friday and FASTEST HARVESTERS TRAINS HAIUVAV8 the Canadian National Hallway from points as make tlie fattht now shortest route between and Western Canada Harvest Im will a midnight of Aug The fare of to Winnipeg and join in the parade Mackenzie King Demonstration TO On Saturday Aug 16th PARADE EAVES HURON STREET NEWMARKET AT OCLOCK NOON EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO JOIN IN Our Society- Column lor two weeks ps Ward and son art vl Biting her sister at Waterford this Mr Mr and Mrs spent tlw weekend their daugti at Port also called on friends at Oshawa Dr M and Alfred of are the formers aunt Itogers at Hie homo Misses ana oilier friends hi this localHy Many friends of Miss Laura gathered Hie home of Miss Bertha Ferguson King and her a Miscellaneous when she received many useful gifts Mr of Toronto spent lite bis eld college friend A Amos Win Holmes of Hie Toronto Force spent Sunday Willi friends in Town H of Toronto spent the with and friends In town Jco Jolinson fanning up for her Rev Dr Gray of Toronto and hie two daughters were guests of las Sutherland a couple of days week and all spent the weekend with friends Crescent Beach Lake llier Mrs and the has band on his bat at times he dis tributes tin cups bearing his All who quaff the toffee to wash down the sandwiches are supposed by this process to be rendered immune of Liberalism Premier is going into York shortly He cannot his riding from him rattle of salmon gurgling of coffee What can Mr King betted the appetite of the id if the gives them nothing take the taste of Herbs out of their mouth there may be trouble when voting time comes King to deal with earners- of the world attend to all affairs of at home draw up plans and specifications for a model house foe Senate but on top of it all he has to hurry back to York Where Herb stuffs tabron in voters mouths while Arthur pout political de lusions in their ears The tuned up vdlh Wed onions tad hot doss and his field kitchen with of end roast beef only some such Irs Howe of Toronto spent or days bis week with her Mrs Kidd Miss Ada Lirliirmii of i William her sister Miss Lehman Philadelphia are visiting hi Town Miss Mabel of Toronto spent the weekcud with her cousin Miss Alice Curtis Niagara street Mrs Gallagher of Toronto was visiting Mrs on Tues day and called on friends Jld Marlon Hogarth of Toronto Aluminum Shower hi honor auw Morning a bride of this has bet a few in Tow and vicinity wtth relatives and Mr Keith P P among Hie scores of Newmarket pec pie who Sultop Summer Fa on Saturday Mr and Mrs William Copper Lansing Michigan at the bom of his Mm Mall Brown a Friday last Mr John of Mr Mr Hi molored to Maxe- York Slate and enjoy- a ttioi holiday the guests lite Times Mr and Mi P Stocking returned on Tuesday Ayr whtre Old Home week Is Stockings home Rot and Mrs Mann invited the Elders of the church and their at on Wednesday the and report hav ing spent a very enjoyable day Mr and Mrs Kearney of berg nee Miss Irwin formerly organist In the Methodist Newmarket were calling on friends Mr and Mrs Thomas Griffith menl of their only daughter Hazel lo Mr Donald Gal- braith con of Mrs and the late J of the marriage to take place early In Sep- Buy Only What is Best at The lowest Possible Price When piece your entire Grocer Order at a DOMINION STORE yon era assured tig best that buyers can at a that it right along to you Yon buy Quality and It at DOMINION VINEGAR HONEY Pure Extracted Older per sal lb tin Dominion Baking Powder No Mum tin peg and hack to Comfortable roomy convertible berth Colonist Cars of latest design lunch counter cars serving food reaionable prices Will be attached lo trains earn will be provided for women via Canadian National no your final ft point on the Canadian National or Consult with your nearest Agent for train service A if To have his topi badly Injured in a hoist at the stove plant and a few min utes later lo be thrown from a motor film to the General Hospital was experience of David an employe of the local firm At Cork County Hospital market on Aug to Mr a Mr Dattd Janes of In East on Aug to Mr and Mrs Howard Pegs a daughter Harnett In on Aug to Mr and Mrs Haines twtns boy and girl McDonald In Newmarket on Aug to Mr and Mrs McDonald The Altar In Toronto Aug Dili by the Rev Walter Amos Florence A CrawfordMornlnfl On Wednesday August at her home It Township Laura Mae eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Morning to Mr Harry elr daughter Doris Mr John Taylor elder son Edna Katherlne and Mrs J W of formerly of North Gnilllmbuiy the marriage to take place he part or August Alma Allan T of Muilo and her have been their vacation at Lodge the In North Gwllllmbury or July Mrs John aged years In Whitchurch Township on Aug 10h Christian Stoui- aged years and months Funeral from the residence of his daughter Mrs Jesse Cook on Tues day to Dixon Hill Church and At Sharon on Wednesday Thomas ils In his year Saturday the In in fond and loving memory of our mother Emma Mai Ilia Slennetl wife of llje late of Queeiisvllte who died O closed her weary eyelids And gave to His one sleep by MADHOUSE ROSE CROWN GEM JARS CROWN GEM Quart do CROWN GEM JARS do RUBBER RINGS FOR PRESERVING ZINC RINGS 125 14c 25c 23c MUSTARD ha SEED 16 40c Clarks Pork and Beans G or Lombard Plums Bayoide Brand in Heavy Syrup for 6Jv BON AMI Good for White Shoes for DC BROOMS gg WASHBOARDS gy FIG JAM on BISCUITS lb tit CHOCOLATE HANSENS ORANGE ADE and LEMON CaC CLARKS POTTED MEATS tin D CORN for SHREDDED KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 3 for CARNATION or ST CHARLES Una for 29c 25c EAGLE CONDEHSED9 MILK DOMINION or MAPLE LEAF MATCHES for TEA A delicious blend 25c THE SET OF A SOUL One ship drives east and the other drives With the selfsame winds that Mow Tis the set of the sails And not the gales Which tells us tho way they go Like the winds of tile sea are the ways of As we voyage along through life Tis the set of lie soul That decides its goal And calm or the strife FOR POWER TO SERVE Master of men Teach us this day how to serve our follows Show us thyself incarnate once again In the starving the plaguestricken the outcast Give us an unappeasable desire To heal feed to uplift Teaoh us to car off the thick folds of disguise The meanness the impurity Which hide in sinful man thy perfect imago Show us first of all our Our own need of theo our own miserable failure To live Ihou have us live Then give us tho keen eyes of lovo in tho basest Can pierce unfailingly through oil disguise And discover thy likeness within Give us an resolution All our lives through to regard above all duties duly of thy needy ones Hay we spend in an endeavor To sot thyself free in them Ira To realease them into Iho freedom and fulness manhood Into lhat land of purity and joy Where lhc in man perishes And Iho Hod clearly revealed In A bo

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