JACKSON Editoiand Proprietor NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY MAY Special Bargains AT BINNS HARDWARE GENUINE OIL WINDOW 37 in Cream or Green ii SHEEP SKIN one finger Reg for Quarts Hlght Grade PAINT Red or Brown 75c CHICK FOOD Medium and Large Siie and Folding GO CARTS Reg Price for only Dolly WA8HING MACHINES Reg 51600 for Genuine HOLLAND BULBS Watt for inht Grade ROOFING with nails and cement A FLOOR WAX Reg 80c quality for We rent Floor Waxer and Polisher 75o for Half Day BINNS HARDWARE FOR GOOD PAINTS AND VARNISHES CONNECTION other units of the property wit r the spark plugs youth lo a storage battery For I Farm Sale Notes Farmers should realize the desirability of depositing their Sale Notes with a bank for safe keeping as well as for collection when due We Invite farmers to utillz this Banks services IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD CEMENT BIRCH Red and White LUMBER LATH SHINGLES W PEARSON the people with whom tie lies and oil whom we must rely connect him with the world of ice must be of Ihe right kind is a far more Important matter i many realize Failing to see in of ft a great number wing people who might otherwise a respectable and a in heir chosen sphere commit Every rightminded youth Jons are of the utmost Import said a prominent educator projects except perhaps Ihoae creative art acquaintance is conducting medium Of the lw equal ability he who Is broad ly acquainted and who has made choice of Mends arid associates will advance more rapidly In a so as great and as complex Cabins are Flooded The crew of the British steam who To onto Sunday with a cargo from Swansea Waifs again MUST PROTECT THE ROADS Canadian Weekly Publishers The public cant lie asked I pay for roads which the true wilfully destroy was straight talk which Squire Deputy Minister of Highway gave to the Ontario Motor True Owners Association at their Will Visft Old had nidAitlantic nth its fifth I had referred J day Captain Geo of called and told them as he had no further the took OJ trucks to and found I the London such first trip fro the dock- worst- of the storms were encountered off the Irish and the Birchlon was hove to for five days The sea swamped the but the of he smoke stack was visible the fust mat- V as in ithe lookout room the hip slood clean up on her bows nd the compass broke with Ihe hock The captains solely the knee of your work he added that we cannot hope have our talents and our ability properly introduced by people who are inferior western came a young man a graduate In law from a famous eastern university This young man had energy and ability He possess ed every needed quality for winning success But he made the mistake at the beginning of tying up with I hi ae youth lhinkrngthfsahancc He sold hi wonderful talent his Intellect and his ability for a of Within than beaten about that til sirring shaft He 111 a and held it up but the light rai like an electric spark ihe to forward hold and up the two hatches coal gas had accumulated There followed a terrific plosion and iron bars covering were thrown Cent and overboard Li nobody was injured tonnage of for the party deled ileyen days ves of the leading of 50 Years Ago m Era May he North York Teachers d Officers Haight and lo the people bile taxation for he upkeep of divided info three grades If il ere found that trucks de ahded an additional outlay thousands of dollars pei her afford visit Wembley a pporlunilv he publishing aim of Britain The first por call are riving at On III be at Brussels w lore the Belgian give i i Kin Wednesday Sun tne day will be spent in Paris Some excellent features have been pi pared for party by the Pa newspaper editors by vessel is complete THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALERS IN- escaped He MATERIAL Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Cane Sons Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket another ate Having learned the of forming wrong this time made a clean start a hard desperate struggle himself- He Is today a admits that had he not ids error in time and changed Be he would have readied the t tlllHL ones heir approval This contemptible ami In the Is being a She for the Great tin George He had brought forty times across and said he had untered gales lo equal this journey The system broke down vy when truck Passenger Trucks Pay Of late the Government decid ed to levy a tax of oneeighth of tone cent per capacity mile passenger I rucks on the basis that the province kept up roadways used by the passenger trucks Tor revenue solely then the trucks should contribute towards the upkeep AM hough farmers owned cent of the trucks and 30 of cars in ounce Hie demand for lile of road cost miles off The Matthews SI and win ply SEED SWEET GLOVER Govmi Tested Bushel RED GLOVER Govmi Tested Bushel GRIM ALFALFA GLOVER Grown from Stivers Seed Bushel TIMOTHY SEED Pine Tree Brand Bus Inspiration ami make writing a The hanker of farming ore he chief agilaton y roads few hundred out paid only building Birthday was marked by Rev W King lo Job Jordan both May by Rev Miss Hannah of Whitchurch to of Newmarket In Newmarket May Years Ago Era May 18 Mr Ihe July 10 will spent i where a great deal of has been party Empire Press events will be held heii honor including a to tin Henley regalia also a lea a the House or Commons rungomenls are also under for a reception Buckingham by Their Humid King and Day When lie parly lrives on July hey will be taken charge by mriiiliers En ijiei Society is recti ing very at he hands of he joint com ae and there is every the ppovihofa1 is to he a continuous Mr Hosier of as home for he Mr Frank Webb of Toronto as home over Sunday Mr Fred of was Beit Phillips of Sunday Mrs J Davis visifed friends her Awarded Damages A jury in the Civil Assize Cm Toncnlo Friday aware McClocklin damages against the Toronto tat ion Ihe plaintiff claimed that she standing on of approaching of j last week Mr and Mrs Fred Trent and Miss Ethel Atkinson spent the at Richmond Hill Mr Barry of spent Monday here with friend- A lot of Newmarket people spent he at Lake and Win Fisher on Sunday on clem hike bus loads Richmond Hill hoys on their wheels Mr A child from Hamilton Sunday at master ilishdn Mr without slopping ho in turning the corn of it knocked eilfeied suit Im I the Judging the domestic ability of a girl by the ardor of her spooning on the first night of is the error that many young men make accord ing to a clergyman address ed a of young men t Y A on How to Choose the Right He de- his popular plap of rating girls and possibili ties is not sound A fellow could court his girl it proposed to visit i elude Torquay a resi in Devonshire wonderful old city of busy own of Stockport as nleresting places whims should he good health II thai her ailing to people can help us Ihe right In Ihe world of service we can study can develop our creative but he fruits of our whether a pointing i big pumpkin must he f If we make them terltti FEED BRAH Ton SHORTS 3200 Ton GROUND WHEAT SCREENINGS Ton The Cheapest Feed in the Market W EVES HURON STREET Phone 22 Newmarket In defence by the field In in order to count must have lUirjIM In tin sweep of ding a bend in hacks and I bat such care I exercised by be plaintiff The jury in verdict found lack of care on both sides that plaintiff lave avoided Ihe had exercised utncenl Mls McClocklin to the of II I her on before he if he is kind that will ike him a home He that besi girls he found at church or anil not at the dance hall Look in Ulna right place for your and your mairiages ill be happy declared lake of lime in making MANITOBAS OLDEST MAN Winnipeg Man May 15 Be to have been the oldest resident in Manitoba of St Man died advanced axe yean fori amichildren and real let that working All right deuce makes that gtrl- tilt supper hell above Mo I wlH be separately Win Scotland Loch Loch Katrine the and he land of veil as Edinburgh nltil id Ho las- Mont Friday July Canadian Pacific liner A stop will be Belfast where Sir Robert head of the Iras promised Irish hospitality ing of Saturday laslo On is ixal worth behind ami behind bobbed locks The value Is the Ohio May Sam a used the wronK in courting fitiven for the l to Absent PrlenrJe Port Dover May Hon Martin Minister of Agricul ture while returning from his home hero Toronto this ing automobile mot with painful accidenl at near Dover ho cot ilruck a in the road and lo sudden slop throwing lira against he wooden supports top severely wrenching his back His physician stales will be weeks at leal before ho is able lo his bed Hon Mr Martin had to cancel engagements He was billed speak various meetings in parts of the I the Mr Ed and bride we taken rooms at Mr John residence Miss Evelyn is visiting Mrs Perrin ladies from Toronto pent the at Mr E Mar- Mr Tommy Doyle played la wn fain on be Mr and Mrs Ed Thompson of spent the at Mr Thompsons Frank Ralph KmaHey and lCd funeral of lingshead Mr and Mrs J Waller Collins John Monigom P Ed nd M Howard The following were here from Toronto on he P T Lee Wm Donald Frank Thompson and Wm Mo- Battle lias highest graduation standing in the Brooklyn Hospital Train ing School Over lickeis were sold at spot during ARCHIVES OF TORONTO