ECAUSE of Its fit bread has found f folks who I ids Explain I Music Al the recent theory Exams he Canadian Academy of Toronto all of the pupils of Miss Mary Lloyd held iKf T WRIGHT Farm Selling Agency prices with fair buildings We have a splendid system Ing and salting fawns also properly suitable for retired Poultry property for Sale ESTATE Farm Bargains We are ready to whatever size for our New Spring Catalogue which Is Sent lo all parts sjstern of listing Notice of Application ivhlGe of Ontario Primary Theory Edward Webster 85 New Police Station the Public Market building has been fitted up for a Office information reported concerning of kind in which nee is required If the lalrol is not in the off have been ma exchange to Constable Kirk at his hoi that no time may be lost of burglary or anytli the requ Mil be Services In the Methodist Church On Sunday March 2nd charge of the A lit Father and An hour especially the relationship children arc lb of old men and be fetor liildren are their fathers 1 Pastor The Passing of a Bank The death luok place hi in Toronto on Manila Mr Frederick Montgomery Smyth manager of Bank the Ave Mr Smith was with the and Imperial Banks Catharines for years I of and St as Man- Imperial Bank Reynolds and during here of three years hi and Mrs Smith made them serve- able among the pea pie of Newmarket- Decked wa in his i7th year and is Survive by his widow Examinations The following pupils of Mrs J were i-viiniiialin- of of Toronto and Newmarket Primary Bealrici Pansy Eld red Pallet cla fir non- Sound lo break the tie 3 Sound led at the end of the d In the third period Newmarket scored Belfry and each scored heavy body check- present time past at this declare a Bookings those of last According toa for the Red team with the result Sound scored another Pa Sound the score being 3 Midgets played at Aurora on Monday night and the Newmarket Midgets played at Bedford Bark on Monday night against the locals of that place in an openair rink and a the play I Cubit Ahiili Division Court The held years took plat on Wednesday in the Fire Hal before His Honor Judge field The place was crowded to the door and more people stood from ten oclock tilt one than oc cupied seats- The suit of particular was that of Dr Ames vs Board of Health of Newmarket which he sued for for Ciena I an indifcul en with diphtheria which Council refused to pay Mr Evans for the Corporation am Mr Brock for the plain liff The When th Eva called M behalf of the ffered to settle but the Dr refused Dr Ames being called related the which by Mrs at his office on account of illness and an examination show ed signs of diphtheria Ho re ported the case lo Health Officer who confirmed hi diagnosis the following and gave Ills permission barge of the case as an indigent The house ilh seven peopli were affected with Ihe The charge made each pal patient titled out of i of nearly income per farm of yearly From the opening of the crop September 1st to the official jsing of navigation December the Canadian Pacific Railway ported the heaviest marketing of since the inception of the toad Cars loaded by the company also for the in Cai farmers follows business pupation stated 13 per cent When the Canadian Pacific liner m Ji for her to I the regular bookstall to a free library The stock include travel which will enable passengers to prepare themselves for the for eign lands they will visit as well as a large number of novels by the bestknown authors Of the total wheat exported November amounting to by far the greater nt to the United King- bushels and France during this period am 216 bushels Those to totalled bushels In the keenest competition em- racing entries from all important districts of the North Special Attraction for Saturday Morning AT OCLOCK 500 Boxes of Useful Articles With from 100 to 500 worth of goods 35c per Box 3 Boxes for 100 MENS OVERCOATS 295 Slightly damaged each BOYS SUITS 150 TABLE OF BOOTS All kinds slightly damaged per 50c Mens Tweed Worsted Suits Worth up to not dam- aged a particle WALL PAPERS For every room in the house good selection per roll c up Boys and Womens Boots Not damaged per pair Sir NORTH YORKS BEST STORE NEWMARKET OIL ON STOVE EXPLODES Children Burned to Death of Merlon just Blanche trapped Pat Piano AT Junior on Pansy Sanderson ly May Lucy nose Evelyn Jean Bami Calgary Feb of the most disastrous tin- a in the lory of Southern Alberta rayed the entire business district of Alberta Hi south of here lo the ground at 230 oclock Sunday morning causing properly loss estimated at and Thrt was first fought by the town volunleer fire hut when It uncontrol lable a call was sent in for the fire hrde to the ground In- V and several office build tig is the third big ban fltrickcn Alb in miles of wtekfl M1IIn traifpera have been since vdnl- In have relumed home staling In the bade north S mtiiig of me was held last Friday fact that the cars the attendance edtliat the students feet kept lime to file music Mr a very la Ik on Canada piv- the Canada in I- history of world To li-nt- takiay up history this 7 Ashe the treallOB and governments aid prominent men we should now but I wonder if we do In Ills address he said and a shining all countries of follow with W by Doris and Muriel was ra- a noyelly lo most student We have listened to piano dUOlS trio tnd they say they will play Mr Hurry up we want more The meeting closed w school in debating students lets show what Monday morning found the car School again- Exam on Friday I III and Forms have the honour of Our Latin teacher Mr Gard iner we notice also has a base ball out all out Ames nan the terrible habit his French class Got to him AmeH you is open again for infec- The supplied Mr the same lo the Health by the M Mr Un he did he barge lad a visit but ho O said he Corporation would pay charge lie had lost of at lend in to family All the lo I Dr Boyd and Wesley were Called and all agreed under the circumstances he offer of to settle he bill was reasonable in fact they thought it was very liberal Both lawyers fought well from Medical Art producing tariffs of rales and claiming amendments the since cases cited Ob jections were made questions on both sides to various wifness- rid Hi calling of Dr Ames was overruled by his honor con cerning a pari of his evidence Judgment reserved The was quite a lengthv one and legal fraternity wore represented by a dozen or more Messrs Woodcock Cour tis Evans Caie Davidson Harris and two or throe others from Toronto of the other sulls of in- vs Knighf disputed s from Whitchurch Id and Sloan vs for an unpaid note in favor of the ages and I up with three judgment ock and grain show at Chicago Two grand championships wheat Major H Strange Brothers of Brooks first with red clover seed Major Stranges success is especially re markable as he has only been a farmer four years The latest statements of the earn- igs and expenses of the Canadian Railway show that the strong Ion of that organization has spite of which became ignilcd and burst into flames culling off the I of the inmates not safely Fathers Efforts In Vain Mr was severely about Ihe face and neck desperate efforts to save victims Mrs Walker mother of Mrs was terribly bum the arm but Mrs pod unharmed The hi being only a lempoi and of in Net earnings for this year were t highest since 1917 and gross ear the highest since I Skating Party On Monday Miuiig Match the Intermediates will hold Skating Parly he Arena After leaving the rink the and friends will return Christian Church whore re will be served N Ho boys things are going fine Owing to a iparty a few of thi fellows were absent on evening but nevertheless we had a dozen out After a discussion of the opics on hand and a song we adjourned lo the when we spent a halfhour Adanac Ialhfinders Some eh I On Saturday morning the two Methodist teams Rev Pathfinders and Dill played lie game fn the first period t puck made several paths to I Adanac goal but not one passed Ames Near he last part of he period fine rush and scored oh the Path finders The second started out rather alow but Doc Amos shipped one Col bourne to show his broth- or love and scored the first Pathfinder goal Soon scored again and near the end of the period scored another goal for the thus leaving the score The third period was scoreless It was fast with many good rush es by Mills and Gib Marks Bill Cochrane rather norvous about his team so he fereelng and played wonderful In the per The lino up Marks DiPat- C Caldwell Pathfinders Goal Al Rut- ledge defence Allan Mills Wagner forwards Ames Los Rose and Campbell subs with its entire contents The remain of Ihe two vie- ins have been removed to of Solomon fa for of Merlon place the funeral will be held Mr had gone lo he barn after leaving the cylinder oil on stove to heat the explosion and screams bis family he ran to the bom and helped bring his wife and mother and children tc safety When Ihey realized Ilia two remained in the house Mr his overcoat his head rushed hack in tin blazing house but dense smoke choked linn and he had be rescued by neighbors- badly burned about the head and neck had to he forcibly held back again entering building Qave Life for His Sister The eldest child Blanche ffti to have reached Ihe door but evidently li kin In back to assist the when both were I smoke and flame culled thoir name the house so the children i choked by The falli hen be e conscious almost LOST MONEY ON RACES Alexander Milne former D accountant was lo six years imprisonment luilc in Toronto Friday for theft Hi guilty the Milne had pleaded llio December charge of theft from the D and was given lime to make restitution Jas E Day K representing the Dominion he shortage in Milne accounts was now and that his examination in bank revealed that instead of making restitution he had Irai his interest in his hoi to his wife who his Interest in part foundry bust- Mr Day but refuses to give us the namei of the with whom he placed his If these men go artier employees and leitfpt th so Ihey steal Ihe Govern mentis going to gel after them me them but this man re fuses to tell who they were Milne who was a late Acting Captain in the 12lh Battalion F became ac- lant for the Ac- ing to his own story be small sums of cash play the pones and- lo cover defalcations he stole the ion of veterans re turning to hospital for treatment TOO MEAN TO LAST of the grain lKiiglil t a concealed spout was to catch a certain of grain before it got lo tnl thai on that kind of business kly ic handling of grain or the handling of any other the peoples money i to bo so and docenl Ilia concealed spout would Surely the Canadian people able and ready lo have all hei isiness conducted on that has London Advertiser made by Police Judge or the Juvenile Court of County of York In an at tin luneliiua of Hie la Club at the King Edward Hold The bad lite wsis nut alwavsi al said Major Hiunion but never less hud luiiKuagt husband md have the of unsuitable place tor a advisability of taking from their In Instances and cited a number of eases invest I anted him in which children hut been removed from or Unmoral homes and placed In ones Childrens Aid Society with results He also referred to Die law under which parents can be pun for acls which contribute la the of Ihe children Is no to admit tl you made a mistake It is evidence that you are wiser than you were yesterday Ottawa Feb Two gunmen held up J Craig druggist at the point of a revolver In his store late doy night and robbed him of In cash after him up hand foot and gagging him The same are though to have perpetrated two daring burglaries later In Ihe night when they entered and ransack ed the homes of M Edwards and A A from which they slole cash and Jewelry amounting to several thousand dollars Three men one a member of the band of stranded British harvesters and he others also Old Countrymen were crushed to death on Saturday afternoon In the Canadian Na tional Railways yards at Mimico The fatality was the out come of the men who shovelling snow against a landing car on another viollnis who had ion employed hero only three were all Groat War boy who Was sick Robert was sick of his job He id so lo himself a great many times week He did not say so lo other people but his dissatisfied face and acted air would have led lo suspect as much lien bis cousin Frank slopped a at his home on his way West unusual thing with Robert But of the impulse was a hope was older and In a responsible position for a man of bis years quite formulating the though I himself Robert had an idea that leihaps Frank might do for Well not altogether Robert led to smile He wondered If any me he had when Combs was on his and lie and Kennedy divided Is work between Its a good thing when your own goes stale to Interest yourself the place of he fellow on ahead s a good way be ready tor tolion and Its easy to get sick of job unless you keep learning keep I t future place if I knew I had II and that jiiomoHmi question men get promoted a little reluctantly Oh they do do Then make It Interesting by deciding to be Robert was silent His sense of Injury lhat Frank did not seem anything for him lost itself j ink When I find myself getting sick of my work I look around first lo see if Ive learned all I can about It and If have I try to pick up something cant keep Interested If theres noth ing moiss lo learn And I look ahead and try to find the short cut between work Im doing and he hoping the place be one of the most Interesting things he world Im not very old Bob almost any time but I by putting teres Into Probably fact that It was Frank who was speaking and not Borne older person made Robert listen mt to his WORDS use some rather long wordfl replied Senator Sorghum words may sometimes cause people to look Into the dictionary in- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TAOriMTft