NEWMARKET- The Column JH gaieHomemade Doughnut Cor Vietori 355w op Pickering Employment Wanted as Hoi of Toronto Wanted Three or four on first Mortgage Enquire For Sale Weanling Pigs heavy and calf 2 wee tanley Editorial ir I ABB NOV Remarks are often re he changes wrought he ways of doing things and the public viewpoint between early days of Newmarkets his lory and today are recorded our and years ago Bui the the change in public sentiment Breathes there a me memory so dead Who cant remember said When entered i let Dr Ban of the Hi 1 of ail the profession during the cade was not discovery of the something else up for the of bun with the but has North York highly honored represent at iiosT scholarly of all the decs now assembled in day problems HP traded he attend he speeches of King have the If so let him read be following dipping taken from a paper of years ago and com pare the views of its editor Ihen and those of the general public of the present day Fifteen Years Ago The Au tomobile Nuisance In frighti her and the driver the rig and had It isbecoming incidents like IK will have automobile 1 a I him for a la from Co be But gradually Nearly every town province has its automobile and some of them mon one The machines go through he country in all Hamilton Kent Enquire Horses thai in the pre train will go happening all over the country It will nolbe long before he au tomobiles willdrive the farmers lie public highway unless something is done to re strain farmers built highwayTin the first place and are taxing themselves every year to keep in repair and than a liMIe an noying to them he in favor of a law pr automobiles from public highways si undo Well like mi Son- ling in go when Wanted Energetic 35 in a family of Must he capable or Liberal wages fifj Wall Main heir lew velocipede now invention I had help Ihe ink tile ihe I ife ale or Rent act if cultivation t highway a big high behind The front wheel and to he front axle bain nor faciei- than walk rider worked for all he as pel there wa nly a sl firm- ill Newmarket ps fortunate that it did not have a branch of Home Bank in its midst It is said that the deposiloi hey had to he than half of banks the stock- sponsible liability They an break will be hat holders hank Mocks will be more about investing The Association refuse to assume a liabilities of the Home Bank but holders of Home bank nod have hem cashed par banks in a few days If returns are made it is up to of Justice lo punish guilty parties to prevent Town Band especially when ictice room is at free of rent light besides a corporation wards salary of the leader A Brass Band puts pep town as evidenced by the crowd is visiting tier the city this week of Newmarket people fair on Wednesday the grain this fail tit Fort- William will will employed grain 19S2 Pulp For the five months Canadian valued at for same period valued at Canadian Pad fie lines during the month of Set tember totalled cars or bushels This at the of the retarded Tins has been the greatest for auto real has ever to the Secret Club of Can had come into Edward Highway Calif or him ford a little town of half the pop ulation of Newmarket overcame Ih difficulty and described in the Telescope Wa- lucky to be has a hand which the village Mo has a right lo be proud of The leader is a former member of the famous band He was looking for a nice small town to log live retired in and chose Water- ford Good bandsmen were brought in and given jobs in local factories The leaders salary modesi and expenses are small- The bandsmen lake pride He in their organization and gel a the niv The of Wanted to farmer guar malic knitting had In h only want reliable nigh auto- at home knitting for the the Canadian Wholesale Distributing Co S Theatre THE bat Hill long wild lltfl size very hoy in village wo bis rlinies for a be machine in old mill ho foot or and larj ee Maekenzi Canada today fcnl lory London it Into seek lo carry tin of London will by King Pi her Ion and conferred on him Bruce of ary freedom And her ho he words were Indie of his remarks both then ind if llilieheoi by the I- Mayor in It Pre- King as Ihe to Size and grow in frtcdnm it ill nailiruluiM will heroine com itli I hut ins and methods of pi Died may be necessary this i ill he worked out in a spirit week the Of CI do iiihrrlaue lo quietly lib lev ft J Simpson Mrs part of and took old will be handle a record flow of grain rer before Windmill Point elevator will- be increased by 1250- h bushels storage id will month the loading capacity rill be increased from to bushels an hour Reports to the Canadian Pacific show that there arrived Winnipeg from the British Car- Bring Heavy Buying The unusual opportunity to secure a new Ford Sedan for or a new Ford Coupe for has created such a heavy demand that the cars remaining of the small original llotment will likely be sold a few days some ford dealers are practically sold out now will able to get more of these cars as factory production has ceased on these models Orders are being booked and deliveries made strictly in turn Consider the value offered time saved the comfort and the convenience of having a closed car for cold weather Let us enter your order at once if you wish to get a Ford closed car at present prices Sedan 10000 Cottpe 59500 New Fouujdoor Sedans and entirely redesigned Coupes will be brought out at a substantial advance in price K N ROBERTSON Agent Newmarket Railway at this the harvest Special efforts are period an now number of from Great Britain an the Irish Free State remain i stated thai harvesters from Our Toronto Letter Fire of unknown origin on Sunday thoroughbred hordes idso included a valuable stallion and en registered mares one of the latter being voided at Enough for all the bottles at could lie turned out of any large if tilery in six months were found Sunday evening when a steamer trunk seized by the Provincial at the Union Station with the labels wag a large supply of metal Ins for the lops of whiskey the Var President E of the Ca nadian Pacific Railway announced that the company propoKtd imme diately to add two large modern steamers to its coast in to take care of increasing tourist of a new rat y of Canado rare the for lily of intsvllie which l Iwo worlh Empire or which ever you may wish to call it exists and will remain indisso luble long as it rests upon full ami aid would I in and Mot arid fhe half are indiea- at what may he in TUESDAY Ray Hull I Holiday tturei al Sharp Mattes p The of fa I bo A HEN BURNS DOWN THE BARN Cuddle lot derails iO of grain ho and all from burn din hoi ned Hi- elofhi fire bill he succeeded ihe blaze by rolling The fire caused by Ihe of a lantern Mr Curdy left on beam white he was getting hay beginning hat should it not barged as we are lib that lo men their spirit il atone not alone Ihe spirit of hut Hie excellent sermon In Collier St 1st Church last Sunday Rev Well wood exchanged pulpit Mr Belfry and conducted services In the Belfry Is a nigh school 1 ltti Hid afternoon were assisted In tin iHlinr mom by Mrs K i and John Mis i In by Miff I the Mrs Jacob Mist arjd Jean Cochrane Miss Ruth Hamilton answered the door It a very bio and pas lor am his amiable partner mol many people who of his flock ml gave all a cordial welcome del At Iff Mr and Mrs daughter In I Mr and Mis Normal daughter doing kept Ihe staffs hard at wort Sale Register Oct 2 Mr I hold at one month piemen credit no reserve if J Thursday Oct Mr Whit IK 29 CIV lit f in Sale at Smith Wednesday Oct Sale of Farm 23rd Mr ill Hip AiirlLili I ll I Out Jolniilori of I win on still in i 111 Mr wait in llioulivp art I I of Hie blast hut made way and found his clothing was burning By rol ling Ihe flames were extinguish ed Mr Johnston Ik badly burn ed and Is In vary acrlous condi tion Falls Ont Oct factory of tbe Dominion Can- at St Davids was destroyed by early bis morning with los of At Share At Toronto- on Oct by CM Marshall Ave Delia Viola daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Moore to George son of Jamc Luke of Zephyr Margaret wife m Gray of Winnipeg Mrs Roadhouse Rose Funeral visits lie bis work and points out provenienls may be has form of cor been Mat our winners ha into open competition at and won the prize class mile Several Prizes been donated this year J I oclock Sons of Aurora have j a plow for the winner in Ihe boys class and under Tuesday Oct Plow Company on leconi- East half of lol of their Mr Hold will horses cat Special A fill Silver Tea Service Marion Trophy by J P McGregor of makes Ihe of specials that the winner in will receive a prize well I ROBT JONES NEWMARKET WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARUE ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED BURLAPS Practical Painter and PaperHanger firstclass drainer and art decorator OF