The Adlet Column Over Era Editorial Notes on St day is about reliable as the superstitious Tbey are examples of the f ton Ford Truck good condition Apply lo Mrs Cripple Keswiok Wanted Store Hogs Feeding Cattle The stand solidly in the Legislature as the representatives of Liberal Maternity Nurse T Who affiliation with nalle Leader Toronto last of Chatha of Oshawa- personal knowledge Wanted Small George St old Lost In Newmarket on July 1st or 2nd Amethyst and Pearl Reward Mrs Howard Huron getting OF of the kindness of neigh bors during their recent bereavement also to those who sent flowers I T Of By notice from the Mayor I Cane Civic Holiday will be Monday August the Will all themselves p ANDERSON Clerk Will sell farm stock Implements etc or will exchange for small pro perly in or near Newmarket Pos session hi days if desired After a trial lasting over a month and he Province of Quebec over a priest Montreal Rev has been sent back to prison because two out of the jurymen refused to agree with the otters he was guilty of having murdered his halfbroth a law mat seems to require ad justment In order to make verdict unanimous other jurie have been kept for hours reaching a decision because on or two objected to a slight word Ten Wishes lo announce lliat he Is opening an office at the residence of Mrs Kelson Millard Ave one door- west of Free Methodist Church Hours to Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings Brick on All Conveniences Apply at WALL PA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE newly decorated on Immediate possession Hew Cottage on Timothy We have some splendid houses Prospect Ave near School Fruit end Poultry Frm on HEAL ESTATE Palace Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY AND The Top of New York Featuring May Hilda oBhawnnestey Our Toronto tetter Our Society Column governrr d that the new t has decided to all widening of until it has an opportunity studying the whole situation- also stated of- the department would be Sunday Toronto spent with the a bodies so migbt feel responsibility in improve of highways With almost incredible dis patch gang of fur robber who have been operating in tb city recently executed stilt an other robbery in the heart of the down town district at Tuesday morning when they forced store of fifr and made off with coats Valued at border has prominence is like the who got he T A r the Wind him Pro ind he look It looks as if the coal sit in Ontario will be relieve coming winter by shipments from Alberta Railways has agreed tobring Alberta coal here by way of at 7 per ton the coal able here The handling of Alberta would be an advantage wo ways we would not be dependent on our neighbors the South and keeping the in Canada would credit of the Dominion If Alberta coal around this way ft a trial Urn or Sydney had been gaged by six oclock fast and they will take their the pits when the latter been put in condition for The Ik of voluntary idle the men a million ant and tin district tin tons of at Ph ot bronchi 1 and their brink tin leader and Living- arrest and fin lit of all fo unify had of Sirel Cor workers to tfir employer for union l of a breach of hey have an agree ment with he he job IH1 May warned the MONDAY AND TUESDAY JULY AND ST THE MAIL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AUGUST 1ST AND 2ND RICH WENS WIVES Short Including Ten nis Picture alert fit President if Ihfl America 111 f win would lhli financial BY SATURDAY July Events areas of Sydn y In Mine nly of and In via moved rapidly and esldcnt Sill Barrett notice that Ihsy must vorfc by plant at Sydney speckled trout nsa Just sent in by the Ontario government liilliuki a arrived Jn the In Mr Ramsden Tuesday morning at a gang of bandits Bank messengers nt to Ik of robbers carried off cash and escaped in a It occurred in the district at POLICE FIND IN CASH Alleged Conspiracy by Employees and Chemical Company Toronto lost 350000 ton former woods expert for the company for whom the city and Pro vincial police have been searching for is alleged of employees that the company A the company a director and Swan ton we have been Involved charged that paid purchases on behalf of the company la put through divided among hem Up to yesterday Hie inly f the quartet taken I dollars alleged to was found burled specially marked of the company iikneed ash He made i USE CANADIAN TO MOVE THE WHEAT CROP Winnipeg July the event a deadlock in the shipping a result Hie IcKlslatlon placing or freight rales In the hands of the Board of drain Commis sioner Ilic Merchant Mar- will be united to relieve flic Henry certainly do his Utmost file grain transportation Die piecut plans wen mernlianl grain business cinafn for a the jy with officials of the National inoludlng Major Bell Deputy Minister of Rail and former financial of road Hud In charge of legal matters Among the conference will railway Issuing to make an early San Call July of the damage of last completed tonight showed for the Insane at fttlon and General of an near hero July In clover Is belleyrd to have been for the total loss through Mr Melville Ridley Mr Moreby assistant is spending his two week at Port Bolster Lake Sim Miss Ruth Kelly and Miss Queenle were guests of Miss Ruby Moss at Orchard for wedtend Dr Mordick and slate his niece Mrs lent Monday with his Proctor Detroit i Mr and Mrs Apps spent a few days hi Hie city with their daughter and had a- delightful trip to Niagara Falls during their stay rMr Frank Fox wife and daugh ter from Buffalo motored over and are spending a couple of days with Mr and Mrs J H Collins Rev L Lawrence of BeaverL Club Dr Alfred Chicago were Town on both formerly reside 1 id wife of calling on friends In They are and he at Keltleby Miss MarJorJe Gould who Is pending a few hoot ha couple of days Gould Mr and Mrs Ernest of Detroit spent a few days In and family Prospect Ave are on Hielr honeymoon to Toronto Buffalo and Brooklyn Mrs before her marriage as Beatrice England and was for four years a nurse In le Imperial Nursing Division In England In September Mr moves lo East re he becomes general of the Employment Depart- the Ford Motor Company HIGHGRADE FURNITURE LATEST DESIGNS PRICES REASONABLE The mixed up The truth of the matter is lhat we have a lot of good looking the staff and In Ihe choosing up pro- right at the outs- If a fellow ied to put his team apt to offend his in bail 1 lsr Storks who must ha league experience sent them over if two and a half Innings was It is no telling what It might been had rain not interfer- Mlss Storks was formerly on the Era staff and we are glad to see keeping up her reputation NOW IT CAN BE SEEN THE CELEBRATED- COAL the Pre a campaign meeting Bradford on Saturday June erred at length to the coal which was reporled had bee with public funds for hi rlrif ill In Iiiili He it exist It said that it really does was created In the office of the To ronto Telegram He did acknow ledge thai there was a coal basket that of fori replaced cost of the total of the I Dictionary definition of scuttle Is a metal vessel for holding he basket which Mr to Is made of sheet metal red with a layer of finely copper and fitted with solid handles and knobs no lo be but filling embellish OllrlllOiiily valuable St Mr and Mrs Mch and Mrs all of Toronto were g MM P Hunt Joseph I her sister at Red The latter accompanied I Dr Davis of Mich Montgomery late daughter Ivln of Town and he Miss Marguerite and Miss y MoniKooiy daughteid Ji I giHfli of Mrs it for two Hum unl with relatives M-Aiidiev- III- IlKbivr lb I- Graham Thomas of Mr and Mrs Ont he August Mr In- to Mr ehba fir Ren was a saiicluin of Coales oleoma caller Old Towh i is well as he Scot Leonard Mr Marshall of Mr last Sunday and day at to the historic Tempi Aflss Lydla Ramsay and Miss to all Sept i8 Liverpool Spring daughter Mrs John Spring of visiting a Mr Ed with Mrs King of Newmarket relatives It Is left Newmarket She Was East by Miss and of Ontario Iwiii thai matter of fact the to Black Hole suited numerous conflicts between and nationalist a large pillar erected in memory of employe of British East India who loht their lives In to death In the famous Black which prisoners had been by Surajah Dowlah fi Three those who tried lo damage it to to year they admitted In at they were determined lo demolish pillar and olher ison awaiting trial The attempted en made by Individual apparently Flat Curtain Rods PORCH ROADHOUSE ROSE Phone Newmarket Great Comedy Drama GAPPY RICKS A wealth of amusing and heartgripping episodes Presented by a New York Oast NIGHT Dominion Chautauqua Just One of 12 Big Attractions Six Big Days JfUly to August 3rd SEASON TICKETS FOR ALL SIX DAYS Amusements Tux Internal and External i are promptly relieved Thomas Roadhouse Rose haw ARCHIVES OF