NEWMARKET MAY 11 I ft MEN This is the losing Week of Great Boot Sale If you have not already availed yourself of the wonderful moneysaving opportunity DO NOW ir ever the opportunity came to reduce the living costs heros the chance It Is impossible for us to BUYTTHELIMIT i EARLY The Sizes are now becoming broken but the Assortment is Still Large si re a ass- one price for all JAMES Co- THE MENS STORE THE STORE IS OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL OCLOCK Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS to Exp re Herald Office Comments Perth of Exchanges Ontario Legislature do the difficult lesson physics seems to be that the utomobile and the locomotive occupy the same cross- One Ahead of London There used to he a standing joke about the postmaster reading the jumped ahead of when he read letter marked to protect people ions of pro fake or otherwise lock FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT lalu tin April I lie Inch progress in cleaning up legist innumerable Hon Bowman have been sustained without hope I minister of lands and forests by the a resolution leave to borrow Urns Not all flotations of for Northern Ontario stocks of course are of this development He said that the kind but too many are and as fire of last year used up such a promoters work mostly large sum that the people of limited bus experience their smooth tongues and insinuating ways are loo of ten successful in drawing money from those who have it and in any thei where it published a private and was intended eludes most AttorneyGeneral of the Ontario Government introduced into the House a bill meet the case No doubl it will pass but strange to say some of the be p and electors of will reckon wifh those Better Rates For Small Centres in the way of London Advertiser When the becoming law gathered in Toronto to s matters they did lo give heed to hydro development and urge that Ihe II your cemetery and verify tbe claim that we do only he grade of memorial work W CT Queen Main St Newmarket T1NSM1TH1NQ PLUMBING and FURNACES 1 i OUR PRICES l of IIITI II 1 steps should be to ihanlus of better lo acknowledge lhil lie ruina tion of Ihe mark has Changed whit her obligation to pay whal wealth and capacity Neither has been af fected the marks passing has always J Ma Lib ied the word Scoundrel and he F Sandy liltee of supply government I think these tremendous provi requested both aw the to the on soldiers was had not see Denied Statement Col Carmichael denied that such a statement had been pub lished Hut added a Col deelared Col irge prop or tic I hut lack of any lion I Up has passed a vQle off again bonus- civ J Under the in the Falls liould be mad en then the would not be getting enough The olution carried Ion V Niton secured reading for a bill which lows lo be assessed as tailers insteadof manufaclur thereby giving them considerable expense It the right where assessed on last years basis may appeal and get advantage of the now legislation iSecond reading was given a bill introduced by Hon whereby a municipality having a hydroeleclric plant may provide power to a neigh boring municipalily if Ihe latter bylaw of it The house adjourned after spending the ri Mi had been he situation arrant effec- thought Dr I but he had by his idea multitude- the premie The hon me clashed Hal become through close study medial work should be dune supervision of the Ho Ha Mill HAVE YOU MET HIM NEWMARKET Representative of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Th company Host bonus Irwin have good positions I hours good pay and fairly j grit and ire few men who M Walton Mayo Years ago Liber hat In North Nomination day candidate to uphold Liberal banner I staunch old Reform riding A a lime when the caused hopeless J M Walton filled A public li ability policy has been taken by town of Pembroke at the rate of Si per hundred of pop ulation This policy covers all which might happen I lo for which the town mighl be liable but does not cov er corporation employees while on duty Under Ihe policy the company is liable for for person In an accident or the has contested Ibn failed Bui he has the The Bruce Again he ing contest and his lii PROMPTLY ATTENDED foi liis hill for damages and costs I in connection with the case PllimhinO aM would pay Tor v ln of this kind looks lo he a judicious expenditure for a municipality Now la the Time to Get Busy Is Post nil ikes is angles rules and Ihe fuel program for not present a very For years the the even at are fresh in of people SorilviifMf mil sonuboiiys the thing up of no Why clings to his Well versed in finance and municipal mailers and a strong of rih Apt he of a boiler in fin plant of the ilg when hi of promised could to assist in expediting bus- government iness Does he think he is keep- Major All bis promise asked the Dr Bales premier of Mr Ferguson over Yea replied the sarily alar live leader in charging that Mr Hollo had promised to see mm- the ser self and Ihe Liberal leaihi again as to whether certain bills should come up had done so Obstruotlon Policy Do you mean the policy of obstruction is lo Ibrough asked tile premier Mr Ferguson No one is Iking of he ha Drurj agency Lewis sin and Who is he never replies to your e ttjsra making special offers the man who ignores your tele grams Somebody has called him on Long Distance He does not know yet who it is but he is as polite as if he anticipated favors Long Distance gets in where salesmen fear to tread Planned Long Dis tance campaigns get past every barrier lo get av tiling am The pr oclock llys mv he altitude and ion of the face had High Col an through suggested between he I hi ning as he Jul for the 1- of Mills win jumped lo hold up caught hold of bou- by on or fln id he premier the pr Col dimes desk j might have ln lllfi been The maimer arose during the game in Hi- of Hon liany agreed on Mills Col had tor i turn bills wen leclirl lie I l Speaks to Mills Col Col take of him to Mr Mills and IoJuhI I Col WORKS llf to All Cemetery vork not tax a PROP Phone fiddreit Huron ft anil inllnil place Ihla i oh a will the when a prime a I down for SO or Work the lowe Inlu a mate of of Ihe or he The which Col tne know when lion and have for a time Col i Ihe man who made life for tin overnmenl Perhaps he minister of Klv us sin in Come in 11 lone of voice Dual yon lake dial line with lorry powerhouse island front hotels abandoned llielr men relumed when notion any danger from or explosion of fluid he neaping a lesion April sank Inday the ranee In Vineyard flnunih down with her least en men according In wireless inlirccpled here s loaded Willi coal bound Dont lalk lo I id like thai had iote ilh some i ink eon called a Col double skunlc for Order Order I Older I country shall f me and of replied who chilled Hie leader for holding up hoy in the for ChlldiBh silly am liter stage of ho Mr told to keep his lempcr not surprised ho is irritable what io has gone today ho said Gle llo I have good in Ibi He strongly lor don Hales and declared people who made allegation returned should lie in Ibo exist fro chained Buy Your S P ENAMEL WARE AT YOUNGS FAIR Save to Your Corn You food your your cento Corn elorod in a TORONTO Wooden Silo 100 of the value Good en go will lib of your and will ike qui Mr TORONTO Silo with r Ike health and value of your herd lull gladly given ANGUS Sulton West