additional word word fc won Bert If not paid tvSIr Park J Tdurins Car for Sale Ave Newmarket Wanted for loading market Enquire J C Arthur suitable For Sale or Rent Manning Newmarket For Bate New Mahogany Piano and Newmarket or phone 334 Salt All conveniences garage house Apply Melville Ave Newmarket For Sale or Rent 35 acres Land Artesian well Landing Enquire of of Pasture r Holland J For Sale Oik Bull eighteen Yorkshire For Sale Tarn rack Collins good color He on Box or miles from It This Is valuable corner properly surround ed by hedge fence From four cost of for legal fees but the Farmer Government col lected neatly sis million dollars last year a cost of less than Thats not so bad The Leader is the the Great he first start 1 of country since Mr A- the editor it is and its general of the Era copies express our thanks Hid list of the Foreslor nation of Libera Conven tion as a candidate for in the coming Provincial nice ions The choice is evident h a popular one as several men were proposed but all with- ami County of the City the Countv liorney-ficn- ilP The for he closing of the pres ent County office in the City the retention of he office North York at Newmarket by theGity of all expense f Hie years the Co extent thereby of the Province ling office he O has increased the liabilities by of mllions of dol- by which be did be 1 her native him do has a I ot deb of praise would have other in effort extol lidical fmh advantage but thai Soil In lonp neglected heritage On I a while paying Not only la wealth but I lira I and Industrial beyond anything dreamed of lore attention rich in mineral offers twenty the ago Ifl untrodden wilds Old may be relieved of the upon CARD OF during the ltlnns and of tlietr beloved brother to aero lot on Jordan for ranch good I be opportune for indemnity They reduce their on account- of tin cost of living and appeared to realize A Heal Wind Fal Ontario Reformer C dors how Mr the Toronto lawy get along to life before the rnment In the three years whit have held office they ha- Sources of Revenue London Advertiser The Drur has probably lakei taxation machinery hand in- unit on ll province Although there an many who protect hat he hack will drive tin tracks out of business remains hat this one tax ha brought in more money than tin entire levy on one the municipalities This ax falls on those who hae to spe in th way THE FINANCE MINISTER the Hon stirring victor of Hie Canadian carping charges of Hon rlhur into teeth of that respect Liberal parly since The finance J beers Us netable statesman liiut the only ink made by Ihe go speech was ith ringing Itnir Mr pledges on the Conservative Iok the inrlff policy or policy government it Mr lo talk broken promts when he told the people of Calgary was going lo I by clip Tlmi White Much expense was Involve In collecting data by Ihe tariff com mission but the Intended revision die a natural death Mr Melghen talks about the emnlty of pledges said Mr Fielding but he Incorporated resolution tn the speech from the throne he never carried out Failure lo do so meant compromising the honor of the of murdering bis wire and on Thursday Falls was found guilty by Coroners Jury Saturday after noon The prisoner whole of he told of having quarrelled with In- and wire He left them about a month ago going Hear Lake he stole an revolver from the office or a Mr and walked hack Sequin five and hair miles do ing to home of hi wifes where tie bad an alter cation which resulted in he hr of he did but thia van proved only bad In her He it his wife because He upper pari ran give It Progressive PERSONS BURIED IN DEBRIS- a filming house In I lie rally town of Saturday when Ihe roof of the building burned fire swept away eight of en military huts just no drews College- placed at and about to Layer ten of Dufferin Public down picked pupils from St An- loss building d Two Park School conducted by which was won This Forfar by the al for the he has he sentence- imposed by Jones in police court J Harry for a serious of eiwax she melhnu explmi at her borne bat litlle hope held out for her recovery Mis Bank of Nova Scotia Angus Smith Acting Manager of he and Woodbine branch was sentenced by Judge Denton to two years less one Ontario He fciiiMv Mm- charge The Methodist of Toronto bad a most success ful annual rally Tuesday nlghl at Hall lie form of an effects be isih century as founder throughout the ram was under the din Ernest Memorial Choir a members of The and 300 scholars ii men were Do been recovered The also found jewelry neon identified McLean of Maple The J Wood- who libiims from him by 1 cheques of fraud u Many fro mid other provinces nf across line are tendance annual lion the Ontario ter of Royal Arch Masons un Hrlck eelerl Hi London I ra e iuu unearthed ding file comprise the temple God and his cons that he bachelor he believed god his A fragment stone V dug of he mo mill believed done years before Chris I he excavators in the room of some of ho period of HQinhesixlbcen y preserving he origin Plan Many alabasler vase inscribed found one of al ears insc THE VALUE OF A RE8EHVE When Ht 0 Company hi llviMi Injury The 1orIr3 when walla hurled In- the That Company bad a Ihe years not revenues wu fortunate Hckl ho was safe prospcctlv npllftl build tines was of be unimpaired Only XL Cody of I Hospital suffering with Hall Judges rlngte Feb 2Mb at ncr la llinnali flow of the late Sutton West Belleville J Davie On Thursday roll Stir Archibald Feb iSth Lloyd formerly Township In Ids loufHr In Stouffvllle on 1083 beloved wife of Harry In her Cemetery idoy March 2nd following I Church at Saturday at Kcw 1 Rose TrtHE following indicate an almost steady acceleration of the rate of growth of total deposits especially during the last years This growth is the result of confidence in- the sound policies of this Bank and the willing and capable ser vice rendered by its officers Year Deposits 1657 1862 1S72 1S82 1892 1902 41622345 1917 1922 You will get a friendly reception at any branch of BANMORONTO NEWMARKET BRANCH A Lister Manager reasons why you should demand them MATCHES THE CANADIAN MATCH CO A Big Conservative Rally In Town Hall Newmarket Wednesday March 1923 Speakers expected are Mr P P Kingston Miss Can- FARMERS Take a Tip From Me LISTEN If you need any Harness or harness parts give me your before the 15th of March as prices are going up I have a few assorted Spring Caps at reg Bring In your Repairing Early Dont Wait Until the Spring Rush Begins and I will fix you up PRICES RIGHT J MONTGOMERY Opposite Post Office Newmarket EMPLOYEE Something like employ ees of the Bell Telephone Com- puny are either shareholders in icesa of mint- lioldci in uiiipiiis limy work ill owl payments are in lie of sham of val -505- As Ixphihiid An nual Report of the Company telephone workers have been quick to lake of the opportunity offered thorn to pur chase stock by deductions from wages The resulting benefits in the rage m ent of thrift and saving and the stimulation of he sense of ownership of the concern they work for would be over MORTGAGE SALE OF MARSH LANDS Under and by virtue or the powers contained In certain Indenture of Mortage which will be produced Ibe time of side llre will be offered for side by auction on Saturday March the of Eleven oclock In Ihu foinoon at the days without may bo arranged I bo offered subject IJier apply for Hie Notice to Farmers or 1 he- Northern Part of York Co We have accepted the Agency Mr The United Fanners Co Toronto and wilt he In a pi llion list your Farms For Sale at under no obligation w iBt send for a lisllng I I out and return it MORTGAGE SALE OF MARSH LAND Under and by vlrlue of contained In a certain Indenture which will be piwfuced at the lime of sale there will be for by on Saturday March 19 I fmti Hi- KING GEORGE HOTEL the following properly all fit for use of mower convenient situated Term Ten nor cent at lime of wllWng Iblrly days wi out interest or as may be will be offered to a reserve bid and siiiijc of read at Further particulars apply lo for