When In Come In and convinced thai we have the last of Merehandiss LOWEST PRICES also buy raw furs hides and poultry Highest prlci paid Open evenings CREAM WANTED Best Prices Paid FOB LIVE ANO DRESSED POULTRY AND EGGS The demand for Mount Albert Creamery Butter Is Growing Bigger Let us have your Cream Let us do your work for you Our Truck will Call for Your Cream You will get all there Is In It For Mount Albert Co PHONE Creamery at Mount Albert MOUNT ALBERT PI GENERAL STORE SUT W The Store that Saves You Money A 30DAY SALE will start the of this Month All Goods will bo Sold at Gieatly Reduced Prices to make room for Spring Afl Goods that were left over from the Old Store will sold at LESS THAN HALF PRICE WATCH FOB POSTERS BOOTS RUBBERS HOSIERY A WHY DO YOU PAY MORE t to buy economically then consult by a Mare artloles are priced right Just our customers can save from lo their purchase We carry a full line of Groceries Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Mens Clothing Military Goods of all kinds also Hard ware etc BE ON TIME to sec our clearing tines go out A big cut prloe line Register ShortHorn Bulls months old Tuberculin Tested AttLAN Sutton Mixed Hay and Alfalfa 1st March FLOYD CUNNINGHAM for taking Ground 1 Royal Bakery sorrow Charles ids to loan on Mortgage to all kinds work at Office all day Thursdays and Saturdays