Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1923, p. 7

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BECAUSE of flwbr our bread tits found with who like the purest foods Explain In a kindly but emphatic man- that your flrccery man should our a better kind you can tell the difference In I the BR1CKETTE Every Box Price T WBIQHT Newmarket PROPERTIES FOR SPRING TRADE HAMILTONS REAL ESTATE Bant of Toronto Phone Newmarket It you want the best Beef Cattle get hilt the Polled Angus Breed I liate any doubt see Dr Wesleys Bull will be kept for service I was first at Ottawa and Rosen Champion last fall He weighs lbs and is Just years See him He Is a beauty ROBERT PATTERSON Phone The Mission Circle will at the borne of Mrs Stanley Janes Huron St on Tuesday Brtmson monthly meeting of I borne of Mrs Robt transportation Thompson daughter Rogers Prospect Ave Methodist night and and the Monday night I re in such gin to fill all the She 13 si crowded ho use here a Monday morning Sunday A Class High School Board the High School Board for Harvey le honor and referred the staff during the year He hoped hat in the coming year this m ail throughout in Ihc school was pleased to introduce the nit 300 less The standing were elected as follows Finance C J Wedlock and B Marshall Management Jackson S Cane and Marshall Repairs and Supplies J and Watson On the of the Management Committee was during which was a lively time at the Arena Thursday night of last week when teams from Richmond Hill tried elusions the locals and in match Juniors The Intermediate 0 S A- Semi-Fin- between Bracebridge widen was played Arena ere last Friday night drew the exhibition of hockey started the fireworks ad within a minute by a lone rush the goal keeper caught the was passed In lever combination on the part of the bout a minute later At the end of of North Toronto A special car from S the Railway Colllngwood at Newmarket The first game of the Junior H between CoIIIngwoo Newmarket was played at here on Monday night before played at a fast pace Hi A 200 Seat Every Night Every night the New Edison I is your twodollar at the musical comedy whet your fancy does not blare forth in a tinny imitation of but what you hear it a perfect Re- Creation of voice or performance That there no difference the voice and ReCreation of it hat been proven by actual ten before audience totalling Legislature Mrs is survived by her bus- son Charles a local iiislitei Dr McConmlck of Korlh Toronto The funeral took place on Tue from the family res on street to Cemetery conducted by Rev nj- Hit Church by Rev Scott Baptist of Toronto The floral tributes were numeroi beautiful Among relatives and friends from distance who attended the funer were Mrs Ada Courtlce Mr Brown and Mr Irwin of lo all cousins of deceased Mr ter Hughes of had system that everybody w up satisfied with the oclock The Gym fully docorated thorough before was very taste Illuminated the decidedly tempting The final report of the Memorial Committee was and the balance of the Fund some in the Provincial Bank the Interest on the to be used annually in the pur- of flowers and seeds to be placed at of the Memorial Shafts at the school grounds entrance Issue a cheque for In favor of chairman in order to pay small counts promptly for Incidentals and pplles for the school The Supply Committee was to investigate the matter or improved Room accommodation for the of the school with power lo act ThiB action was taken on account of the recent theft of wearing apparel at the school At the urgent request of the Prin cipal the Supply Committee was authorized lo secure the requisite quantity of Slate Blackboards complete the installation throughout the school The Principal was requested to see that Fire Drill Is given occasionally The subject of increased accom modation for pupils at the school was introduced by the Principal who said that theschool wob now taxed to Its capacity and there was a pos sibility of more pupils at the Japanese costumes adding the activity and good humor program followed In the audi torium and every number was a treat The Church Choir under the leader ship of Mrs deserve great credit There were 39 voices and parts were well balanced except Death J at the Kitchener Waterloo loday and made a double trag edy out of the gas poisoning cane which occurred at her home on Friday when and halfbrother Anthony aged were found over with gas from the fur nace was dead found but Miss Martin who lying on the floor of her bed- loom was still living as the re suit or a slight draft of air pass along the floor which bub life Martin never rallied and died without being able lo throw any light on the tragedy Investigation of the furnace has brought out the fact that clleanout box in dome of the exceedingly well rendered and by special request the one en titled tana of Hope and Glory will be repeated at lft6 service next Sun day evening There were also two selection by the Ladles and three by was most beautiful and so duet by Ml- Miss Marjory The Japanese Choruses in costume were very pretty Japanese love song by Ruby Moss was tine She Is a It Fall also stated by i that the will I Hie In the first period Newmarket tin period ended Cain made a lone rush and stored teams battled hard fur the remainder of the period but the score remained Newmarket 1 scored again for In the second period started on the In I I Hi- i Colling I had hard luck They forgot was not up and this cost HBH of our Sale This week will be the final week of our Winter Clearance Sale We are determined to convert the balance of our stocks into cash and have cut the prices still deeper to effect end scored for from face off while Colllngwood handicapped by the two players box scored a few later giving Newmarket a two lead Colllngwood swarmed down on the local goal but lie airtight de fence of Cain and ant the good work of Rose In goal at The Newmarket forwards appeared to be on top of the puck all Ihe time They carried the terrific pace which they right to the end Cain and rushed well and the latter was only kept off the score card by hard luck At the end of the game the score stood New market Newmarket Goal Rose defence and Cain Centre wings Soules and Perrault subs Thorns and Townslcy Conacher Toronto OVERCOATS HALF PRICE FOUR ONLY ALL WOOL TWEED OVERCOATS Hair belted and lull belts sizes regular WINTER CLEARANCE WINTER CLEARANCE EACH MENS ALL WOOL WORK TROUSERS sizes to i WINTER CLEARANCE PAIR BOYS ODD KNICKERS In wool tweeds and pair WINTER CLEARANCE HENS UNION WORSTED AND TWEED SUITS worth up lo WINTER CLEARANCE FINAL CLEARANCE OF HENS WINTER UNDERWEAR STArVFIELDS ALL WOOL SHIRTS DRAWERS in light and heavy weights lo garment WINTER CLEARANCE GARMENT HENS HEAVY FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR sizes to regular sold at WINTER CLEARANCE GARMENT WINTER CLEARANCE SUIT MENS ALL WOOL SOCKS in light and dark greys pair WINTER CLEARANCE PAIRS FOR 75c HENS WINTER WEIGHT SHITS lined horse- hide with wrists reg worth tip to 5200 WINTER CLEARANCE 100 PAIR BOYS WINTER in wool lined with cults also Hide skin and WINTER CLEARANCE PAIR HENS WOOL in combina tion colors regular worth up to WINTER CLEARANCE 395 EACH WINTER CLEARANCE OF LADIES UNDER WEAR LADIES ALL WOOL VESTS DRAWERS al so combinations regular ami garment WINTER CLEARANCE GARMENT COMBINATIONS CHILDRENS VESTS DRAWERS all sizes regular garment W INTER CLEARANCE GARMENT North Yorks Best Store Montreal Feb Gold undoubted gold and in quantities that will some rival pine Is to be found In Labrador ac cording to one of Montreals best known brokers who has just return ed from a trip there He was ac companied by prospectors their business and all brought ample evidence to prove their market schools the coming of the of ml it was decided to architect Mr Tench best means of providing and the of same account from A for was ordered to be paid The Principal made application for tclpfhone In the school some of the advantages and on the Supply s authorized to order a phone placed In the Principals room On mollon Mr A was appointed treasurer for the en suing year it the name salary- The treasurer explained thai more money would be required to meet salaries and current expenses than formerly and a motion wag passed authorizing an overdraft at the of Montreal up to until lime as the County and Government grants are received Board adjourned after ten oclock by a solo provided their part F1QHTINO IN TRIPOL ALMOST Rome Fob The fighting in Tripoli between the troops and has been a most ineesant for the Inst week according to advices to tin Stefan Colonial troops fought eleven engagements against strong land day evening the Seniors In the Metropolitan League played against Newmarket and were defeat ed by a score of It was a good game but only a slim crowd of spectators Neither side scored the first period Hugo scored for Newmarket In the second scored twice and Hugo once In the third period Newmarket Goal Smith defence and Thompson Wlnga id Murray Centre Hugo Sub Smith at out local hockey fans left on Wednesday night via Train for Collin gwood to the Junior H A- They came home very much disappointed being de feated by a bad Colling- Monday they put last Colllngwood scored tho first of the game after about five minute of play The game livened up lo faster speed but Colllngwood again Newmarket tied score be fore the period was over Burin the second period Newmarket play hard to hold their own but wore out scored added four more in third period and Newmarket visitors threw away a grand when had Alia Feb Pal- opera house era Its presentation on stage should occupy not than twenty minutes nor than thirty minutes Conditions 3 and for lie Short Story also for the Play Names of the judges selected by the members of the Canadian Authors Association will be an nounced at a later date Big Brooke river was the seat of their investigations This stream miles north of Hamilton inlet flows into Slag Bay and the depth of the water permits steamers to carry in supplies all the year around they visited this dlslrlot they hired a steamer from Newfoundland Mechanics Institute north via the mouth of i which is now for sale A the ilver An immediate search was concrete building at the instigated and this resulted In the grounds and another a gold dust on the surface Sharon are planned YORK PIONEERS SEEK HOME York Pioneers in quest of home of their own will s whether they canget the Chinch street library itself Deeper panning with t that the resorted LITERARY COMPETITION In order to encourage Cana dian literature the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire is offering two prizes the first of tho value of for the best short story the second value of for host play Those prizes will ho offered annually for ten years The conditions which they will bo awarded this yea follows The Short Story Jo sliawa Moor Fred Geo J- St l Treasurer Jos Watson Secretary Rev Mrs Charles Nash David James and Prpfes- School Reports SCHOOL Report Class IV Mildred More Margaret Elizabeth Hoover Walte It must not have been pub- i Shanks Elmer Dreary Lome Dun llshed before being submitted this contain less than two thousand words more than thousand- 3 It must be typewritten on paper of letter size 8W inches and written on one side of the paper only It must bo sent flat not or rolled have the auth ors plume but not hi Tor A sealed with the de plume printed or writ Q1RL MAY DIG Feb While standing with her back to stove Gertrude Leo eight-year- old daughter of Charles Leo of was so badly burned about the body that she Is not to Her clothing the stove and burst Into flames which were extinguished and must 7 writer must be a copyright of he adjudged Ihe best Is lo be vested in the imperial Order Daughters of the Empire with power to ar range for Us mngazino or In book form or in both Lundy Foster Matty Wal lace Willie Sr Lome Ball Marian Violet Alva Smith Clifford Frank Shanks heller Jean Sheridan absent Venn Verne Emerson Smith Fred Hoover Sheridan Edna Kay First Reggie Wllaon Leta Dorothy Sr Prime Good John Carl Green wood Kenneth Smith absent Jr Primer Walter Dreury Earl More Norman Rolling Clarence King Kenneth Kenneth McKlnnon Violet Micks Micks Jack Smith Pr Raymond Crouch Hilda Menar Kenneth Arnold absent Number on roll average Annie teacher seed Orders while these catalogues are eager ly looked over it frequently hap pens that ordering of the seeds is left until spring By lhat time however the seeds we most desire may be ex hausted as the best stocks of the best varieties are usually limited Some novelties are well worth he high price asked for the seed while others are no better if as good as the old reliable sorts It is best to let the Experimental Farms and Stations do most of the testing of these and delay or dering until a report is received from one of these as to their merits Usually it pays well to order tho inose strains of staple varieties There is a great difference in strains as thorough selection and rogue- in the field ensure much satisfactory results than where this is not done- The cost of good seed is small com pared with ho value of the obtained There arc now many lists Iti best varieties of vegetable and flower seeds available through the Experimental Stations and Agri cultural Colleges and it will bo what to buy When has seed of a good strain of some particular variety of flower or vegetable it is desir able to sow tho same seed another year after testing it for germina tion as sometimes it is not possi- Order Order the best Billy Teacher Report for January one subject or total Na In order of merit Florence Mcnar Vera An Frank Bain Cole I Croutob Smith HI Flora Rolling Smith Dunham Jr III Clair Cowieson Gladys Cole Smith Smith best Cangilt Feb A barn on the farm of Fred a short distance south of Cangill was completely destroyed by fire early Friday morning together with a large quantity of grain hay all agricultural imple ments and hens The fire was caused by explosion of a lantern Mr loft lantern hanging on a nail in stable and went up lo Ihe gran ary he returned- lantern fell down and exploded and in a few minutes the whole building was in flames The loss is estimated at par tially covered by insurance The waters of the Dead Sea con- lain about per cent salt If la mailer I ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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