NEWMARKET OK FED WOMEN FROM FORTY TO FIFTY Will Interested in Mrs RecoTery by Um of E Vegetable Winnipeg Man Pink- roe good in every way I likely to ha the doc tore I Mrs peg Man When women ages of forty 1 stilt taking it right along it to my friends and to any teeling well Lizzie Bymptoms headaches should tike irongh ndfiftyfiv which prod dizziness or a sense of Vege table Compound- It is especially adapted o help women through prepared front Toots This ingredients of which herbs has for forty y the wonderful of Pink hams Vegetable Compound Women who write to the Ontario for a free copy of E Pinkhams Private TextBook upon Ailments Peculiar to Women have lo take W Queen Main F CHAHTLER NEWMARKET Representative of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA The Company Irwin OVER HARDWARE NEWMARKET Plumbing Baying or Selling and town property a farm Comments of Exchanges his and let you feci his head If he has told the truth you will always find the lop of his head as flat as a cake Hands Out I Wilson Star Uncle fium- fact finding suggestions for got- Daylight Robbery lid like o f Lite law be a few healthy Newspapers That I the In the ficuHv tin- i ill dii tuhli- leiid with in Communities of having boosting influence of a lo give ij Hi wholehearted support falls for as she has and powder puff woman always ml of their natural Hie seashell pink in heck hut it isnt the powder puff Heck may lie very clove and li the hut of joniljinl it loo who do not will on A puh not lie pocket Think much of the Colonel PLUMBING and FURNACES BIT OUR He said ho prohibition I the method i The hold in North I Col the 0 as opposed was opposed in kind of This ment op III meeting the ban not be i0Dpdncd but tin oor man should lie able I if Iit Mi have added and Hi Up Brussels Post Hay Liberal Leader in THE OLD FOLKS VALENTINE Continued from Fate batch trend of old feet outside stopped south room door and Utile pommelled Ihe panels was Its me Gramma Its me pa Ive come a vis I in An Ive stopped ami tills of Mill v by she changed her in she did not Dont Think of It Telescope new Public which was awaited so long patiently has now been long- for dilMs laughing face sobered then horror you ever give you sonic mine the laciest nek em under the door you run or else the iII bring you one of ttiis Valentino Day They Inart lOBlly sometimes pictures Mother appealed to 1 thoughtfully When she smiling there wire en team In her eyes Id like of a little farmhouse on inliic lie smiled with a double row weal peas under the kitchen window by elating that who hud their work And Iheir hook the eograpl authority for the of the Province Heaven help kin I of Mutual Life Canada Rolls Up Over Three Million Dollars Surplus Earnings Company has recordhz POLICYHOLDERS in the Mutual Life Assur ance Company of Canada have every reason for congratulation as a result of the remark able showing in all departments of the Companys business last year The fiftythird annual report presented on February 1st at the Annual Meeting to the policy holders of the Company who alone constitute the Company shows that in each of the three financial ly important divisions of the business namely death claims expenses incurred and the rate of interest earned on invested funds the Company had an unusually favorable experience the com bination resulting in a wonderfully prosperous year as shown by the Record Surplus Earnings of This is equivalent to for every of total assets held at the end of the year an unparalleled achievement in the history of the Company 14 Decrease in Operating Expenses While the busi of over of new assurances written the ratio of expense to income was reduced from to Increased Interest Rate on Investments Owing to the favorable opportunities for investment prevailing during the past few years the average rate of interest earned on the Comoanvs invested funds has been rising when the entire investments i year condition continued during the lcreBBed from to Increased Distribution to Policyholders The steadily increasing factor in the economic of our country which the institution is becoming and magnitude of the great public service it performs fi illustration In the following facts During the past year the Company distri buted in cash among policyholders and their beneficiaries the sum of being an increase over the previous year of of The amount of money invested by the Company in Canadian securities all working for the general good upbuilding of Canada of this country and Newfoundland where it also does 9246 The Strength of Canadas Only Mutual Life Company After providing for all liabilities in accordance with Government for by the Statutes and setting aside a special investment reserve of there remains a General Surplus Fund of which has been assigned as follows Provision for dividends under de ferred dividend policies issued prior 354540889 Provision for interim dividends under quinquennial policies 34277333 3 Provision for dividends payable in 200000000 Provision for mortality fluctuation and other contingencies Total CANADA O head be turned uporl Mother He feebly by th aint tumble old Mother that old been one w fellow Ihcre In Ihc corner of been and I the old field He can stand Weve all hi up straight sight gol him il hurls nil folk to em Yes yes oh yes It hurts sob bed Mother In sudden woe Light steps turned away from th dour and went back down Ihe hall tlplou Auntie Mtg had come up stairs for Utile she went back without her A tile door she had heard Mother we thinking of Is I I 1 this time weve been frying hem and theyve been us and smiled when they to cry What do you doing upstairs now Hits inn minute i Know they arc because l in them silting talking about ttic old place in the were tiarest shakiest voices till would p- make even a lunallc cry know be- hearts I cried Youre crying too tills minute I wish John and less and were here crying Then w wed all got through wed go She the weve done alarm lo he remedied Father mile and Mother nnisnt break their hearts longing for for sweet peas and Kit said to Father and Mother s old hands together in a and tears Joy their out of the- pregnant Mother trifled WELL ACQUAINTED was unfed with any of on Ihc jury sir replied wH- rriore than half of them re you willing to swear know more than half or demanded the lawyer ell if it comes to hat Im swear that I know than all of them put Feb Whilst the Itorlfilers ami congregation ted by he clergy of St Andrews j Brian Church west mount SAGACIOUS CHICKEN story which Raymond Life and Around the A negro was called upon true evidence in a burglary a Ihief the defence Im not going to say that a thief but what says If waa a chicken and I aw nigger Id roost high all I plough up Ihe old farm l Oil no no sobbed Ell If you had heard had enough to hear we three will go over to night All of together see a way out CANADIAN HAMILTON MONEYS AT HOME V nothing about Ihc lunger liiimey they yearned lo take The absence of Gramma and Quick Relief from Coughs and Colds It Exceedingly DangerouTo Let Coughs and Colds Develop Check Them of out sharing her valentines with poor old But It dot mailer and Mother one In of fickle memories amo of on the an lirought as the front Johns nimble Utile wife all ml then retreated It waa a very long envelope and Hit not suggest valentines except or hasty pencil she eh In corner bleeding heart Joined hands ami eptnert to come dancing triumphantly Between the dancing deeding was only cited a d Mot he notice it OF ONTARIO TORONTO Washes Well in any Water With water hot or cold hard or soft SURPRISE gives a quick lasting lather and perfect I satisfaction