or Colonization and immigration expect a large number of first class men from the Country during the latter part of March and some experienced some partly and some In experienced young men and exper ienced marred men and partly ex perienced married men with and vacancies will kindly write A Mac- done Director of Colonization Par liament Buildings Toronto or to their Agricultural Representative for Infor mation and application forms Ap plications will be dealt with as far possible in the order In which ere received preference being given roomed In the Town of New market Ontario Tenders wanted to include excavation masonry reinforc ed concrete brickwork tile cut stone structural steel carpentry Joiner work steel windows painting felt and gravel roofing and metal work plastering flooring plumbing Scaled lump sum Tenders marked for School lo he mailed lo the than Saturday evening try e Builders fe Bond a Also at 1 he Architects 0 TENCH Architect FOR Mt thy Street West All furnace good garden front verandah A snap for quick Bali Half cash Apply to A quihn Newmarket Box Since the closing of the in the Province the mov ing picture shows and seem to have the surplus that formerly went over the bar There arc not many but will say that it it a more satisfactory expenditure especially if the movies art properly censored The fol low inures made known to the Legislature by Hon Smith allow the returns of tin amusement tax for and how the pennies soon become pounds in Toronto nearly Ottawa over in over in Windsor Wonder how much More than of Ontario was taken lo the bos the previous suffering from acute appendicitis a was feared for a time that ftp op was necessary but Dr Bruce Dr And and Dr P- Noble say Hit ack was not so serious first thought He is under i observation and an operation if deemed formed without delay Sir William who w age on January distress and bad to eel a dinner engagement held court Friday morning but late to go to bed Ralph Connor author of The lal Pilot and many other pop- dealing with the life of Canada may be a man of dual llty in that he is also the Rev C Gordon of St Stephens Pres byterian Church Winnipeg and exModerator of the Presbyter ian General Assembly but he has no two opinions on the question of Church Union In the course of a recent Interview ho emphatically de clared himself as opposed to further delay in the of the Union The returned home Saturday Sunday the family called and after consultation he removed to Wellosley this that the Untied Church of Dabbling and dickering the liquor traffic the party has nopl in be heart Pack- ct It la plain about it saying It Is scarcely conceivable that the Conservative party tin On tario will be guilty ol the folly of lo the efforts lo have It lake up the of which the Moderation League uoua a foil- operation at present will Feb 3 Frond troops threatened with bayonet and used the butt ends of guns at noon today to break ui a crowd of 3000 persons noislj protesting before the High Commissions building a- gainst the deportation of Rhino province and Dr Russell ob master of whom the French took into un occupied Germany last ni Sixtytwo deaths from influenza and from pneumonia In since first of the year reported to officer of health Calgary Feb 1 dally estimated at was done by fire which destroyed the Groat burs thro had been of the last Admin Ho added hat Mi lilted something fist the part by be in and in 1922 t March of with that of a little over by the Liberals in last year Ho attributed much of trou- bio to Iho miles of way now under Government trol to I do the Budget and speak lwu VV but speaking broadly this year we shall be able if you leave aside lite railways to pro vide for ail the ordinary lures and all the capital ox ponditures and all the war ex penditures for everything flu- railways and have a balance of some thirtyodd millions to the good That is the amount wo shall be able to show under these conditio The not mince words of the rail way situation T do not to enter upon a long I who flu railways I think there is a largo degree of resting on my honorable friend opposite They at all events were responsible for up on us the Canadian Northern for taking over the Grand Trunk conditions which have us in midst of great lauded trouble Mr Fielding concluded by daring thai there could bo in at reduction In public to go ahead debt if Canada to her There are ihings to Canada and I hope and trust the n to ill havo do them in bcliei that wli expenditure is true economy Prolonged greeted Mr Fieldings closing words Injured several Come by smoke and had to bo i from Mazing building damage to extent of trlbutcd among nine stores and a iard parlor was caused when two story at tho southeast of St and rotted by flames at Reeve of Kln uncle and several cousins before him and only escaped the by appointed County Clerk In His grandfather and his family are tit being rebsls In 37 but the not try to hid ancestors He is proud of It Thn Tomb January Ab- Wellington Moore aged Born In North Died at the homo of daughter Mrs Cherokee Louisville Kentucky Interred at Hill Cemetery Louisville Ash Suddenly Friday Fob 2nd at the home of his aunt Mrs Tee re Ivy Avenue Toronto beloved son of and Newmarket Newmarket on Satur day Feb 3rd Emma be loved wife of Mr J Edward on Feb 1st Kenneth youngest son of Mr David Love Interred at vllle Cemetery Billiard Ravenshoo on Feb 3rd Mrs Raohcl Blizzard in her year Interred at Cemetery At Kcswlok on Feb Connoll wlfo of Mr Mahonoyln her year Funeral on Friday Feb at mo oclock Interment at Cemetery Thompson At Sask on Feb Ethel Thompson wife of Mr J J Thompson second daughter of Mr and Mrs Rogers In nor Rose YOU CAN RAISE PIGS WITHOUT MILK While skim milk helps tests show that pies cart be successfully by balancing rations with Tankage Swifts Digester Tankage Protein Develops lean meat and muscle causes rapid gains Makes Market Toppers at Low Cost Write for booklet and prices SWIFT CANADIAN CO ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO EVERYBODY at Ford is keen to keep down the price of Ford Cars The Atspriceb based on the ex pectation of a Spring business of cars per month If that business comes the price can be maintained It rests now with the public to say whether Ford prices will be higher or net If you want a Ford in the Spring yon can order today for later and pay the lowest price in Ford history us Keep flown the Price Order Today KN ROBERTSON Newmarket OF CANADA LIMITED FORD