WATSONS Jewelry Store tu I AWAY OFF The Leading County Paper as well as Ihe Oldesl No paper of North York unless paid off that J equipped JACKSON Editor and Proprietor Quality Sarvica Satisfaction Shelf and Heavy Hardware PIPE Black and Galvanized ROOFING Lining Felts Building Papers ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Wire Bulbs Loom STOVES Coal and Wood Eleotrlo Oil and Gasoline LOWE BROS HIGHGRADE PAiHTS STAINS VARNISHES Phone 28 Making Dreams Come True Are you saving for the house you hope to own the travelling you long to do the business you want to buy the comfortable retirement you hope to enjoy Open a savings account at any branch of this Bank and your regular deposits will prove the key to reali sation of your dreams IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD CEDAR POSTS lot Body w Cor Church and THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALER M Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Wm Cans Sons Co Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket PEARSON to Fathe Ihe baby It was she who had them In the tills and whose to have the spring mixture in the form of charcoal flitting had brought the great j flway tno placeholder the- M J MP I fed in size and will be eagerly consumed by them j Slather she v would always I longest change in their llv he was decreed in th counsel that the old not be left the old farm Idea when were waiting Willi pen doors I They could be so much Yore comfortable and happy and was lime for Ihe busy old hands to rest now Father and Mother supply of lucn limited It is i of by the children Ibcy so many years 1 get away from lonely Into Hie world i dining years had Taken time inxing and reasoning runnhV pretty Hut moved she said Father in- j an- you a possible to re Mother cost soft or low grades of always there with equal running- For ilui the baby was i possibly two or Ihree an went tgin llicre an would do but ft form of this nit must fill her IMHe tin I I ml us may lit fa he way she look to the taste of It Willi horses charcoal is out her Utile hands for desirable because of i teeny more I she tnc better promotion digestive functions cha coal may be mixed in the way of a small handful- occasionally or he- administered in with Ihe bran mash weekly all ci receipts for tonic or nal to bo used til horses a consider- percentage of pulverized i checked In The grcatci quantities than required are and is highly desirable on ac count of ills antiseptic or as II is more popularly known It- toning effect or North and East York Mayor Cane Deputy Lloyd Councillor Manning and Chief Engineer Hunter attended a ban quet in last night In honor of the Installation of their waterworks Mr J Criltenden of la Prairie was in town on Monday his way hack to Ins Prairio after- spending a month In Mr W Trull of Finance Committee to out down become a resident of our town expenses it is He is treasurer of Ontario tain that the county rate will be christian determined effort tie by Charles tills approximately the last Ihe Clullcjr Inii ruhiun hint forfeit In so far as the mineral con tent of charcoal is concerned its Is important and because it contains largo proportion of phosphates With practiically all classes of stock there is tendency in many in stances toward too small a tpTO- portion of phosphates entering ration Particularly does effect the dairy cow and foi puo most particularly of all the high bringing producing dairy cow on Record of Merit or Record of Performance leal Charcoal should not bo from the ration of heavy producing dairy tilings looked on dreary Decision when thny had yielded I childrens opportunities In from your plowing Continued on Pago was introduced granting members the same honorarium as is paid to mem bers of the Council- As this was about pass Without any Reeve Keith a membi of the committee protested I children were properly look oil after through their efforts umbers felt they he aid The of Pugs- ley Hon Geo S Henry William Keith D Anilis an Rev Pickett- STAMP OUT CORRUPTION Moscow Fob 3rd The Government has launched a na lionwide campaign to stamp out the corruption of public officials with tho death penalty for flit grant offenders Throughout Russia the court busy HE PELT FOOLISH An eminent phyBioian lectur ing a group of medical students taking round hos pital ward to glvo them practical of his remarks- Ho stood beside a bed ruin lay with a very prominent physician having elicited ho sic In habit of pi from i wind instrument Yea you all blow ing and a training is and are alsi I retribution It numbers of village Soviet cials who have used their office lo oppress the populace Five men including the chair man of village revolutionary tribunal have been tried and shot at in the district Moscow itself for corruption of office For Eyes the of a Members of tho Public School Board Pretty Currey and the fol- The temperance last lowing took part Mrs -M- Hughes Miss Nettie Mrs Jane Wilson Miss Ada Wiley Miss Jessie Miss Eva Jackson Mrs Low Mrs Oilman and Hunter York District Council or met here last Friday Offi cers elected Nelson of Aurora Annie of New market Thomas Tho following Inst Friday night Miss Simpson Miss Mr J and Ford Over the has Mr Marois of Montn been horo all week and yes terday had bought 30 horses was the highest price paid The Altar On Jan Mr Samuel Davis of King to MiS3 A of Toronto Junc- At the residence of the brides father Mr- F of Noble- town Miiss Thompson of King Township Mr Jas Ramsden to Miss Miriam J both of King township East Feb wife of Mr John Salter in her year were taken by an armed from the safe In the express on the Canadian National nlng Into from this evening after Paul ARCHIVES OF ONTAtt TORONTO