A rf Piano Singing in new and used Pi i Ave Newmarket in Bank of Toronto Office next Hamiltons Real tstate i Newmarket day Office Phone Houae 101 NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE Enroll Any Time Individual Instruction NIGHT SCHOOL and THURSDAYS Bank of Toronto Block Blue Serge Suits Guaranteed Indigo Prices from 4000 up Watch our Window for Specials W1LUS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Established 1804 place On a charge p Idling etiandisc without a lice also charged with fraud is alleged that La woman a pair of for she paid and Laser In return gave her a shawl Tor change shawl being valued at It The Planing Com pany will erect lour houses this yea for Its employes training camp for boys be ihcld on the shore Wee Lake am July to Oshawa Onl What is said to bo lue largest single shipment of freight automobile factory ting of 304 individual Canada valued haft here for Atlan tic seaboard to be reshipped to oLcign ports including Con- lantinople Egypt and Now yea- of the tale William e River Alberta and three Mrs Chestnut In Mrs Brooks Millard In in and Mrs Dr In Not remains were brought here by on Monday and Interred in Cemetery A Pleasing Entertainment Junior A of SI Paul Church gave very leasing entertainment in Pariah Hall Friday evening May The program consisted of drills in cos tume choruses a playlet danco The drills and ere of tho work and of Junior A through out Canada and tho Empire and Ihoy were well done Mrs Fuller and Mrs Harvey rain ed children for this occasion A Flower dance was one of the enjoyable features of the onto and girls in 11 event did grout credit 16 their Miss Marian Clark the children had on exhibitam Mo Field In Canada the following lender Gold In Iho shape of Sovereigns rate of Canadian and Amori- n I their 1 P any amount Notes is sued by the Dominion Govern ment up to any amount Can adian stiver coins up to ton dol lars ihoiue coins up to on those of STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS About the best thing a father lo for bis boys Is to encourage thee travel anil see something of th world before they become loo keenly engrossed in commercial Is a great Educator It mind and Ids the youth his place In life A observant ho assimilates and retains knowledge Travel gives him his op portunity it file him every phase Jn life A tour of Europe Is at present being organized under the personal supervision of Mr T Matthews A Assistant Professor of Mathematics University late Instructor- Lleutcaaat Royal Navy la addition guides will secured lo Conduct excursions and give lectures on the artistic historic literary and economic significance of the sights seen and the places visited A nost carefully planned In teresting Itinerary has been arranged Including visits to Montreal Liverpool Chester Oxford London Paris Versailles Lyons Marseilles Cannes Nice Monaco Mentone Genoa Pisa Naples Sorrento Capri Pompeii Vesuvius Venice Trent Innsbruck Munich the Pas sion Play at Nurem berg the Rhino Cologne Brussels and return ing rough London and Liverpool This exceptional tour starts from Montreal on Saturday June calling at by the splendid A took part an net a Vrra I Joyce Trusty and Jean 111 Norma and I old Clink Annie Granger Elsie pic proximately two months will be oc cupied by the lour as by the Itinerary the return Is made from Liver pool by the fine steamship tons at Montreal but the geese and Uiey were fast asleep Then they noticed that one great while goose was no asleep wus standing ardly upon leg looking and there Ol exclaimed Fred know But before he finished the there was a loud Quack quack from llio big goose and instantly tho flock were awake and flapping their wings Then bow papa and and guard sleep Yes said papa They never sleep without one of their her on guard Well said Fred with an- oilier laugh theyre not such geoso as wo litem for all St Catharines May 8 years of age widower of Port was accident ly drowned in the Chip pewa creek yesterday when pi small flatbottom boat in which ho was crossing stream was blown over by an unusual high gale a recent financial convinced it will bo the labor sit which will bring to an our present period of prosperity and throw tho nation ultimately Inio chaos solving oftho labor situation is wholly a of religion wage or will never be satisfied higher wages and shorter more than you and I art with more profits am house Things anyone and will faction and matters religion Com Of this tour the which covers everything transportation bote with three meals transfers sightseeing fee brier nil necessary travelling for the entire tour Apply to any agent of the National Railways for further serious labor problon both employer and wag honestly behove that i here in this world to others the labor problem will solved but- not until then employers should loam to give up and labor should wake up However neither of will do il except as wo arc actuated religious motives Both groups are largely by solfisli motives at present lime arnlng to 111 Not a Wanton Act Your act though criminal had clement of wantonness of wilful i Intentional disregard of the rights of and you have recognised your fault by pecuniary compensation to the mother of the child The jury have made a very recommendation to mercy and long and careful consideration of all fence than all other brands combined points to the superiority of the lines made by WIRE COMPANY HamlltonOnt We can tell you this fence as cheep 31 you can buy fence anywhere B SMITH Newmarket Ont for the 24th of Man family who own a Chevrolet The fishing trip the picnic a day a drcua or a drive in a pleasure The Chevrolet the lowest priced ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO