Hilton YOUNGS FAIR Newmarket l be Both brought of passed peace away to The Great residence of her sen V Main St day afternoon Fob 10 of her Tit I if Beau the Churchill 1 of friends vas at tho Common Whitby Grammar School the Friends rhoo at near Prime This School was lip forerunner of Pickering Col on October 1st I86 she mar led Or of ho lien loeole at when it was a village After weolysix years of Dr died in 1SSS and i widowhood on Nov to Fire bight oiwilu v York II It li ilhi fof Sheet No applications Mr St Scott Sir Winger tor and Mr Frank fiv The which ipiifiira will you to clothe W A BRtlNTON riptiona By all el A communication from Mr Morion through solicitor Ml Willi fie Id regarding alleged damage to his property through Hie ion of the Council in putting clay she be linli Esq the Missionary Society afternoon Pel Society of Hi held at the splendid success sttly large attendant Mrs an meeting ad wl by from The Son Mr Stanley told of Wed girls Mr Pint the in I taking seven boats rip from New York to In Africa near Calabar re- Stanley are their great work On the following Wednesday even- the Annual Supper for which ic ladles are noted took place in basement of the Church where reryone did to the inner Owing to the Metropolitan being off the Toronto talent ad to Journey by motor thus mrmufaelurvr of wood of which lie had been reeve for many years and East Peter- a Liberal Member in- the Fed House She remained in Nor wood for fifteen years when Mr also passed away and id- I lie Iocs given by Mrs Rivet Ion of that began early Wednesday and continued throughout Ui day About in the ii long residence here she to If ft older lereeablo disposition and fond of her friends and acquaintance mother solicitous for welfare and comfort of those of Hie family and a true earnest Christ She was a consistent member Si Andrews Presbyterian Church in I formerly treasurer of the She endeavoured by precept and example live an exemplary life worthy and filling to the- reli gion and principles she professed and cherished She leave- one Mrs of he only surviving member of the family he road in front of his pnc thereby effecting drainage his property was referred to be llonl and Bridge be Town Solicitor In regard to the matter of the iota of the Town Debentures for vliich several had been from brokerage firms was the mailer sland until ifter he Court of Revision which is to he held on Feb The Town will then advertise and let all firms These matters being dealt The funeral was held noon Feb to Newmarket where she was tenderly id to rest beside the late Dr Scott plot the llistf disappoint The locals had the first GIFTS id shadows floe was conducted In Ihe Rev A T Mann faithfully during Ul nae present at be Cornell of Pickering a nephew Mrs Daly Napanep a niece nd Mrs T and Mrs and the conned reported the report and Petitions On behalf of Mr James Stark of Lot Mr Osborne asked what procedure former would have lotake in order to obtain a sewer as he was the only resident- on the street who desired it In regard to this matter was decided that Mr Stark would have to canvass the whole street and obtain a majority on that street in favor of it It was also suggested hat as there was a out for sewers on Raglan St an outlet oil that street might be secured Mr and Mr Doyle con sidered that the Town should pro hibit construction of building up to the sidewalk The new shoe shop was consider ed to offend in this particular and plaint about garage out over Ihe sidewalk Mayor contended that in the case of new shoe shop no existing by taw had been violated He consul however that a bylaw should be introduced pointed that while it easy to put in effect building strictions on new streets this would be difficult to do on old streets Mayor that the exist be rearranged and printed Mr that lew of fact that many of the drivers of the town were tot ing out their cars for hire thereby depriving local ted report The import Wffi then adopted as amended Mr Mien oil Of thi Road and Budge present iding an ex- for his year of to d id construction of I sidewalks temporal- eun footpads and iinpro report provided for cement sidewalk on Millard A from Kim Street Lome Ave and on Eagle Street A tem porary cinder path was asked for on Lome Ave Millard Ave and Park Ave and cinders were also desired on a foot stretch on Huron by tho tracks The report also asked a cinder path on Srigley and Streets and recommend ed that crushed stone to a depth of least eight inches be placed on Water Street between Main and Prospect and that something to reduce the steep grade Ii order lo discuss this report tin Council went into Committee of the Whole with Mr Smith in the After considerable discuss ion to the strong representations of Mr Keith it was decided to tain financial position of the town before making any commit as any expenditure V Co The St NEWMARKET New Spring Ginghams In Fancy Stripes and Plaids All New Designs Best New In alt the Latest Pattern and Colore Hew Organdies In AH Pale Shade for Party Dresses Yellow Mauve Pink White and Jade New Canton Silk Crepes In Shades of Navy Black Tango and French Blue and many Other Shades Also Gold and Silver Lace Trimmings Radium Lace Fancy Jet Silk and Beaded Girdles go necessary Tor Frock Richardson of Norwood Mrs and he Misses 1ileiahl Finlay Capland and Mrs all of The floral ill fro Newmarket Son of England Lodge and the Fam ily Sprays from Mrs Nap- unco Mr and Mrs K FtoI J A and E Fip- Norwood Mr and Mrs and Mrs and Miss Miss I Millar i I DIAMOND CLUSTERS Duncan J El- itgo and J Tailof St An- Church Mr Manning neighbor and Mr Thos an old friend of the family legiiuWlle a license bo hire these young drive for hire when it suited them ihe local livery man always ready for service Mr suggested thata lax of on the first car and on the would prevent the practice injected to at the same lime Riving he local livery man due protection The lax however was ml so as to give the livery man i monopoly and to prevent another nan from starting in this line of Mr said that he bring hi a it Toads and sid On Mr Keith reported progress and asked leave sit again to the heating of the lockup it was decided lot use a Quebec heater instead of an electric cost of electric appliance and cost of installing at while the Quebec heater only cost d the cost of the coal was less than thai of lite current he Council then went into Com mittee the Whole with Mr Keilh chair to determine who should he appointed assessor The applicants for he position were as follows Mr Hamilton application Indrawn Mr K Morrison Gardner Mr T Smart add Mr Barker Mr Morri- lo do work for Mr Gardner for Mr Barker Winger applied for Ihe position of all round town On the motion of Mr Os borne Mr Morrison was appointed isessor Ihe vote being unanimous As regards the position of town On of tho Fire Light Committee Osborne announced that it was nol considered lo put hydrants on the small main on Street and Lome Ave Mr considered thai the residents of this locality tittcdT to good fire hydrants and should be put in For present decided to adopt the until a more report could bo introduced also decided that printed requisillon forms should be Iering materials to Hi solution i the Orders of the Day The of Dr Ames on behalf of Health Charity and Property Committee regarding medical care of the indigent poor of he town were set forth the form of a ByLaw To consider the went into Commit- Newmarket Markets I Chair lWtii tlip Dr mil of Atkinson Co ASH USE M Suits a Guaranteed to restore breathing top the of Hte Tomato Sold in by J son and la Sutton by P able the Clerk check up such y After d questions Buy Diamond Ware or Pearl Ware kitchen Us and save work They are so clean with a flint- hard smooth surface that wipes clean like china No scouring no scraping or polishing Just use soap and water Every conceivable pot and Ban Is wade In either Pearl er Diamond Ware the two splendid quality SMI Etta Wares Diamond Ware is a threecoated enameled steel sky blue and white outside white inside Pearl Wars Is enameled steel with two of grey and white enamel inside and out Either ware will give long service Ask for Pearl Ware or Diamond Ware Sheet Metal Products Co Buckeye Incubators INCUBATORS GUARANTEED SHELL CHICKEN GRIT DRINKING FOUNTAINS ROYAL PURPLE SPECIFIC In OIL AND COM BURNING LEG BANDS THERMOMETERS POULTRY PUNCHES all I SMITHS HARDWARE Phone Newmarket Clause three to the effect Tut Ihe filling of such prescrip tions as ordered by Medical Health Officer should granted to Mr Patterson for the term of year and thai for the next year thi right should be given to Mr and so on alternately however the Council only has pow er to legislate for sad did not desire lo establish by granting monopoly lu Ids PRINTING- THE BETTER KINO The Era has an uptodate Printing plant and capable workmen We aim to give service and satisfaction Let us print your next Job THE ERA JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT ARCHIVES of TORONTO