Debentures for Sale Town of Newmarket of Application for Is hereby given that Harry Afcuidar of City of To- In the County of York In Province of Ontario Traveller will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Eva Smith of he said Clly of Toronto on the grounds of adultery and desertion Dated Toronto In the Province of Ontario 31st day of Decem ber VEBNON J Jordan Street Toronto Ontario Solicitor for the Applicant 1 Notlco of Application for Dim NOTICE Is hereby given that Les lie George of the City of to the Parliament of Canada at tl nest thereof for a Bill formerly of the City of Toronto In the County of York but at present residing In the City corner la the Province of Columbia on the grounds of Adultery and Desertion DATED at Ihe City of Toronto the County of York In the this day of Januar SEGSWORTH A delegate are expected A Skin Oim In the Leather League Ihe Ship pers trimmed the and the Finishers finished the Trim last Saturday at the local No report of the second Ihe one between the and Finishers went ten time to a to score In favor Ihe Snippets both bulged the twine for a piece for the Shippers To Geo a sub fell the of scoring the winning goal in overtime Cant keep Daley and divided the goals for Ihe two each was headed in he Nosed Out The A Intermediate game re on Tuesday night between Wit- lowdale and Ihe home team resulted favor of the local by to Hugo the first goal for twelve minutes of play came iwo expect from an Irishman In a Green and Orange Sweater He Just played a regular steam roller a game and rolled all the way through Whoop We nearly forgot Bains great play on Ihe first goal scored He Just turned that old the net like a shoot ing an empty In the local stock yard Shippers Goal Smith defence Subs and Mclnnls and OConnor wings centre Pagan Both games drew a fair ant they got their moneys worth am Victorian Artists Have Wide Impartial Statements if Public Interest Ob Mr Armstrong am he Star was served Thursday i a notice of action under The 1 and Slander tho of J A Armstrong recent Fed- Armstrong and Armstrong soli citors complaining of statements and pictures which appeared In The To ronto Dally Star on the of De cember last relating to a raid made by provincial police on the Friday December 2nd The Star simply published fairly Impar tially and In good faith without negligence or malice and with rea sonable ground for believing that such was for the benefit the reports of the facts and circumstances of the raid as given to It by the persons quoted In the complained of Including the statement of Mr J A Armstrong himself who had a full opportunity to elucidate the matter and availed himself of that opportunity toiUu Artists which comes Town Hall Newmarket on Jan They are Miss foremost woman soon player in American and Hubert Small whose- work flutist is widely know among i who all of elusions to be drawn from have net fully and gone into end aired If as Mr Arm- to the whole frameup of political opponents ft Is from them and not from a newspaper that be should strong lists In company Miss Frances pianist Iralto and Mrs Vera Small lyrio soprano of distinction sex Mis Callahan If and Mr Small has a enor voice which Is heard to advantage In tho ensemble work of tho company With varied tents the Artists do offer a program of unusual character and of the very highest type Some measure of Mr Smalls virtuosity as flutist can be gained from the knowledge that Talking Company engaged him to make several records a tribute to his merit which Is unqestlonable Callahan Guard W kle Guard A E was the first lime Onward had an Installation A good program consisting of speeches hi hind served started at a fast t pass from Mc- second period and had to re- lire for repairs McDonald scored for the visitors and Hugo for the home team McDonald then tallied fourth goal making the to favor of visitors Cain scored for Newmarket four minutes after Ihe of the filial period while followed pulling Newmarket in the lead and Murray secured the next Murray Hugo and Cain played well for the home team while Smith and McDonald were the heat for visitors Newmarket Goal Smith defense McCaffery and Thompson centre Hugo wings and Murray subs Cain Referee Murray Rutherford The meeting on Monday very well attended being present Mr ably Ihe and a paper entitled God In lives was given by A Dur ing the social hour Mr Ted Robin son favoured wilh two solos on his guitar A game called Kingdoms also had part in Ihe program After lengthy dlsousslon It decided to postpone the proposed staling party Monday evening Feb Convention to be held Central M A Rooms Toronto on Ft 2nd Any member deslr- a ticket for same can have one Prico Including Banquet from A Carrick Next Monday evening the meeting will be In charge of Miss Simpson and Ihe paper will be given by As the Is the Anniversary of the Birth of the Scottish Poet Burns the following program will given during the social hour Duett Mr and Mrs Mann Read ing The Cotters Saturday Night A Selection by our own Or Everybody welcome Com with famous Critics have been lavish in praise of Mrs Smalls fine soprano voloe which Is of unusual appeal and beauty of tone She sings many coloratura numbers with Mr Smalls flute accompanying shadowing the delicate trills and She Miss Morley Mr Smell of duets and ensemble number with Inslru- RHEUMATISM SCIATICA It the resits in dread letters res front relatives It that sea suffer Ac will year tat alhalasis tin that art treat At lasaH relit free trial write Sold In Newmarket by W J Port ion Button Weal by P It possible for tl the work deed is great and donations of childrens clothing or that can be made over will be very gratefully received f th sewing room over Mr W Hunters Store An invitation Is given lo all ladles spend one hour with us sewing every Thursday afternoon Sec Taylor Officiating Copied from North Bay A wedding of much Interest to residents of Northern Ontario jcurrcd la Ottawa on Jan when If Geo A Smith of- Cochrane and of West Temple- Rev Hugh which lunch was served at Vales Private Dining Room Only Immediate relatives were present Mr and Mrs Smith will take up their abode In Cochrane where Mr Smith will engage in the photography Previous to going overseas In tho battalion photography In Mr business In wide circle of friends Since re luming from Europe he has been active in the great campaign to the North being at present chairman of the Highway Commission Board of Trade of Temlskamlng Mr is a brother of Mrs Delft of Newmarket and was In the photo business hero before moving to Summer Bible A meeting held In the School Room of ihe Methodist Church on Monday afternoon by representatives holding a Summer School at Jack- sons Point during the coming season Rev W R White of pre sided Representatives were present from Cookslown Bradford Bond Head ML Albert Sharon Au- two League Conference Officers from Toronto It was decided to hold the Summer School the last week In provisionally drafted The following officers were elect ed for ensuing year President While Vice- Presidents Ms Kathleen Moore Queensvllie and J Humphreys SecretaryTreasurer Mr Melville Rev J Dudgeon Brad ford Rev Frank A General Secretary of Religious Edu cation of the Methodist Church con gratulated the officers of the school for last year on their success and promised help for this year Older Boys Conference From Friday until Sunday night Newmarket la to be the Mecca for the Older Boys of North York when Annual Conference is to be held here A conference of this nature an excellent opportunity for Town and country to become belter acquainted and we are sure that once again the people of Newmarket will live up to their wellearned reputa tion for hospitality Those who have heard Mr Taylor Statten will be glad to know that he Is to be the speaker at the Older Boys MassMeeting to be held Id tho Friends Church on Sunday afternoon Mr Statrens name has been promi nently before the recently in connection with the Election of tho Boys Council In Toronto the success and Initiation of which was largely due to him As National for Boys Statten Is known throughout Canada as being one of the most speakers to in the Dominion and every boy be tween the ages of IS and should avail himself of this opportunity of hearing him We understand that the Billeting Committee anticipates some difficulty In accommodating the delegates and would urgo any who can entertain delegates either for all of to notify Mr phone at their earliest i convenience Mens Heavy Snag proof lubbers 198 MENS HEAVY eyelet solid sizes lo tegular S3 On Sole This Week 195 pair Misses Boots 295 pair SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK We with the Company tor their journal for one full at for the 12 Copies 1 Copy mouth If Can not tome in phone us and will place your name on the B W HUNTER NORTH YORKS BEST STORE St Johns On Sunday Father Roche will preach at St Johns Church at p in- on Church Unity very important subject will be treated In an interesting and Instructive man ner Those who were fortunate enough to have heard tho Rev Fathers able and Inspiring discourses In the past will no doubt be delighted to have the privilege of hearing him again Everybody welcome Com I a E Splendid atlendauco at regular meeting Tuesday evening had charge of the meet ing and Mary gave the Mrs sang a solo and Miss Owen Thomson gave a piano solo Meeting next week Is la charge or Annie Trdvlsa and Nellie Following officers for Mary Pianist Mae stork Assistant Earla Convenors of Committees Look Out Nellie Prayer Meeting Mary Missionary Eileen Bond Social Bain Supt Lulu Collins All teen age boys and girls are cordially Invited to attend week ly meetings of the I Society at 7 oclock on Tuesday older The North York Older Girls Con ference to be held In Newmarket Jan promises to be one of the finest opportunities the girls of this County have known Special will be made of Canadian In Training program which has been prepared In cooperation by various of Canada The Conference will bo by representing following units In the Ontario Work Board Baptist Trotter Presbyterian Miss May Religious Education Coun cil Miss Tho opening session will be held Friday evening In the Christian Church whore also the Saturday af ternoon and evening sessions will be A splendid banquet Is being prepared for Saturday at p In the Meth odist and the closing ser vice at p m Sunday afternoon will be In the Presbyterian Church The Conference for all girls of IB years and overt for all teaoh- and of girls pastors Sun day School superintendents and other Interested In girls work registration Of In cludes the well as sloa to all of Confer- SALVATION ARMY COMING Earlscourt Band On Sat and Sun Jan Musical Festival SATURDAY P TOWN HALL KEEP THESE DATES OPEN ence Applications for registration should be sent to the Registrar Miss Collins Box Newmarket by Tuesday Jan Miss Farrow of Toronto has been visiting friends here for the past week Misses Lena and Lulu spent the weekend at their home Mr and Mrs Davis and two children of Man are visit ing relatives here Mrs J and Miss Mar garet visiting la Toronto Come to League next Tuesday night The young men are giving tho program WONT AID Toronto Newmarket Jan There will bo no Conservative press at be by- election In North York J Har vey editor and proprietor of Ex pressHerald the only Conservatlra In North York Conservatives in the rid ing are behind me In this opinion and It Is only looking for a fight who supporting Armstrong North York has everything to gain by representative In parliament North York should have a represent ative In government What ever the reason for the election of the Liberal party they are now In power and I they should be given a to prove or disprove their governments ability of this constituency as elsewhere tired of political cam- palgns and want to devote them selves to business I believe that this will result In many Conasrva- board of trade had not mot the federal election cam paign In order to keep polities from Interfering with business- A week ago the board of trade secured from the town to advertise the town of Newmarket Our mem bers were to begin the deferred until after the Mr King on the occasion of his nomination here tomorrow Is by vir tue of his as Prima Minister of Canada entitled to the courtesy at an eleotlpn by acclamation says Harvey editorially In the Express- Herald In the general election Express He raid worked for the do- feat Of Mr King and for the of the Melghen government In recent election Mr King was leader of tha Liberal party In a by- election ho would have the added prestige of the Premiership of Can ada and a Conservative candidate op posed to him would have llltla chance What Express Herald wants to see more than anything else Is rapid disappearance of hardfeeling and bitterness engendered by the re cent election and tho hearty coopera tion of all classes for general good of community That is still my position said Mr Harvey In this Ex pressHerald can have no politics an It Is unalterably opposed to placing a Conservative candidate In the against Mr KtBfflt Is my belief Mr Armstrongs candidature wis work harm to Con servative parly His defeat now would be remembered at a general to future Hamilton Jan Convict ed of conspiracy and highway rob- George Horning was this ternoon to seven la Kingston Penitentiary Explosion of the plane at blew parts a building more than rods and twisted- the tanks Into OF TORONTO