Lt7 7i and J Ontario resident 3i Office Hours 3308 Boyd Toronto a Telephone J Coroner for County of York July 1100 a by Rev A J Manny a Sunday School p The congregation will worship with the Presbyterian Church pastor Brloflais Dont drop paper anal on the streets v yiite OFFICE HOURS by appointment NEWMARKET Wilkinson DENTIST Main and Botsford Block Newmarket by Appointment Phone 209 Civic holiday first Monday will come Newmarket baseball learn goes to on the for a with the local team There were two prostrations in Newmarket on -Thursday- of last week owing to the excessive heat Brought Down the Price There is a milk right on in Town A new man started in last week giving nine quarts for the Dairy and of coarse the others had to follow suit or lose their customers Another change has also taken place in Dairy on Timothy street Sev eral years ago Mr Fred Penrose who went overseas sold to Mr Bol ton he sold to Mr Fry he sold to Mr and now Mr Fred Pen- rose has got possession again CECIL GILBERT DENTIST to the late Dr Clarke SUrt of a Office ours Pm 5TTW BARTHOLOMEW of ihi Forum Toronto Dentist of Toronto Building Newmarket Appointment Phone Ch I op rector Main St 3 doors north of Queen St phone fjffiCE HOURS and to on Tuesday Thursday Saturday and other hours by analysis and consultation free LIFE ASSURANCE CO P District Representative for Co or York Office Bank of Toronto Build ing Botsford St opposite Market Phone 308 Qasebalf Town League Schedule July S vs Town 21 CaneDavis vs S M Co Town vs CaneDavis S vs M Co 2 Town vs Co CaneDavis Town vs S S Co vs CaneDavis vs Town Co vs S All games to start at p stand ard time First named teams to have choice of innings worn by who firet the druggist for and insisted on having the genuine Golden Medical Discovery put up by Dr Pierce over years Drees changed very much since But Dr Pierces medicines contain the dependable ingredients Tbey ere standard today just as they were fifty years ago and never contained alcohol Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery for the stomach and blood cannot be surpassed by any tonic and alterative today When you feel all out of sorts your vitality at a low ebb the blood becomes surcharged with poisons The best tonic is called Dr Pierces Golden Medical dis covery Dr Pierce manufactured this Discovery from roots and barks without alcohol a cor rective remedy the ingredients of which nature put in the fields and forests for keeping us healthy It puts vim vigor vitality into the blood All druggists I has Send to Dr Pierces Bridge I of burg Laboratory for trial men and former employers on Monday for their Jobs at the did of 8 hours leaving setterg to fight atone for the week Many of the Sian a Job as the printers have decided to shop in future- The citys death toll during excessive heat last- week numbered eight besides several prostrations momlng your worsliip salfi an old trying to be with P Major in the coun ty police court the other morning how are you to-day- fvv replied the major 85 and costs At Sunday a car travelling at miles an hour crashed into a milk waggon owned by the Dairy driven by Norman the un fortunate man to his death he waggon to splinters Three of the occupants of the automobile are in the hospital with more or serious Injuries The other- two men have severe cuts over face and minor Injuries or trie collision reduced the milk waggon to splinters and wrecked the machine which struck It till It looked like a mere heap of Junk i I NORTH BJSQT Naturally at this time of the year we have many lines of we are anxious clear out before the arrival of Fall floods that are due here first of August Some of the lines are limited so first come first served DRY GOODS ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT DERIVED FROM A Newmarket Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in alt kinds of Musical Instruments and Repass Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Prompt Optician In connection with Park Ave Newmarket Toronto Woman Found Orchard Grata In an near eat ing grass like an animal a woman giving her name as Mrs Cody Blevlns place Toronto found last- Friday by County Constable Kirk How she got there she could not tell She complained of loss of memory several nights she had slept In the open Thursday night she spent under the trees in a fence corner Constable Kirk heard that a strange woman had been seen wandering about near the little village of Raven- shoe and after quite a hunt he located her and restored her to her friends In the Eto Office in Bank of Toronto Hamiltons Real Estate Office da except Office Phone 30B House Mule to Loan on Heat Estate Lennox Picnic The impression seems to have gone abroad thai Island Grove cannot ac commodate the huge crowds that al ways attend Herb Lennoxs Picnic For the benefit of those who are la boring under such an Impression we may say there Is as much room at Inland Grove Lake for the Picnic as at Jacksons PL and the provision for parking the 5000 cars that will be there Is infinitely better than at Jacksons Number yourself among the 30000 people that will attend on July if the weather is fine this years picnic will be the largest ever held by Herb Lennox Ad ON VIMY RIDQE On the crest or Ridge where so many Canadians laid down their lives there has been unveiled a memorial known as me Cross of Sac rifice to act as a visible reminder of the superb heroism of the Canadian soldiers In one of- the most terrible engagements of the war- This monu ment has been In the cemetery where sleep the hundreds or Cana dians who fell the capture of famous position four years ago Through the care of the grateful French the grass has been kepi green and all around are being planted the maple trees of Canada to caress with their shadows the last restingplace of heroic sons of the Dominion and shelter within their branches the birds that sing their requiem The unveiling ceremony took place Just as the church bells in the boring villages were summoning people to mass and was the Prime Minister of Canada In the presence of the leading representa lives of the British and French civil and military authorities It be a source of consolation the relatives of those who thus gave up their lives that the little tract of land on the scarred ridge where they fought and fell has been beau tified and cared for In such a manner It requires however no stately monu ment or storied urn to keep green of those men for in the words of the Inscription Their name for evermore In the hearts of their countrymen but it Is singularly fitting that these outward signs of sculptured stone should tell succeed ing generations of Hie great sacrifice they made In the cause of Justice and truth DARNS STRUCK LIOHTNINQ Hoot Rescued on Prison Farm- A Good Investment it made by your next twit Mtde to Order one of W Hew Fancy Stripe Worsteds Blue Strati REDUCED C WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties ihe Bathroom Outfit t the Shop leading I TO Severe Electric Storm- The terrible heat of last week was broken on Friday by a most thundcrslorm which played Havoc with the electric and telephone wires as well as things The power went off about ten oclock In the forenoon and was on and off sev eral limes between that two oclock The lightning struck the double house on Bogie street on the side occupied by Mr Audio knocked down stripped the plaster oft the walls and tore Jag ged holes In the roof then passed Into the aide occupied by Mrs Hil ton who was sitting In her room and she was parallzed from her down Report says she Is In a serious condition but we are pleased to say she Is doing nicely and will probably be herself again In n few days A barn Just West of Ihe Town was plruck by lightning but only slightly damaged One of the chimneys on Pickering College was demolished by lightning and the shingles ripped from one aide of the roof The lighting system at the King George Hotel was put out of commis sion entirely A big tree near Murrays shop at the north end of the Town was struck I by lightning and shivered all to pieces We had a good rain In Newmarket first for three weeks but no dam age done South of Aurora the crops were levelled with storm In the district It was reported In Town on Saturday a great deal of damage was done by hall glass and cutting down the growing grain Mr J District Agricul tural Representative states that no serious damage had been reported to the good effects of the rain While crops had been levelled nowhere In North York at least were they so advanced that they would no up again was so early In the season that the corn would not be Injured by Its lying down The rain was the salvation of the root crops Mr stated It came loo to the hay and even the grain was too far advanced to great benefit pas tures that had been dried up would now come fresh and green seri ous had been the pasture situation that many fanners had had to resort to winter feed The supply of milk had rapidly decreasing About oclock on Friday of last I week during an electric storm the on the northern part of the Prison Farm near was struck by lightning and Superintendent Morri son marshalled all hands to fight and rescue the hogs quart ered the building Prisoners and guards worked with such spirit that all but three were Within minutes uftcr the flames had been discovered the roof of Ihe barn fell In and rendered further rescue work While prisoners without thought of escape bent their efforts on rescue work two prisoners rook advantage of the situation Jumped into a farmers auto and made good Inci escape They were captured on Saturday at Another barn on the adjacent farm belonging to W was a few minutes afterwards when a number of pigs were burned and a quantity of new hay Hamilton July In attempting lo ride the swell made by a passing motor boat two girls In a parly of three who were crossing the bay from Park this evening In a canoe were drowned Dtafeess Cannot Be Card Mentions at they cannot been that every citizen Canada owes his Job to the Forest that no mm whether packing poaches feeding a printing press or teaching school can long continue his existence denied the multitudinous services of the common log of wood In Ontario the vast development at tributable to the lumber industry is known and appreciated What strides have been made by the younger brothers of the woodusing industry pulp paper are not so well un derstood Ontario possesses paper mills pulp mills and combined pulp and paper mills a total of 36 establish ments out of in the entire Dominion They represent a capital Investment of out of a total of They give employment to persons exclusive of woodmen They distribute In wages and salaries a year out of a total of for the whole of Canada Too much emphasis cannot be given to the Influence of Ontario pulp and paper plants upon agricultural settle ment Each Industrial unit creates a municipality of thousands of people paid at high wages and demanding far more farm produce than the settlers In their Immediate neighborhoods have yet found It to supply Markets near at hand are the first es sential to land settlement In Ontarios and such markets are being supplied by Ihe and paper towns and to a lesser degree by the mining camps The Forests of Northern Ontario therefore- must be regarded not only as a creator of prosperous municipalities in what was yesterdays wilderness but equally as the builder of markets without which the pioneer farmer would find conditions hopeless THE IOED TEA HABIT At this season of the year when Iced drinks arc most popular It Is In teresting to know us showing the In creased of teas in this country llraf ihe Iced tea habit Is be corning more and more a vogue Now If Is considered more than a passing fad for pari if ijhir to Iced Tea to their families and At the soda fountain too Iced tea serving Is becoming popular and the delightful flavor of has made thousands of friends among the women and discerning men who find In It a genuine bracer and a lasting cooler during the hot spcels It Is therefore Important hat everyone should know how to make this dell1 clous beverage Iced tea Is easy to make and make properly the particular house wife should follow these simple direc tions Scald out a crockery while It Is worm put In a level tea- spoonful of tea for every cup or glass Pour on freshly boiling water but be sure lhat it Is boiling and allow It to steep from five to eight minutes Then pour It off the leaves Into a large pit or crock and sweeten lo taste allow- It remain until cool then serve In glasses with chipped ice A slice of lemon with glass may be added If desired but It Is real ly unnecessary providing you are using the genuine which has an exquisite flavour of Us own Once upon a time a man used lo retire with a few hundred dollars Now he has a son who spends a few hundred dollars he retires BILK all colors Guaranteed not to or pull wide regular yard U ON SALE THIS WEEK yard WHITE ORGANDY- so popular this season sold most stores at ON SALE THIS WEEK yard LADIES SULK in black white and brown regular pair ON SALE THIS WEEK pair LADIES Cromptoas make sizes to regular pair ON SALE fills WEEK pair SWISS EMBROIDERIES wide worth yard ON THIS WEEK ENGLISH AND CANADIAN GINGHAMS In checks and plain colors regular yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yard ENGLISH AND CANADIAN PRINTS in light and dark colors colors guaranteed regular yard ON SALE THIS yd MONARCH SPORT WOOLS for sweaters In alt shades ON SALE THIS WEEK or ball rf DAMASK floral patterns regular yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yd COTTONS wide regular yard ON SALE THIS WEEK yd MENS WEAR DEPARTMENT MARATHON BELTS made of guaran teed not crack will wash and made with cant slip buckles ON SALE AT and each MENS SOFT COLLARS all sizes stylos j regular each ON SALE THIS WEEK Ko WASH TIES good patterns regular each ON SALE THIS WEEK each NEGLIGEE SHIRTS all sizes good pat terns regular ON SALE THIS WEEK MENS made In President style and crossbucks regular pair ON SALE THIS WEEK 50c pair COLLAR PINS mude In regular each ON SALE THIS WEEK each MENS WORSTED SUITS made In tho regular styles regular ON SALE THIS WEEK YOUNG ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS sizes regular ON SALE THIS WEEK MENS ALL WOOL GREY WORSTED SUITS all sizes worth ON THIS WEEK LADIES SAMPLE OXFORDS AND PUMPS ON SALE THIS WEEK pair Ladies White canvas oxfords and regular pair ON SALE WE1 pair NORTH YORKS ysisiattE by local letch portion of the ear Catarrhal conttitu- tlonal treatment CATARni MEDICINE la remedy Is an In condition of Ihe lining of the Tube When tube Inflamed you have a rumbling or Imperfect heatlnr when it la entire closed la the Unlet Inflammation can be reduced your through hearing may be forever MEDICINE CATARRH the blood on the mucosa BUT- Hay- of the reducing the ln- and normal condi tio Circulars free All Cheney Co Toledo Ohio STATEMENT NEWMARKET Many worn en will profit- by the fol lowing statement of one of their flex I afraid to eat- on account of trouble did not agree After taking I can eat anything acta on BOTH upper lower bowel remov ing matter which poisoned stom ach for gas on the stomach Guards against appendicitis It brings out prisonous matter you never thought vaa In your system J COLDS ASTHMA spoil many a holiday MA Positively opo troubles coughing weeping yt arent unison you Ilka belay that way at your druggist or write Toronto for a free trial Sold in Newmarket by J Patter son end la West by P 324 ion Druggist Notice Of for Divorce Is hereby given that frank Hamilton of the or To ronto In the County of York In the Province of Ontario Merofiant will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his Annie Laura of the City of St Thomas on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto Province of On tario this day of July RAYMOND hi Barrister Solicitor etc Adelaide St West J East Coucft Sharon July The regular meeting of the East Municipal Council was held on the above date alt member being present excepting Mr Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed Communications read and dealt Willi Council In committee of the whole on Dills Moved by and seconded by Morton that the Reeve Issue bis order on the Treasurer for payment as follows John Williamson supplies Mrs Cain Fred Hamilton supplies Wm King Frank Cook reps grader Frank West work on road It Hart A Co marriage regi ster David sidewalk W Eves cement Arthur Milne gravelling lot con Lewis Rolling gravel 4180 Peter Morrison gravel James Cranky gravel blasting stone on road 135 Will Eves work on con Roy A work con 4600 Floyd Cunningham gravel P Drowning grading lota con grading C Abbs grading Sweet Win Vandeburg ing Geo- King con J A Cole commissioner Geo Nelson work con 8 work con Cowlcson gravelling lots con a gravel I s Geo Foster work on con Waller gravel Albert Mitchell gravel cod Mrs gravel con Amos Lapp gravel centre Arthur Arnold gravel con Ed gravel centre road Kd Joyce gravel centre road Harry gravel Jots con 3 Ernest work centre road Fred Andrews work con lots Nathan Oldham work lots con 8 Mitchell bonus wire fence Wm Mitchell grading grading Joel work 1P030 Council adjourned at one oclock to p meet Aug A Clerk In to Ada bring Try at the Km watches absolutely free Owing to the of our previous advertisement for of clients who being so their free watch that ere now our cueto- we nave decided to further advertise and gain reco gnition In by giving away another valuable to those are to fill In the missing letters in the following phrase Oiling In the letters you can ee a watch that will equal fortune any gold watch made which la proven by the targe number of testimonials that we have received ihia oorreo- and comply with our condition of which wewlD write when we your rephr Is correct dearly your dime fend complete we may without delay Inform you of your CO DOT 109 Create lo to try on 1200 825 1500 PHONE M Let ub make you Comfortable In a OR AUTO Prompt A BOYD Prop Night on Phono Promptly AUandaet grading con Harry Hodge work con Seymour Andrews work con John Smith commissioner con 3 Hugh rep grader Hugh work fion It Manning rep grader Walter Newton drawing cin ders dlv And that the corporate seat be hereto attached Carried We have added a complete BATTERY REPAIR i PART WENT to our and are now to repair all kinds of If In trouble with your Bat tery let uq look it over for you CHARGES REASONABLE Agents for Pre8t0LUo Batteries KN ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Water Street Newmarket p