Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , July 8, 1921, p. 6

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WftW Mount GARDEN PARTY The annual- garden of lDe Church Mount Albert Bros Centre Keswick Hi ere wag a fairly Rood- crowd at anytb ys Iho older will be held at Case on Wednesday July There lots at will be an excellent program given by Will comedian and enter tainer Miss soprano and pianist and MounlAlberC Band The monthly meeting of the S nTlitute will be held at the with the supper from tpoclo- 1 Standard Time followed by an ex- is that program of music and ho thln was for The Wncipat the Field Sports here oil Dominion Day has taken departure for both came out and all present enjoyed themselves good- a great worker add Mr Cecil Grant has bought the J might work for a year The little seem to la stand Qnnq a V be In to leave She might altogether for I hear she MreElmer of Egypt- has had her English sister visiting or for of ha the speaker Mrs land we were to have had at our Juno Meeting The Boll Call will be answered by paying your fees All ladles welcome the end of the KcswicK road and Is contemplating building three collages for next season The ladies Aid of the Christian Church Intend holding a Garden Party on the lawn of Mr Jesse Morton on Wednesday evening of next lheyare as Raspberries and cream be served as two peas therefore I feel Justified In saying she is a beauty I- have only one fault to say about English lassies are adl free making acquaintances to be trait of their countrymen The family of Roy TomlinsonJ of are spending their holidays with ah Equipipnt crack not ship MM 3 t in Earl Arte minus side of the little tire the old raying or Two- of good Everybody ana nave a ISLAND PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS Primary to John- Muriel Hayes Muriel Wil lis Harrison Nelson arrangements for private dancing to Robertson lles Ross Harrison Viola Davis A York are Archie Bullock lighting Island Grove for the Herb to A Violet Joyce Lennox picnic with Becky Prog Bruce Rolling Harry whIch to the Bruce Hayes Bill Kenny Aft Park during the evening A Jr L Myrtle Flora Davis Norman cream That will please your sjenfAnt who loves any liking for axle grease- Throngs of cars call at tens fountain for refreshments wr kind of drink ponies Very Afresh Judging by the way they Wfiocari me wnero this rly Harvest Contributed by Agriculture Toronto Cold practice so far has been connected with the large pro warehouica In and cities ccvuld not do Bucceeatul business if their line- comes- Jrom From were not provided with large firandpa Donald Dora dancing pavilion on the grounds seems to thoroughly of Grove a how bring children up right They and the proprietor making every certainly models in there Is fort to please tils patrons Special country We have Just heard of the death of oldtime resident Mr son of Donald Henry Ray an these parls Out seven brothers only one now Charlie Ray of or The late Mr Ray was a fine man and If the Harold Reps Douglas Joyce Ivan Keny to Jr Honors Harrison George Smith Verna son Muriel Ross Spang Harper Evelyn Spang Pass Earl Elsie Steeper Bell Dunn Johnston Fred Pools J SrlEL to Jr Campbell Helen Dunn Doris Stokes Hazel Johnston Agnes Steeper Sidney MarJorie Is home I understand for good rest of the communlly was as Yankee land He brought along able and upright as he Kingston LEAGUE I 1 111 r Bradford team In the above lcagu- unable from Newmarket on July 1st Newmarket of July bin at Bradford- The first defeat due to the great number of er rors made byBradford while at Brad ford they were to hit the ball effectively only getting two hits In the game Newmarket secured If- Mils which were nicely placed Tin Bradford learn only had one error which shows they are able to put up a better game on their own grounds and with the spirit they row show In taking defeat in a sportsmanly we sincerely hope they Mrs of Victoria Square to win a few of their future games a visitor at the home Mm Robert League standing MlssEfle Hayes and MI3I Vera- Newmarket Bike attending the Summer School Richmond at Jacksons Point this week Aurora Mrs A Ward Milne Milton are at the home Mr Thlrsk A number from here attended the picnic in Newmarket on July During July and August there will be no rfieetlngs of he League Mr and Mrs of Melbourne are at the home of his to degrees In life shade parent Mr and Mrs Allen Theaker meeting is in full action now Mr and Mrs McCowan and family with all its fdncllon Ajreat nice lump of Yankee money Just how much 1 am not say The rich John of Dakota Is oyer on a visit with relatives here He says- the crop prospects were never better Herman has his barn on Hie Owl own farm and Is now putting cap on it begins look quite homelike down there Yes and whaf do you think Mrs Prank Tomtlnson presented Frank another farm hand on June 30th People in Ihis neighborhood would feel thankful some If theyd stay out of their gardens and not Trample down he crop But It seems would bo more ornamental than The Owl a boys nature to want things that child of of her father Lost 0 Per 6R7 500 000 Sutton West Announcement Mr and Wells Sut ton West announce tngagement of their younger daughter Jean to Mr only son of Mr ap4 Mrs Br Slieppard Beach formerly of Buffalo the J marriage to take place In August Our new pastor of the Sutton West Circuit of the Methodist Church gave Brown dont belong to Elder was a visitor in ibis neighborhood last week I had a couple of oldtime friends call on me last Friday They were of the Great North West and Hill of was delighted lo see them although the time I was quite unwell The us a very interesting sermon on sun- hot wave had overcome me and I was ing groggy when they roused me from a cool corner where I was The days Intense heat of number the last few of us sweat made some the registered degrees at Is St of Heights spent Sunday the home of Mr Walton of Toronto visiting Mrs Val Brooks Ilarrnan of 5cphyr Is slay ing a few days with her parents Mr John after spending it month with In Ottawa Miss Mabel leaving this Iho urn- with Lake of Bays MriC and family her from this locality are regularly Sunday evening he will be the service so everybody keep lids In mind They report ex cellent preachers present from the A but none P of Verona Out The location of the encampment Is fee up endeavoring to get my head levelled up The heat goes for me like a breeze from he Sahara Desert How I wish I had been feeling better so I could have had a vlsll with hem The campers are coming in with a cordial shake Of Ihe hand After long months seems a great pleasure to sec back again am promised a visit from some par lies at Roches Point who are old- lime school males I afraid leather specks arc enough for lo recognize- them And Brother Charles Well what about him weft for one thing he has Invested in a car day evening Mr and Mrs Ellison come us highly recommended which have provdd during Ihe few days they have spent with us Reserve the date Wednesday 13lh for Ihe Sutton Annual Union Sunday School picnic at Jacksons PI School Reports Ho King 111 to Grace Burling notquite P 111 Percy He apparently thinks nothing Is too last Mr I Amfihefamljy delighted also They arc can produce as nice a grove as any competitor They of big crowds attending report tons have gone camping at PL Lake I schedule services Of Chatham own on Sun- m for the months of July and August Rev Mr of Sutton occupied of the Presbyterian on Sunday last when anniversary- services were held Mrs and son George arc spending a week at the with Mrs Davidson Mrs Maggie was calling on friends In da last and Mrs Roy Gray left new home at Mount Dermic on last Rev Dr Caldwell from palls the new minister In the Methodist Church here arrived on rri Mrs Russell spent several days week Most of Ihe members of family held a picnic Bond Lake on July Jsl Mr Harper and bride ar rived borne on Monday evening from their honeymoon spent at Palls Sorry lo learn lhat Percy Draper Is under the care He Is Improving Huckleberries Huckleberries I Mr Emerson Warded ad Master Marshall set sail for the up north on Monday to try their luck again as annual expedition Last year the ji mi iw or Lewis St Mo and no year will ST NORTH by ftpont Rev G of Kelt Thursday at K Miss hi vUltlng for a couple of week Mr and Mrs J Miller of Toronto were calling on friends on Sunday Mr and Oral Philips of VMM at Mr over holiday Mr Mr Wood and children of Toronto spent over Ihe weekend at Mr Those who the pic nic Bond I ike on report a time left for to course at College an made a sack of doubt an early this create a good salary Mr and Mrs At Thompson were vNIIng relatives In Baldwin on Sunday Horseshoe playing Is the chief In dustry In this berg mingled gatherings In the hall Also Ice cream and soft drinks served to suit your taste charming and all tile rest of It on hound Norman has a fine Utile hall all fussed up serve Ice to Ihe patrons On each table is a fine bouquet of flowers vane which looks pure wholesome and appetizing and believe me could gobble up a dish or so of Ice without obligation Irijthat paradise Miss of Toronl ihe of whom she Is employed vlth motored up to Town on wit a fin- big sedan car for a little refreshing fish ing etc were bound for en route lo oilier points for a vaca tion Here We are again ushered Inlo another haying period fco soon How lime fills away Sleeping my her second year Orchard Beach On a picnic parly of about people came here by special In charge of Reeve Mil ler of York Town hip and the Uy at the Hamilton cottage They colored the vler sport Immensely dinners were served on men at have con- ntnictfed a diving pier which lends Citrini the but unlet It put Into water we tear that is going to be hurt Ad hourly motor boat service has between Point and Belle every and Sun day for the summer season from to I p TO BE On Saturday Jul the Kes wick Oarage one McLaughlin Light Six Gar owned by Mr Hayes of To ronto and held for charges amounting lo by A Morton Keswlck Sole at oclock p WM SAVINGS OHM Gen Merchant Baldwin Always buy your at a saving Consult my price and save money In our big values plris seldom marry for T they rather easy lo rich man Applteatton for Is hereby given that Frank of the the County of York the of Ontario Merchant will the Parliament of Canada at Hamilton ronto la Province apply to the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Annie Laura of the City of St Thomas on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto Province of On tario this day July RAYMOND HUGHES Barrister Solicitor Adelaide West Toronto Ing a great lime learning drive It It is a cranky concern And another Invest men Is a pedlars and license He Is going to send a men out to boot alt Ihe North Country Mr Walter Green will be conduc tor Thursday of last week some young ladles of an artistic Inclination our burg and made some fine sketches of scenery hereabout The principal artist seemed deeply In love wilh her work and was very 1 cat had her tongue She made SO pie lovely pic tures She put In mind of- an old K 1 knew Ho was gathering potato bugs when a book agent came along who talked glibly on the merits of his hook The old gentle man replied I am busy with the bugs The agent kept whacking away trying to make a sale and the old gentleman still replied cant you see I busy with the potato bugs The agent went his way without making a sale Some of lady companions of this arllat did Ihe talking for her The blackeyed gal with a blue dress on Was there a dazzling beauty So charming and so sweel was hIio To seemed We are pleased lo hear that Miller McDonald of has Hold the Jacksons Point Park at a very hand noma figure I expect there will be some grand cottage there In due time Men seem to think locality will never II popularity ft would be for more popular if there was a big excursion boat on Ihe lake Im a boy from the crown Of head sole of my foot and am ihroughly versed In everything apper taining seagoing vCKSelB down to small The- enjoyable trips to my mind are the Niagara route and Ihe St Lawrence down through Hie I think It would make feel young again If I could enjoy once more Harry Corner of Is a regular reader of rather think she read what had to nay about IfabtCH The other night put her baby beside me and re minded Thats my baby Yea Myrtle I know that and aa pretty and bright a baby as any of others Somehow by accident missed mak ing a reference lo It when mention the other babies If you want to a mothers pride never her good looks praise baby Some of our ladles who have In vented In dandy new car Of laic I think must have spoken Out pretty plain when the question of buying a car was muted Give mo a dandy new car or I dont want any seems lo have been their wish express In plain English Borne year ago In this locality re- aided two women who went In pretty heavy on style More I bellevethan Ruth Edwards 452 AlrnaBurlida Jennie Lewis 360 Sp Sr If Jr Ross Davis Joe Wf Vlflel West Ruth Hunt P Sp Pearson 350 P Ar Jr Si Kdna id Hen Cousins Olive 381 Stella Levi- son P Sp Vera McOUI Cordon Davis P Class Marks jfirr June Sr Audrey Pearson 2741 McDonald 2507 Stanley Hunt Lewis Pr Roy Benjamin Jr Dorothy Cousins Viola Mount Gladys Ma 557 Nelson Tallon Robert Teacher storage chambers kept cool and In I other particulars suitable for the of perishable product of the farm butter cheese fruit and so forth Soma day probably far after all the farmers become well to build and equip mechanical cold storage ware housed of their own whereby they will be able to have complete con over the products their own labor until they are disposed of to the consuming public The extent to which individual farmers may make use of such storage plants cip their farms Is limited be cause the Quantities of products re quiring to be stored at any one time are small The exceptions are very largo fruit or dairy farmers and even In these special lines of farm ing it might not be a paying pro position In all cases to erect as expensive cold storage plant Per sonally I believe the problem of cold storage on farms should bo handled through cooperatively own ed warehouses provided with ade quate cold storage facilities Apart however from the Ques tion of a cold storage with uptodate mechanical equipment for the farm or farmers association as suggested above there Is the problem on al most every farm pertaining to the storage for a few days of small quan tities of various- foods used the table from day to day such but ter meat milk etc It Is certainly a great saving matter of lence to have on the farm a small cold storage chamber or refrigerator lu which to keep these very perish able articles of food in a good fresh and wholesome condition for use on the table during the warm eeasba of the year This Is made possible by the use of Ice and It Is procur able la almost every district of this country at a reasonable coat there is no excuse for farmers not laying by in the winter a few tons In some cheap form of icehouse In the summer time this Ice will be found most useful for cooling the milk and cream supplying an refrigerator in which butter example may LET US HELP YOU IN BU8Y TIME If you are not yet a Ipperwe Invite you to one to if Mount Creamery Co PHONE Creameries at ville Ml Albert TO MAKE No 7 III Ill Church lion Boyd and Douglas Pcgg equal to Jr Ill Doris Irene Jr Mildred rin- slcad Andrews MacPhnil teacher RognHlOtvn School Jr lo Mildred Hazel III In Jr Jr III III- Mildred Moore lion Krln Duncan Hon Alvin Walter Hoover Moore Elmer Jr lo linn Muriel lion Hilda Allen Matty lion Sr I to Jr Jr First Si- Hancock Lloyd to First Class Hoover ilnn Vernn Duncan Ivan Koy ire w Fee 8 Best A King Ward Jr Violet Pencil Sylvia Lane French III Iris Smith Ethel Prenoh Don- old Morning Jr Pearl Ward Henry Alfred Smith Dorothy Mohr Dorothy Lane Gordon Morning I Orace Madill A Paris Nor Donald Cooper Mohr teacher I hope dear wo wont et any wedding Oh I know Dads mo a 5- and I wouldnt mind duplicate from your father or example may bestept firm the milk and cream sweet and the foods in good condition for the table day by day With Ice always so handy and best of cream available It Ib for the housewife to mako delicious and wholesome deli cacies aa Icecream sherbets and many delightful and cool drinks all which are moat stimulating to the folks on the farm Id the hot busy of year In of alckueas too to ttouietlmes a necessity is no doubt then about fact that every farmer would And a supply of good a great advantage in many ways whether ft be stored in some bin from It removed quired or la some form ot small Ice- cold storage when it cools automati cally a small room ad joining the Ice several types small Icecold storages suitable for on the farm Id using these small Icecold ages however It must bo kept In mind always that tlto caonot bo maintained lower thau about or degrees- scale of coursu la low enough to products like fresh meat lougofthau a tew days and largo quantities- of Ishablo articles must be stored In a saiall too kinds- at one llraw- lu tiplw this limitation it will nay any a supply of Ice preferably In a small no care In a will deal with a at moat common and practicable forma of Icecold sturaeA far farm It IL A I Phone Watch for the Yellow Truck SUTTON Limited in i i Cool Breezes at Orchard Beach cake Every Nlahtfrom to oclock Time Shortage of sugar for sugar beet grower A sweet ayrup that for alt cooking purposes substitute foe can from sugar In I to of Agriculture of the Minnesota College Agricul ture A make from to quarts ayrup The beets the quantity should be cut into put a barrel or holler covered boiling wilier allowed to for abuut hour The water should drawn stralued tbruiish a cloth Into a kettle or wash bolter for evaporation Whon the tyruu been concentrated process boiling It down It be poured while hot Into glass Jars or tin cans and closed tight Boots that have been months can bo converted Into good syrup provided they were fully mature when harvested Why Not Family Budget Toronto Orchestra ISxcellent Floor Keeping accounts lays a Wis consin woman keeps me from buy ing bargains do not need and thus ma money that one at the bank the other day on household budget remarked a woman baa helped mo la a lot ways Do what in thy power and God will assist good will i Jack is still the pugilist champion of world having won out against at New Jersey last Saturday In four rounds MY AUTO My auto Us of thee short rood lo poverty blow on you years ago now you refuse to ftcv or wont or cant through town or country side you my joy and pride a I I ho but down out for way To many knocks I grieve Badly lop is lorn frayed arc scats worn whooping cough the horn I do swells while good Row Corn Sniffler Solid Will be received up includ ing July for or The Button drain Kir valor lor season Season corninenrioj 1st And up to sail Including August I Address ration I Co 1 i folks choke and as wo pass by for bee a price twould buy a now everybodys yelling loo I won der why Thy has grip the spark plugs pip and wo Is thine I too hills fatigue and kind red Ills endeavoring pay my bills slnoe thou Gone Is my bank roll now no more twould the as Vol If had me Johnamon Id buy a oar a and exchange a farm work Marc ago about Thejournays and trials of Weight over sound and life are before us all to choose from color preferred dark grey The roads are as different and as long FARMS or short as we choose Only this is stop Metropolitan sure we should make ready foe what- Roches Point Oat- ever lies ahead bofore wo atari out Telephone No Mr Sullivan Try Iron Disc Harrow with and carriage ft Mower W Separator Masseyllarrls Spout DIM Drill s Hay ako Seed Drill Planet Jr Garden Cultivator Planet Jr Also of door frames wis and Icnglha varloui above goods all condillon and w

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