Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1921, p. 2

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JEW Column tor or tor tofc if will 1 an general Nurse SV Newmarket Andrew St A Wort washing or Apply tot Uo Thompson New market- Nurse St yy HlfiH SCHOOL and seriloa of a young woman at Palmar- For over years Newmarket last week call for to- debt of If Ci Iho Government maintain her virtuous position jiMra Wards and daughter from Toronto were i Mrs Archie Thompson iast relief sight By an amendment to the High Act passed the last session an outrage cannot be Legislation has been Introduced Ottawa the rights of Of Co councils In regard are required to pay to the board of the take of Woods education of pupils in It was fighting for Provincial tendance at a high school nights in this same territory Wanted penned business to board la private home Room in ex change for one or two evenings a wee Box Newmarket debentures Issued Improvements For Sale Two fresh Cows on giving from to gala of milk i Edward Carter Huron St Newmarket cIause trial share of of materifilly the of eighty per cent of of Hie and loial amount expended in payment of It Is hoped that there will re- la paj for on Ihe part of Premier and for providing to hold what wo have over for the benefit of the Province fired every day noon heretofore On Uipre also an obsolete posewenre Instead and good of tfto Bank Of left for villi tier aunt IDr io such if S Brick House rooms High School Heat and Light Large garden garage Apply Greene Box lift Phone M For -Sale- roomed hause on Avenue furnace electric lights bath all conveniences Also adjoining lot Apply Bert Green Timothy Street Market Square Newmarket V STRAY CATTLE Sod Con of Whitchurch HtlWM two black ahd an J the other a Jersey Owner Is request ed to prove property pay expenses and them away LLOYD Newmarket P under which a town High School gets per cent of Its debentures equipment mainten ance borne by the county Is subsection section P reads as follows- When the annual outlay for de bentures equipment and maintenance of county pupils at a High School ex ceeds the amount apportioned by the minister and the fees received council shall in lieu of equivalent of the amount apportioned out of the legislative grant pay to the board a sum equal to per cent of Die total expended paying off deben tures and for providing Interest payable on such debentures and an additional to be calculated The clause following gives the The two last Satur day leave the Government exactly where they stood before candidate fa New Brunswick which was a conservative scar had a lead over his Parmer opponent The city of voted heavily against the Fanner but In the rural polls they spill about even County Quebec ho Liberal can won by over his Conservative opponent Neither Premier norVthe Farmers win get much comfort over these results Came on lot In the 2nd Con oil means of calculating just what the about the of Mayjeounty must pay High School Board In ease of disagreement be tween the county and the High Board provision Is made for carrying the matter before the county Judge whose award shall be binding on both parties for years Subsection of section 35 makes it compulsory for adjoining counties to contribute per cent of the coal of maintenance for pupils attending High School in another county This act also abolishes fees of section reads No fees shall be payable by pupils attend ing a High School which have a Decoration Day Muai r be Farmers Sun bad operate the House helped themselveV to an raldiug the for an each Then the Ontario members grabbed a Of per member and now Nova have increased sessional allowance from To pec annum is a wrong principle for the nations hired inc to set their own pay Our Toronto Letter at The Almonte In an article on the Peat Production which we give elsewhere in this issue that the coal barons or the men connected therewith have something to do with the of our peat Indus tries and we have come to the con clusion that there Is something in it If a private enterprise was handling an article in which the demand was greater than the supply instead of abandoning the industry would be expanded There must a nig ger In the fence to the disadvantage of the consumer Notwithstanding he need of fuel It looks as If our Holland marsh would go undeveloped unless some private enterprise takes bold or it Wo regret to learn thai Mr J Harvey editor of the confined to bed through severe attack of sciatica Sttl and Mrs Monkman at tended Fair on iho and report a big crowd as well as showing of stoca Dr Scott and Mr J it rough- ton enjoyed or days salmon fish- Ing wilts the Hon J and Mrs Davis at their home St Lake Mrs Dr James Mason nee Thompson formerly of New market and son from Alia spending a couple of months with Mrs Fred A Vandprf Apart Toronto I HAMILTON Real Estate SON Bond Dealers I p Insurance tf ft NEWMARKET CEMETERY on Sunday the June 1 The different Lodges and Societies taking part will meet aC the Market Square at p SjUS AltMiTAGK President L Secretary Grace Burnett the oldest and one of the most respected citizens of this neighborhood passed quietly away on al home of her Mr Win She was in her year will take place at Ceni- on Friday at Mr Barnes and wife moved into part of Mr Watson Fairies house Mr and Mrs spent a in Toronto Mr and Mrs of Toronto have rented Miss Wills house for Mrs Jones and Mrs Paisley of spent a couple of weeks at Mr Storrys High right to attend under the provisions of Act This act changes the whole aspect of High School administration llmt every ratepayer in town ami country should contribute a Just of the cost of construct ing and maintaining High Schools ha been recognized and now by means of a county grant of per cent for de bentures equipment and teacher salaries schools have been labor ing under heavy loads will proceed with ease to do belter work than ever In building a school It would seem hat the municipality goe9 ahead and puts up what ft requires and Issues deben tures to cover the cost Then by giving the necessary proof of llie genuineness of obligation the county Issues its Cheque for per cent of the debentures every time one becomes duo and continues to do so III are all paid Dominion Parliament BOATS WHICH THE PEOPLE OF CANADA ARE FOR 147000 AND ONLY 20000 BEEN RECEIVED Ottawa May A scandal of first magnitude was aired In Ihe Commons today regarding the sale by Hon C of the Canadian cruiser and the two submarines which were purchased from a Seattle firm a Ihe beginning of- the war The alone cost Canada The submarines In the somewhat remarkable sae arranged by Mr the brought the insignificant sum of and submarines were sold for each But the federal FOR 50000 I Hamilton May Legal proceed ings which were threatened on behalf of David Hastings of Out suspended police magistrate against AttorneyGeneral at the lime of Hie investigation by John A K Toronto of Hastings administration of Ihe A were blurted today when a writ was Is sued by Waller of Cayuga against on Mr for damages The action is the outcome of charges which Hastings stales were made against him by AttorneyGeneral when deputation waited upon the AttorneyGeneral and asked for Hastings reinstatement as magi strate Mr report wag handed to the Government lust before the proro gation of the last session of the Legls- In It was a recommendation that Sir Hastings be asked for his resignation The resignation lias not been forthcoming so far as la known It lias not yet asked for To prevent ambitious villages from embarking In a High School project now that per cent of all the ex pense comes from the county the leg islature has given county councils power to control the situation by lay ing out school districts and saying where High Schools may be establish ed To disestablish a school already established ihe county must get the consent of the lieutenantgovernor in council and this would only be given after consultation with the minister of education who would Investigate thoroughly So lhat parsimonious counties that would save money by starving higher education will not be able to accomplish anything in that line FOREIGN CATTLE IN SCOTLAND ury Is richer for the entire transaction by the sum of only The sale was made to the New Brunswick Rolling MIIJs which was supposed to pay down and thereafter at the rate of a month Mr was forced to admit tonight that only first payment had been made and thai the company had failed to live up to terms of Us contract In the course of ah hours discussion however he stated that the department had the matter In hand and hoped to recover In the meantime he said the was In the Governments hands and was security To which Hon Jacques retorted in view of Ihe declining prices of iron and steel that security was valueless TWO KtbDIES FOUR DAYS LOOKED IN CLOSET When we were over in Scotland some years ago we had pleasure of meeting Mr Win a relative of Mr Thus McDonald at lhat time In Newmarket WW J This week we received from him a copy of The Meat Trades Journal published In London In which we notice that extensive preparations are being made in Glasgow to accom modate an increased market of cattle and It looks as If this an opportunity for farmers and buyers to realize bettor prices Tin following Is what that Journal has to say At the Diseases of Animals Commit- tec of the Glasgow Corporation a let- Starve to Death was submitted from Mr William Playing auctioneer and live slock agent Duke Street on sub- Patterson J May A 7- yearold hoy and a 4yearold girl who had been missing for the past four days were found accident this afternoon locked in a clothes in an empty flat above girls home Both on point of starva tion Neither of children was able 6 talk Doctors said both will recover Harry explained that ho and Bella Wheeler were playing with another girl named Ethel years old Ethel put the two in the closet during a game of hideandseek and slam med the door before she went to hide knew nothing about the lock After waiting for long time in her own hiding- place she went homo disgusted two had failed to find her- After hundreds- of persons had fruitlessly for four days of child ren came girls brother aged and his friend Ja cob Varncr 10 decided this af ternoon that empty flat would bo a place for a quiet game of cards Harry managed to a few feeble crlos ho heard gam and the two young opened the door- of the accommodation for foreign cattle at the foreign animals wharf and facilities for the weighing sale and slaughter thereof The manager of the wharf rcportci lhat there Is accommodation at ihe Foreign Animals Wharf for cattle and sheep and that a salering is In course of erection The Committee instructed tho City Engineer to have installed forthwith the wharf a wejghbrfdge at an ap proximate cost of exclusive of building etc work required in con nection therewith Subsequently the Town Clerk re ported that ho had made application to the Ministry- of Agriculture and for the Issue of an Order to extend the foreign Animals Wharf so as to Include therein and the south section of he slaughterhouse Which are at present Included within the Irish Animals Landing Place The Committee approved On the subject of the accom modation at Mcrklanda for and foreign was agreed Corporation representatives on the Clyde Trust to visit the wharf along with members of committee for the purKse considering the ad visability of approaching Clyde Trustees a vieW to extension to the west of the present building ATTACKED APPOINTMENT Ottawa May life was I brought a dull proceedings In the House of Commons lo night when railway estimates were discussed further The particular Item was for the Grand Trunk Oram Trunk Pacific Cannon Dorchester made a vigorous attack on Sir Joseph Hie colly appointed head of the new board lo manage the Grand Trunk Railway until such lime ps It Is absorbed completely In National Railways The Government has chosen a man whose name Is the most hated through out Canada said Mr Cannon He made an unsavory reputation during war The people of Canada bm tired of sort of thing and hey dont want S89000000 placed with Sir Joseph unless proper guarantees are given here in this Par liament What we want to know Is Will these Items be reduced because of this new board Previously Mr Cannon wanted to know why was making a loan of to a company which we own He thought It sounded like lending money to yourself the auto in which llioy were riding went over the railway embankment to the railway track al Cowan Ave Thursday morn ing seven persons had a narrow escape from death The auto plunged a distance foot bringing up on its side Tine party were on heir way home from a dance on Co win Avenue and a young woman was driving The driver brought auto lo a stop at the end of the avenue but some member of the parly press- his foot on accelerator by mistake and oar shot for ward crashed through a board fence and plunged down the em bankment It was badly wrecked Assize jury awarded Mrs Florence White against the Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company as compensation for in- juries received when she was run down by the companys motor ruck The Boy Scouts turned out nearly strong at tho Ar mouries on Saturday afternoon for their annual inspection On their march through the streets Ihey made a appearance Miss years of was found dead leaning over range on day fright when her fattier re turned from church He said that his daughter was frequently over come with fainting spells would appear young wo man was about to boil some wa ter Tito faucet was partly turn ed on is supposed that she was seized a fainting spelt and fell over the burner Brown the former loller of the Bank of Montreal wild stole 2170 from the Front street was sent lo Peni tentiary for live years by Judge A lino of was imposed on Joseph for attempting to obtain by fraud front the Providence Assurance Co He said his car hail been stolen and while away from his possession the radiator was frozen but the theft was a bit of fiction to got the insurance About printers are strike In the They have had a i 8hour week and are demanding a 44hour week at the same pay as before Printers and pressmen were offered for hours or for 48 hour While the striKc they will receive strike pay of single and for married Book binders and bin dery woman have agreed lo return to work at a wdgc of for a hour wfek pending a settlement of the strike and any increased other unions might obtain Gordon of Winnipeg known better at Ralph Connor the novelist was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Church In Canada at the General Assembly which Is now In session lit the city i have farms In all pactions of York County and uptodate an of at a price to It everyone We also have houses In all parts of the town Now is time to buy Call and Inspect our list before purchasing The demand for both houses and farms Is increasing We are equipped to give you the best possible service and list your property with us HAMILTON SON ee SlrandMrs John Opt announce the- engagement of their daughter Hazel to Mr Winter son of Mr and Mrs Edward of the marriage to take place In June Mr Mrs Smith of announce engagement of only daughter Edith Wliml- lo Mr Norman son of Mr mid Mrs Julius Newmar ket The marriage to take place quietly In June I Mr Gerald writes from Alberta under date of May 20lh us follows We are just through seeding The grass get ting nice and green and we are hav ing a little rain If continues a little while we will have a nice crop We are mUch disappointed if we do not get the on dale every week seems like a letter from home Al though we are many mles away we do 110 forget our old Kastern friends and would welcome any of them Our bid friend Dr J Hunter Dallas Texas keeps us Informed of whaf Is going on In his community by occasionally sending us copies of tho dully papers In one received this week we notice that a Ku Klux Klan Is being organized take care of the morals of State similar to the one that broke up the mauraders in Southern Slates some years ago Ten masked men gave a fellow lashes with a horse whip for as saulting a girl Carriages Strollers We have them in many different designs at attractive prices ROADHOUSE ROSE FURNITURE ST NEWMARKET NORTH OF feltA OFFICE ONE HUNDRED AND GO UNDER Friends Customers There are now but newspapers mid periodicals of all classes published In the of Ontario as before the war This means that there- ho been a decrease of- papers in last halfdozen years The publishers have been hard hit by high cost of paper by increases In labor Ink lead machinery and everything that goes Into the cost of publication The result la the heavy mortality among papers as shown by above ftgircs We are glad to you that we have opened Latiis Childrens AT Will be glad to see you here and serve you again Those who buy of and over will get their car fare returned BOLSHEVISM over Calls It Unfair The attack on Sir Jos Is unfair and unjust said lion Dr minister of railways who followed Im mediately There Is not a man In tho country with a better reputation than Sir Jos This board Is to handle the Trunk until it Is taken over by the National Mr Vein Why not take It now Mr We will shortly I say when the got Sir Jos to take chairmanship we Relented one of best men In Canada May Frederick an of the Power Commission was electro cuted at the substation Just city As far as can be learned Mr was dusting in sulators around the plant got on the wrong side of a closed switch the contact killing Wrhalmo-ifonce- Era to Absent The Minister of Labor as well as Pre idler and Sir George Fos ter know that nothing could be fur ther from the than their charges the farmer are The tear down and destroy In Russia they were men without a In the country Hie men who had everything to gain and nothing to lose by wrecking the existing order of things Even In Russia it Is found that the farmers and peasants would not Join In the movement man with no Investment is able to move- from one country to another at wil A man land and an investment of several thousands Is not ablo to pick up his properly and about hence his destre for stabi lity government and social affairs The farmer Is anchored to soil He is tho great revenue producer of the- nation and the most lawabiding and orderly faction In the country Hie changes he desires are to be brought about by constitutional methods yet Melghen Foster and Robertson chargo the rural people of Canada with Bolshevist tendencies The government will gel its answer when It faces these men at the polls Farmers Sun The Cradle In Newmarket May 3ist Alderman and Mrs Cane a son fa The altar At St Pauls Church Newmarket June 1st by Re Miss Lisle of Newmarket lo Mr Hurry Morion Hill of Aurora The Tomb On May at her late residence Trafalgar Ave Toronto Emily Hunt wi dow of Harry Bowden formerly of Newmarket Funeral on Wednesday lo Forest Lawn Mausoleum Monday May at Toronto George son of tho late William or King at his sons residence Street Aurora on May John his year Newmarket May Frances Caldwell in year At Keswick on Monday May 30th William In hl year Funeral Wednesday to Queensvllle Cemetery St Toronto OPEN FROM A TO P A J- Miss Pansy the ThompsonRobinson wedding In last week Ladles Aid of Ravenshoe Meth odist Church hold their annual meet ing on Thursday of last Week decided have a Strawberry Festival on Tuesday the 1st- of Juno More particulars will be given later but be sure and reserve the date young- people are having great sport now training for Indoor Baseball on the school grounds Everybody welcome A large day i v In In loving memory of Smith who was drowned Juno 1010 Two years have passed since our sorrow fell And In our hearts we mourn- the loss of him we loved so well What would we give to clasp his hand his darling to His loving smile and welcbmo voice that were so dear to me Mother A Brother loving memory of my father Draper who departed this life May 1907 Gone Sadly missed by Daughter Ada Try Chi A VarnUh and for renewing Floors Woodwork and Chairs We also carry a Complete and HighGrade line of Roofing Asphalt Slate PERFECTION OIL WASHING MACHINE OIL A VARNI8HE8 HY8LOP BIOYCLES BICYCLE A AUTO ACCESSORIES DOMINION TIRES BUCKEYE A BROODERS GARDEN TOOLS ETC NEWMARKET Phone The Champion Shoe Repair Shop at Church on Sun- Roadhouse Rose Funeral shoes la frequently our business as repairing Often we are called to rebuild pair of to make the over We are as in this branch as to the heeling etc of lod shoes the machinery materials to goad a Job the shoe A J WILLIAMSON Champion Shoe Mam SUNewioW MAIM ST

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