Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 20, 1921, p. 2

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v t- -v- WW flood 9 Apply to Osborne Newmarket wiSfU4 and General Dunn Andrew Orchard gusli Apply Store Beach during Jul IK Newmarket- Is fttrffly OrnPS both candidates art of Older Sit l The MX Hi of J lie Wined lb la year for nnd JW utW I iw is sort duff ul fen6c SiookTaliiDg boij worked Newmarket A Pew also a few for wo A Kcawlck Will or In pjy Pcfd Newmarket model In good run- tiro c- Cedar for roomed on Avenue lights bath Also adjoining tot Apply Bert Green rfrnothy street Square Newmarket fttienlo He independent In your city and county Introducing lines faet selling Make a day up Write Wellington Weal Toronto J fcotjy- jjpjeo w i lotnko m oclock left- one a caused by luc death of Hon A on Mia of J imp a ilib feut are ijottfn Cot nerved overscan to regarded- As man could have nominated On oilier farmers claim be the bent of any hi west The will be wh In- V r In the Canadian Magazine for May Chief continues on Great I have Known are a of tides dealing with the who have made Canada what It Is today and should ho preserved In hook- form for our The arc produced In a way that grlp3 leoplo who read them and each Is given true position Indopcnd- of any political leanings The May number deal with late and fa a fine Every ahouW have copy In home J Jfulr left Monday to come all I m ball game VHlt tea oho night go iheextaad proBaand nod ho fiorry lhal plloiftJC night been r eat off ouiWo world entirely Roy Of was found Bond I i irTTMryifl V her inolhr- 4ir podinatf Win Town over uiuy by a at tmXmi Sunday- old frlcnda Will J While and Harold day of murder of Leonard Cecil John and of Toronto Sabine druggist of this oily on the family motored up of Iho of March last The Jury vlfelt her cousin Mr J G In Hall more Mian four hour and a half to Kettleby on evening Way on verdict Sentence will jprobaijly be passed on thta Scott of week unless an appeal Is granted the veekend at Mr J fa I tons J of Aurora weekend at Mr of Toronto motored up to J G on MftB Hazel McCordlek who been sick In Toronto Hospital for two i- with her parents Mr and Mrs ana Harrow spent Sunday afternoon with ami Mrs Herb Webster Miss Grace and gentleman friend of King spent Sunday with Mrs Hill Oct For Date One man top Willi curtains and bows complete Made of mohair Two oval glasses moke an car look Have only ana to sell Act quickly ino Newmarket 2wI0 TAKE ihul Court of Revision for the Township of will held at the Muni cipal Hall In on the Third day of June A J at the hour of p m to hear all the roll for the year A Clerk present Yamaakn line In the House here arc six of Commons 4 El TOR high Will for Good for Stallion and enrolled for eeaeon Good prospeolo for purchaser Apply to Dllxxard How- At the vacancies YorkSunhury York Ontario Leeds and and Medicine Hat addlllbni pur- ham will he vacant at the end of the session through the promised resigna tion of lion Howell while there will also ho a vacancy In Maplo Creek through the of J A front the Federal Hold to Join Martin Government Thy Government cannot afford to any more seats so it seems den Hi tlio rocks and still of lib on result Is on and With the green leaves on the trees Iho while blossoms on the fruit trees Iho singing of the birds the green grass and the yellow dandelions a appearance Is made and much hotter one than In previous Mr Ralph Klrhy Is moving Into the house belonging to Mw MoKucn Mr has returned hero after spending winter at Buffalo This Is the fourth house that empty during the winter that being occupied Rev Sinclair purchased a new horse last week twentyfourth la approaching What Is planing to do A number from here went down to I One brick houBCon Church St One brick clod house on Ardcn Ave One douhlo house on One house on Timothy St One rough cast house on Br frame house one acre of land outside Of Corporation garden soil One house and live lots on Court Sheet SO acres farm In Scott Township acres farm In WM RURROWS Real Estate Newmarket The Journal of how over half a hundred Joined al hoe worked llkfi heavers at imJ proving- their New Park one day last week cutting iho undergrowth irhn- raking and burning It adds The I I K provided a tea willing workers showed an enthusiasm and a pride In their park that was good to Some of the older are doing some work here today in preparation for another bee Saturday afternoon when Is another effort will compel It occur lo us thai the School Hoard and tin Hoard of Trade might a hoc lo Improve the property recently acquired adjoining the Rowl ing Green properly Is sufficiently to bo for athletic- the public rind a portion might ho re served for Park purposes on Saturday Martin has Mr Browns sale We hear Mr purchased a oar The mctohers of the OddFellows here attended the service of their lodgo In Christian Church on Sunday hoped work OF Toronto York Rallvray Effective oclock a day May the Saving Plan Time Ylrrfoi will he used for of all cars the Toronto dial Hallway System in Sun- socalled Hot York by j Now he Public fjohool Hoard bag acquired the properly selected by the Hoard of Trade for a Public Park Is Quito a reversion of feeling concerning the purchase of the Lewis drove for a Town park only Justification the Town Council has in a ByLaw for that purpose is the demand of many to vote on the question A vole could be taken on the question Arc you In favor of the purchase of the Lewi Grove for a Town Park at the same lime the void on the Sewer Laws If there Is A majority In its favor he Council would he Justified hi purchasing the property before the option expires on the of July should there not be sufficient time to prepare and advertise the HyLaw Another question might be voted on namely Shall Saving he abolished in Newmarket NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT Mr and Mrs Fred Skinner spent Sunday in Mr and Mrs Thornton and family spent the week end Bradford Mr Nelson Scott who lias been seriously Hi Is not Im proving very much Mrs Fever died on Sunday She had been con fined to her bed since March Mr To Hon seriously Injured Inwardly when his horse away Saturday evening and was taken to the hospital on Sunday A play called The Hoo doo was given last Friday evening In the Town Hall by the Merry Bible Class of There was a full house The young folks deserve credit weeks returned homo on Sunday much Three twentyone towns and improved villages In the Hydro municipalities J F Harvey editor of tho of Ihe district arc going to hepefit materially by a lower price for Hydro power Toronto prices are lo remain- one city and two towns will have pay a plight increase This announcement Is HydroElectric Commission of Ontario Operating costs Were actually higher lost year and there were num erous obstacles In way of distribution Including power shortage On Thursday June 2nd at p m special train hearing many eastern publishers an their wives leave to attend convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers As- which Is held Id Van couver on June and The party is made up of editors from Nova Prince Edward Island New Brunswick Quebec and Ontario and when gathered along with he or more of the Western provinces mem bers will constitute the largest press gathering ever held In Canada An Inquest session at the Morgue Tuesday night had a rather ending Harris Goldberg driver of the auto which struck and fatally In jured Slcln of Nassau street on rnoinlng of May on the charge of manslaughter Judge and a Jury In the County Court awarded Thomas Town- send for Injuries received when he struck by the automobile of J H Bertram In December last and hat hlfl leg broken fire at the Old Fort on Wednesday night when worth of military stores went up In smoke William was found guilty of the murder of I and scnlenced to be hanged on August 3rd Q to from to J Beat clay foam bittldlrigo- fencsd V V I iBwHilmbUry learn coll Ho to and 1 to railway Prloo and to cult purchaser HAMILTON SON ExpreasHcrald attended a meeting of the and North Press last Friday Mr and Mm Benjamin Ross an nounce engagement of their daughter Bessie Belle lo Allen J of the marriage lo take place early Mr Mac Order the accommodat ing feller of the Bank of who has been here for about two J years called to Toronto yedter- and Mr Beer of has taken place The Era Office had the pleasure of a call on Tuesday from Mr of Mass who is over on a holiday for a couple of wceks He Is a pressman trade consequent ly the smell of the printing Ink at tracts him Ho was born at Holland Landing and there being seven boys in me family he knows all about the holes He Is planing a trip down river and If he dont carry away some prize beauties he can at least recall he time when he- could fill a market basket with bass In a short hour at the old mill race COY III Carriages r Strollers fiOCarts Bassinet Wo ttiora In many oh Driver and Companions to Under Influence of Liquor aro Under WHEN Toronto York Radial Windsor May Francis Memlkl old of East was Instantly and William Warner years old Detroit had on arm broken in two places received fractured collarbone and wounds about Hie head and facCi When a roadster in whieh they driving was hurled down a sixfoot embankment off the drive near Ford night Warner is In Hotel A third passenger Louis escaped but is being held by Ford police According lo police Wofner speeding and when the left the IttvCiucnt the driver lost control the ear toppling over several times May PureBred Bulls SALE Any poison deslrfng horn Hull visit the following Breeders Richardson A Roag A Son Osborne Wright John Sons Joe Clark J J A a good the farms of Vandorf Quecnsylllc Nfcwmikel nvenshoe Sutton R Newmarket Oliver York County SCOTT lres Sutton J Vendor Markham Aurora Shorthorn d M ft J Newmarket Sec of Application for NOTICE is hereby given ihat of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the of Ontario Cashier will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next for a bill of from her Kenton Cameron of Gut In the of uviii on adultery desertion The Corporation the Town Newmarket Intends lo construct as a local improvement a sewer upon the following streets and Intends lo specially assess a part of the cost upon lauds abutting directly on Ihe work that is to say a Prospect Avenue from St lo Huron Street Queen Strcgi from the Graiid Trunk Railway Lot Sour Plan CO being a point feet of Prospect Avenue On Second Street- from Queen St to Wellington On Street Second Street to Prospect St On Avenue from Lome Avenue to Churoh Street On Park Avenue from Main Street to Cor poration On from Lome Avenue to the To ronto York Radial On Timothy from Lome Avenue to the TO A York Radial Rail way Victoria Street from Strctt lo MU- lard Avenue On Church Street from A celebrated pure bred property of Henry and Black will make the season at his own stable lot in the Con of King fllr Frederick A purebred Canadian Clydesdale owned by Fred Han cock Virginia Out will have a stand lot con and at Sutton He la very fine horse with excellent pedigree Highland Creek May Two girls were badly Injured on Saturday evening when a Irucit left Ihe highway here charged across the and struck the girls who walking along Hie footpath The girls were hurled over fence and landed feet away The truck Immediately swung hack to Ihe roadway In the lire came off Running on the bare Hit occupants of truck at tempted to- get away Tiny were followed by Constable Cheater of Pickering whose car they had almost crashed Into when Ihey left ihe road way The constable soon overtook the truck and rested the four oc cupants Ho Was aided In making the trrests by members of Highland Creek team who were play ing in a Held close by Though opt seriously Injured Ihe girls were badly and bruised and their dresses loin Miss Lemon had her broken and Miss An nie Is suffering from shock Constable Chester held the oc cupants of the truck until County Constable arrived and formally placed under arrest They were to No 10 police station May Milne Stouffcr formerly of this town Is believed to have perished- In the backwoods of Quebec On April he went out to set some traps and no trace of him has since been discovered His father Ell who spent the winter with film believes his son broke tluough the lee a neighboring river and was drowned The first word of the tragedy reach ed here yesterday when Mr returned to He and his sou had been acting as game war dens on a large reserve miles from a railway Roth were experienced Irappeis Milne was born here about years ago anil had relatives In Ibis district lie worked for a time hi Toronto and spent several yearn In J the United Slates On his physi cians advice he went lo the woods last fall fir HOSE FIRST noon NORTH OK the Newmarket On I To the parents of Ihe 1st Newmarket Troop 1 fee It Is my ihls time thank you for your kind Interest with the above Troop by your sons becoming Scouts In May we formed a Local to in Til not In matter of and but Association and Troop we held our Annual several weekend camps next year we held our Camp and at the end of year we had fifty- five That Camp year and During our second Scouts I have endeavored to do my duly to Scouts If have failcfl I am deep grieved am sorry yes more than sorry read the result in paper of last weeks meeting do that If ever the Scouts start In this town again they may find a Scout master more efficient and trustworthy than your past Scoutmaster Hawkins 1 vciy u a a l iurvio TAKE NOTICE THAT The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket Intends lo construct as ft local a roadway and gutter on both sides of the street a On Timothy Street from Main to the light of way Of the Toronto York Radial Rail way Company On Street from Main Sluet to the right of way of Toronto and on Sunqay transferred May Due WfiMton of blood Howard Cook of Is charged with being drunk while in charge of a motor car and a charge of criminal negligence will probably be placed against him Monday morning Roy of Pickering James Foley and George of are charged with being drunk largely to on I wo made possible the volun teering of a finalyear medical student the condition of Gen Sir Sam Hughes Is now distinctly Improved and In the opinion of his medical ad viser he Is well on the to very i and Ke4SomMe Prices all Phono iiO twice- The Veterans Store A Hi 1 4 Hunt by Armed oat for H A BOND DEALERS York Radial a I a 1j21 MARY by hi i Bay Street for the this day of CAMERON ILY Illl LAN Timothy Street to Avenue On Lome Avenue from Street to Millard Avenue The hi mated cost of the is of which la to be by the Corporation The estimated special annual rate per foot frontage la nd a half cents The special assessment Is to be paid In twentyfive annual Instalments A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction Dated May 3rd Pi J ANDERSON Clerk the Toroulo A Railway Company The estimated coat o the work Is of which to be paid by Ihe Corporation The estimated annual special rate per foot Is thh The Special is to be paid an nual A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction Dated nth day of May P J ANDERSON Clerk 1 IS Rial of tle City of Toronto In the Province of married woman will apply lothe of Canada at the next thereof after this date for a bill of divorce from her husband Clement on the fcroucda adultery desertion at Toronto In the Province of Ontario this 1st day of February a mi ARTHUR loyal Bank Toronto Oatuto Solicitor for Chatham May After three days hunt in a SO acre wood tot near County Patera by a posse of about men captured Claude Shaw of Zone township who with his brother Is wanted on a of robbing three Botfiwell evening Although officers got within a short distance of the men they could effect capture owing to the heavy underbrush and the wither ing fire carried op by the two pumper yuna with Hie fire returned by the of ficers and when Peters closed on Claude Shaw he surrendered la at 111 Urge The Iwo end eight hundred rounds of ammunition were secure by the constable May Several fires have burning in during the past four days The Marsltay Lumber Company at was destroyed at losa saved the shops miles weal on Saturday A large bush fire at nine miles It la extremely- early hi for badly needed In May to Mr and a son Uhtppardpflg in May nth by Elder at late residence Prospect Ave Mr Arthur sob of Ellis to Mlaa both of North Th Tarn Infant son of Ar and Mrs At her late residence fifth concession May beloved wife of Robert Mitchell her year Funeral Wednesday to King City Cemetery At the Home May Joseph Hughes aged M years At Toronto General Hos pital on May J Dr Scrivener Reeve Of Aurora aged about years Provincial Bonds of Saskatchewan of Ontario of Alberta Maturity Feb 1911 Apr payable gold Grand Trunk Pacific Guar by of Win Debentures Mun Jan 127 Town of Sudbury Odd Amounts June CUV of Medicine Hat 400 July JOU West School July 1 190 East KUdonan School District May IVo buy wii tenda at Int Pay Aug A Aug A Apr at 100 1039 May A Nov Annually JlllUiU Jan A July Jan A July Annually Hf Ui Rose FOR Over luvttroufihlna A ftnl dun port and Ui con Phono Best Pastry Flour lbs for All Kinds of Mill Vcei Dikes Grist Huron Mill t

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