Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 20, 1921, p. 1

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of properly fitted Graduate am Lending No out of A van isr annum th ivhcn not to It 5 In a to end Ceo Jewelry Store i JACKS Editor arid Propriet v I WOK For A if wo Years Political Wife Never Once Polls I fori of First the ilJJd Years 1 Stains Supplies and Fittings- Automobile Accessories Olio Grease arid PHONE LX3 Teach the Teach your children to money Start the hoy with a Having hank account and encourage him fifty cents he with another fifty from your own pocket All patrons large or small are assured courteous In every of this hank iV Hon 14 J Davis honor of Count At ait ami when moat wouldrbu- puhhit mm ins anfJihf public Mr to lo inn iiJvviy wjui IliriV ifie fur right till time at Mr So in gift of ho construction ami bonding of iron comity Council IVonii that iiMoAlty of the waggon the OB a A- MURRAY Manner 1 J j SOUTH END LUMBER FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED W L PEARSON Cor Church lit Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Tinning Sawing Dressing Etc Yards Huron St Newmarket fc 10 OWNERS Wo have added a complete IIATTEflY to our and are now prepared to repair Kinds of Batteries If In your le let us look It over for you V for t3 into the ijlilical lsf tin ilovinm in the his career waft as as in the smaller field of inuntcijfa service Though be was years life Davis was tie once at jiolls banquet in Warden I be of the county Mr Davis was lie dean of I he i uteres ing were talcs told by the thai it was fell some effort should he made In pub lish something of lire history of flic men who have guided the destiny of the metropolitan county That gathering was responsibly for the appearance this scries of sketches in The Globe Still Active hi The twentyone sketches that have from week to week wore all of men who were lrng since dead With Mr Davis begin the era of the living Though a few are gone most of the men who fol lowed the Iwentyseroad Warden arc still active in the if not he political life of II ie lorie county Though it is years since J Davis sal in the Council and although the interval ho lias held some of the most important posi tions in the gift of the Province and has built up an Industry which in lis own line is second to none in the Empire stilt he has always kept closely in touch with the affairs of the county and the town of Newmarket Knows no more pubicspirited citizen When lie was years of ate Mr Davis elected a councillor or King township He went with his fattier to a nomination meeting the firs he ever attended dreaming thai lie would he one of those nominated He was prevailed upon to Aland for election and though he did not canvass was agreeably surprised to be relumed at he head of the poll For four years he remained a councillor then up to anil after two more years the chief Executive of King After his first election Mr Davis was return- it each vear acclamation until RO Mi a Ik 1 I Weft he retired from municipal life Selected on the Train With no thought of contesting the Mr Davis in hoarded the train for Toronto in at i end the opening ses sion of ttie Council On the train were froiu the Toronto was if had been decided enter J Davis as a dark in the Ward unship The dark horse led the field find at years age the youngest Peeve of King became the youngest Warden of York county Then as now the country had a great railway problem The chief rouble that dilferent railways charged rates Where there compel tie re one railway- served district rates were very high- all linei were being merged in one two gigantic and rates The Couuty Council petitioned to ffetght and The into tub subject me Inter -v- a vtjjn seemed to mva been forgotten Huge slims or money were granted to railway companies paltry Minis were grudgingly ex pended on the thorough fares Am an of the great given the along the Midland division of the Grand Trunk granted over a million dollars to the six companies that originally comprised it the country was fairly well supplied with steam roads and County Councils began once more to turn attention to high ways years the only good roads in York county had been the turn pikes and plank roads financed wholly tolls Now arose an agi tation to abolish the loll gale The year Mr Davis occupied the War dens chair the abolition of tolls was hi chief iiibject debated While the toll gates remained was decided to abolish them as soon as the debenture debt on the York roads system had been paid off A few years earlier anyone who proposed financing roads not by tolls but by taxes had been laughed at Sentiment was slowly changing but it was not until twelve years later that the loll owned by lliv country wee removed and pri vate gates remained until a very few years ago City Started Nibbling It was during Mr Davis Warden- ship that the growing city of To ronto commenced annexing the populous urban districts of the metropolitan county ft was thai year that the village of Yoikville merged its identity with ha Queen City with the productivity that still characterized York county no Sooner was one village lost than another was incorporated When Die representatives of withdrew from the County Council the of the new village of East soon took his place Kecks Meld Mr Davis remained in the Coun- Council for two years after he iiad been Warden and Hum drop ped out of municipal politics In he was elected acclamation to fill lhu vacancy in North York caused by Dr resigna tion from I legislature As a private member of lie Oliver nun it Mr Davis soon made his mark repre sented a which was practically vote be was very active In introducing La bor legislation- fn the Toronto Trades and Labor Council passed a resolution I hanking the Covernmenl for its sympathetic treatment of Clio party and especially men tioning J Davis of York his good work during Assoc En ion National Club of the In joined the and has the honor non resident number 1tie oldest IS Sir lohn Unison interesting note Hon and Hon William Mr Davis began his career as a public speaker by de bating the temperance nueslion He has hover lost interest in the temper ance since I hose early Mays He has shown the keenest with legislation winch has been in the interests of temperance Mr Daviftifi a descendant of Empire who in the early days ecltlcd in York county hit grandparents were at a time when every four corners in the county boasted a tan nery father built a tannery in King township on the lumber at Kinghoni It was here Mud he youthful J Davis learned his trade When to years of age be was apprenticed in his fathers plant Industry Thai Prospered With half century of leather behind him Mr Davis can looc pride course that has developed a little tannery the hack wooi- into establishment that covers acres and presents au in in the a million dollars As a lad Mr Davis remembers making his first trip hi buy hides He purchased Though he has often purchased at one lime since it has never been with the same feeling pride When he commenced business for himself there were nearly twoscore tanneries in the county outside of Toronto Now there arc only two Iho Davis plant at Newmarket find one in Aurora In the race for the survival of the fittest Mr Davis built firm foundations A Factory hi Newmarket In the plant at was destroyed by was rebuilt in Newmarket- At the present it is one of the large industries of which that rapidly growing indus trial town is so proud When fac tories all over the country were closing down last winter all the industries of Newmarket ran throughout the period of depression the home plant at New market there is a large Davis fac tory at Mr Davis still keeps an eye over- tluiies but the actual operations are in he hands of hi five sons Aubrey Andrew and J Jr look after the plant at Newmarket and Eimer and Harold are in charge of tin oper ations Kingston VOL No He From Era In 16tlt Mr Davis was elected Chairman of the Public Accounts and held thai pnluMnii until a member of ilia Cabinet Without portfolio In A few later owing to death of Hon I Balfour Jul became Provincial- Secretary In tie became Conmiisloner of Crown he retired from life Mr of the Toronto of for froeu a of the Com- OTTAWA Ottawa May lfdh midget Day Is over at last and the new schedule of taxation is known There nothing In It to hopes of reducing the cost of living rather the consumer will carry the burden more heavily than ever The Tax and Unfitness Profit Tax have gone the way of ii flesh and in their place In ail doubled sales lax The antidumping law Is and there Is provision or computing loiiH values on basis of the ex change rate In the where the shipments originate Hoods Import ed must be marked with the name or the country or origin In their natural and products of the rami and forest free of ttic tux liter the luxury lax but the taxes on wines and spirits are doubled In a nutshell these the budget proposals which the Kin Minister brought down and which arc now being debated A which gives promise of being supported also by he group regretted the ab sence or the long- pro raised general tariff revision It declared in favor of a fiscal policy lo the development of industries based on he natural products or Canada and iius a Canadas war debt must be met Liberal amendment declared hut there was no fur making already burden heavier by unnecessary and extra vagbitl expenditures such as the present to cngtige In The customs dfolared should be so regu lated as lo reduce Ihc cost Of living to the people of a change which had already been too long delayed lion Fielding a speech In reply to Hie or Finance and In so doing he pice for the rest of the speakers to follow Mr Js one of the Island- figures of the House conies to discussion of budget pro so Ids contribution the de bate Wis perhaps as keenly awaited as was the budget speech of Sir Henry Drayton himself His speech was so mm adzed In the amendment moved by lSnuf- The consumer was call ed upon to bear the burden the government on protecting Its friends irtnr outside of whether or not their manufacturing activities were of any value to The Is way along Already of he pAker Is In fact of a vole on the Field ing by about Monday In case the should hot necessarily to any very great are that the farmer group in the House wilt support Liberal amendment The cross- bencher Andrew and will vole against It but the majority in the main vole of the will not be overly large tin There In no talk this year about boilers for Unite who In doubt last have al ready crossed from the government to the other of the floor Saturday sitting of the session provided a when lion It produced icrter written by Hon as Minister of Customs to the French Purchasing Commission soliciting business for the firm of of John As on Incen tive lo gelling he business he sought Mr was careful lo stale In bin teller he was Minister of Customs and Inland He venue Liberal members attacked the principle which lay behind the writing of letters The prime Minister on the hand could see nothing wrong In a Minister or crown having used official position to solicit business for a private firm A It Drome added somewhai the of the pro ceedings when he read Into IIansard Frank Cook a couple of Imaginary letters written was in town over by himself as thought they might Mr Jos have gone n- Mr of head of cattle week to Mr rinsseli averaging each Colonel Mjivdrong Census for North IS at Forsyth House Officers of institute Jackson Rev A A Smith II J Hamilton Com J A Lloyd Simpson and P Irwin Mr Titus Robinson sends a letter describing tils trip to Fort Mr John advertises a lat ent which Is described as a great agricultural victory gone cabinet to these was Curdy Minister contracts CM Mr Rail from member of Ihe another The first of one In which Hon C urged upon Hon Public that cement should be given to the Canada Cement Co of which a director and Iraols for and oils to Williams Point Co hi which company Mr also on the directorate was a clash wllh a point or order and letters were ordered Ihe revised copy of Hansard The Wlgmorc Idler Is being very seriously discussed throughout tec corridors and committee rooms Wherever members congregate Hie early pari of the week figured Subsequently the Speaker on Ihe Imaginary stricken from From Era May Mr Jos lower left on Saturday to visit his parents Mrs Richardson or Whitby was Ihe guest of Mrs Roche over Sunday Mr John left on Wednes day for a trip to the Pacific Coast Mrs A Wilson and Mrs ac companied him to Winnipeg from Toledo Ohio Sunday has gone Ihe carting business The at the funeral of the late Rogers last week were McCausland of Forest of Ml Albert Dr Pearson of vJlle Scott and Campbell of Newmarket Officers of the Star of Fire men J Murphy McTague K If Caldwell Stallard Lloyd C Officers of the Clipper Snellen Robert LHtlc Tas stark W Toy- lor fcd W LHllc J ALEX the Tag i Collection to ba Hold Empire Day Hero on discussion centred on Ihe of which was generally j appropriate that Hit lag day and condemned The Hie Alexander Memorial Minister was also being come Empire many for giving his think particularly act approval to Mr makers of Canada and the Hon ha been a con- of the among whom lecture as to whether or the Mini- Alexander the of The would not be called upon to give Maple Leaf Forever should hive an lip his portfolio place Frjser work were any Manning Avenue school- or busy limes In Parliament Composed as was Just the then Hits session Is the busiest Confederation the very year has ever known here On at- believe The Maple ft was every day except Monday men called soon became a Saturday there are from people made became a going full sections of tie to ihe counting the Senate which generally Interest only Senators themselves There are mil lees on almost everything the sun and all working at committees Ihe corn feelings which dominated hearts Its pride of its past heir own attainment- I loyalty the crown Its J jolhrrtand and lis the some will have re n auctions Into the of a response ports to bring Into the on which leglilalfon will be ba and lor this others wilt serve much greater lfon purposes than lo give the member- fiprit palroUsm devotion thereof Hie opportunity of voicIni JIat1 hoys on Flanders Mews on under re- 1 view one thing they are doing vtiy however Is to Increase the use of every child while paper since practically all of followed national anthem have on Public and had stenographic notes which are associated alt crwards printed and then the printed carefully sent out to the wherever the members a the hymn of for The Is the they will do most goad flood printing this year heaviest In a decade There Is nothing In the budget with the leasts to our banquets a hymn of personal which appropriately dlvlnc blessing on our King and It was so regarded by those who Joined In singing It rag day for Hie Memorial Fund be popular all debate In act there of a on the Fielding amendment by about the of week lhat should May Given come and the necessary committee daughter of work be cleaned- up by he end street died next week as it should be there will early this morning from the effects nol be a greit deal to detain Ihe leg- being by gasoline last night her The Government whips she was standing by while her unci tali of by about May 7 gasoline Into his motorcycle and at any rale from sen I machine being hut there was an lions it should come during ihe first explosion of gasoline which week in June The Civil Service ihe child and frightfully burned about head and body amendments are being threshed out In committee and tlierls every evid ence of Intention on he pari of members to that they be put llirough ttils The drive In Indie iU- be sonic changes in he whether op they will he as sweep ing as come of Ihe mpmbers hope rwiudm to threshed when the gels down to killings was rushed lo Ihe but no hop from I tie ASK HEW SfwUffvIJJ May On July will the Memorial by the Trade At an It was decided to Invite Hon King and Mr J A M Arm strong to be present at the The park Is acre extern and will be filled up is a community Held picnic A flow through It and It pro posed To- build an openair swimming either party and of the buck benchers have got down to and there does not appear to It Wan decided si he why the debate should make another effort to IIydo more than power for the years younger NOT Springtime your youth Do you feel Ten if yon suffer from Rheumatism or Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Why not a Spring cleanup of your acnes and pain with Rheumatic Capsule Guaranty to no to iidncys hr by ux- tort ftoll by fct ir J cad fiuttOi l J

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