Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 13, 1921, p. 6

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J- J fssr SOS I- i Hi- J t rf I I Mount the wonderful weather- It busy ond happy Report of the annual Sunday VKNTEnTAlNMBST The play An young Ilia of the League a very pleads entertainment I school follows f well paivonlicd The Hut tag rjnkwfls flodj the proceeds were about i TICK i ijcfr clean the old bifid on Wednesday was nose that did go made begin to look different hope to have another one when people ore not quite so and wo hope those interested In mak ing it look belter will turnout OK THANKS V Mrs cook wIhIisi thank the many friends ami neighbor for their kindness and sympathy during the Illness and death of her husband also those who sent flowers I I The meeting of of the McEliodtut held In the eh parlor on May of the pant work were given Hoy llo florvkon Tin following officers were for the ensuing year President J Rowland Vice President Mrs Geo Leek Cor See Mrs John Clcverdon See Mrs Oliver Mrs Program Commltleft Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs ValiJrookH Mrs Brooks Tower Thirsk Mrs Wilson Mrs Har per Mrs A Dike Mrs MoCordlck Mrs Hayes box Secretary and Superintendent of Associate helpers Mrs A Dike Strangers- Socretary and Mrs Miss Phyllis of were visiting friends In town over the weekend Mr and Mrs W K Crosby of Mark- ham were In town on Sunday for lh3 services of- the Church Mrs Arnold who has been log some time with her sister at on returned on Tuesday Misses Olive and Hoss of Toronto home over Sunday Mr and Mrs J find Wrs Toronto attended of the late Cook on Saturday Mrs Walter spent Sunday and Monday at the Of Ms parents In Toronto Mrs Cunningham sr recently on In John Hospital Toronto Mr Thompson still continue seriously 111 Frunk Assist Stipt Mill H Haines Horace Wi Fan- Ramaay -0WddelVi- fftdlc8 Mrs Mrs Ley Intermediate fllrlaMIss M Assist Mrs J Plndcr AaslHt fl Primary Mffls- Muriel Mlns A Cradle Holt Miss Marlon of the League was as follows Ilon President Lfndaay ttamsay 1st Vice Muriel Parr 2nd VIcclflHw Hull Purr 3rd Frank Tate lltti Vice Payne Marlon MIsSAnnle Treasurer Horace Organist Miss Muriel Assist A Dont forgo the regular Loaguc meeting Friday Mission das- and special program promptly at Last Saturday we organized our Choir as follows Conductor Miss Treasurer Prank Notice mat on the of May the Sharon give a musical pro gram In tin Mi a I Solos duels and choruses also read ings and social evening Included the date Dont forget the Jr League on Fri day afternoon at Our Juniors arc Intending lo entertain the League some evening soon The annual picnic of the ad ford District Leagues will he held at Bond Lake on Saturday May Dont forget the dale and everyone come along with us The last We do not to the of by tplgrammpllo manner Wedding ringing orDandeHobii cannot refrain rum saying most the and Merely another of summer add H reminds uh no for ifjal very popular In pur community social life- Is approach ing- The Sunday one day on Which we all children again The cyie- guarded In on secret but wc areInformed on authority thai It In to and than as says We all wait for defltltle annouiiceiiieiif We rood day that prices arc falling- but somethings an going up We refer lo that Ing event of lant a gravu our village met critically observed Hie valVdt of ttfcvy other men to make the up the poles The make a Iprcaslon upon strangers this The maples arc leafing out- and will I our Yankee lady folded hr away Arabs Wbif i has She will Hon lie remember- spending aeouille of months with her many tor her kindly and MrWX Pcgg and lBmuoh She it I way s remember The vows will short years Ihalriiflvo Id live I kindly Qui looking return of the Dakota widow- almost I eve one of bur young men heart pierced by- Cupids arrow I know oho tall young of these parts win lins strings lilvhow This leads lo serious One quite Johnson he vent birthday passed- Ids- wurklugas though Improved in health Largo crowd mil Is confined to hex bed a touch of Mr David doe not Improve very fast Mrs underwent an In St Johns for jhmirir on Monday doing well bo far Forsyth and left for Ihelr home In Wiisknka aflef spending Ifm winter relatives here The Box Social Mr William was a grand success the people life depended on it in ihecveoIatiilng fiftyone dollar and a halt lug James Alberts a mile or the event Icecream In prise for him In honor They served cake and abundance believe Dr Noble of Is the oldest resident of theae parts He Is hugging ninety very throw eool of shade And Hie fragrance of apple and other fruit blossom llm The hum of Hie bee Is pleasing to the ear And then a or four bites Ihc unsuspect ing one of dust envelopes and and nulla a spot and a crteket A few days ago ho was observed waking up memories of Ids by fishing withL hook and line The were a llie longlived generation Ambrose Noble Mrs Monday afternoon with Dike A Onion la being talked up for near future Sutton West Following is Schedule YOUR ORK J ninety the oil should Brown Hill Board meeting of the Conference year wll be held In the Sharon Church on after noon All members are urgently to be present as a nil of business Is on inc Mr and Mr Thomas of Weston visited here on Sunday We are glad to so thlo to be out Reports say that Mrs Is improving steadily We will he glad to sen her around again Pake notice of our village store have a real livejwlre now our church service on Sunday at am Payne will speak on The Masters Joy Now Is the time that be put on pur A group of our scientific have greatly concerned with making ft very test well we hardly know what they were tcslnu Maybe It was a suhlerfugrt obtain on after noons jcyrlrtc Maybe to see how long you can keep a former or two away from his work end maybe to see If a Ford oar tfan he Trained tub over a familiar of without steering However the test did not suit the Amalgamated So ciety of gasoline buyers so I presume that now that we a new moon a new test will be made The young people on Wednes day evening to see what can be done to encourage athletics and to encour age the activities I mean The Individual activities ore well cared for of the young people of he community They should every support and assistance In the matter and we are sure the older members of the community will loyal ly up In their endeavours years of age Mrs Is our woman reslflenl She too Is very if one wants lo live in a good care their Ik necessary Mr and Mrs 1 it Clark their little family of got out car on Sunday and paid their friends hero a visit His three little daughters arc remarkably clever If can muster three smarter ones Just say so Ill Invcsllgate the matter An interesting event took place a Owens Friday not a a naming and weigh ing of baby Audrey Owen weight nine And one-half- pounds a pretty good recommend for let daddy whose heart with pride Mr and Mrs Morton and of facksons Point were In on Sunday calling on friends Thai handsome car looks as daujiy as ever quite capable and adequate to carrying a dozen persons at once Miss I Oak of Kingston Is visiting aunt Mrs Ceo Crittenden June Sutton 3 at Sullon JO at at at at IK Sutton Lorneville at at Suiton at July at Lorneville at at Sutton at Sutton at Sutlon at Aug at at 10 Beaverlon M Sutton at Church News The Ladies Aid and W held Joint meeting Wednes day May at tile home of Mrs Al- llan A goodly number were A t i of farmers not only did hot get paid for their work this winter but did not get any thing for their valuable feed At tho same time our many hundreds of got paid for their work also their feedj and well paid for it You are earning your money by hard work Why should you a on getting paid for It a chipper It too late yet and you run no MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY CO Creameries at yille Albert Dont Hitch Up TO MAUL Horse I fiK 1st TO Us Call and Pick ft It tip Til I own The most Joyful season of the yea now upon us indeed I admire Its Is fullness of pair beauty the wonderful array of purity blooming trees lite growth of grass and the pasture fields shows signs of plenty for the workers This part of the season Is most elaborate Mr Norman ice cream par- lor Is now In and repose Ifej most suitable place for serving The ball also Is a No I spot Norman I admires active attraction Some relatives and friends from here went out In day see Mrs Waller jO buffering from cnev writing was In a low condition Mrs Is a friendly model women and Mrs John Miller and family moved their new castle last week which is situated on Street beside the Church I they will- enjoy tittle much Dora and Thompson of Toronto over Hue weekend with hen Our model butcher Mr Ktnery dell Ma exceedingly busy those days peddling products throughout Mr finds Its belter to own ship Do hoi forgef the special Tent Service which Is begin on Thursday evening May at Siit- lon West The place being adopted for series of Is on the Fair Grounds and the order of the services every evening except also on Sunday morning after- Boon and evening This is schedule that was informed to inc The meeting will free for alt so do not to and hear magnificent sermons Some of the he si minister will ho on deck s pastor Travelling and other local help Partners and local laborers are busy these days planting their roots also preparing for corn planting Lots of work on bill of fare now Must- good night Sleeping Beauty BBaf I Kansas City woman hired a ma I to who she think must have been a bull player as three strikes she says be sits down Children FOR FLETCHERS Hums Green difficult Jo fly as wasnt so said it It was to light Af- being In the air for five years the American people find rather hard to come down Hut some are convinced they must come down and are trying to do so Wilson Star TENDERS FOn SCHOOL Separate and bulk pealed lenders will be received by the Secretary of the School up to five oclock on May for nil trades required in the erection of a School Building at Plans and specifications may be ob tained the Secretary or at the office A Architects Baby Point Crescent West To ronto Lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted Secretary Out Hev John Bailey A a of Jibe Dominion Alliance will speak In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday next outlining what the Alliance has done and what remains to be done All should endeavor Co be present and hear this able speaker on situation In Canada Mosquitoes for sale the swarm Mrs 1 Aylward la visiting her Mrs Marsh Holland Land ing The monthly meeting of Hie Missionary Auxiliary will be held at Ihc home of Mrs J Moore next Tuesday afternoon A full at tendance Is rcquesleuns it Is the elec tion of officers- Mr and Mrs Ambrose Young and twin daughters of Richmond spent Sunday with Mrs Youngs Mr and Mrs Geo Mrs J Visited her In the fifty last week Mothers nay in Hie Methodist Church last Sunday was very He sure and make your arrange ment for the so that you can lo the grand Concert in the evening In the Methodist Church under the auspices of the Public Library Board Watch for bills and more particulars next week horse traders have come lo on annual did not make their everlasting fortune this trip They camped the Elbow nil right but that did not seem help them A burnt child dreads And not a few of our sharp In to the fire men had fingers badly burnt horsetrading Hark I hark I The dogs do bark The linkers have come to lown nags some In rags one in a velvet gown The gypsies In old days sixty year P Bowes preached to a large congregation last Sunday which to honor oc casion Mothers Hay A solo by Miss Lillian and a quartette were Hie special musical features of the service The Sunday classes who had J charge of the decorations deserve great for the a list I way In which part of the work was carried out The pastors for the even ing was The Home Life of Christ A large took part In the Com munion which followed the regular I service Almost the entire members of the wtlh additional friends are planning attend the W towards making a ifvlng The he held at Lane south of Sharon was their home on Thursday of this week They in that section of country till the- or- round for them to pull up stakes The gypsy fraternity the GIVE US A TRIAL DAIRY Phone AND CREAMERY Limited home on And ago followed as to their horse trading Mies The women made ami told fortunes an an lace share world around has a fiuecti who Is as honored among them as Queen Victoria was In Great Britain The Sleeping Beauty has had other of his serious sick spells such limes lie lo bed as head A few days resr and he back to his old post behind the At is count- been organized Preston KH- circuit has by Waterloo and Gall A pure white heaver a very raro specimen was caught In the English River north of Fort weight is pounds are This highly FOR Frame Stable in good Klght Sheep with lambs GRAHAM Park 3wfS Keswick OUT We have nice stock left yet of Mili tary Clothes at Low Prices coats Tunics Riding Pants Trouse Etc Come and gel cheap and challenge the high cost of Cloth ing WHERE ARE Phone FARM FOR GALE Acres Grain Farm In of Kast Co of Good clay loam in good state of James our post mas ter Is out at Orchard Reach assisting Yales In pulling up three new cottages Our maples in Ibis section were In full leaf on Hie of May Is unusually early They ornamental a properly 1 Rosier the potato king of Zephyr Is planting Very extensively this year all early varieties He has an underground store so that he can keep his PAKE 10NEY AT HOME potatoes till I If vat ion acres pasture balance under cultivation Good barn with stabling in stone Good cement block house Well els water Orchard from electric railway and Highway Phone and Rural Apply to GRANT as his nioney It A UTtiftVfcO flume upon premises or Aft con about Five Cuttle lot May 2nd old expenses HENRY 3wt MAIL CONTRACT TENDFRS addressed to Hie Postmaster will be received st unlit noon oil Friday the IT til of June for the conveyance of Ills Majestys mails oh a proposed Contract for four years six lime per week on the route ti via from the of October next Printed notices further Information as to conditions propos ed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Virginia anil at office of the Office ASUTIUCRLANU Office inspector Post Office inspectors Office FOR SALE Pure find or Cattle 10 Females Apply Hill Males to price Is right expect Horner of the same place will go In just as liberal rival He knows there Is great In If Ward ell are running a Utile butcher business They raise ihc slock fallen and slaughter 41 sell it out themselves thus middlemans the little twin Is to paid weekly for spare time writing showcards for us No canvassing We Instruct and supply you with steady work Church Toronto EVERY FARMER WHO To whom he paid money or from whom he re ceived it what it was for and the amount may keep a perfect sot of books BECAUSE that is alt re quired of the farmer who owns Simplified Accounting for armors THE Years of Providing you with a and yearly com parative statemqnt of receipts and expenditures in each department of the farm and setting forth at the end of year the total Taroi- production the cost of production in each department and the Net Profit Loss which it has yielded Books may be purchased at or THE Owen Sound May Mr by a train this morning Miss Mabel Me- escaped with worse Injury than painful cuts and bruises she was on her way to work and was about to cross the R tracks near factory when she noticed the south bound passenger train approaching She waited to let It pass But the was not on the track which she thought It was and j struck by the loeoiuoUve Wag going at high speed and tact loscd her Into air of the acrldeni rcachtJ spot she bad fallen fl her still conscious A took her home In his car No results expected Profit a magician might be called wizard lot North Just test him one day I gave him a hill and told him tn MAIL CONTRAjCT SKALED TKNDEH3 addressed to the Postmaster General will he re ceived at Ottawa until naon on Friday the 17th of June tor the con veyance His Majestys Malls a proposed Contract for four years six limes per week on the route RURAL HO Via from the Postmaster Generals Pleasure notices containing furl her Infonuilion as to of posed Contract may seen and of Tender be in ert at the Office of and at office of Inspector ioinitto A Post Office Injector Post Inspectors Office Toronto May and Raven Hie Office urn ana told him to change that silver He put he hill fn his pocket and presto he drew out four shining coins I think has about the smartest little lassie you will meet in a days Sylvia seven years of age is very desirous to learn something She has a great desire to go school and It worries her considerably even to tears when the weal her Is Inclement and prevents her going You only need tell tier any thing once and that fles It In memory She Is a very clever lit tie songstress too She has few songs on her pitch her own music and sing it I trough without iy accompaniment It would please thee hear In days of Old Black favorite song Uncle Johnson has Just been telling me thai his birthday and the day succeeding lie cut sixteen bags of for planting Prom my own experience hi that line of work I he a fine record- Ho seemed feci proud of he so Ill not bras him up loo much Ml as Alice Crittenden Is it Iidi phone office Hut Ion her sing Joe my BATTERY REPAIRS that save you money IK your battery is in need of i here for an will report upon the batterys condi tion and an estimate of the cost of repairs if needed Whatever make of storage battery you have now Service is at your disposal We are equipped to a makes of storage batteries Our moderate prices will prove a reve lation to you As as there is a spark of life In Service K- Owl it We never to the worth bat while tilANLEY A BUTTON WEST on the vest is no enn- a of Ai A

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