Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 13, 1921, p. 3

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Mr s 5n- ncvra Sr TiWi ftSW floe Mo effect fried jic tit F mm f r home uarit liot68 I3W wa Ml TCo pony has I W splendid at on ftionrUy Mini wan in of 1 points brought out vtiI look pari In Our Work in taken by Herbert Jjris awl of Sho quality last In Brown Wavy wo hava had at son will Inherit the George fatniof who died on KING uU JA SI 1 f -if- da a ftlwaJB a ft At I ha on roiidy for Iop on lli lopof Hie j H noil In lie and road La on iv Hie firound jleiii In flaws up flifffl art being tone It Will Or finish Hired ho that lfVl will fiil Inllift fluiivh olKlil In Knitted and Wov than and at of our COST DANFORD ROCHE Stairs Fair MiiBOiilc here la fal official or Hie Deputy Monday tcto Widths Patterns on vAvwApRHNTOpp Mc and Mrs ire moving hip Mr they have rented Jos and well a day In Toronto Dr J J MalliOROn and wife of To ronto pcni Jiumlay wild Revolution Will Occur in Industry May A revolution In the sled InuiiBfry as a result of wrapping of millions of worth of machinery in mo mills Mr and Of Toronto Untied States This announce- were guests at Mr If Smiths made this morning In Mr and Mr J end Professor Charles Up indication a next by Iho 50 Hawaiian liiHlru- pur- Vni ok inure of Ha IViWp Hall Is already sold Those daw flit tin properly Die nwlii lima by it I r another It is a location and well for purport Had th little would have milted Itcllr hut Hie ilwij tin In lids -property- victoi Hawaiian of School May AM In I J AM Worship- Theme of Time PM meets In Vetry Sunday School PM Worship It Theme The of Toronto were Mr A Mr and Mm Kennedy spent with mother Hansel French Rays thai the liltlly of producing from Iron ore away with the use of NEWMARKET i St Toronto on Jurycast Iron and the Heeding In full at the Some have already Miss Vera Harms the week end her home at Sunday being Mother a Day a wen present here In the evening Mr awl Mr Alex were at Mr Sunday The hoy have been engaging the playing ball makes version of Iron Into In than of the time now required The principal colore of the process is Injection of hot air and coal dust the furnace obviating the use of coke This will of Im mense Importance to steel men who have been obliged to Import mil lions of tons of coke annually Work Rev W Lawrence PaMor a Day hi for the In unison ami play- can ho used by of School WMk iiom Tuesday hill bloom make a now on printing has been A fiuinber of Pure removed The minimi meeting Of Iho him nrc4ft of iho County met let will be held Club Newmarket homo of Mrs on for of problems New Concert A very good crowd attended the Irish and Scotch Concert given In iiJ Room of Hie Presbyterian Church on Monday night under he auspices of the Guild number well rendered and the served was a credit young ladles Total ruciMdtf were about Mr Mrs Anderson of Union- vlllc visited Mr Makers Sun day Mayflower lsnii to lb- of Shorthorns of the County were rep- ami meeting marked Mr Walter to was to lie fthalr Day Secretary of Shorthorn Breeders Iho on Thursday May at As till Is the election of for coming year a good is tciufiHtecl Mrs Ifhiuhnaii will give a reading dull your membership A Treat Ami i Ion was present and gave who attend the on Shorthorn Hcllaf In Hie Christian to- ami Club Work The meeting night niday fhfn leal Hie form of an open fuishn and Hip general feeling In the country should Prooreealvo Dr has Jnslntled an a his denial parlor for use In Hip real mom of his patients Blocked The beautiful balmy air last An organization known as 7 To York County Shorthorn Dreed- yvcnt Club was then formal and the lotion officers ftHnlW other was Hi vim many moou and rigs vaHous Hi Vlre President Toe Clark llH sWorahle This was vf t m WI Stanley Alan RalHon was made to Calf llWok ha formed In el l vrlft0 n W and pamphlets Sif support of Die Short- 1 hero Calf lo the Club Is all in Hie with the J JVlry of Agriculture for a woman People should not be allowed to hold forth on Hie corners the Market square Is the proper- place If objection was Hie Is great hut the could without difficulty 1 Hoy ficouls At a representative held In lht Iire Hall in Ihe Interests of the Hoy Seoul Movement It was Dial owing failure of the com- lo a leader and owing to Hit liability against Hie organisation It was hotter to the by the of the tents and camp equipment An balance after the debts paid wilt he plared hi the hank as a trust for any future organization of Hoy Scouts wtio have loaned to the Scouts will please call at Hun ters where goods are and claim their goods as all unclaim ed articles will he sold wHhoutrc- an early dale I DENYAU Owing the rapid advances made by profession- of medicine in Iiik so many of obscure Neuralgia and focal diseases to teeth as a prima i focus of Infection and III order bo absolutely sure Just where cause f dental infection Snowball School No had the pleasure of having school over on Friday May The afternoon won spent In sports An interesting game of baseball was played by Juniors The game was hi favor of Hie Snowball girls the score being id lo Keltleby foolbalt team played Snowball Juniors and Hie game was also by Snowball Score lo The players were treated to randy and apples Hope the visitors will come again In have Of fered their church to the Method I for the conference In June as the local Methodist Is not large A riot occurred in Saturday a of started to wreck the town They mopped up the police and smashed every window along the In hired of the town and then tooted the shops of valuables A Great Special Selling of Serges and Cloths s Inches Wluo for 545 yd ill Tan for Armour In All fop yd On Only at Than L All Wool and Fact IOOOi Stock Markets Highest paid In Toronto this week fcxtra Choice and Heifers 9 Choice Butcher Cows Choice Springers Milkers Spring Lambs Choice Calves weather Irf grand People arc sheep Hogs off cars HALT Right Turn I Quick March Marling come out of Toronto Wei will soon the summer collages Idled Some of mi young people will he much phased to see hack f J OH In Ohtpo toy of the Toronto Markets Heads Off Oats Peas hi worse any buckwheat of Hie oilier allied nations do- Col Maclean head of ii mixed he publishing bouse on per a trip toj Butter per lb Poll Wheal Spring Goose Wheat 50 ay I return to Toronto from Church Ti pv merlin of Hie Official Hi Iftik in ip Hoard Ttoorn tit on Tuesday evening and J well members present and received from depart of be work There paw Ml WH in The of arranged series of Institutes for Women throughout the Province IIk hi North York will he members on the church ion of during the year deaths and Hr sides 111s there Is class of loin Mount Albert Pine Orchard Newmarket Mrs of in charge of all Hie She ban had special it to I who are of fruits ami about a successful nee iur1 e It ft Ivns The finance riiowj glvlnffs Jdne June IS June June June 21 June Toronto will be above meetings training In and the can vcgelahhS and has competitor the Iter subjects miy be I have Install on for alt hinds of Denial Work Having spent considerable time on this branch of work and particularly Hie reading of Radiographs which Is Hu- most important part I feel thai I tin a position to give efficient work for a more reasonable charge than the larger Laboratories could give The is of wonderful value in determining Hie exact position of Im pacted wisdom teeth and roots that arc covered with gum tissue before to extract Any work lhat shall be entrusted me by Dental or practitioners of this vicinity will receive the most prompt and careful consideration after June Hie first I while missionary glvlnffs have inning of Vegetables besides Hie Forward Meats Salads for Hot Days Art Of Needlework been reduced over rated- ration Lecture year Cuiirse In Sewhig lliafling vyaa elected and Making The Secret the District Meeting at and Mb Rewards resulted now Ia Ciirrey recording ft Work and Cane Cornmllives were all A Mi was to arrange ChureU- mana- services Hie committee composed of sSJ the J Manning John MnlH to Parsonic and w quired to a J by the was tendered to r his hroua If granted the hoy to the church minor mailers receWfd AH property on Main end Huron hereby connections vlth the war must bo made at as the roadbed Will not bo disturbed 11 Is German propaganda Is responsible for much of the trouble In Ireland he said The German hand very evident there from what I was able to learn I believe the Irish problem Is straighten ing out Col was In Italy Spain and Portugal as well as in He finds lhu Germany Is making a comeback and flic French people are making good pro gress Italy too 1 ripldly recovering Speaking of the tariff changes an nounced by Sir Henry Drayton last night at Ottawa Col was miile emphatic I believe In a higher tariff not fur raising revenue but for building up the industries or the country and protecting them from Hie low- price I labor of foreign countries he said Germans now working on a basts of from to cents an hour arid they are working two hours a nay more than workmen of oilier countries in to that the workmen I was Informed were giv ing two hours more work a day to the nation Yet It Is the Germans who are puohlug he eighthour day pro paganda They wort on Sundays too Imagine thai for days a year four hour day more than other countries multiplied by their millions of workmen and what the labor of an unprotected country is up The sales Is the of all taxes because it beard most heavily on the biggest moneyspenders and bus hidlr lly eocoufae tin If I Income and profits I axes while fair to an old and country likoi Great Britain are viry to a young country like Canada arc being built up by the thus Chickens per lb Ducks per pair Turkeys per lb 105 38 CO 50 50 45 1 PS Newmarket Fall Wheat 35 Spring Wheat 123 Oats per bush 50 HO Hay per ton 3000 Eggs per doz iiutlcr per ir In lvcnlco3 vacated by lIr F CI VOW auiUK mm i meeting in ftcbooi room on CAM YOU READ With ease and without lMln If not If the type dims or It sure sign you need glasses We prescribe the tenses see that you are fitted accordingly Come In pitted Any person wanting connection should apply to If of Town frnmcdfatoly order Chairman Com UP Mich robbers armed with ton held WK when o to be elected in out mn Of PAMHV or fc bull JO A BROS Doer IVeit of on Office May Twelve up the Hallway car at Illinois shortly after oclock tills afternoon forced the two I eiiiployees lo hand over keys to Ihe locks to the rear of the automobile in which money was a rut stole cash boxes containing In cash ami dree ear llckcl Bars several After getting money and car tickets the bandits Jumped Into and disappeared 4hece Is selling i In New York markets ar cents owtsl la six IVo never had flood valuo In to USED GARS FROM to Iti good to you lliuu va pt0 WE ON HAND Call mid won as lWlrif

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