Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 13, 1921, p. 2

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tfiorat too air for Ibm- not Jrtj JJ wit for fcttfcb3 will nearly navf also a fildcnord Mr filiilay Newmar for Phone cheap Nev If market for A Good Strain of Minorca Apply Hint Newmarket Red end without a tnll months old strayed iiilo Town about wo months Owner can get same by applying Bra Officii between Richmond lull unci Sullen plain Tire on rim In viclnhy of Reward fur return lo Era Office The statement of Mr itjvtfjttTi of v wilier ho put him In an unenviable position though he to give the Initial of the man who offered bribe that does not- satisfy the and Mr hoy loat In North Hiding of York TV icai I day Saving pay Celebration Looking Other L I- There p W Toronto woe Itw last ft Marine And ttf Margaret and Saturday with Miss Noilly of Join Prom Toronto Globe The moral and economic benefits of prohibiten been recounted by chair total nitjorjtjp of over voler meet- In the of Wep proponed for was a fair attendance at Bradford Witness Mr Mr of the Board of Trade hi their F Porter Newmarket spent last Monday ovenliiQ the day hi town Mr 1 It In to Hie complete official figures the on of April Ah soon an Ihe red tape machinery of In unwound we will dry probably Rent IumlBhcii filmeoc for Convenient M Apply market New- In ood condition Mrs Simmons the rehldonco of Mr A art Am op- Work Wanted dog lawns cut fixed StoekTakln and out wQ A TOW Joraojf a few tirade for sale A Keswick- for Kramo barn i2x50 WM1 cattle or in wcliongo Ap ply Queennvlllo Ontario but will probably not be before the of July At lat John Barleycorn boa been kteked out and It In to bo hoped that Me will not have a chance to not fool In I bin of Dominion again Colo roomed house on Avenue all Also adjoining lot Apply flirt Timothy Street Square Newmarket New market on the Northhound oclock Station Silver with Cham Finder Newmarket Sta tion Howard For do people of Canada per- hi buying American goods when our good ore not worth across the Knot- Wo arc told that Jadlca continually buying American when Cana dian made are good In nine month last year Canada Imported twcnlyHCvoii million dollars worth of frultv from tho United Slates A Jot of tills was for early and tomatoes Surely would good busbies to wait two or three weeks for Canadian keen Ibo money hi country as well as to help mention of exchange flic Canadian Imports the United Slates for eleven months ending February J amounted to Surely wcllrodo Canadians can and refrain American goods for the sake of the countrys credit and accepted making the roll hundred Mr It Smith chairman of the Local improvement the regarding the beautifying Of Street In wlth Aurora Horticultural Society and the Com mittee was requested to sec that a deputation attended the In Au rora on the Inst by the of the Provincial Highway concerning the Maine matter Three small accounts pnsgeil and In tnry read im portant communications two regarding Factory The autlory write to an Arm rfcun firm for Infor mation regarding a self- operating for level railway crossings Mr Fred on behalf of Iho Publicity Committee related what hud been rcKfirdhig tho diverting of traffic on Yongo through Town by way of giving estimated but further action cannot bo Liken until the Highway Commission decide upon widening of Street and Town Conn- ell give a decision regarding the light ing of street Hut the Com mittee asked- for an appropriation of to obtain certain printed with Information required by prospee- of Mr 1 Howell factories president and manager of the After some dlscusHlon the Commit- remove tec was authorized to collect from he arena and prepare sketch of proposed took the in- work to bo submitted Mr Fred Brook and family left for two year have returned to Newmarket who ago and Wnrlc the 3rd line of King spent Sunday with their daughter Park Ave Mr A of Is upending a few days with his Mr Huron Street MrUruce of Fori In Town a couple of days this week and has returned homo wllh Mrs Freeman of Sutton was In Town on Saturday greeting many of her old She reports that they like their new Maple May Eliza crossing Ice had a smooth pasage compared with the flight tonight of two un known men who and bounced In- a automobile over Iho side roads of Holies and his son Will la acting the parts of the relentless bloodhounds didnt drop child but In the present case the thieves abandoned precedent and also Dillbtnt bwiloricd cur when found the pursuer on their heels and took shelter In a swamp j Summoned by telephone the whole turned out to through Hie swamp hut the search FPU Fir Miss Beryl Jackson who been with her grandparents since last summer holidays left for her home In Montreal ha ever The Woman For light housework plain cooking homo and wages Home with every con venience Must be trustworthy Liberal lime off Apply by letter Box II Bra Office Independent Act In your city and county Introducing line fast selling rubberized household ap parel Make a day up Write Wellington West Toronto Motor Oar Top For Bale One man top with curtains and hows complete Made of mohair Two oval glasses In rear curtains Will make an car look Have only to sell Act quickly Cane Newmarket Out Dais room house with All conveniences furnace First basement under whole House Large lot The property Is very conveniently situated being only one block from Main St close lo Met Station for selling owner going farming For all apply to Box HcwfOarkol public life he crest In tho Canadian that father the laic Sir Mac kenzie Howell did Deceased art Anglican In religion and was a member I of Lodge No P A M and the and had always taken a keen interest In municipal affair serving at one lime a a member of the Hoard of During he considerably In Montri3l for time wherc he was engaged with the firm of and Workman then going to the Pacific coast ami spend ing some time at Vancouver Health and San Francisco Three lime visited fuut was In Bins when war broke out A widow one adopted daughter to approval the with Large and Automobile Insurance Company has openings In Newmarket and surrounding Towns for agents only producer need apply Write Boom Confedera tion Life Toronto The suspense Is over changes are announced no general revision Tint Master says tho Covernment The tariff but there or Finance Is lug lo sec what the American will do truth is life of the Government Is drawing close hut they had make some kind of a shift to raise the estimated expenditure present year amounting to hundred and thirty five million dollars About the only change made was shift flic excess profits tax from the Shoulder of big interests ami put It the relallera Speaking of Budget lie Toronto Globe says The real vision of the tariff and ihe real of grappling with the financial of Canada must be left to live Council for power to act The advantage of rounding the cor ner of Sired on Prospect Avenue was discussed and a ruoltou carried to draw the attention of the Hood Commission lo tilt ivoposUon Traffic i Considerable discussion took pfdee on the necessity of a Town Constanta with proper authority to regulate the traffic on Main sheet to prevent the blocking of Ihe corner especially on Saturday nights Mr Harvey- was very concerning the need of Patrol Men one for day service and the other for night service A motion was passed asking Council to pass a ByLaw against blocking of any corner on Main Hired by any speaker or body a Dummy Policeman be- piaffed at the corner of Main an street he and ail on of Kooy fcrlctt on Joseph Direct Good a long Hot of tfthor to from Half I coll from re- task a new Patrons of Toronto York Radial Railway and to a parliament resenlallve of the people will be a task demanding the best that our public men give The burden imposed upon the people will be heavy under any plan is likely to be adopted should be made lo bear as lightly as possible on the gfeat producing Industries of the country as well as upon the consumer whose voice Is o seldom heard Effective oclock a in Sun day May the socalled Saving Plan Time Hot dud Tim will be used for schedules of all ears on the Toronto York Ra dial hallway System THAFFIC DEPARTMENT Toronto Radial May During the year Canada Im ported Ions of from United Slates valued at That Is about five million tons more than the year before the War We have extensive fuel jresquices but for tho most part they are located the extreme ends of the Dominion Nova the East and Columbia In the West and the cost of transportation excludes the product from Ontario Even ocean transpor tation 10 Toronto and great lakes could hardly compete with the Penn sylvania coal for delivery by rail but would have a to keep the price down Officials statistics the value of Canadas mineral output last year at Of tola PoreBred Bulls FOR SALE Any desiring Hull Ahould visit following Breeders J A A Hon J good fihort- farina Wandorl Queensvllle Sous Ravenshoe Sutton Cormley Newmarket Vandorf Geo Markhain Aurora York County Shorthorn Breeders Club Prca John Joe Clark Ernes I A Oliver Of IhU represents produc tion of coal which exceeded In value he total output of gold silver copper Iron and other metallic A market a hie commodity from our peat beds fa he only thing that can reduce Hie of coal In Ontario if such a thing could be found Province of more than- of the coal lands of Canada and of estimated anthracite and re sources Comments of Exchanges The Why Farmers Sun Hon Wig- more Mlnlaler of customs was guilty of conduct In solicit ing business for hid own firm on lei heads of the Minister of Custom It all goes to show what the country has long expected that the present ere hanging onto office for what can get out of l Daylight caving Wanted Mr Cody brought up the question of Having calling attention to the Inconvenience of having two periods of time In operation after the of May was slated that the merchants are all In favor and per cent Of the men In the factories The Mayor said Hie Council were willing 10 he governed by he wishes of Hie majority of the The High School wanted the same lime as Ihe Metropolitan hut the Public Schools the Standard time A is now circulation asking the Council to let the time remain as Is The Is waiting till Ihe 1st of June to sec What the people A motion was adopted In favor of Saving and It was decided to place half a dozen petitions In the hands of the members to obtain signatures and present the same at once to the Mayor asking It to come In force the same time as Toronto and remain for the same time Dominion Day Celebration The action of the Amateur Athletic Association In arranging for a cele bration of Dominion Day with field sports etc was heartily endorsed and the- Hoard pledged Itself to stand be hind the Association In making occasion a pronounced success Complaints were dust on Main street also necessity of oiling other streets soon as possible Alderman promised Ihe natter the Council Board adjourned at Hon J Davis and Mrs Davis Who have been In California all win ter reached home safely on Sunday and have been receiving ft welcome from their numerous friends Mr Frank of Newmarket has been elected on the of Dindor of the Canadian Club In New York city His brother was an em ployee of Hie Era Office and learned his trade here We accidentally omitted men tion last week the fraternal call of Mr editor of the Witness which was appreciated He Is milk ing arrangement Join the Excursion to Vancouver next month society event of Ihe week wan Ihe reception Ihe Presbyterian Manse last Tuesday afternoon which was attended by one hundred ladle Mr Mann received In the drawing room with her sister Mrs McDonald of and was as sisted by Mr Hen Ross Mrs Dr Wehb Mrs Dr and Mr Hairy Marshall Mra A J and Mra Harry poured lea In the dining room assisted by Mis Miss and Miss Reside Ross The flower were very choice from llic Conservatories and comprised sweet peas and other bloom Our Toronto Letter James p Toronto en gineer claims have perfected a method of making steel from ore without the Intermediary of the blast furnace this method he hopes that Iron ore In Canada cm ha used to make steel instead of Importing for Slates valued at between and owned by the union Slock yarda was destroyed by fire which broke out Monday afremoon To widen street to feet from Christ Church north at a cost of In accordance the report of Works Commissioner Har ris and Assessment Commissioner was the decision of Committee at the City Hall The same basis of rating as In former scheme namely per cent of the cost to be home city and per cent property flllng Is also recommended The cost of the work will be spread a period of twenty years was unavailing Aided by the and the nature of the ground thieves made their getaway Clolcn From Gallon The stolen car belonged to Ros Ihe night operator al the Grand Trunk atnllon at Maple Ills car was parked on the road outside the station At tonight he left work to go to lunch Just In time to see thieves make away with his auto mobile Noah Holies and his son Will passing In their motor picked him up began At Patterson on the Richmond Hill side road pursuer caught up with the thleVcn but the road was loo narrow for them lo pass and the pace was loo furious to moving picture stunts With Ihe engines roaring the race continued across the side road through Richmond Hill When the second concession of Markharn was reached the leading turned north Al Die Elgin Mills able road a turn made to the west CO In Worth loam building clay nftB near- In Cray coll No to 1 to railway right and terms to milt HAMILTON SON Off malnloln- as the pursuer lime the road allempt to pass After Mile after mile Ihe car heir relative positions the road once more wide enough The thieves saw It was all up Slightly slackening speed Ihey Jumped from the stolen automobile and took the fields Rut after a lenrnlle chase neither nop the Holies were ready to give up They had recovered car they wanted the thieves A telephone In a neighboring house brought dozens of farmers Hip- assistance and a systematic Ihrough the swamp In which the strangers had disappeared was com menced Hut the darkness was in favor of Ihe hunted and the hunter were balked Of their prey BEST If J- VALUES I AT Si or iitiar J7S at In llandlla the Slate Hank of 5000fl cash and bonds and escaped Arthur Walker fell down a nine shaft at Cobalt and was killed Serving afternoon tea al well- baby clinics Is proving a muchwel comed innovation fit Thomas II red mother with babies are very glad of the refreshment In one week fifty babies are brought the clinic Three nurses are kepi busy ji over the the the as to bring of the Forest hack are raging In Mus- Aurora May The High School Cadets strong were reviewed yes- by Col Hugging of Toronto The boys made a creditable showing and were complimented on their mas ter of the drill by the reviewing of ficer In the evening the cadets were banqueted by the School and High School staff Among the speakers the banquet were Lieut of the York Ranger A Love Col Dr Stevenson A Ewers Irwin Watts Miss Lyman Jack son Miss Verna Bryan Mies Muriel Jox J Harold Hums Webster Aubrey J Mc Donald Miss Elsie Ewer and Miss Mound oo After IVlldut PotTibio Political Parry on May to Mr and Perry a son At Sharon May Mr and Mr John a daughter Altai Rev at his home In Newmarket on May Mr Edward Atkin son of Holland Landing lo Mia Pearl of Mount Albert on May Alice Tuskey of Tus- In her year Interment at Cmetory on Friday May Chatham May The two children of Mr and Mr Willis Mac kenzie lost lives at town Ibis afternoon children aged two and four years respectively had been put lo bed for laelr after noon nap after which the mother went out to call on a had only been gone a neighbor noticed flames breaking out of the house One child was cued but so badly burned that It died In a few minutes The other perish ed In the fire which totally destroyed the NOTICE FOR A Red and Roan old Freeh Milk Cow Lot con East Whitchurch GEORGE McKUEN Phone 1 Preaertiosfariete TAKE NOTICE THAT The Corporation of the Intends to construct local Improvement no much of Hit neighbor and time when Ivcnly feet width the following streets and also re5 construct as a local Improvement between the curb and side walk oo both aides of the said and Intend to specially- assess a pas I of the coat upon the landi directly on the work that Is to a On Main Street between Water Street and Huron Street On Huron between Main Street and the right of way of the Grand Trunk Hallway The estimated cost of the wcil is of Which Is to paid by the Corporation The esti mated apeclal annual rale per frontage Is The special Is to be In fifteen Instalments A petition against the war will not avail to prevent lis Dated May 3rd P J ANDERSON Thursday In CI si Sutton J 2wl6 Sec- Newmarket THE OP DAY Wesley Halt over of Toronto SERVICES SUNDAY a Meeting a in Preaching p in Sunday School p in Preaching pi ALL WELCOME I stick has May 10 A a Grand Trunk freight Tfce It placed an order for 40000 tons of Willi the In of North Sydney S her of caw train were derailed Princeton at an early hour this morning The card were thrown the rack and blocked traffic for four or five AH the meantime were enl around hy fitralford- Sealed Tenders properly marked and addressed to P J Anderson Town Clerk will up lo oclock noon on Saturday May IfiJtl for Con struction of Sanitary Sewers approx imately 3 miles In the of New market Plana and is poo III cat ion a may ex amined at the Engineer Office James Proctor Co the Toronto Street Toronto P J Andorra Mayor May the ultimatum The tonight by a vole Of to yielded lo the final of the allied powers and In so agreed to fulfill the terms of the Treaty of Versailles to capacity of the nallon to do so The total sum which Germany called upon to pay Is disarmament mutt be carried out by Germany in accordance with the pro visions of Ihe treaty and the Rial of war criminals must be put Into effect Numerous other Important terms in which Germany has been In default will he enforced Noncompliance with would Germany to occupation of the Ruhr Valley and other military and naval were deemed advisable At Mount Albert on May Daniel Cook year t Funeral Saturday to Mount Cemetery Drown At Holland Landing on May Fannie wife of Mr Ernest Brown In her 30111 year Interred at Holland Landing Ceme tery on Monday afternoon One One One One One land brick house oft Church St brick clad house on Ardcn Ave double house on double house on Timothy St rough on St frame house and one acre of just outside of Corporation lots on Firstclass garden soli One house and five Street acres farm In Scott Township acres farm In WM BURROWS Real Estate Box Newmarket i Hoove In dauphin Manitoba May Infant daughter Mr and Mrs Levi Rogers on of allied subjected the allies whatever measure A few days ago a Barilla manu facturing received order from a British shipping for a of rtfahWaeliOr o he used on boats Midland May A Pan Of Tiny Township v as fined 400 iud In In of Walter who died May dvaili how It And bitter grief Imparls It lakes our loved ones from our But never from our when days sermed Just when his days seemed best God called him from among us To Hut home of eternal rest Ids cousin Anna Aurora copy TAKE NOTICE TILT The Corjorallon of the of Newmarket lotuiids to construct a local Improvement sewer upia lf following and Intend to specially assess a part of the lands directly work rg of YOUR Ok Tins tfuvctrouohlng Work a Ultimate Phonb or Ix today before manufacturing months MagIslrtto Cook for llllclf f Is lo say a On Prospect Avenue from Pearson St lo Street Queen Street Grand Trunk 1 Lot Sour point feet Avenue- On Second Sired Queen St to We StrCef On Wellington Street Second Street to SI Millard Lome Avenue to Street On Park Avenue from Main Street to Cor poration limits is On Lome Avenue 1 A York fti- way On Timothy Lome Avenue Pi A York 112lid Best Pastry Flour lbs for way On Victoria Street lanl Avyiuo Mil- All Kinds of Iccd ling MAR s Kay fend Gttavv Grist Mill On Timothy Street Avenue On Lome Timolhy u Avenue The estimated cost of of which paid by the Corporation- special rt a lo ytllirJ la be paid by foot The special In annual A petition against the not avail to rontwei May 3rd

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