Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 13, 1921, p. 1

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lacles you have chosen end property fitted Watsesa Graduate J he loading wwoll as Trpvfyyvy as wo J as the Oldest JAGKvSON Editor and Proprietor QUALITY NEWMARKET Fitters Appliance and Automobile and PHONG SAVE generally to who go look for it the with a Account is a position to grasp good for off Savol on with Bank Interest paid at current rate air A i SOUTH END LUMBER YARD FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED W PEARSON Cor Church and Hi Lumber Lath Shingles Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc feiso ft Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket TO CAR OWN We a complete to our and now prepared to repair fiJI Muds of Storuo If hi trouble with your us look over for you for t batteries K ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Mater FM D AY M A Ottawa May Whether or mdmhrrtj of have a Utile leeway regard- to getting jobs for their 10 questions of Certainly proposal lo Hid Civil Service Act no provide for certain appointments out of of Service and did Die Grand Trunk or Hallway for the of roiny of dollars Tin niuiosl overy avenue declared In and at sundry filnce then that had ohnlfslied patronaffo for That wan or the ijiMicfl It 4tccmH and Service Commission and a great of money on Hon and or the vine since experienced a flerlou- change of The Ml to emend Service stated In llio to lie only a from special to work out a real bill provides after all for taking away nearly ever power over appointment promotion and which Hie away h a general howl from the Civil Service and from large portion of the In Realty placating of demands a certain group of Government slip- porters In he Thar inueh Ih well known here and evident that at the which the called fop of the on the corning Prime MlnMcrs that had been and the promise was made that the bill would lie In I reduced Now government fa not anxious to with the bill It has been given reading referred In special of If the would the would probably he willing there rainy night the government Is things off a wtny night the order paper iblli hands No the boy replied and then Itdatlon Is being put through In a looking around the cozy apartment ho hurry and Is exclaimed my I wish were you moYOd info supply on Year well I not care bo of the liour wVl the protests yon Graham replied and her of tones were o plain and than no report on hill before the end or I Inn for bornrls nest which In Home would gain In others Hen- J A In up a cost is many as palronngb Is a figure which has the bill In hand and therefore side of the Is pretty guarded as as thai eoneerned It would not If hill were held hack til there way Insufflrlcnl time It through or changed so own fill her know If To Hon It If Spinney wllhonl the Job of measure fell and one of wan Hon A- put that Minister Its Maclean speaking from benches During lime be was In Hip Har den Government Mr had de voted a great deal of lime and work trying to get Civil Service I nitration working shape and If passed he would see alt Ids work to Therefore of course Mr Maclean went after the bill tooth and nail Government with election pledges in introducing It lie had plenty of In bis charges loo for both Liberal and IMrmer members look the same alti tude arid fought against the measure Perhaps It was that second reading of this measure through of- only fifteen the majority of the session And should to a tn pass ably stay out of than vote for the leader Of of the upposKiiit the driving Incites have been under way for the last of weeks there wilt he or on Hie order paper to hold up the House when budget ends whatever Is will go lb rough la a hurry Premier wants to get over to London next month The railway boon brought Into of tr a fa doing bis duty manfully try Ids to put across the necessary explanations Is bar one the haw apparently been WaHlQS all to come up as a chance to stage real fight policy of operating the roods Vho began almost with the Introduction of Iho of the main railway estimates the chairman hunchhig two or three of the largo votes together In one Item and putting them through more quickly Of course jic worst to the Corn wall can hold of the conten tions until Hie list day and by that time everybody will he feeling more In a mood for getting borne Herns may go ihrougn with less Such things been done before today Prorogation ought coma by the first of June if present Indications mean anything at all fc House Is further ahead Ibis year limn It was on the dale of Introducing budget last and white there will be a little work to clean up afterwards the de bate be well away In- sMe of three weeks Parliamentarians are watching the fight or Sir Sam Hughes his illness The warrior after all s generally beloved hi about Ihe and ho has great many friends of all shades of political opinion who are all pulling for his recovery and bis eventual return to the House your AN LADS VICTORY The was typical of everything that was dreary and Mid A dull and beast At a parcel had healing Ma riln made bulb long for Avenue been anxiously when clock Graham settled tossy grate fire nil day but struck Miss in of her enjoy a by a lowest govern men It come down mailer of voting on reading the hill here are many would chamber rather bill or line up against course even if the got bird reading the government always being held up the third In heir bill long ihe way off yet Mr who has role call eveiyone Settle Is done of a report House the arrange for Sedate- out Gommons g a extend If it do o The has book lust at resounded through the house a sharp impatient peal of the bell Surely exclaimed Graham cannot be my at this sure enough It was Just that very suit the bedraggled messen ger boy who brought ft was in no ood for even of my fault Miss that Im late be said gloomily I waited a good hour for tie suits and then I had two for North and one for Wye Wood before ever I had a chance to deliver yours Miss Graham noted as she stood her open door that this very late messenger boy had a cigarette in bis and she noted loo that while nulling the parcel from his bag its hands shook in a miserably nervous fashion Now Miss Graham disliked tobacco every form and at first she was tempted to invito this rough looking boy into her Immaculate home but another look at his drenched clothes and blue chilled face decided to play the rob of good all hazards Gome Inside to the fire while I sign your book she said heartily You look cold I am wet through but thats no milter the hoy replied gloomily and lhn seemingly changing bis he stepped Into Miss Grahams hall began to warm himself at the cheery since I was am sixteen yet kindly the boy after his first start re lumed to the attack Why not he with quite Incontdelcnt indignation are of my long late ride and my wpt nights MIbh rail am replied I am not afraid of hard inn a teacher you know on tho East Side and between regular school hours and my ml my study at home I generally wo ten straight hour of every day And I Ilka loo for I believe hard work Is good for moat folks Hut she added I not core to to take cigarettes fnlo Ilfo Tho boy wan silent for a moment the said an explanatory sort of fashion I have smoked ever twelve years old and I I hot have guessed you weft thou fourteen Mlsa re marked iVo smokers fast the boy replied a ton a MIhh Graham refilled her guest before she Why dont yon give It up I the boy replied iaooolcally and then he added I will tell about It Miss My name Is Pagan and I out from Ireland when I wan twelve years old I dont know Just how I came to smoke 1 suppose It was the other boys pi first daring me to Just try one but now I spend always one dollar a week and for life of me cant keep a lion They all say Im not stupid but what good does that do me dismisses mo because I things and another and another to be a gentleman CUp in you all Patrick Mat Ion Improvement Building tho weather out Is fully Important as maintaining a flro in furnace In old days whon our end our at the open to bod and breathed on coverlid We have learned to plaster our and out but In frame construction we bad dif ficulty through expansion and con traction of preventing the piaster from cracking and scaling off But the Introduction of triangular etcol reinforcement and the Improve ment of outeldo has correct ed this evil and a not tumbled end over end and Its plas tered Trails remain Intact Mr president Canadian gleet Wire Co Another feature Is that reinforced stucco never baa to bo painted Is gome thing home owner will appreciate Prom MM me One forget so many because I am Ir ene says forget and thn last one much money to be a In at assumed the committee wants connected Civil way By Die time will he little hope petting to the House in time action this session The Hill seems to be drawing down on every hand there would not nerd to be anysurprlse throughout the country If the decided lhat discretion was the belter part of valor in this ease and ditched whole thing The Grand Trunk I has been given third reading and has received the Assent so that the government now has al the newer necessary to sees fit to done noth ing In the way lions toward the road and In Hie of course Hie government has down on pay ment of further Oram frunlf debts There he an announcement at any time now on the and It Is mere than possible that further may have to be rushed through even In the lat days of a dying session The Budget cornea down on Mon day end thus its contents and provisions arc being guarded as close ly as possible There Ik nothing than what sir Henry Draytons budget speech will contain which lo go at present vkw perils will be little in the way of tariff revision and that budget proposal j ftiS that a couple of lire The book duly signed Miss Graham had an Inspiration Sit down a moment she said 1 want lo bring you some tiling Ten minutes she returned with a steaming jug cocoa and a plate cold buttered muffins f I have a night she explained and tonigtit thought you would share It with me have brought two cups and we will have a nice Utile time together AH tills lime messenger boy had been standing before with his cap in snd his In of resuming other Now dropped the cup handing over of and after a tossed the cigarette the fire Thank you he but Via not fit lo sit down For Miss pulled a of chairs to fire and pour ing out the fragrant cocoa ie her lite visitor were soon in friendly Yours Is not very Pleasant work on of orei- f iri iJi said I wasted too employee And I suppose all these complaints realty spell cigarettes said Mia Graham quietly Yes said Patrick frankly I suppose they do I heard a man say once that a cigarette was selfish and Irritable and nervous and wasteful and he said his memory was sure to be like a sieve And Im wire I have proved every word Is true was silent for a moment and then she gravely Patrick you ought to be a man I am going up next week to ace brother who Is a doctor in the country I know he needs a boy lo take care of his horses and the office would you like to be that boy answer Patrick only said drear ily Is no use Miss Ive tried so often to quit smoking and Im always beaten A hoy with your fine Irish name ought never to breathe the word beaten said Miss Graham with fine You and I belong to a nation that breeds conquerors I think you will go me on Tuesday And that is exactly did Dr Graham was a big breezy man and under his kindly leadership there came to this young Irish fighter a bardwon victory There came also a desire In find and fill his place anion men- After a year of faithful service In DC Grahams employ one morning Patrick Pagan started to school It was a case of push and plan and plod but willi a clear head and a steady hand Patrick was ready for hard things He and daringly worked his way through high school mid college and Dr Graham was right when he affirmed inat no man should dare affront such courage by offering even one shred of help At last there came night when college degrees were marking the close of the race Ihe President handed lo Patrick a finely engraved parchment Turning straightway to Graham and her brother this very young doctor quietly If you two had not Helped me Jo fling away those baneful there would have been no decree tills night for Pagan Seine of the Tea- came to Canada are just arriving from the teagardens pro- National Crop Improvement Service in the when thunder caps appear in the iky and fitorm down on- the farm tbo farmer of safety than he d of live When the Is In field dur ing the It may happen that the animals drift against tbo wire which may be heavily charged with electricity and are to death ordinary fence built on wooden should bo grounded every sixth post by means of a wire or eight feet long twisted around all of the line of the and thou secured in a hole in the ground The hole should be dug deep enough bo that wire comes In contact with moist earth A fence bo ground ed offers no danger stock dur ing tba thunderstorm wire fence built on galvanized ateel fence Is already grounded at every post and no thunderstorm with Ita discharge of lightning can injure cattle enclosed by a fence Crop Improvement Service is the gateway for a proportion of Canadian grain says Mr C Board of Trade and at no other point dots Canada into such close contact with the United States Millions of bushels of grain are shipped all of it being hedged to protect the operators as well as the banks Bunks gen erally refute to lend money on grain Which is not protected by hedging The shipper does not to duces its growths of lea inj profit by a but merely wishes February and March and now arriving according to the COMPANY superb really a Vintage Year for Ceylon Wester Prout an Ontario was when under he driving caught him by back of head and dragged him the wagon WILL He says AdUfIV helped toy wife for gas on stomach snd sour In works beyond greatest expectations acta BOTH upper snd tower bowel removing foul which poisoned stomach cut all tour denying food for Guards In In your have you for monlha J druggiil Newmarket to secure his ordinary profit of a few cents per bushel for handling However it takes time to purchased and under and as the price of gialn may decline enough the meantime to out fcll of he makes a practice When he buys wheat from country to future de livery contracts It In soma train exchange thus one the other This method of risk not speculation fact It Is very opposite There Is always ft who Is willing to under take this but the grain handler who Insures himself any grain dealer the flour miller and ox- potter not a to and that Is why they itud of wonder lie vheiber reHto grain abroad that hey aid building up feililUy of European of their It would to me that this grain ought milled on elds of water In our own flour Instead whole grain Era nay 1871 A concert was given In Hall Wednesday for tho benefit of Prof Smith Handels Messiah by performers Solos by Miss and by Selby and Mrs Mrs and Miss by Miss Orchestra under the direction of consisting of Messrs Smith Davidson Beaver Taylor with Prof Smith the piano Mr Robinson left for Bed River Territory on Wednesday to make his home there Newmarket Factory on Street is now running Complaints of velocipedes on the fildewalks Officers of Hook Ladder Timothy Dyer flohn Mitchell J Jackson Officers of the Hose Co A Kirk and Jone3 A publlo meeting was held In the Hall on Tuesday evening consider question of the Hon for local Improvement Geo Bell tux a spent Oil to of From Bra PylO May 1CC3 Mr Geo Smith of Maple was In town yesterday Mr and Mrs Fred over Sunday fa the Mr WW was in town Monday Mr Jas Silver has returned from Lindsay Mrs McClelland ana daughter of Berlin are vbllfng Mrs Hughes Mrs Hoe left on Wednesday to take up her abode at Roachs Point for the summer Mrs of was here lam week on a visit her grandmother Mrs Cook Mr Isaac and bride Toronto attended the funeral of late Or Roger here yesterday Mr Clark has returned from Toronto Hospital where he his been for month Mr left on Saturday for a visit with her daughters In Toronto and Chicago elected at North York Teachers Convention this week were Mr Mr J Stephens Mr Ronnie Ross The Presbyterian Endeavour the at Tem perance Meeting last Sunday following took pari J Dickson Miss Minnie Miss Mor ton Miss Dickson Ross Miss Oliver and Ml us Wilson Newmarket Cheese Factory opened on Monday Mr Korilgan In charge Or Rogers died on and a obituary appears I Issue lived In years and took an active Interest In municipal and- educational matters Following are the Newmarket dam sels who arc devotees to Hie bike Miss Dunn Miss Miss Wilson Miss Ross Miss Hodge Miss Cody Miss and Mis Simpson Officers of Hose Co J Meads David Roger J Reg A Robertson J Crimson The of Orin son of ilmolhy were brought her from Toronto on Mon day for burial The Altar On May by Mr to Miss Min nie all of icsday this for OUT fiilawj May fire which broke out about In the Town of Maxvlllc Glengarry County raged for over four hour end wlfed out the business section Is at 9500000 lime It If the entire Wiis after was by the flames by a wind However at shortly eleven oclock tho fire who Include volunteer from Moose oilier municipal I He a wore sue- la the main section ami he blue was perled under control larger buildings dciroycd Hydro riant valued Town Half and The fire Restaurant re- were at King In a motorics were sentenced week in Jail at Kllchem while Intoxicated i for driving Titos a resident of Township was killed sudden ly on Wednesday of week the basting large stones north of iiafk ami Others walked away what considered a safe It of fctrucV thn il from wblrll he dietl instantly A and aurvlve A

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