SIT ft Marbled Granite Electric Works Latest tad promptly done by Tool of Building Out to Order AH Ail Cemetery to- ftU John Moss- f Proprietor Phono l Huron v jjmit4 Furnace Wort Our Specialties Outfit Iho It sons Toeumvo i- Went lo Tfita thai evidently joy J lie lira I J was eVpGtoulo be flurvTiapil- Mid not to Iho time ho bought- pi mdlook up his In lovyft hdlttrccnrinnulorOi Into city every on the we acquired ho train fell to oyer have a common A nimrp fellow In and greatly enjoy fits on In general oil lire because I dont agree with I gapped to know family Iras a pew at St Timothys which not my and until tula particular morning fliij4j0Mel that or lens regular So as- 1 I refused to restaur sx W apparently trite ntciUiuent and replied In a lone that I Intended to Ins llelly ov wonderful The time In your life thai you ever ijiieti a lt for Sale by flllcnl for- a bit Iben my word Favorite VotcS j KalyfiGii DIZcrent eel fea to f of AfirriouHotp Early la generally alerted from lot to or March in a hot bod or window When ct of thj are planted Into flats two each Ray or Into dirt band wilt fiood aturdy ready for cold tho tut week In April plant a aro then properly hardened they should be ready to transplant Into field by to of May Tho cull for early cabbago bo a warm candy loam In a good otatoot cultivation plants arc gdnoraUy sot between and in row They ato given cultivation Ins grow ing season The Is generally About tho of May In an open or cold frame In aecdbd apart TINSMKTHINQ itiid- Ilia fleam 5 of THE he didnt llilnk dad would w go alone in lienr mid MARKET fiQUARE I 9 a stock Hie WALL PAPERS Kir the to make -a- the Paper if you wish io Leis see got any boys are alt girls ibU P Go hum St CUT FLOWERS lutueral Flowers UL Ho Older less Phono all of Ma be at by tab it of Hank of Toronto under i are ho on of the hlack- it is predicted there for to few but he us ran I A a he was really and turned to ourioualy dont began but he Interrupted me impatiently 0 of course 1flj not exactly and been to church often enough to make me a better nun than ap Was torQKlit up on In fact Ail the dont Know but that was the that I went alt of you It was a great experience now Ill toy it was All right have If ftcenlhtg a story Well dont know that theres much to he replied with little I to talk it Willi and youll as anybody else maybe There are limes when I am almost In clined to think that you cm not entire ly destitute of common sense thanks awfully I Out wllh it it started night he be gan You nee the missus Is away and thats my son fourteen are house by ourselves business it is loo Hob and Ids mother are great of Mary and her little mutton you know Wherever mother goes Bob is sure to go among other planes to church Sunday morning regular as the clock Me well I go once In a blue moon or hut aint much of a nl it lioh had churn In Saturday night was in my den just the room and I heard tell his friend that he would not have to go to tomorrow morn wasnt at home and dad didnt go very often mid make that he was to cut out this whole when he Jot a little order Dad didnt go and dad WS all right was good enough for From that they went to talk of other things hut didnt hear anything I didnt need to Id got my dose good and plenty That little sermon of the kid ho didnt know Twos anywhere within earshot got me a a new slant and bowled over No Well heard a good deal ana thought more or less about a fathers for his boys hut yet never got under my as Jt did that night I couldnt get away from it I lay awoke most of the night chewing ft oyer So kid is really making himself up on me Is he And lies going In cut out the and what bland for because I do Well why not When the time comes that be Is too big to drive what inducement can I offer to tie him up to thing that I know are even If I dont follow up much jfiyacjf These are the sorts of questions that chased themselves through my had myself was a pretty decent kind of a father hut declare to you Smltuera liiet I got Ihlnking these tines hardly dared turn over hi bed felt so small that I was almost afraid lost in he bedclothes before the night was over Id made up mind good and solid on certain joints Next morning at breakfast I kind of like Well son what dye say to my taking mothers place and going to with you this morning lie looked up surmised sort way you it dad he Kin I mean II why not Moth not here nd itll of lonesome for you to go alone Besides 1 havent been tending to the going much lately and ought to get Into the game a little gohiK much lately and this morning Why thatll bo Just bully dad I To tell the truth I was going to beg off today Jla mighty lonesome for a fellow up there when none of his own folks are around but If youll go Its ail right SO at the proper time we started off together like two pals Just before we got to the church I oald I Now eon Via a little on this you know Youll have to he skipper through and see that too many dad he laughed HI oee And he did I he have died to see Id been aged grandmother ho have a over to me found for me and did it all hi such a nice Ihulil was proud of Every once in a while hed look oyer mo as If lie v ii wondering what all meant end of a game the old mm was trying to put over oh him At flret It tickled me and then it got over being funny 1 began to feci clear dw to my wan posulblu for a hoy of mine to he ourprised at simple and natural a thing as his fathers going to church quite thickly Ihal when you lo look to It Is l hero Never mind about the cloth frames plants should bo sermon except was a mighty good one That minister Ifta corker me made up my mind day that Id lost a great deal by not hearing After the sermon Dob Introduced me to ynd when wo found thai his wife was away loo took him home lo dinner Willi us He up an well out of the pulpit as he does In it A regular man he Is In every respect Dont know when Ive met anybody that 1 took a shine to at ac quaintance He and are great and 1 had a continuous series of surprises all through the dinner ami lo see how well Bob kept up his end Ore conversation per fectly easy and being a hit or fresh to me Id never known before had always IhungTil of him as a kid without realizing that he was growing up I wonder if most parents dont make this Ah id this new realized never before did the importance of keeping him under the Influence of such as Mr as much as The bad an for the afternoon and left early When he hade mo goodbye Dob was in the hall out of hearing Mr It Is a vouderftjl privilege you to train such nloy as that i pray lo give you giace to do it And Im not of a praying man Im sorry to say but I could not help saying Amen to lhat The train was drawing into the llon and there was time for only a word In conclusion And so continued I mean by saying thai went to and that It Wis first I ever really did Every Sunday this me for Ihe church the Missus and the kid Ive a new light on this whole father business As see It now Its a pretty mean thing for man bring a child particularly a hoy into the world and then throw all the responsibility for his bringing up off onto his mother From this lime in son and 1 march together Well- here we are So long I voy caw Will Carle ton Ore famous poel works in the hoighl of hie popularity reached a sale of over three hundred thousand copies was not one Of those a gold poon In his mouth For his school advantages he was obliged lo rely on his own earn ings and the device which carried him through one college year is worth considering for more reasons than one He had written a Jong political poem which he Tax and he was desirous of seeing what effect it would have on the sort of audience to whom it was Intended to appeal He went lo a country town where he was entirely unknown hired a small room and advertised his reading by making his own posters using for the purpose a small can of paint and a quantity of wall paper There was not a very audience assembled lo hear an unknown poet read from Ills own works but the small audience was delighted And when the poem was finished those present Insisted that they wanted their friends to hear it Thanks to their interest the next reading was given in church and a good number present that the young poet cleared several dollars above expenses The pleasure of who heard him sug gested that he might well keep on and he did so And white the returns from the Individual readings were very email he made enough Sri his Junior vacation to catty him through his last year of college And what was worth even more he received from his ex perience the ability to feel at home with audience which was to stand him in good stead liter The great secret Mr Carle- ton commenting this Jo where you can One who something worth while to only to Just where ho Is and lie will find those who want what he has to ready to set In the Held from Juno to July lot When net ting which have coll on their en often in crop wo carry set out In pall la partly filled with a batter made of cow loam end water Thin glvca moisture to plant and a cer tain amount of readily available food Inches In row and between row As crop does beat under cool conditions It should if possible bo put In part of ear- don Both must have moisture if they ere to quickly aoda may be to ad vantage around rate of pounds per aero or what could bo put on a tencent piece to each plant On account of the solu bility of nitrate of toon in bet ter results obtained by making two applications of pounds prat when thinning to grow after transplanting and secondly when head a beginning to form generally cut as to leave or of outer leaves to protect the head This should be done before too severe freezing wea ther injures cabbage They will not keep ro well it they have been severely frozen cabbage may stored In eel- Urn pits or any place The tem perature fihould be held at about and provision made for air circulation so that no col lect on walls or celling Where is storing In cellars the cabbages are beat placed on slatted other about 2 feet apait cabbage may be laid on or two layers deep Where no a pit may he made outside In a place which a well drained Tho ground is covered with a layer of straw and the cab bage placed on this face down In flrst Ave cabbages side by eldc four on top of then three then two and finally one thus forming an A shape Tuck In the outer leaves of Oist layer under the heads outer leaves of each layer hang over the layer below to form a roof pile Is then cov ered with six inches of straw and about six inches of soil Every or feet a tile should be placed in the pile to come up through the soil and J straw thus a ventilator All plants glVo moisture and unices we had an opening for It to escape cabbage would soon begin to rot If severe weather comes these can bo with straw arid opened again when weather moderates The of pit should also bo increased by using strawy manure weather becomes rndro fiovcre Cabbage can he taken from the pit on warm Cabbages which are not fully grown may bo dug with the roots attached These can then make a certain amount growth Cauliflower is handled the same way cabbage it cauliflower a severe setback In transplanting to field it will tend to cause to go to seed Itibtead of to form a good head More especially is this with the early crop in the warm summer weather In many small gardens It la generally grown a fall crop The plants are slower growers than and will do better if started about two weeks earlier it we wish a number of good When cauliflower shows a head about two inches In diameter the out er leaves should drawn together and Hed so as to exclude the light thus a pure white head Cauli flowers that have- not fully developed may be dug up roots and all and hung in a cool cellar There they ill continue to grow a delicious bead after ordinary season of cauliflower is over Fully developed heads may be cut wrapped In oil paper and stored in a cold room at to Hero they will keep well tit Christmas time A Vcgetablo Special ist Toronto had flood valuo In to offer you USED CARS FROM to And ovary In flood worth to you what nuking WB HAVE ON HAND Call and ceo thorn coon very EC ROBERTSON Ontario Limited cure a fault In the parent breeds deceit In j the child J A child properly employed no trouble Be firm lie lie patient lie selfcontained He as perfect as you ask your child ren to be And above all make no threats The- Champion Repair There Is a tjood the right kind Of a ware of the deal of gospel in He- the life of your shoes by having repair them In the modern way in these of constantly mounting shoe prices the coat of footwear la a matter of serious consideration throw away your old Let us at lo eeeif can not make them serviceable and pre sentable again FispAitmn a Main fit shoe mm out C On April Abolish voting V fhti in the apple orchard down aa to elective later aptaylnf of trunk end Egg muses of Tussock lioth fipleuouely white bark may removed by means of brush or hook a polo end are pt to itcowo very filthy Since January thousands and thousands of gallons of Whiskey Gin Brandy and High Wines have been shipped into Ontario f Express shipments alone for a long period averaged torn to six cars per day and have run as high as eight Four car loads a day means at least quarts daily or over quarts per year And yet the people of Ontario voted to make prohibition the permanent jaw This imported the stuff which enables the Bootlegger to carry his illegal trade and allows Rum and Smugglers to disgrace Canada Officers of the law are net at defiance Read what the Chairman of the Board License himself Importation Lav Enforcement Difficult After an experience In the of the Ontario Act covering the period from firat coming into in am ina position to that Importation The Measures Act repeated In end Dominion under the Act were rescinded Heavy of liquor Into the province at once The number of casts breach of the Ontario Temperance Act have la portion by the Chairmen of of for Ontario j laktbe of luortfeito -a- to who has been before every month for yeara Eenrer fcrt you to he teen o often BUM Mr tiki la quite respftoUtlfi where MV li the Child lo teachers Educational useful Sat- Hon ond He ushered ralspolhag children we fcaVe up tire end Into the pew our own t The hints which appeared In the vill be parents of doing better than of the wrongdoer care a nltuid you no to to j