Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1921, p. 4

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North York Marble Granit Electric Works All lo and work promptly attended to Uttering i Tool An Kind of Out to Moss Cox Phono Koto neap Furnace Work Our Specialties Boo IHo Outfit lliG it a grows I PLUMBING and The utiwaprJnt manufacture for cni lower prices pHdi to day it Hull would lift ftlioill 9140 down In When the facta are laid they can that the drop in A Poop Speculation- Sun Humanla defaulted Oil her Intercut payments hint and another fnlH hie April Vat Hut so tar there no of Her Willi the long green Our manufacturer Have pay ment In full for goods while w he common people of have lh Hills lo pay We are out bud Government Doomed Almonte The nut of lis way to Impute to certain lit In- expendi ture creating a plrlt nil If Ada of my frieridRJ shall Of a a m wear Hate to you Polka of Boo lug iionio referred to however la the reading namely the Barry Dyeing and on avenue and In lion even dry ehtol It used for liio jiiirpw of ami Can He Over The hMW made of copper and feet of eoppnr coll attitelied however wan Intended lo of the extraordinary J Harry during In the ra a of fr Barry aWrt- on more Mian a alijc- Hut he Hon one of ilhn ftncKt and cleaning plants In upper one of lie citys a I ho He deflated the for to up hi Hie air fV mm of high The gen- will II In earth crash II Ihe iiiitlouai dehi In a and the h1 will worn nickel out of Hie the unfortunate raw I A ir i of A EHY end Pcpcr received a large block of the WALL How l to make Selections We hong the Payer If you wish us to P O Some ago exported siwJugs to Ihe United Slates Where they were Into lurnHcr exported Her pulpwood to American paper recent yearn fcawn togs at home while Quebec has converted Her raw pulp wood Into paper with still a lumber nulp and paper Jndualry Has been up In IliN A similar situation now Hi eon nee lion with noma of our mineral for example Quebec which fif per cent of IHu worlds last year over of raw matarial aendlr to tile United treat Britain Japan ranee end other countries it in estimated that this crude would be worli if it were manufac tured Home in Ontario we 16 export our nickel ore In II a raw Hut the last few we have been refining the ore at home There Is no reason in Ihe world why not manufacture mora of our raw at of Mending them pulp- wood ore and other commodi ties should he manufactured our selves In other words wo should build up our basic industries and not spoonfeed Farm ers Sun only year Mr Harry has Installed additional equipment Hut He Is mil lo quit More li He Installed He and plans are- being made to creel a much needed to His present what Is known as Ihe Bowser system to he one of llie best on the market There are pressing machines stenmlng table a various kinds of dry cleaning machines and a lot of other elulpmeul loo numerous to men- Hon These machines ore Operated electricity Hough I Here are two boilers In the plant hut these are used for other purposes Is planned do away wllh both of these boilers and Install a large one which will do the work of the two used present Mr Harry Intends use burning bolter and He Is now fating for his five hundred different kinds chemicals are used the local plant Seven tanks Holding from to exported of chemicals are buried In the ground Just outside the building Where all of Is done An elect rlo pump Is used in pumping the chemicals Inlo the various vats from overalls lot while kid and party dresses are look ed after at the Barry plant Work not only comes from the Hill also from various purls of the upper penin sula and occasionally from be a I The liokeir not dust over Her lino Hi tiueHtnske filled fefcy rifr now is moat the one- who tudte Invention land wrfyiy motion in acwmStc Hit- down tn vegetable paring alt tasks wHw I Trying If to tinsiire ynnraelf food luck wear new for the to no noetor Doctor Folk to He exact the old gentleman latiHtng be way Ho III He good luck would follow Hut well to to the wlija nd wherefores of old after all Ihpy are jiiM fun Dreaming of Lottcre To of writing tetters iriyniit friends Is a of good news to of letters from friends tittle to be followed great liappf- To study theiiui enjoyment In store To see a letter wirrler denotes nev from Home absent If His uniform Is Template Hewn will be good If Incomplete It will tie Mount Mckinley the Oregon Is sinking with the weight of the Hist years when the shrugged 1 rocky In earthquakes the In North America sided least AGO feet from Its original altitude- of feet Such was the insertion of lICrffcHe gist and mining engineer who Mist Mount in Philosophy of a Cipher the cipher It amount a milling In Itself Hut when put at wot with others behind a good strong ore It wonderfully to the vulur of the group Hut If a cipher puts on airs and gets out In front of the pro- re m ion It becomes valueless Men might fake a lesson and lenru lb lit value lasts only as as they stay on the Job whore here are many oh res dents Mr Harry assisted In lite work Vic former In this The former has been hi I his son of MB for the past years first in Han where located at the lime of the big quake was y St CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers LBS the uiJMir r The movement has a stout champion In Sir Arthur bend of Me Gill university arid tie commander of the Canadian forces In the World War I Speaking the social unrest and satisfaction and need of a higher Ideal of manhood and a higher regard for lire of poiillcs and of social domestic life he says Tor in suuh matters enough to turn Hie Bible If only Its greatest teachers lay whole philosophy of II upon He cure foundation of a sane and grand Ideal of and woman hood It Is lo the Bible still that we look for ihe portrayal of the filler and nobler side of life may be IHe significance of the fact is notable that similar from prominent are Hecomlng more and more frequent Ho icta iSti Prrlii CHIME WAVE nil broken parts of Ma- He prices this Try it PHt of Shop Lindsay March A wive at crime Is sweeping over this section of ihe country many stores having been entered during Hie past week In Lindsay Elliotts Bakers ana grocery stores were burg larized considerable being Por ters book was entered and worth of goods stolen In on Friday night six stores were entered and a large quan tity of assorted goods stolen The stores entered were those cfT Parsons grocer Bradley general store Ivory general druggist and sons store Stores at and vide were also entered taken Down cy an goods FrVf cars are encroaching so on bulii6s of the Mack that Is pudicted tit nothing left for them to yeu Hut PAV8 WALK Modern life docs not make for longevity Doctors tells us that A3 out of every people are sick know it and that no one Is perfectly Well The rush of the of the times lead to ner vousness end debility The rift hi rigid kinds of food are too often ne glected The passing trolley or auto mobile lures fine to forego the good robotullon of walking to or from work It Is time for every man and woman particularly he person whose compels to pass Ions pe riods of t out the as much as possibly Is It might not be a Had idea this year to resolve lo lake long walks dy mi be to see much wllldiink of fountain life in The above Is copied from the Times published at Sic Marie Michigan J Barry to Is a Hoy sou of Harry Street and brother of Miss Ida Barry Manager of one of the in To Vcwmarkel friends will be pleased to hear of their success the of this itogn Many an farmer is figuring out just what Is ihe least expenditure he can make his spring so as as much net profit as possible when Ihe year Is closed One of the Items that faces him wliether or he shall buy fcrtlilzeis for Jifs money crops True costs money to put fertili zer on bis grain roots and corn Is a turning and not a dead expense Here ate points to keep mind If you are puzzling over this problem tVrilliKers increase yields Used on wheal fertilizers have made In creases tit to bus per acre oafs the Increase has amounted to bus per acre Pdaloes last summer Hie In crease from lbs per acre amounted to bus Oh hay fertilizers have made an In crease of to ton per acre Fertilizers improve quality ripened days to weeks earlier than corn earn makes materially better silage com grain seeded to clover nearly always means you gel class catch of and clover crops have made much greater net Income for the fann er than Will It pay the especially the money crops- crops you sell You can greatly Increase your labor by adding to the on the farm Piercing the Void was In a mlpln camp the old prospector when wan a these Here science fei- tern blew In an He claimed He cud till ye How much money ye Had In packet by loojdtf In eye He trie on niQ be Jubcr had tin oh him fer Had mo pocket York Post in grass crops or the That Count The highway of may be and full of obstruction one may he weary of Ihe Heal and the dust bin the courage hat comes of en heart and a clear conscience will find for the wayfarer green arbors of and springs whereat to bis thirst May Cunningham Mother Love A love Is Indeed the golden link thai binds youth to age and He Is still Hoi a child however time may Have furrowed his cheek or silvered lilfl brow can yet recall with a softened heart the fond devotion or gentle of the friend God ever gives riot Gentle Enough One day white entering a si reef ear I met k buy friend of mine also get ting on Thinking he would be enough to pay my fore I walked In and took a scat A few moments Inter ihe conductor tupped mo on the shoul der and said Miss you are mi vi- Exchange It Tints to match the color of the eyes are to be very fashionable till according to a trade Journal fids should be good news to Hose car travelers who object to green Hatpins stuck In their London blue Williams Sentlmenta I makes enme other said Aint one tor doubt hut what ti a end some time or Brother but 1 pray It I has never ylt took flyln down bete an anyhow l never In favor of flyln loo High ji Hi a Monetou March oily narrowly missed a this afternoon when the combined warehouse machine shops of the Foundry and Ma chine was destroyed by fire New Tori March In mlle gale down on New York late this afternoon tors off roofs uprooted caused accidents whJcH suited In deaths and a touch of real Winter weather Sudbury MareH A patt of Street section of a on fi It miles of litre was fire early llu totills In he Each Special fiilk of luster iticte always he but the weakest u has a gift however seemingly trivial which Is peculiar to him He a gift to His race forever John Kilkenny Cattle Some of tbe rooms In Kilkenny castle at almost as llicy years Not Haw of air iirfure ousttccttoa was as In affiliation with of Torontos A man a collar button Is almost as helpless as a woman with out a March Following in IHe train of the thunder- storm which passed over this district on Ihe jive bridges river nave carried floods Ice Is piled up three the mouth of that Here ins which fell Has cloned sway much of snow which thaws Meii Suits you jet llieni the lowest priced you can All Hest Colored you study economy you cannot afford to miss this opportunity Style finish workmanship com bined J have high loosely but Styles for coats are more distinctive lines for show the same characteristics The tailoring m these blue suits cant be sur passed absolutely pure wool value at J Sizes to sail and eight for summer All To Clear iff in Lite of and end VIT to NEW SPRING HATS THIS SASOWB hi I a iwAiifcfcb X

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