Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 18, 1921, p. 4

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York lei Of ct out out Hcfoimcr If your grocer were to eoNynu lciic0gfl for your dry goods only yon thirty goods for a yard youd man have in court on of fraud you you go lo the United Slatw tot i Hanis mien dis count your nearly twenty dont you Keep ICtiltlvitc old practice of reluming the article you an noon as your foil- completed Take a day and tip your and until you JomJ and If cod totk promptly don by lout Mop mini you land them at homo of tiro owner When a man bun jrfinne for the loan of Jita own rtlep ladder nut Its line ownership rlgblH tanked up No you never intended keeping linn but why dont you take bank TOQl Building Order Stone Out to Proprietor Phono Koto tlio Huron T Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Outfit Shop ViiH LEADING A ft Lire PoHoy5laldf and iii IIUiOWAliU Easter Term Opens y march Iav6Jiddtd p lo our courses of study Stu dents may now have the option Of taking this along with or in the place of Shorthand on request ENROLL Stenographic School Block Bank Ilions of Toronto Newmarket A Tor attending eta School a Cor work tad quickly In tit uy J Playing pay A of caught a for fun of It or a Inch flowing then gave him hie liberty The laugh was on the oilier able their mug when Jack part gang turned the 4ludentR a a bone and fnidtml Iniuilcs ftininl Alex in with more hart intended fn the program To mind your own la generally a to dodge trouble St JtflirnalAtguH wbere there appears of late to be the to break away- We begun to think we very much than AH too many of have that heaijllfifl regard for which our ancestors used to have Wo have forgotten to considerate honest respectful to wards wind that means have grown jesa respectful of our selves propelled peranntil ourselves ao we dont know what It is Wo have be gun lo bnriglnc it lie removal of all restraint Much of thin la dint to thoughtlessness Wo have abused freedom Wanted Acton the mai ler of Joining tic of has been a by the of he United States for the your feeling qf people there has been in favor of Hint country going in with the other allies a fair share of Ihe great of securing world peace of the last aels of Senate which retired hist week was the decision by a unanimous vote of those present of to recommend a conference between Britain Japan and the United Slates on the subject of disarmament This is If these three can agree on any plan to curtail the warlike spirit of the nations the aboli tion of all war will be nearer of It may accomplish the same end as that aimed at by the League Of Nations ICE GIVES AWAY AND two ARE Midland A tragedy e here last night look the lives of I wo of towns bright young men Sidney relumed soldier aged and aged A parly of were the lake In a sleigh to a dance at Mayor Mel flips cottage when Hie lee gave way and they were thrown into lie water Three men on skates had gone ahead of the sleigh and It was due to their effort that of In the party were saved CLANK SCORES PltOYlYlOf4 Cobalt March meaning government to industries at the expense of others Is and should be condemned by moral common sense Dr Michael Clark P for Red ftecr Alia told a meeting TJ and auspices here Premier he declared had settled the government policy as an Tory would Progressive parly said Or would take up his challenge and would also seek to remedy WANTED to per Day fiulo Course Now on at lit- ILLS ICa for particulars or come at once Venders will he for the of the of Montreal log including the yd also the Hall up to Tuesday Plens and en at Era Office or t he office of Elba BUMunln Toronto the teal ftccepted to lhoArebteeU Toronto or to The funeral child Mr and took place on to Mr Courtney moved Mr house Tuesday Messrs and moved to farms last week al tier home In Toronto on Saturday March Mm Edward fornKriy line of Kbig The funeral was held Tottenham to The iicaih on week of a wellknown and highly esteemed resident of neigh borhood In person of Mr While who at his home on the line of King The funeral took place to the Presbyterian ceme tery on the ninth It Wao fatal- by accident at A fclx dollar fire occurred at China on Saturday which Will the silk have been IsaUed Bit film exchanges and of motion picture theatre no Or other displays deplet ing scenes of be permit- Tan eRtKR led Hon Hartley the Leader for over two and gave ft masterly heat ho hoi since bo the was a carefully criticism of the budget that dealt Hon Peter Siidth Jng and uncovered Ihe trcmondoui the- prOyfncQ baa incurred aa ft result the Treasurers Illad vised Mr said 1 1 the first budget of a and they had no past inlslakeB to The however wos a for direful arid sane financing The heavy for Hydro and capital expenditures staring In the the necessity for pru dent and eaullriiiB obvious Yet no fpado to cut the coal according to the- cloth The mounting expend lures In department was a case of extra- vttganoc run riot SpeaMng particularly to the farmer members said they would dominate- the lawyers and Show llrvin They had found lawyer a necessity for an obvious reason now cried Mr Utile lawyer Is bossing and dominating you all loday and a lot of sheep are following your wjs of lawyers as they have had In engage with heir class system ihcy hail not strong and competent I brains In lo advise hem Hut the country has to pay the piper Lawyers and Judges bad cost this province from a quarter to half ft minion dollars this year Goad lawyers In the house on commutes Were belter and cheaper than lawyers Innumerable commissions of end Won way The Improvement to highway should not be charged to capital account It cost 66 and there was no corresponding loan on capital account Last Hem charged lo Improvernpnt ways capital was year he to high- charge was which might well come nut of the last bond Issue How this amount near ly 0000IGO greater than 109 raised the accounts do not show The Weaver motor company Mr had as one of lis directors Hon There was no justification for a minister of the crown allowing bis name lo be with corporations which of have business relations with Hie department The government Mr flsld had promised to patronage The promise wad a broken reed The government particularly the premier had failed make good heir promise hi this regard Maiming presence In land was mi insult to Hon Khg- l the people of He should he bone all puling to his duties here J in Mlsh politics ever his would dealt when doparlmem were be How- further the estimates of his up ror Started Off Good The government Mr proceeded the year with nearly more nosh In hand Iban they closed the year They received and had available In addition over five millions more was IClved preceding year yel closed the year over behind and yet the treasurer he proud of his deficit The members will remember that In when the supplementary estimates were under consideration wc were Old that the government would not need Ihe use of the money that was voted Ijtit It was put here lo avoid a Why then have we ibis deficit now Analysing the last financial Mr said caving out of consideration bonded and other liabilities carried forward and for in curring which Ibis government was not Bible we find outside of the Dominion government housing loan and treatment of super annuation fund Ihe new genera liabi lities under general statutory au thority amount to a rill also Indirect of the province under guar antees of the bond issues of the Commission of long amending direct of new bond Issues In the last fiscal year and so earmarked for purposes 33000000- ffo Recent yorrowlno There has been under any express ael Mr said date bonds we have the province for no recent borrow- he authority of any siailve Mr the provincial treasurer staled he other day thai the the puses has been moneys received recently floated were treated part of the consolidated revenue fund of the province and that the loans were for genera pur- so how that money it would he interest ing Know This sfluailo Is still em phasized loans made between Oct and March There are loans recorded sub- divided Into smaller separate tola I 929839750 The tola pay ments to the Hydra Electric Commis sion for these four month a ome to Issues by arid they Hydro Hydro- Commission Mr pointed out only up Deo and 3- In oil up to Deo this extra i050000 could have been financed a treasury bill Yet on outer Jn council was 0 per cent bond loan at the ruinous price of for and on for making hi all an additional only realized to meet ordinary to- Provide for 0 Hydro recount ircasuVjf frilly which wero not unit May of mi 1 Wai waa Mr for dltlonil bonds ii when the M00000 Issued appreciated points ami and dent could saved thci iirbvlnco at the most ordinary any reason except the money to par Hydro was no available H could not be available It bad been usRd for the ordinary 9xpendltren to which the government had no right Id divert it The at insurer Us In the house l what was Iho The province has the piper What Qhoujd Have On Jan we should have had for account In round figures over The Hydro- advances tor January and have come to providing up to March 1 there should been on Feb J a balance of over without Hie or he February loans There nothing coming due except the hank treasury bills on April of 66000000 and on May lD2ir Vet with lire house in session Jan an orderIn council passed Jan S for per cent loan of and another on Feb for another 20year G per cent loan of Aiidfhcfie bonds ore sold with out advcrtlsemenl or tender without the or authority of Iho house then In session by the -lar- synVjlleate at when the Issue was readily par The province gels loses nearly more on this Joan that a and business government would have nod have saved the province Look for No wonder continued Mr Dew- art provincial treasurer looks for new sources of revenue and pleads the house not to criticize and effect the credit of province nay but of Ihe provincial treasurer and the government Itself Now today with all lids financial frenzy wc have- the balance of approxi mately and the February loan proceeds of or 10- 78 meet the April and May treasury bills Interest at six months at six per cent 0120 or an approximate to tiro credit of Ihe account with which lo carry on the provincial treasurer show rthat Itiis money is available today What new bor rowing does he Tin leader then moved his amendment amendment to condemn the ex travagant of he govern ment and the imprudent borrowing of large sums at excessive price Conservative Leader lion prefaced his speech by declaring seldom dur ing yearn In the legislature had he heard en abler speech In the house than one delivered by he Liberal leader Jl The people of Ontario Mr Ferguson went on were present stag gered at he appalling condition of Ihe provinces financial affairs When the present government Into power they had In the bank and in addition to this had raised 000 more a sum far In excess of pny ever raised in Die history of the province But on top of all this there was loday delicti of ordinary revenue over ordinary expenditure The present administration had doubled the debt f the province with in a year of coming office end had made absolutely no provision lo meet the liability If the present go continued In office very long nnd proceeded along their Present lines the Province of Ontario would soon he Insolvent They simply left everything posterity That might fir good business from the view- point Of a roan used to a hundred acre farm but It was not good busi ness 6s far os the affairs of the Pro vince of Ontario were concerned THE GJiflMAN Inventor to Receive Howard f March The depth charge was the thing that the submarine according to evidence submitted the Royal Com mission on Awards to Inventors last week when the claims of electrical engineer were heard Mr bad lurried out many Inven tions during Hie war 1500000 being silent In carrying out his devices He Invented the hydraulic gear for charges Ho sold that when the submarine menace became serious ramming waa the only of dealing with them and that even he channel net was soon passed by the the depth charge baffled the submarines when Hie problem was solved him to give Instant release at a given point so to avoid to vessels that might be following He said that Of his devices wero completed at a cost of The Crown counsel said the Admiralty was agreed thai the device deserved an award of a substantial character No verdict was announced but he opinion thai the depth charge succeeded in achieving Its purpose went undisputed iiIeyp On by Renfrew Mercury the propose to hang on an Indignant electorate throws them out door can be no or other kind of while a moribund on to office with it leeth 1 feo Friday ESarch i These ftpcelals are for- nil Ihe ha they for full jjIvts our own mid country equnl chance to money The lines Advertised carry prices far AnuUioi- array of melt day Is llstetl low lit mid the qualities Join the thai at topping 1 feilUNG in light sold last- season at 40c yard ON THIS WEEK yard floral 221 yard ON and NETS no ami yard ON SALE THIS yard I three pal- terns to choose regular yard ON THIS yard in wide ivorth THIS WEEK yard one halt for a ON SALE THIS each fiTOCICrNGS till sizes worth to ON SALE THIS WEEK flSc pair half dee black and white ivorlh up to ON SALE THIS WEEK pair r and J in FANCY SILK worth yard ON SALE THIS WEEK WOOL all the ftcsl shades ON SALE THIS WEEK hull all MENS WEAK SILK TIES In knit and plain flood patterns formerly sold at IM ON SALE THIS WKEK each AMI LISLE sixes pair ON SALE THIS WEEK pair ANO SUEDE GLOVES all sizes ON E WEEK pair EVS WEIGHT two and combinations ON SALE THIS WEEK FLANNEL good was In colors all sizes ON SALE WEEK ftch COLORED NEGLIGEE SHIRTS shes flood washing colors worth ON SALE THIS WEEK each FELT HATS all new very fur fells ON SALE THIS IVICEH each AND WORSTED well made sold season at ON SALE WEEK HOYS TWEED SUITS all die up to ON SALE THIS WEEK TWEED RAINCOATS all patterns regular and ON SALE THIS WEEK l Hev Dr clerk of general for i0 died In Montreal on Sunday Peel and office In the lair ground to ever At a meeting of the Child Wel fare in Orillla Mar garet Owen of Toronto and formerly j of Owen Sound as the Public Health Nurse for Ihe town of at a salary of a mould Miss Owen to be engaged by the and will he by Hie Welfare who ara raising the necessary funds by sub scription promises having been secured from business men of the own and others Interested In the work SO to A YEAH FOR LIFE A Ho life Ho better obtainable Cannot be or upon for replaced if lest Of Hot aftetcd by fide Vice la jointly Ke3i for their for for their ininUteta tat lilt 4 hundred and ninety thousand In today ROBERTSON n

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