Cur you want end depend oil you Quality Jewelry Store v Leading County Paper Oldest v No paper Beat out of North York unless paid advance par annum In not CO paid to United in only or PI Si Editor md Proprietor A K J ON P I X AY hi if Til no a mxti 1i r QUALITY o NEWMARKET Pip Supplies Electric and Fittings Automobile Accessories i Oils Grease and A Years Visit to a Chinese Village only PHONE i A Savings Account is like a weed tatted yoq cant stop it growing run risks by keeping money around the house Place it a Savings Account with this Bank where it will always bo safe paid at current rate AURORA BRANCH CANADA Ml IIEW30HTUftBn A MURRAY SOUTH END LUMBER ir v Mined I NUT AND STOVE COAL ON HAND W CASK tnioti PEARSON Cor and DEALER ta Lath Shingles Posts Etc -ALSO- Doors Sash Flooring Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Factory Yards Huron St to 00 to Gauntry on On New Day I tun goInK liuiiio lor vhil I would imicli ma you care lo ami lli flu fur ami I wan this of tttltlnai lo it work i0 far have In- en to touch from cent re hut which we hope ah our jjlaff eight oclock in the of New Hay off for the vllhgo where people live some four miles west Mr a wheel barrow on wan a tracts some and a of pork for our llu children- Mrs ami I took on ho we not get too A of the way the were good ami the weather The huh was lionK and very warm so that eouhlnl heEp thinking If It Is hot In l In the early pari of It the hot weather comes no scenery lo interest only it trees here and- there In the Some fields showed very preen where the wheat hod up ftJvtng promise of a good In a few all over the place marked graven and parsed a few monument marking the graves of At one here were two big stones called Mom houses word used tot house a building counted 43 graves The monuments were made to represent by corners up of and to a point At the end of less than two hours we arrived at the vlllauvii short from our Several women out to sec the they were JnVUetf W come and hrjiiff nil to hear Gospel story- readily agreed and went hack to call their neigh bors When wore a great off the villager us ami as drew near the house people came running from all men and children arrived first the women following more slowly and timidly The foreigner was the at traction of all eyes for many had never seen a while person before They were all very respectful and courteous Many of them were greeted by name by Mrs they are her relatives by marriage Soon we arrived at the gate of her fatherinlaws home and were met by a of women More ana more came as New Year and friendly enquiries were made The family next door pressed us to go In and pay them a visit ana to my we did go there first inside the gale was a heavy four- wheeled low for heavy loads Attached to Hie carl piece of yellow paper indlcatioar that the people thought a god resided in the cart useful has a yellow paper at ached even Hie manure heaps abound in every village had a paper pen nant floating In the and tline a made at weeds Inside the second doorway was a of the brick soreen- the inner courtyard view front of It was a with burning in bowls- and an offering to the she Crossing the courtyard lo the north side we entered the guest room Here was surely a sight any god On he wall hung a long scroll with of a god- On either side were scrolls Leaning the wall and running the full width of room was a narrow able loaded with Offerings of alt sorts real and arllflelal cukes of all kinds ami de scriptions bread fancy and plain etc were piled on dishes or leaning against the wall In front of this again was square table also piled with dishes of offerings and in addition three bowls of incense Itlfilit next the com pound In which Air senior his family and he Village lived This was not or as tine Trent Report of The route of the Trent canal as now In operation or under construction he one wc had come from The outward of Idolatry visible hake hoard four Itgs set the courtyard the school- itiAsUis door On table was a pot of incense I to whom this incense was being burnt and was told of Heaven Tills is apparently the nearest concep tion they have bjour God This was on one of the door bench was put on the oilier side for us to sit on and wo preach ing Our point of contact was gained by the opposing force on opposite side The people gathered insisted that I so I for a minutes nut did understand my at their iangnage I asked Mrs to interpret for me She did ami expounded very welt the first fev of cm a Is lime a large number of men women and had and we had a very good hearing child ren were not as as might have been and the parents had often wanted lo pass remarks about various to scold then grownups too peculiar creature llAI AAliinln between on the bay of when dlrttcf is with laVe Ontario ami Honey Harbor on from which the waters of the Great are at once The canal Is made up of a of lakes and by relatively short lengths of artificial cutting between iho levels of the various reaches Is effected by looks The may briefly lows- Trenton lake Iho canal follows the line of the Trent river Passing through Rice lake It lively together with several dams and core dam A large amount of granite rock ex cavation In the river and lake canal prisms and lock pits will AlJki he In the work A roil tract for- the work was lei In January and a considerable amount of preliminary work was car ried nut In the ensuing three month a Jiurlng the fiscal year among the more important works completed or In pro gress the following may he noted The construction of the Manor Railway at Swift Rapids the construction of walls A 0 near the Big Chute lock all of which have been practically completed the excavation of over cubic of solid rock from Little Chute look pit construction of whiles Portage dam and the of a telephone From enters the river route of Uin nig chute to Swift come to village They to know her otolites were warm enough and why Mioy were so thick why they couldnt understand when she to them etc When Mrs became tired I took up talk and explained ft after me When she hud in go to sec about for our food was left ajoiin Most of the women went too and was left alone surrounded with men Insisting that it lell them more of our doctrine 1 showed pic tures and explained as well I could or little clay sitting the lf Lot us make ytu In teUQOY OR auto Promot Service A on to Shoe Repair Shop TO OLD Ijjk- it he shoe and It to life solos ion down In the uppers tots such things do not us fom your nd putting tlltjil In shoe tsuln them its well worth is- Will 4 iV J- A a Although perspiring with our walk the people insisted that cold and lit a fire for us To do this the mat away from the front of the table a bundle of brush brought in and Then the whole was dropped Hie floor and a roaring hot fire was before us Fortunately lids material did not smoke very much so we were spared thai agony iist after the fire had died out or almost so a girl of about fifteen years came In and tow lowed She knelt down in front of table almost touching Willi forehead the coals of the fim After bowing her bead limes rose and talked to the people around A moment or two later boy of perhaps years tame and stood in the doorway talking As as lit appeared off was her husband And was not etiquette for liiA bride to re main after he later a middleaged woman to tow and home fts a mora one than Mrs eg g she had nor yet to ne own home and we toere But you ill over there we going to and about that the has vv and was ttiey were more accustomed to my accent Al though the men were perfectly cour teous I wondered it should be alone with them lino this so as soon a I caught sight of Mrs again I went down to her and said there were only wen up there Ive come to you Oh that is all right she replied you and talk until I comeback So I sat down and again was surrounded by and boys They were really earnest the of the so kepi on talking and explaining and very iri- and to some of the Apparently the countryfolk are simple minded ami is not the same difficulty about men and women city af fords I was vtiy glad to find tills out and also that it is corroborated by some of the older missionaries Then followed an unexpected rest Mrs took me into a room where we two had our- meal I had not looked forward with pleasure to having to eat with all others around and this welcome Not that we were alone oh no her Iwtf and sat with us and the two walls of the room were lined It was nearly an hour before they called us to again go out into sunshine and talk This time we told some of the Bible and many people from the neighboring dropped In to see what- The men and children squatted in a circle close to our feet and the elderly women sat on on outside of the group The younger women crowded our right hand or leaned over the brush heap at our bocks The big school teacher read out- one of our tracts and said A cony of of our tracts and a cate chism wag with htm in the hope that he will read mark team and la- digest and on he heard thai went on or not I cant say but we were just out side and he did not come out except to read the tract After Ave had left Mrs Informed me that he had asked If we not start a mission In this vllrage and let htm help the preaching asked if he had ever heard our doctrine before and she no He also has a medi cineshop In his front room Before we left several had memoriz ed a to say before their food and one vvurnan had repeated a verse of a hymn which she hail learned on some previous visit of Mrs It was very difficult to get away as the wo men wanted us to stay oyer night and preach again next day nut as we having special womens meetings dn day we get back They alt escort ed to the gale and some of part iho way along the road This day- lias proved to be such a happy one that one here were a crowd of workers here so that wo men evangelists be sent around to villages This district is full of these hamlets and the people are so rey to listen thai is rending to see so many open doors and be unable to go In and occupy tor the is and died hard One of tic men who has tieenworklng for the Mission for nearly two years was afraid to throw out sonic water wldch is followed to Its source in lake From this take line of the canal passes in suc cession through Clear lake Stoney lake Lovesick lake lake Pigeon lake and Cam eron lake to the weal Ide of Balsam lake bore a connection Is made an artificial culling with a small lakn about two miles and from the tatter lake another cut ting makes connection with Cranberry lake From the south end of Cran berry connection ts made with lake by artificial cut ting Passing through Slmcoc the of the canal continues to the head of lake A short cutting connects this point with Iho Severn river Ihe line of which is followed to Georgian Honey Harbor and Severn From Trenton the canal rises a summit Balaam lake the level of which hi about feel that Of lake Ontario From lake Georgian bay tltere Is a fail Of feet Between Trenton and the canal has been practi cally completed and has been open to raffle since June or for a Nomination for North York In the Provincial took place In of the Mechanics Hall New market on Tuesday The at tendance about The lamation was read by J J Pearson Esq Hon John was nominated by Nelson and seconded by Alfred was nominated ROM and Soules Speaking took place In the hall Revival Services are being held in Wesley Church Prospect Street lance of miles Oil the wes terly portion of the route of the canal between lake and For fiM Georgian hay various works arc un der When completed total length the from lake to lake will be about In Operation That portion of the iVent which lies between Trenton and lake formally opened for traffic on June The extent of the canal now in operation may therefore he staled as 203fi miles or between Trenton and at the head of lake In addition this Is maintained the Branch miles In and various channels aggregating in all about GO The total of canal and canalized waterways maintained operation Is therefore slightly over Of the various I prove during the year the following may be noted The to Look Wo was deepened and widened by the dredge Dredging was also done at the George Street- wharf Peterborough at sons Island bar at A bar The total amount of work performed by this dredge during season would yards On the side of the canal near the Peterborough lift look a Umber by feet was orcoted and the oentre pier the below the lift was replaced- by a con crete Preparations have en made for the reconstruction of dam amount of materials been shipped to the site was resumed on the of the west dam at and completed in February last arrangements have been effected for work to be undertaken at Drag Lake dam In addition lo the foregoing a large variety of smaller worlcft of construc tion and maintenance repairs were at tended to Under The of the canal now un der construction lies as already noted between at the head of lake and Honey harbour and Port Severn Georgian bay and Is known as ihe Severn Division This division Is for convenience subdivided into four sections namely the Port Section from Port Severn on bay to Gloucester Pool Section No from Honey Harbor lo the Big Chute on the Severn fiver Section extending from the last named up the Severn river Chute and No 3 rem Chute to the head of lake Gouchlciilog Port Severn During the past fiscal year new work was per formed on this The jock and da i at Port Severn the principal works on section have already been completed Section No 1 of ltd section Is about miles The work to be undertaken consists In the con struction of three locks at South Honey Harbor Gbuto and Big because he believed It contained a spirit At time of year the people think the spirits come down hosts and occupy every place and everything So everything that baa been of use lo them during the past year had to receive a token of thanks Truly tie call as loud today as it was in St Pauls time Come over and help Prances Jones Church Mission KwWteh Section No The contract which had been awarded the Inland Con struction Company In April for Work on this section was cancelled by in agreement the department drawn up in June 1919 No work on this contract had been performed The greater part of the contractors plant was taken over by the depart ment and transferred to Section No One of the principal Items covered by had been the construction of rf bridge at flagged the Canadian Northern Hallway All the steel work for this bridge had been fabricated by the Dominion Bridge Company and stored In readi ness for the completion of the structure the old bridge was falling into disrepair and the department iherefore decided In September to proceed day labour with the construction of Ihe pier and two abut ments By the end of November work performed Included the partial eonstrdcllon of the north all the excavation for the centre pier preliminary excavation for the river channel and the delivery of the greater part of the materials of construction tip to the close of the fiscal yosfrno further work had been performed Section No This portion of the canal extends from deep water In lake to the easterly end of Section a distance of miles The work to be performed consists In the construction of one lock of a diversion of the Canadian National Railway two high way swingbridges one highway fixed bridge one railway swingbridge sev eral control dams and a large amount of and earth In January a new contract for the work was entered Into with Ran dolph Company their con tract of having been surrender ed on account of war conditions At the close of the fiscal year work hid progressed on this contract as follows The lock near the Severn river had completed various regulation works had been constructed on the Severn river in vil lage a large amount of rock llon the- canal prism and In submarine operations had been per formed and the Canadian National Railway diversion had been practically completed portion of the canal which has 1118 been in regular between Trenton and small pieces of work YEARS- AGO rf From Era Mar of King City spent it Large Tuesday with friends In ii Mrs Well of Toronto spent Sunday with her sister Mrs Xiiss Burr of Fergus- is spending a week with Mrs Geo- Rose Miss Klhct Andrews Aurora spent a few days with Mrs Mr and Mrs 3pcncfi of spent over Sunday at Mr Gardners Mr and Mrs Fox from New York- State visited this vyeek Mr Geo Thompsons Mr Frank and wife left on Monday tor their home In Manitoba after falling In Ontario for two months Canes factory Is turning out an order this week for screen doors The Christian Church had a pork and bean supper on Wednesday even- In Mr John lilaek one of the who settled In the Old Survey- of King when place was all bush died on Monday In his year Ho was Justice of the Peace also a mem ber of the Township Council for four or five years The Tomb At Pefferlaw March Geo Johnson in his year In Maroh Altec wife of Mr Richard In her year At Montreal Mar Isabella wife of the late Ales Budge aged years Interment a at Newmarket Cemelerjr In King Township March Maria of the late John Nev- ton In her tCthyear At Pine Orchard iCili Sarah aged years At King City Mar Mrs in her year wejre performee the construction forcers Tfiese included chiefly the at road slreet on the Holland ftiver0KjsMn and work In Connection with the construction of a new lock at it CATTLE ARE EIOHT WAYS TO AN ASSOCIATION Dont come to the meeting if you do come come late If the weather doesnt suit you dont think of coming If you do attend meeting find with the work of the and others accept office as it is easier to criticize than to do things 6 Nevertheless get sore if you are not appointed on a committee but If you arc not attend the mlttee If asked by the chairman to give your opinion import ant matter tell him you have nothing to say After the meeting tell every- one how things ought to be done Do nothing more than is Jutely necessary but when other mem bers roll their sleeves up and willing- unselfishly use their ability lo help matters along howl that the associa tion is run by a clique School Sr IV Grammar Winch M Scott Nelson 56 Shop- paid Scott jr J- Davidson HI It Scott V Horner Am Mann Cameron A Mann J Thomp son Stevenson Mabel David son J A Nelson j M Davidson 57 Sweet Jr of bis trouble ills Honor iggj jr It Geography Wright- man A Davidson Peg FOB l Earl a farmer of New was found guilty of cattle- stealing and sentenced to Farm by Judge Vance at on Monday morning An eighteen- monthold steer belonging to Thompson of Everett had strayed as far as New Lowell and was picked up by and sold When first challenged by Thompson the theft and signed a note lo pay for it This he later repudiated and when sent up for trial brought a number of relatives lo dispose the- evidence of Thompson and Ids fattier So strikingly similar was the evidence of several defense wit nesses that His Honor charged with Inducing his friends and relatives to perjure themselves to get him out Intimated that action might he taken a against some of the witnesses for perjury Advance A school teacher asked ah Irish boy io describe Sure man Pat its a place ye lave without a boat Teacher Paisley An man claims to the color of the wind Ho says ho went out and found It blew If your grocer were greedy for profits he would not be content to sell and recom mend Red Rose Tea at a less profit than he mattes on other teas But it is a fact that he does maKe less on Red than on other teas and he recom mends it he Knows its quality is the best i