Or Win property on in making many change In residence at tyciin of of next Monday evening In Rooms Ho Court A la of I on of valued at chic Item left by MM- on April A Whitlow to the laic iibM of St Newmarket wusun- Church last morning wan popular obi his The late Canon hi not hut tho Sport wave that is tins appears laxft in l jrtrris of hftvo been ii the lower of the building on of Main am Ontario vrtilcb a If evidence la forthcoming to Hi will An must be Of f Good Tin of Hie Dramatic Club will he on April The pupils vilt excellent program the famous play of and ft J Motion jnjuraiK The John Bang Sextette Hawaiian five a few numbers Ihr later Fur- Sunday March a in Meeting In Die Hoard Ha in Public worship Mrs Hoffman Of China for the p in School talk Mis p Public Mrs Mary iroffman for the pastor of tfht A James Company Limited firm have changed their to Proctor Unified hi name gives Mortar Proctor and who hive homo The will as formerly an of aw Mr A JniiiRS K Proctor A- Director Mr A So Seer eta to 111 health the Town Clerk Mr t J who has served the Corporation faithfully for the post ib has been given leave of ab sence two Mr has been appointed Assistant and will discharge the duties of for the Mr Gardner was In tii and his from the Town fits him for the position which now occupies having engineer the Gas for iiuinhcr of years besides in other place We have no doubt but that he wilt fill the position sails fa Eon to the ratepayers Organization rHotlnu for North York organization meeting for the of North York of lift ta forces In view of coining iWjrtiuiJuw will be held In the i Tines Hall Newmarket on Wednesday March at Will the temperance people North York sec to It that prt of constituency la If you have not bad a please accopt this as you are wanted send Come along i for battle l eKirnVHl in with roform Someone from be on hand direct and Willi I I i THE MONtH OF AT ROCHE Up Stairs over Youngs CO Fair FOR EASTER YOUR 4 97 Photo Garde for J Particular People HALL- BROTHERS Newmarket Photographers Farm flafoe Mr Win Molnlyre of St has sold acre farm to his brother Mr of Scotland Mr re in turn lias sold farm again lo Mr II Arnold of St The Is known us Maple Grove and is one of the finest on St Mr Arnold now owns two farms on St and Is to he con gratulated on ihc choice he has made Mr Alex It and family busy moving to their new home Khiva purchased from Mr chard We wish Mr and family all success The above sales have been arranged by ft Agent Pine Orchard Tlie Institute will at the homo of Mrs hi Duncan on Wed nesday March at p Toole wilt give a paper on Coun- CAN YOU FINE- TYPE JtrlJ in Ms private garage In the rear liiiin night and robbed in a diamond tiepin oniu- the A Dal a keeper in the west end of who now conducts a W3K brutally by two of rjs till is of the opinion that the amj were lying in Mm In the They ciiled him by that lit over his money and valuables of he I wo holding a revolver at ijaii lie refused to their and was beaten on the head the revolver and also with iioriKtywitrKh hi order to make a Job of the the bandits cut out the in Mr Itelle and cut his and tie away to get the tie pin- Mr Wall shouted Help I me wife heard his voice rti out of house crying v it was about oclock at MtW ami healing outcry to the The automobile landing nearby got of the familiar real- Reach Summer and not if the type dims or blurs sign you need glasses j We the tenses and aec that you fitted accordingly Come hi and talk It over Si Co Jeweler and Optician Us Advantages and Possibi lities Mr Shropshire one on for Health and Profit A of beans will be given Thereaway a big crowd at the con cert and all report a good time The Willing Workers are going lo have a Box Social Mr J Hope keeps very poorly Mr Hopper is on the sick lint Mr George Is gelling hel ler Mr kelson has gone to Dakota to his brother Willies funeral Mr George Parkinson is spending a few days at Mr Marshalls Mr Gordon Stephens had a good sale thing sold well Mr fJeorge Toole Is hack with Mr If again On March ratepayers of ville vote on a bylaw lo build a municipal owned rink The Town Council at a meeting gave the bylaw its flrjil reudlng and passed the iiecesaaiy resolution for Its to the people The cost of the rink is estimated at It will be the town memorial lo fallen soldiers Sentiment In Is If very strong for public ownership It alls said that no other town in the 1rovince has a publicowner link OH J Associate Coroner for County of York HOURS a in p in or by appointment MAIN NEWMARKET ifcl lltty ufckty r Ball Is nW at Orchard an many oner trie he wis ifi not being killed YORK OP YAK The Corporation of the County of York hereby announces thai Us list of Lands for Sale for of Taxes lias been prepared and that copies thereof may be had In the of the County Treasurer No Adelaide St East in the titty of Toronto and thai the said list with notice of sale Is lelng published In the Ontario un der publication dates March and end In default of of the the lands in said list wilt he for Taxes at the times aud to the published no la to of of The JrMAGOONALD Tm of York this fihky WlV before- the wjtb rofereBOo to Interest to The passed Planet to books acot- Bell TeJophone Cart Win on j on Motors I Buffalo Meter Co P Pearson Municipal Era J Kershaw charity York IraoBfornicr Toronto J i Pay Sheet No iooco Bros in report iVof to Light Com work At 46V17 or tight Miss Timothy Sharp Eagle St Thornton arcs St J Prospect Ave Queen SI Bast All granted regarding back water on Ave to Sewer From Alfred asking for limed use of Market Slab lo Properly Com of Wen ton asking for of Town of New market Referred to Clerk From Toronto Hospital re to of Thos Hol la ml on From bank of Torojilo and Hank of Montreal asking for copy of ByLaw regarding amount of overdraft au thorized by Voiim Wlhdow J and Galatea Rune -i- i -f- PHONE ftiij Ties fttyfos- A A anything has mounting of Mr Morliinore asked if regarding tlje Gun file Mayor replied that It was In the bands of the Property Coin- Mr Moss that at I lie request of Board of Trade the matter Is laid over for a short time Park The Special Committee on the mai ler of Town Park presented a report showing that options had beer receiv ed on the various properties suggested one of expires on the 1st of April- the owner says he has on op portunity lo sell fie same Com mittee recommended the purchase of block of about five Howling ami Lome Avenue and from the continuation of ftAroy Street to Eagle Street except such properly as is already built upon the price of this block befog The Committee also thai money be rdsed by levy this year Mi that there would be an entrance to grounds of CO feel on Eagle about the centre of Ihe property about 400 feel frontage on Ave the width of Street to Ave along the whole of the North side fed from and foot entrance Street Mr KdHi railed fad that there was the development of of alien Ilea to the no provision for the Pari which a considerable sum of payers and suggested calling of Public Meeting The small- number of people who visit Howling Green the most ileilghtful spot in Town on a made him think thai the public are not In terested In such The Mayor said that years ago he was Committee to select a site for a Park Options- were obtained all over Town but It was impossible lO get anything suitable Mr Pearson observed Hint It was not lhoireseht day needs that Council should look at but liavc a broad outlook- What will the Town require If It growi to inhabitants In or year asked of the Board of Trade who was present what support might ho expected of Hum should a of Citizens be appointed to develop the Park Mr Harvey said the Board woe hearty sympathy with the project and lie was sure they would every as sistance both In development and future was positive that Hie Town would back tlie Council In added that the Pub lic School Hoard had already decided to Install at both schools he coming season Mr Moss said that lie was In favor of Mr Keiths that a pub lic meeting should be held to obtain I lie consent of the ratepayers Ho had been talking lo some people who objected to purchasing another Park Idea of a Public Meeting pre vailed the Committee reported pro gress and asked leave lo sit again The Head and Bridge Committee re ported on the condition of the Queen and Niagara Street bridges slating that under ordinary conditions ihey were all good for at least two years service SI bridge J solid but the approach requires grading Queen St bridge Is strong er than ll appears to the Niagara St bridge has Ihe least life but not much The cost of rebuilding Hie three bridges would be from lo The Commit tee recommended that no action he taken at present adopted The same reported re garding the coat of paving Water Main and Huron Streets recommend ing that it be borne by the properly on frontage tax at the average cost per foot for the whole Job Mr Keith said that II Just a lien if a portion of this home by the Town in general And while his question was on ids mind he said that he had asked the to prepare not be that himself agreeably surprised io ground was high and Having resumed business In the North End Grocery will endeavour to serve the to the best of our ability as before We also take this of thinking our customers for their patronage in ihe past Our prices for the week beginning March til I Lard Ib tons cartons Also pall of and Shortening at Reduced Prices I Squirrel butter ttfo lb 2 Ib tins Applet per tin Roiled Oil K lbs- for Corn Meal for Corn for Bulk lb lb Pfth Hulk Oo Hulk PAftW on tire trkt Mrncn ip lb p4r A4ty Our Aim ttuy AfMMHJlW 1 Oar Hum 9tUa would require money Mr Pearson said lhal- his Idea was to secure the ground and ask a Com mittee of Citizens to raise money by private subscriptions the laying out ihe grounds and planting of trees Tills Town has raised thousands of dollars to send away and If a progres sive took the matter hand he saw no reason why Park would not be developed My Cane had heard that the property low and swampy Mr Osborne declared that It was quite dry and easily graded The Mayor expressed he was very find thai the well drained If the project has the endorsement of the Finance committee he was prepared to support it Mr- Keith remarked bat the of a Town Park had been before he Council for a long line The Office Special ly properly was as being too away He must say property is most satisfactory that has been offered but developing if in the manner suggested did not appeal to film will re quire cod erotic money and of course the Council is the last resort The North End of the Town must be considered as well He was inclined to move an amendment that money required to purchase and develop the property be raised by Debentures If Ihe properly was put Into shape In two or three years people would better satisfied Mr considered that was an exceptional opportunity chase properly end of the opinion that a Citizens backed Trade would the to eon- best Engineer estimates of different types of road for ratepayers shier which would he adopt on Main street Mr Cone observed that In cold weather the horses pulling loads slide around on the pavements and bill on Main street should be considered Mr Pearson remarked that as Good Heads would fake all the through traffic and thus open he Town for the general benefit of the public he thought that should be paid by the Town and be Included In the lures to be Issued for Public Im provements The Mayor was inclined to object at but after considering hat It was not a local senled Mr Cane observed that Main Street was put Id the relation of yard to personal properly and as Chairman of the Committee Ihe ive Hut regard- end too far the present try that of he by develop to pur- was Committee of the Hoard of the Park right amendment ihe report was and passed the front 03 agreed to amended Wow of- Spring and In all Wow Shades firey Drown Pure All Woo Gorged Brown Inches wide i GaltvPrlco for Gleaning fiflfj for yd THE Main Street North Did You Ever Stop to Think- A AMD BRAWN BUILDING FOOD WE HAVE in PEANUT It Is fine for tots and big follcs too There Is nothing more Hasty than good fresh peanut butter And there are so many tempting ways to that it tiresome Pooling Increasing demand for this now famous spread and desiring to our absolutely the In tlila line wo have always endeavored to do In everything that wo handle we Just a Peanut Butter Maker and are now prepared to furnish you with tho moot delicious peanut butter fresh every day We buy the trade of peanuts obtainable and browned to perfection and then we fiend thorn through our now salting to ta3te and tho duot ready for you A trial order of our peanut butter will you a regular customer Gold at per lb US ORDER IV fl HAMILTON HAMILTON cation tat Mr urged immediate action as he bad considerable difficulty la be option which expires on let did not tee age lli property would be over the present tho Town bad use of for alt kinds of games There only without any chance expansion and at one end of the Town van take 30 years to grow trees matter with property at end of Ave ir owner of bush would not Tinder any consideration Too proposed offered the beet on the line of ravel being ihe lioada And would Mr thought the price Quite but In such a Involved in the be an Hit- J Bylaws to provide for borrowing money from the Wank of Montreal and trie of Toronto to meet cur rent expenditures until he taxes are paid were given a first reading Chairman of the Road bridge i Committee reported verbally on the of P which had been referred to them The Commit tee visited locality find were of the opinion that the complaint regarding unsanitary conditions belonged to the Hoard of Health The grading of the road had somewhat affected the they Informed Mr Morton would have to be dealt with by the Court of Revision Clerk was instructed lo return tax receipts Another matter which Mr Cane as Chairman of he Road Bridge Com- called to tbe attention of Council the complain of Mr niton that since sewers were- put hi on Cedar Street the surfacewater has been flowing Into be cellar win of his tenants and lie for Mils to be remedied water evi dently drains front the roofs of buildings on tho opposite side street- Security Town of Iroquois Kails guar by Ont G Lines guar by SasV IVohavo for following Due Int Dales Where Payable Price Yield Sept 1940 Toronto Feb Feb A Aug Mil A P guar tit of of Alberta 6 of Alberta of Fort Garry July July A Jan Van Oct Apr Oct Toronto Feb Fell Aug Jan July and Jan Tor Edmonton May May end Nov Tor Mil A Feb Feb Aug Tor Sept I960 May Sept Tor M A Winnipeg MM of the Mr thought that when the sewers were being put In that the owners of the property have application to drshj Into the sewers Mr explained that the formerly drained into creek by a private wooden drain whfeb the men destroyed when digging lie The Mayor was- of opinion that me Committee will to provide for carrying surface water on aide of street and they wero asked to report- on what Is most ad- vfsabte- Someone said that Mr Blizzard tied had trouble sewerage drain on Cedar street since the Town pipes were laid and that he was going to bill Corporation Mayor said that was a question for the Engineer to aeltte On motion of Mr Pearson a Public Meeting will be held In the Town Hall on Friday evening March to discuss the proportion of purchas ing a Town Park for Newmarket On motion of Mr Moss the Clerk was Instructed to purchase Rubber Coats pairs Rubber Boots dozen Rubber Hats for of Firemen Council at oclock Newmarket Markets Ave Markets paid la week Choice Steers and Heifer Choice Butcher Cows Choice Springer- Milkers Spring Choice Calves Sheep floO Hogs off cars i 1430 Toronto Markets Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Goose Wheat Oats 3o I Wheat Spring Wheat Oats per 95 Hay per loo per Butler iiiiiM 5ft if t 5 per lb MM 5 A