ft ft Solid Ntok Pendants tit V J to 8olld Gold Ring to r In Vv The Leading as Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance v- annum in when mot to UniUd States in only- WATSONS JEWELRY STORE si JACKSON Editor and Proprietor ONT PRIDNQV VOL Single Copies WONDERFUL AT A MODERATE PRICE A PERFECT COOKER AND HEATER MOTE THESE FEATURES A D E damper gives correct heat for oven Ratchet damper handle can be at desired point on dial Balanced drop oven door lined with double air between equipped with thermometer friction catch nonheating handle Easily tached hinge caps Strongly ribbed lids Removable side shelves Heat spreader gives even heat all four lids Large ash pan In 11 set double space and do- on tray H removable ash I 8ectlonareducng lid J Ratchet boiler lift holds up front section for broiling or fuelling Powerful watersection can be In stalled foot rails Suspended wood grate for use In moderate weather BRIEFLY The Composite does work of Range and Hosier costs lees works faithfully and out of the way of crowded kitchens THE With Baking Oven Tile Panel and Roller Grates Copper Reservoir holds over 8 Gallons THE BINNS HARDWARE PAINT STORE PROMPT NEWMARKET THE PHONE 28 ESTABLISHED OVER Save Regularly Put in the Bank what you can spare comfortably but aave that amount regularly weekly or monthly t Small regular savings left in the Bank eventually grow into large amounts Savings Accounts may be opened with the Bank of Montreal in amounts of 1 and upward G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD LUTE HOW WILL THE VICTORY LOAN BENEFIT NORTH YORK FROM FAR CATHAY AND BACK AGAIN NT 3 and P PEARSON Cor Church and Carters Giles John Murphy i THE VALUE OF MON Money ready money is an essential in every line of business mercantile or farming farmers build up Savings Accounts which enable them to purchase for cash A Savings Bank Account with this Bank assures ready money when needed Interest paid at current rate Newmarket Branch Aurora Branch CANADA R Reynolds Manager A O Murray Manager CORRECT OVERCOATS Correct Style perfect lit and highgrade workmanship essential in an Overcoat in a suit Men who arc in the habit of having their Overcoats made to order know thai to gel the right and lie right swing to an Over coat made to fit the individual we have Home TO CHOSE FROM Why not have your new Goat made to measure no more WILLIS Donna High School Introduction I a The burden that rests with North York What the proceeds of r campaign will mean our country How will benefit this section of Ontario The battle of our own prob lems The spirit that this Loan develop In our people 3 Conclusion We have a voice with which to debt Of boundless lnvc and reverence regret By D Austin In Canadian Man hood THE NEW ONTARIO GOVERNMENT v Mr Cabinet Head awaiting transport to lake back to China With them areas will pay and To men who fought and Head The first eight thousand of the thousand or more Chinese the Chinese Labor Corps on the Western Front have arrived at Victoria and are camped at Williams are some two or three hundred officers or guards and a few Chinese A secretaries who have been working with the men during their stay in j Further contingents will come from time to time corps has been returned o China It I Is therefore probable that for several months there will be some thousands of Chinamen continually kept It ours Tennyson- Only one year ago called upon to subscribe ban The very name Canada wag a Victory of Victory While a great many of these China men are common coolie laborers a large number are of a much higher type Hundreds of students from was an hid been from the very first to the war at any Cold had win it Then when victory In sgi our enemies seemed to have I thrown their last trump people of York rose all their might to supply the money for the final push and bring our brave hoys home The enthusiasm reminded one of days of the Soiilh Sea Bubble tables reached for blocks before the Royal Exchange Now people have another opportunity of what in all probability will lie loan Canada will require North York derived many benefits from former that this loans and it is expected country will again flourish after the Victory Loan of Therefore aside from patriotism everyone from the labourer to the millionaire will be anxious to buy as many shares as possible There Is a heavy burden on the shoulders of North York and this may be removed by the Victory Loan of 1 Each man woman and child in the country owes a national debt of about two hundred dollars The duties of Ibis campaign fall on everyone of us alike so we must not shirk our duty bill endeavour to play the game it would he ordinate for our country if the response to appeals for voluntary giv ing should ever be lacking In Its people taxes would soar and leave us a desolate condition and above ail our reputation On the hand if this appeal is cheerfully ho burden of taxation will be lightened- prosperity will come anil we shall have a clean conscience Then looking back North York will realize as It did on the day of victory that l path of duty Is the way glory Today money Is more plentiful then has been In history of Hie Dominion of which we are part yet never in history lias there been a lime when saving was so essential as at present Besides helping to bring he war to a close the last Vlc- lory loan proved a good financial Bui Victory Bonds of mean more than a sound Investment North York Tin- proceeds of this loan will furnish means of in creasing our export business by bringing to this part of our fair Dominion foreign orders for agricul tural and Industrial products which mean the continue prosperity of every citizen Prosperous citizens will develop a prosperous county so let us people of North York again astonish the world In this campaign Canada ufffl fiftynine million dol lars of the loan or for gratuities for soldiers on their discharge and it is expected sixty- on millions of the Victory Loan of will be used for the same purpose in no part of the province did men show their patriot- Ism more than In North York and they rushed early at the call of King ami Country Therefore the soldiers of our county will receive a large share of gratuity If they spend their long before money home as they should who Ik going to gel the benefit of It but Hie people of North York We have won a victory over our enemies but not over our own prob lem and easiest way to conquer the problems of reconslruc- Hon Is by subscribing to Loin of Every dollar raised In the Loan slays In Canada Is spent In Can ada and on our behalf The more money then Is In circulation the more goods are bought The more goods thai are bought busier are our factories will also help our country to discharge ils duties to disabled soldlrrs relumed and orphaned THREE William Thompson of King Town ship who June left an EC Prime Minister and tateor2275 now filed for probate dent of the Council In he- Surrogate Court The estate Bancy C consists of two lots in King Town- Peter Smith M P P Provincial ship valued at household Treasurcr A and bushels of Nixon M P P Provincial Sec- 100 By the will the estate Iran- is divided between three sons three r l and the widow The will of my sons Harold and John A shall provide my wife with proper board and lodging for six months of each year during her life time and providing she does not desire live with one or other son shall pay her each and every Carter of Lloydtown who Mills M P P Minister of LieulCol Carmlehael without folio reiary Biggs P P of daughters an Public Works reads had Benlah Bowman P P Minister of Lands and Forests Waller Hollo M Labor and Health Grant P Education P Minister Minister of of Minos P P I families We must above all raise hinds pay pendons and flnanc loans soldiers who are of taking up farming All of these op- for Investment may be found In thin vbinlly so li us neighbors of these suffers do our best lo make the Loan n crowning Nieces and bring eternal peace our land This Victory Loan will not only benefit North York financially and commercially but morally By lending and thus serving WO Shall realize the true meaning of the beautiful phrase To serve and not to be served this Ik Joy Kb We be when we hear a fireside tale of Great War from I how who Joined Hie bat talions of lids If we ran say We did our share This loan will develop a thrifty people and a people rich In common sense When we buy a bond remember we are using a good Judgment and making an Investment even more than the Having pointed out many of the rnaln reasons why we should to Victory II Is plainly seen this a Loan keep us prosper- ind thriving In subserving our county reeefves benefits and hold a firm as rock During this campaign let motto be on the command of the immortal Brock Push on brave York volunteer Hundreds Chinese Universities took the op portunity offered id see the world and enlisted in the Labor Corps Many of ihe men are young business men and the sons of wealthy citizens who wanted to know more of the Occidental world and of the great war raging in Its heart A secretaries working with these men tell of many confessions by them that they had run away from home to enlist in order that they might see the world outside wnen WQrk wag hard and their movements very i they Tell that it was all riling to of what they i saw and learned Many thousands of course enlisted to get pay offered which them looked very large and many of them who have not gambled their money away or spent it on the follies the cities near which they were working are going back to China with sufficient funds to establish themselves as comparatively wealthy citizens in their native cities The Chinese Labor Corps while not a combatant force was subject military discipline and was under the command of English or French speaking officers These officers of course knew or nothing of the Chinese or their habits character language or requirements and It was not long before difficulties werccon- Interfering with the work they were supposed to- do The result was lhat In a short time the Chinese Labor Corps as a whole was riot workipg up to much more than fifty per cent of efficiency This of course seriously interfered with the plans of the authorities for pro secuting the war In their distress Ihe authorities looked around for someone who knew something about handling Chinese to come to their relief Someone referred them to Major Wallace senior Cana dian Y M A officer in France who hail spent ten years In China as a missionary Major Wallace was loaned by the Canadian Y A to the British Association for the purpose of organizing M A work among the Chinese and the Canadian Association moreover helped to finance the undertaking Major Wallace In a short time had a corps of y A men at work most of whom had been missionaries cither In China or among Chinese In America They found the laborers a number Of Christian Chinese who were requisitioned for Hie work and released by the military authorities for thai purpose As time went on staff of native Chinese workers was In creased and with the entrance of Slates Into the war a large number of American Chinese Mis sionaries and native workers from American missions came to the as sistance of the British ami Canadian Associations Tlie results of the M A work among the Chinese Labor Corps are among the most notable of all the Associations successes It was not the men gained the confidence of a large number Of the men By caring for them when were sick by seeing that they got proper food such as they had been accustomed toj and which wls suitable to their work by seeing that their grievances Hie officers wen- adjusted and they were protected from bulldozing method- of many officers and In various such ways men got the sympathy and confidence of the men HO Ihey became susceptible their Influence Before Ihe man Went Into a camp It was the usual thing for trie men to be off work for a third or more of their on strike because of treatment by officers the trouble being due entirely to between lied Oct left an estate of consisting of mortgages book debts bank ac- and Victory Bonds the widow Elizabeth Carter receives revenue derived fro estate At her death reads will order and direct my estate be divided after allowing a sum of not more than to lie expended to my executors in erecting a monument to my memory The- division Is made of to a daughter Elizabeth Petch and the balance to a son Carter An estate of was left by Robert Coulter of Kin Township made up mortgages book debts cash account Victory Bonds and personal effects Under the will mad two brother and three each receive white the is divided between a sister- a niece Coulter Portfolio pending creation of new de partment by Legislature The Now Government C A fanner who has been actively engaged upon the homestead Crown Hill a graduate of A and a prominent figure In the farmers movement for years ran as in but was defeated K A Toronto lawyer who has been prominently identified with moral reform move ments having a leading pari In war against race track gambling Grant A County farmer a graduate of the and University of Toronlo has had considerable experience in ad ministration a former Conservative Peter Smith A wellknown Perth County stock farmer was formerly a school teacher has had experience as township clerk a former Liberal Nixon Farmer Brant Is a graduate of A fund an energetic supporter of the United Farmers Movement a former Conser vative Biggs Runs a big farm In Wenl worth Counly is an A and business college graduate has had Wide experience In munici pal administration was a Liberal Manning A wellknown Peel stock raiser and an authority upon agriculture post Graduate In agriculture from Cornell was a lecturer at formerly a Conservative Bowman Farmer at Long Bay The first United Farmer sit in Legislature having been elected at October Waller Leader of Independ ent Labor Party group a broom- maker by trade of Labor News a Hamilton man Mills Locomotive engineer at Fori William formerly a miner mem ber of Fort William Board of for several years Carmlehael Farms near Colllngwnnd Served overseas for four years distinguishing himself on several occasions August sisters residue Inlaw and Bertha 1 BULBS IN THE For the Bulbs splendid Bra when house bloom during months which feels properly forced make plants and come into Iwo of the winter most need the bright of their jlch colours Bulbs is a general lerm which In cludes Narcissi and more recent Darwin Tulips noted for their elegance of form and range of rich colours After Ihe- bulbs the next essential abundance of root ly as possible have been polled is to induce an growth as proper root FI8HINQ CAT DI8COVERED IN FILMS Cat Found In Deserted Plays Important Role In Mack Bennett likes lo use animals in pictures and In Mickey featuring Mabel be shown Town Hal Newmarket next Monday and Tuesday nights two cats arc used to bring out a strikingly dramatic contrast in the story which will at tract attention not only as a picture but as a nature study One Is a lean scrawny frog hunter who rustles for his grub In the moun tain cabin where little Mickey lives Will her foster father One of Ilia closeups of the picture shows this cat actually fishing for frogs In a mountain stream if anyone were write a magazine story about a cat thnl went fishing some professors of natural history would begin lo shriek nature fake Rut they will have believe what their eyes see This old felln ragamuffin sneaks out to the waters edge A paw suddenly flashes oul With speed of a Ing and frog Is hooked They found this cat In the Califor nia mountains where they wenl to film Miss In some or the scenes from Mickey The old miner whose cabin used told them thai the cat learned to fish from being left alone for days a time In the cabin lb- had to hustle for Ids food or starve He hustled I Nature men Would probably call IMS revision type In their Jung days before became domesticat ed undoubtedly were fishers natural history will say that a lack of understand- did not learn to flail 1MB Ml how to fish It look up Bank of officer and his Chinesespeaking men Neither could understand either the language or altitude of Ihe other bene rouble The Y A man soon got wise to the situation and made each see the viewpoint of the so that In a short time were unknown In the land Ihe efficiency of Ihe work of the unit was Increased by onethird I opthalf By starling classes in English anil French by having In various lines of sludy Chinese In all degrees of Ignorance and wisdom by Bible Masses Moving Pielure with Chinese by having standard Printed Postcards with return cards attached for to send home by writing letter and sending money and by scores or ways known only to resourceful A man Hie Chinese were Interested In work ami In the world around them bid kept away from lis evil In fluence and fighting In camps came pracllcally to an end and hundreds and thousands not only got an various lines but many became Christians who now arc tfOinir bono- In heroine real Missionaries of the Christian religion and the western civilization In their I native land of a savage past Afterwards he scene of Mickey A Main farmer starling for fair look Worth of Liberty Bonds In his auto fearing they might be stolen at home The box bolted out of the car and was missed till Ihe end of the rip o development will determine the sub sequent size vigor and lasllng qualities of the flowers Explicit advice in this connection choose a the storage place for the like Coolest darkest and damp- eslparl Of cellar or Ihe veget able storage room Is very suitable Second provide a condition which approximates as nearly as possible the condition would have if planlcd u the ground outflldeN One thorough watering at lime of polling may be sufficient but In most cases is not therefore water reg ularly as often as the top soil shows signs of dryness Another method Is plunge the pots lnlo damp sand and keep the sand Provided Ihe place Is not loo cold or are not kepi exceptionally W0I rooting will satisfactorily and towards Ihe end of December should begin to fill the pots Third after months or ten weeks has elapsed bring the pot a lighter place and water even more regularly and frequently Al low them make about three Inches of growth and Ihe growth change to good green colour bring some of the pels Into Hie full llghl and Very rapid and healthy growl should soon result A few words of advice as what not do First do on any occasion place pots too near the furnace or near the hot air outlets dry warm fttr Is disastrous Jo healthy plant growth It drys out the soil hardens roots stunts the foliage and shrivels up the blossoms Second not overwater at any period the soil should he kept al ways moist bill never Boggy and cold and do allow the pots to stand In pans of water Third do not allow the plants to experience too viobnt temporal changes At me of roollnif temperature may range from ir to degrees and after III plant are brought Into the should range from degrees Higher temperatures during the day due to combined fur nace mid sun heal may nol hurt the plants hut are apt lo he materi ally Inlured If forced In experience several hours of dry high during when Should resting period al ways provided for litem under na tural Flowers With 111 lie or no stem and a stunted growth are due to Improper forcing- methods Bulbs appreciate Ihe sunshine and when In the flnwcrlnir slage also respond- to and should haw abundance of water Buck Assistant i Stale of Ohio fitly of Toledo Lucas Frank 1 Cheney makes ho Ms senior partner of the firm of J J Cheney Co doing business In filly of Toledo and State a fore said and that said firm pay the sum of ONK for each and every case of Catarrh be cured by the of HALL MEDICINE J Sworn before me and subscribed In my presence this Bill day of De cember A A WOLKAHON Notary Halls Catarrh Medlclno is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the MUCOUS Surfaces of the System Send for testimonials free J A CO Toledo Ohio Druggists Halls Family for constipation KILLED BY f Sound Nov Sarawak from I his wis dragged to by a frac tious coll animal broken a neighbours fields ami when Hudson he wound lhe his waist while he stood talking a The coll boiled and il wok half an hour before it could ho In meantime tangled in the rope Mr was dragged around He was DO years of aue and Jeaves a widow and three electric vaporizer which lakes the place of both spark plug and car buretor In automobile gas engines was tried at An auto equipped the device made miles on one gallon of gasoline a smaller 50 YEARS From Era Mr Waller Dudley Jr was called iho Bar last week- Anniversary services at Church next Sun day Rev Kennedy Chair man of Bradford District and former pastor at Newmarket Is to eonduct the service Married By Rev John BrownNov Mr Fredrick to Harriett Wells both of Aurora Nov by Rev John Brown at residence of Mr Reuben Mr Peter of Lindsay to Miss Mary of East At Mount Albert Nov by Rev Hold Hamilton Mr John Williams to Miss Margaret Ann 25 From Era Nov I Mr Win wife and of Toronto were guests for two or three days week of Mr John Rogers Mr Peter Taylor received word this the death of his brother in England The High School organized a Hockey Club on Tuesday afternoon the following officers Messrs J Lloyd Simpson Gsln Edgar The Market Committee has under consideration the erecting of a piano hoist In Town Hall The Altar At Trinity Church Brad ford Nov J Mr Archie of King Township Miss Alice May eldest daughter of Lieut of West Markets But tec Eggs Potatoes per bag Apples per bag Pork Beef per chickens to 10 Geese lb Turkey Ih Ducks pr 08HAWA DE8TROYED BY FIRE Overheated Furnace Behoved to Cause Lost About Sixty Thousand Nov 10 Slreet Methodist Church Ihe largest edi fice of that denomination In town was practically destroyed by which yesterday afternoon and was burning till about Mils morning Only walls are left and the damage Is placed at about The blaze appears to have origi nated In an overheated furnace In pipes beneath the organ Two young billies preparing hymn sheets for an anniversary service In one of moms nearby were Ihe first to the fire and gave the alarm Prof of Toronto the organist and choirmaster was giving a lesson one of his pupils In a room upstairs and had barely time get out The organ which was completely destroyed cost originally and was remodeled lasl year at a cost of more The entire- main body of the church was wrecked as well as the Sunday School building attached There is 935000 Insurance ear- lied on building The whole plant Is worth about There Is still a mortgage of A NEW OAT The Introduction or new variety of oat by Hie Karms Branch has not perhaps as much altentioti an it should samples of this variety are now being distributed by the Domin ion oercullst at Ottawa The stock on hand is not largo but as long- as it lasts samples will bo sent to farmers in almost any district of Canada as it is bo Iloyod thai litis outs will bo wide ly useful The full name of the Variety is Liberty Ottawa is derived from a cross made in 1003 be two en tlio wellknown varinly Swedish and oat from China The new variety is decidedly superior he old Chinese sort Thresh free from hull this typo of out furnishes a concentrated product of extremely which has only to he ground in order to make 11101 excellent especially fur pigs ami chickens When carefully cleaned fur UNO us human food if makes a men of surpris ingly duality Till Liberty oat lias very good field characters early In ripening and having reasonably stiff straw The yield so far as kernel is con corned Is equal to seven- eighths of of Banner Farmer who ore in raising of hogs and on strongly advised to Ibis new oat a trial It has proven extremely in some districts Sounders Oeiealisli i m i fefe SINCE fl fete Bond Set to I Ira Ada bring i 1