y mm f OUR LOCAL Further Adjourned Owing to the slow process of healing of one of the important witnesses at the Cane explosion inquest which was to continued this evening nas been further postponed for two weeks There was a charivari on On tario Street last Monday night the hoys apparently enjoy ed A dozen Boy Scouts Oril- fia in charge of a Scout Master came down by the Monday morning and took the Trolley Jacksons Point where they intend to camp for weeks of Mr A Bowling death occurred in Toronto on Tuesday July 1st after a brier ill one week of Frederick Lovelace Bowling The de ceased was well and favorably fcnowii here where he worked for a of years first with Mr smith and afterwards in the Office Specialty He was a faithful iiiemDer of -St- Pauls Anglican widow resides in To ronto and while living in the late Mr Bowling made his it Miss It 1 I July Jacksons and lied foe Score team settled down to and it was far as was con cerned and with itwqnt the Special tys hope of winning the silverware They faded away from the grounds the bell of heir ambition tolled solemnly and mournfully and the bands around their hats struck up the Dead March in Saul Standing of League to Date Won Lost Office Specially 2 Davis Leather Co 2 Town 1 Military Hospital 0 Draw FOR ALL GOOD 5ff HO US R N I HiN OS Next game- Friday Hospital vs I Special Saturday C A vsa1 The following all star been picked to represent team has the town in their game on the Agricultural The Largest Annual Picnic In the World or Grits and Tories you will find them both grounds against the West End enjoying themselves down the Midway and In KB July We trust the the Dancing Hailwhere the latest Rag- fans will out in numbers time may be heard and the newest 2Step seen PRETTY PRETTY GIRLS PRETTY GIRLS We carry a Large of AND OILCLOTHS CONQOLEUM RUGS CARPET AND RUGS JAPANESE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES Many of these Bought at old prices at less than they can be bought wholesale I DRAPERIES ft j- NETS 4 v- MADRAS MUSLIN MARQUISETTES ART 8ATECN8 ART DENIMS A I l CRETONNE8 ir JvaJ J We Are Showing ToDay New Silk Dresses New Underwear New Silk Gloves New Silk Hosiery New White Skirts New Corsets New Neckwear Nice for the cool evening down Fire Works SPECIAL 36 Inch White Silk 36 inch Black Silk and all our Laces Up Methodist Church the absence of Rev H Thomas who filled a city pulpit last Sunday the Rev Grand took charge of the ser vice and preached very accept ably to a good congregation In the evening the Methodists worshipped in the Presbyterian Church There was a large con gregation and Haslin of To ronto a returned missionary from India gave a very interest ing address The Presbyterian Choir has charge of the music this month Club At the meeting on Saturday nightMr of To ronto explained the organization aM process of the Slock Shipping Association A discussion fol lowed which was very interesting to the farmers present It was thought at first that a separate organization would be formed but it was finally decided to through the Farmers Clubs and a Committee of three will be nominated to attend to the matter composed of one rep- Orchestra in attendance appointed by each of the Clubs at Newmarket Sharon and NEW WOOL PULLOVERS the Midway and looking at the 36 inch Fancy Shot Silk 295 and Embroideries Below Cost ROCHE CO SELLING MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS Stairs over Youngs Fair Change of Market Saturday the being a Public Holiday the market here that week will he held on Friday BASEBALL Presbyterian Church The FaitWui Workers Mission Hand will hold a Peace Garden Parly on Friday July on the lawn of Rev J Scott formerly Mr Geo Foresters North End Good program and Farm Poor market last Saturday Farmers too busy to come to Town except in the evening Ruling prices as follows Eggs per doz Butter per lb cents Peas Si basket Cherries basket Rhubarb or for Beets bunch Onions 5c bunch Carrots bunch Currants box Live Chickens pep lb 2835C Old Hens per lb 2327c Ducks per 2530 Old Live bucks per lb Pigeons per pair 25c Rabbits per pair Hides per lb 2527 Calf Skins per lb Sheepskins Lambskins SI 002 Tallow 89c Mr A Lehman who has been Principal of the Richmond Hill Public School for the past yeara has accepted a position as Prin cipal of a school near half a mile north of the oily limits Mr Lehman is a son of the late Lehman of Newmarket Commenting on his removal the Richmond Hill Liberal says Mr Lehman has been a successful teacher here scarcely ever having a failure at the Entrance exam inations The pupils of the Fourth Divi sion of the Public School sur prised their teacher Mr A on Monday by reading an address and presenting with a safety razor also a r of roses for Mrs Lehman Mr Lehman thanked the pupils in suitable words The follow ing the address Dear Teacher It is a mailer of regret to us the pupils hi tie fourth division of the Rich mond Hilt Public School thai yon nave the position you have held here so efficiently and that henceforth will not be our Teacher Whilst we are at your advancement we appreciate he fact thai your gain will be our loss for with the usual wear insight of youth we have your size We know Will the interests of our school nave held prime place in your We Ijnow that each and W in your class Ikih been a sub- of earnest thought and received just consideration from and that lessons have been studiously planned We know that you are a man principle four square honest to the core and as such a worthy example to us We know that at your hand each of us has been deal lustfce tempered with sym pathy We have learned to ad mire your good qualities W desire express an word our sorrow at this part ing and our appreciation of all mat have done for us Will you kindly accept from grateful pupils tills slight token Of our a f feci ion High School At a special meeting of the Newmarket High School Board held on Monday July there were present Messrs W Wid- the Rev M J Wedlock J Specialty and Patterson J Harvey joke team was a revelation TOWN BALL TEAS SPRINGS A SURPRISE They camel they saw they con quered Illbse are the facts in a nut- she I and Story is short but In fact its a peal morsel that has made the of the fans wain- ever since it was served up The Davis Leather Co players and fans turned out in good ly numbers as spectators w witness the fray nursing a aim hope that by some accident the town team would be able to weather the storm and win mil Hut lliey werent prepared for the lemon town team hauled 16 the the come bark Of to to root for he home team The line up Parkins Legoode 2nd Cornell Pierey 3rd Scott tu Brute That is the ex pression being generally used today by the Specialty team It comes out in an almost inaudible whisper in a sort of slow mourn ful wail ard is followed by a very pained expression of countenance Each and every time they see a Tannery strut past with a Specialty scajp dangling from his belt figuratively speaking and with his shoulders squared and his head held erect as if in search of more victims are two new of vests in town today One is a very light fitting model suitable for chests and is greatly in vogue in the Specialty The other is a sort of rainbow style and is adaptable to those who a chest expansion above the average This latter style is much in vogue at the Tannery and was presented free gratis Jo each member of the team by he firm Well they earned the decoration as they out generated and outplayed the Specialty in every department game and their victory of runs to was well earned However at that she was some game all the way The Specially on more than one oc casion had a splendid chance to The Blue Class of Wesley School intend having an ice cream social church lawn on Friday evening July at p in An excellent program will be given Further an nouncement next week c Til I The will hold their July Meeting at the home of Mrs T Shropshire on Wed lOlh at p in Papers will be given on Simple Home Remedies by Mrs A Skinner Canning by Mrs Lloyd Roll Call Cool summer drinks All the are invited to attend NEWMARKEf SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK Mrs Samuel Douglas of one time a resident lids village was seized with a stroke on Thursday and died on Sunday She was in her year The funeral look place on Tuesday from her late residence line of King to King City Cemetery We are glad to sec Pie Frank Webb son of Mr and Mrs James Webb home from overseas and In civles again Mr G attended the Orange service in on Sun day Mrs John A Bell who has been with Mrs G for some time left Monday to join her sister at the Zephyrs Villa even out A large number from town and and Watson chairman Local fuel dealers it was de cided would be given an oppor tunity to quote price for speedy delivery of the required coal sup ply although it should not have been because they were warned in a pre vious issue of this paper rain was due to arrive on Friday night and that the town learn would be the only passengers Well A lengthy communication from j the prophecy proved correct They Mr J was read in which be requested the Hoard pay him in addition one month allowed him by statute his entire salary during his ab sence on account of severe ill ness last winter less the amount paid to Mr as a supply The Board on motion of Mr arrived and passed on through with a rush You simply slop em Biff bang run steal cat em up when Ibe other guys tried ropy in fad any old thing thai was necessary to show that I hey were lliu only little dots on the baseball map were served up by the town learn They simply mes on top but they werent there with come back when it was needed and that the whole sad tale Bui its hardly British fair play is it What do mean by that you say Why simply this On Friday night the joke learn of the Town saun tered over to the grounds and reached the ball field by devious paths They got in anyway but by the gate because being togged out in anything hut baseball uni forms they fell out of In the high class company they were going to bump up against Once the fray had started however they quickly forgot heir awkward appearance and promptly pro ceeded lo pull the champions down from their high pedestal They simply put them down and out And now the I Go hide snatches calmly enter the fray and priced to jump on them Is English Gaberdine 36 in wide In Rose Pink and Suitable for Tub Suits Smocks and Fancy Skirts On sale this week Reg for yd Ladies Fine Lisle Mercerized Hose Black White and Tan Our price Special for Weekend pair Ladies Summer Vests Sleeve and Sleeveless fine Quality Reg Price Heavy Crash Towelling Weekend Price yd W MS Ornish air play Harvey seconded by Mr nwrtaed Specially learn from beginning of the operation and kepi them in a trance until it was assented Tradesmens bills to the amount of one hundred dollars were passed on motion of Mr Patterson seconded by Mr Har vey The Town was requisi tioned for a levy of taxation suf ficient to allow an for High School purpose Of ten thousand dollars for the ensuing year The list of teachers salaries and that of the caretaker now total annually eleven thousand dollars a pronounced success And when was all over of the Tannery fans who apparently was Still nurs ing a grudge Hie Specialty team for the to defeat which they had handed out to his team on a previous occasion was heard to remark I wish it had been our team that hud turned the trick anyway it is a sweet revenge In the third inning Mr much Oh I Lizzie it is more than we can bear Brute t Davis Leather Go PO Nob almost Jn McIIale 1st Doonon Prest P Peppiatt 2nd P a 3 3 2 1 10 0 1 0 0 Office Specialty Mfg Co King as male assistant teacher succeed Miss Elsie was point most favorably advanced in this selection and appointment Parkins picked out one of Mr choicest offerings draft in I fc appointment of by it out of reach Taking il all around it was some game and Confirmed at a salary of liaiI per annum Mr King is a rc temporarily urned man thoroughly qualified overcome with sympathy for the to take full charge of and en- champions and courage which is a 1Iieni w runs in the third hillings on a silver platter there would have- been another goose egg registered on the score sheet and Specially team would have been compelled to cook it In the first inning the town team surpris ed the fans by registering a run while the Specialty- failed to score The second produced nothing In the third hit safe and was followed by who safe Gordon and Henderson were and then Mr Parkins strolled up to the plate brushed his stray locks hack under his lap Spit on his hands shifted himself Into a com fortable in the baiters box lifted his hat into position motion with the bat ail Tie was swatting a troublesome fly and sphere bad just arrived look a bee line trail of the lonesome pine Mr Parkins gracefully but speedily around i circuit by two other runners and the official scorer tallied three more The fans by this time were earing off I Joy stuff in volume could be heard over on the main street In their half the Specially for rea sons I have mentioned before got rive runs to their credit leaving them one to good In the fourth however Mr not having any desire to take advanlakeof the I gilt obligingly high one over Mr Kpworftia dome as a r- suit town team scored a run P I a Smith McCaffrey Doyle 2nd 3rd Scott Robinson Hammond I PO A i 3 I I 0 I 0 I i I 0 I I J I I 21 P HI Many people have learned to consider and a Watch as an Ideal Timepiece When they buy thoy want that particular Watoh We dont blame them be cause we have Ideals too and Ideal They are Watohes and the Elgin and the Hamilton and one or two others These we have learned to depend upon these we buy and sell In greater quantities And be fore you make a Watch we would like to talk to you about these Move May wo I Atkinson Co Marriage Licenses I P Agent Sac Hits Fairy Stolen Bases Poppiatl Doyle Double Play to Pierey to McCaffrey Struck Out By By Hit by pitched ball By Prest Doyle First Base on Davis Leather Co Office Specially Co 3 Left on Bases Davis Leather Co Office Specialty Co Smyth and Right score is 73 instead of vi cinity attended the Strawborry val of the fifth line Church King on Wednesday last All report a good time and good eats Mrs Ips Newman of Toronto has been visiting her sister Mrs At Toronto General Hospital on July to Mr anil Mrs a daughter Emma Rosaline Mrs Marshall of New town Is spending a couple of weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs Jos Butler Born To Mr and Mrs Melville lotion on June a daughter Dr Kay and family have returned home after having a weeks vacation Mrs ifanlon and daughter Gert rude went to Toronto on Monday We are sorry to hear that Master Frank Is In the Isolation Hos pital with dipthfcrln We hope for a speedy recovery Miss is visiting with her niece Mrs Cain of Mrs J Walton and daughter Mary of Aurora spent a few days wth Mrs F Skinner Mrs Jos of Toronto has been visiting her sister Mrs F Mrs P and son Jack re turned home on Monday after spend ing the weekend with her mother and slater In Toronto A number from here attended the races In on the 1st and also took In the Garden Party at Bond Head In the evening Mr and Mrs Earnest and daughter also Mrs Patterson visit ed with the formers sister Mrs Well on the fourth line near on the 1st of July The have returned home for the summer vacation Mlssess nullum and of are spending a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs John hams New cars arc still the order of the day In our town Mr and Gallagher are all sport ing new Live Stock Markets prices paid In Toronto this Week VMBf and Heifers Choice Butcher Steers and Heifers Medium Steers and Heifers Medium Butcher Cows Common Butcher Cows Choice Milkers Choice Spring Medium Choice Veal Calves Medium Calves THE TAILOR DRESSED MAN IS HAVING HIS DAY IB I To look well and be well dressed you 3hould consult us Examine our Guaranteed Indigo Blue Serges also some Extra Nice and Wood Mixtures in Fancy 8ultlng WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor NEWMARKET I i I sizes 1 to Regular for 12 RUNNING sizes 11 to i Regular for RUNNING Regular for SILK Regular for LADIES DRE88E9 Regular 1800 for LADIES Regular 5i p NEWMARKET i SI a Newmarket Markets iTtulter lb bush t tG 80 Common CatvH Spring Hogs off Cam GO Toronto Markets do Butter Turkeys Chickens Kail Wheal hush Ooofe Wheat hush 55 55 65 50 213 86 Mixed Hay too Timothy Hay ton 3000 Now Ha No To Fry Clifford Clarence loff To Jr Richard Wagner Irwin Myrtle McClure Mnlvin To Lloyd Fay Wagner Mildred Lloyd Aflcr ihe average man striken It rich It him busy trying for get old CHILDREN TO BUILD TRENCHES July Accord ing trustworthy information received the shot workmen on the front June and The iutiloff works resulted executions The front line is com posed of workmen and Behind them the Leila and to turn machine guns on them they refusp to ad vance A decree Is hy the press of the or dering mobilizing of under lo dig trenches A NeverFailing Record A Lister Manager Newmarket Branch may foil a receipted bill may be lost a household record may be open to dispute but a paid cheque is a lasting absolute proof of the payment of money Any person wishing to place personal affairs on a business basis may arrange for a checking account with this bank ri Caplut 5000 Reaerre 6625 J ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO