CHINA i vr l will soon bo with us Our Assortment of Fanoy China Is very good and complete Many useful ornamental pieces for convenience we have tables at 10c and OUR HANGING AND PARLOR Are Very Nice and Ornamental See Them In Our Window I DINNER SETS New Years Eve Ball The Newmarket and Aurora Branch of field a I Ball in Hall j market on Eve was well attended Music was supplied by Orchestra of Toronto Methodist TeaBleetiig Reserve January for an oldfashioned TeaMeeting in the Methodist Church under the au- spices of he Ladies Aid Pro ceeds or Parsonage repairs Fur ther particulars later i We make a Special Effort elections next i At give you the Best Possible Value n a Porcelain for We have Several Patterns to choose from CHINA DINNER SETS Another Extra Good Bargain of Quality Pieces 3 Dec orations at Only a few left CHINA TEA SETS Pieces Fine Quality fengllsh China from up OUR CUT GLASS IS FINE I 0 Importer of Staple Fancy China and South End FLOUR AND FEED STORE day Public and High Schools re open on Monday morning and the Industrial Evening Glasses in the evening Union prayer service in the Friends Church last night Methodist Church The services Sunday were in charge of Rev Dr Williamson of Toronto who delivered two ex cellent sermons The one in the morning on The Abundant Life was exceptionally good The Choir loo gave splendid service rile Christmas Mrs Rey nolds was very fine The evening congregation was larger than the morning and the sermon was very appropriate for the last service of the year The text was He closed the book Christian Church gundayrvicestiljmd7- subject The Focus of the Soul Evening subject Church Forwardness and How to Secure It i to Secure tu Regular Meeting will be held on Tuesday the of Jan in the home of Mrs H Marshall on Park Ave commencing at 3 A full attendance is requested- Press Sunt Pyramid Lodge Installation of officers at OddFel lows Hall on Tuesday evening of next weekby the District Deputy and Staff attendance of the members requested Must Sale be Sold to make room as Lines Reduced Below Cost we are crowded Ladies Taffeta Bio uses AH Colors Reg 4 to 450 for I Mrs Geo A Of Newmarket President of lh United Farm Women of Ontario Leading Women in Methodist W The regular meeting of the Womens Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs Harry Hook er Arden Ave on Wednesday Jan 8 at p A full attendance Is re quested 4 Now that the war is over and the substitute is done away with the de mand constant only because the quality is in every hag Better let fiend you a bag of CREAM OF THE WHEAT BREAD FLOUR Purina Scratch Feed for hens F0CKLER Licence Ho Prompt Delivery TERMS C A Christian Church Fine attendances last Sun days services- Two good ser mons were delivered by the pas tor Rev G Hall Morning subject The Resources of the Church evening Shall the Church in her warfare for right eousness seek peace with her enemies Both had many splendid thoughts presented The Choir furnished splendid music as usual that in the evening be ing especially commendable Services at the usual hours next Sabbath All welcome At the conclusion of the morning service Communion will he ob served Let all members of the church be present although friends also are invited to re main- Com Phone 00 SHI AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK NUTS AND CANDY FOR Pattersons Chocolates Also Prices on Christmas Mixtures MILK TICKET8 FOR LUNCHES HOT AND OYSTER Irtam mid Soft Drinks usual St near the Market Farmers Club The meeting last Saturday ev ening was well attended Those present showed their apprecia tion of he efforts of the com- in procuring such excel lent talent The selections by the Armilage Orchestra are al ways looked forward to with very pleasant anticipations and last Saturday evening they best yet The Misses Richardson gave two very pleasing duets Mr Williams sang Harry Lauders popular song Its nice to get up in the morning in his usual ex cellent style and was heartily encored Mr Edgar Dennis read tin article Oil Profits in pro ducing Porkers and Master Cook recited A Tale of three pigs The report of the Con vention was interesting and in- jstruetive and gave some of the enthusiasm and unity thai was manifested at the Conven tion The next meeting will be on Saturday Jan 1Kb at pm The important part of the pro gram will be a discussion of the Farmers Platform Mr Smith of the Weekly Sun one of Up to date the work of the Unit ed Farm Women of Ontario has been very largely provisional in character Back in he summer time a special meeting of some prominent farm women from dif ferent parts of Ontario was con vened- in Toronto by the United Farmers who invited them to join the movement Mrs Geo A of New market was appointed as provi sional president Oote vicepresi dent and Miss E Col as secretary In reporting this meeting one of he papers brightly puts it A seasonable courtship is going on between the united farmers of Ontario and their wives and daughters out of which great things may spring At this meeting as it was re ported the ladies took the bit in their mouths and declared hat they did not want charity and that they did want an equal op portunity with the men in the movement and no favors in the way of bargaincounter member ship fees or honorary member ships in other words they want to pay their way The permanent committee as appointed has been working out a scheme for developing the wo men section of the 0 along such lines as may he applicable to the needs of the farm of Ontario Shall we farm Arrived at Halifax Pte Gordon Newmarket Green Gnr W Newmarket Corp G Abraham Spr P Smith Slouffville H Newmarket H King Ladies Mens Mens Boys I Boys Mens Mens White- Lawn Blouses Reg 2 for Underwear 25 for Sweaters From 5 to 6f Sweater Coats Reg 350 8 Reg 5 Wool Wool Tweed Suits Rubber Boot s 4 W V A 1 The regular meeting of the I market and Aurora Branch of the Great War Veterans will be in the Club Rooms Newmarket on Monday Jan at p AH returned soldiers welcome Pullover Ru Ladies Pullover Rubbers Mens Chocolate Boots Big Reduction in Ladies Mens Footwear 395 110 for Reg 7 for Boys and Childrens for for for for for 1 J IS r The new year was ushered in by the usual ringing of bells and blowing of whistles Election for Councillors only in Newmarket next Monday The Office Specialty Co was good to their employees Christmas week They gave them a half holiday and a full days pay Three Doors of King George Hotel NEWMARKET y I L ijjj- women corn- was being call- confer with the W0- Chrlstlan Endeavour Let our New Years Resolution be that we will not miss a Christian En deavour meeting Next Tuesday night is Consecration are asked to answer their name Mr Ridley is to read the paper on Pur poses Worth While ins he a good start for Coin Let this New Year the informed men subject is expected on bp Time Table Changed A Change of Time vlll made on January 5th Information now In Agents hands J It prepare farm hoys UpTovn Agent John of crushed to death In an elevator lhe iiornlnlon House la Hamilton Woodstock ifirjrkerK and McDonald by Saturday in a bam lirr vcrc today Ifned to j- year re iiviy In Kin ton Penitentiary Ottawa nee The ale deportation of all the alien interned In Canada is not unlikely to be decided on by Govern merit Strong repre sentations that effect have been made and moreover it Is urged that immigration from en emy countries be barred There about 3000 men in intern ment camps most of Irlans but vi II a number of nians Christian Sunday School start the New Year right and attend Sunday If you not go come with us We have a class for every age Service for one hour only at pm Yon will he cordially welcomed If you are a man the pastor wants yon for that class of his they have interesting sessions Good al tendances lately they are expected to continue Our fund for relief to the stricken Ar menians is fast approaching our goal you helped in this worthy enlefprific Our Teachers and officers elected for 1010 Collins Assistants If and Secretary Rose AsstTKecy Bowser Librarian AVrnKpworlh J Asst Treasurer Auditors Howard and J Bond Irene Kelley Pianist Miss Leila Belfry and Primary Miss A Assistant Norns Juniors Gladys Bo- Cradle Roll Miss If Mor ion Home Mrs A Missions Miss Morion Temperance Teachers Misses I Penrose Belfry G M Menar L Trivett Mor ion if Johnson J Germain Morris A Collins fl Col lins J Messrs Terry Hawkins i J Hall Asst Teachers Misses Belfry It Kelley Col lins Urn Hall Mr r Era to we women of On tario lag behind the organized women of Western Canada Not if Mrs A of Newmar ket and her awakened and loyal hand of followers know it An indication of the value of the Western organizations was set forth by Mrs in an ad dress recently when she Honed the fact that when of women lo Ottawa to Government only two farm men were called from Ontario but eight were there from the West at the invitation of the Govern ment Mrs believes that is good for Western Canada Iff good for Ontario and that as farm women all should stand on exact the same ground She is re ported as having said in one of her addresses We have got lo get up and talk for ourselves In our Newmarket P club the women take an active pari and since they have started do so he attendance has doubled The local farm women the program and the and girls fake part We wouldnt a town boy or girl or do anything like hat fihe said arid you would be surprised at talent developed in the At this same meeting in ferring wlia happened in Mrs drew back Hie veil on mailers that came up at that convention and fold how they seemed to think thai the town woman had a perfect to ex press her views and no other person had a right any views all We have let town and city peo ple I ink and talk for lis too and Ive got past the place where I will allow to criticize and sneer at the farm while around to thing for myself Mr A is prominent farmer formerly of Whitchurch Out a graduate the A and past of the Union of Ontario Is one of the di rectors of the and is on special paper or publishing committee for tills organization He a type of a farming business man and a successful Importer of horses Recorded Motor Trip of Mr Ales and friends of this town made tie earliest recorded motor trip from Toronto to Newmarket in the year 1919 Leaving City Hall Square Toronto at p Dec 3 1st I hey arrived at Newmarket at a Ian 1st by town time Can anyone heat this Death of Mr Rcllly Yesterday niornjng one of our well- known citizens passed away after an illness of about three weeks which confined film to bed for some ten days In the person of Mr William in his year Deceased was wellknown among the fanners of this section being an ex pert thresher for many years Ho was a kind and obliging citizen Deceased leaves a widow and three children Miss Minnie and Mr Leslie at home and Mr William Jr at present In Colorado are to be Of the eve women say The young tula ted upon lie union service on basement of lite Christian Church was filled and a vrry profitable lime was spent was nol dull moment from In finish Rev Hall presided over the program which Included solos by Mr rind Mr Donald Duet by Hall ami his son Prentice Hall and reading by Miss Mabel Papers by Miss lulu Collins on New Miss II on lhe same subject and Miss IJessie Morton on Things We Should t and Happy wishes al close of Mrs E Mrs passed away at her home on Park Ave on Sunday afternoon She had been in failing health for some time Deceased was the daughter of the late Daniel and Tarn ma Winn Kelley born in Peel County in and came with the family to the farm on Second St East Gwillimnury Township where her brother Mr Frank Kelley now resides when 13 years of age In she married Mr who was a member of the old Sharon Band and also took an active part in municipal life in Township being elected for several years and also represented Sharon Divi sion in the Council They retired from farming in and have been residents of Newmar ket ever since From this union there were six children five daughters and one son Mrs P Turnhull of Minn Mrs J Barker of Toronto Mrs Newmarket Miss Annie and Miss Dorothy at home and Charles J at Sas katchewan The family are members and workers in the Christian Church FOR OUR COUNTRY A Happy Prosperous Future I J FOR OUR FRIENDS A Happy Christmas A Prosperous and New Year NOMINATED WHILE IN JAIL Stratford Dec While is languishing in jail an result of thr Of Copies of The Canadian In his home contrary to a order In Council lie is n Public trinities com- in mi local munici pal election friends his name in nomination here today and will work hard for his election is a member of Mm local Machinists Union and organization has been specially active In the demand for his release application is now be fore Mm Minister of Justice Ottawa Local leaders are awaiting outcome of the ap- general strike of the machinists may follow refusal to allow the man his liberty Skid- more has ft wife and five children who are being looked after by local Labor men Willi Interest the plication to Ottawa The Young Womens Christian Association know the people bel ter than the people know the W A unless you are a young woman who is a stranger in a large city and have been directed to a W borne Then it is you develop a very cherished ac- with the Association that originated from the foresight ftnd courage of a young woman who dared Girls who are obliged to from home find at the an atmosphere that attracts and some one who always cares What is good for a city is not too good for a town like Newmar ket Next week more definite plans will be ready for publica tion Free Methodist Last Sabbath saw an increase in the interest of the Sabbath School at the decline of the year At the convocation of the classes of the school into one assembly after the teaching in the respect ive classes the review period was occupied by two tenminute addresses I A synopsis of the Life of Joseph An account of lhe Wise Men The sermon at It am based on was delivered with especial force ami unction as an endeavor was made to awaken the Church to a sense of its low- planed existence also to what heights it may excel by the use of Hie potent factor intercessory prayer At pm the discourse presented Christ as I the Good Shepherd in giving His life Creal Shepherd in His invisible protection I he Chief Shep herd who will come claim His own On New Years a Watch Night Service was held beginning at pm with the regular month ly meeting of the Womens For eign Missionary taking up the first part of the evenings program with a discussion on subject Is the support of Mis sions a Charity or a Debt led by Jam el followed by oth ers On Thursday evening be Hol land Landing Mission which has been in the course of preparation for some weeks will be opened the pastor conducting the Friday night there will be preaching service in the church on Millard Ave as a prelude to the commencement of revival ser vices BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE Beginning Jan 2nd Store Will Close at pm Except on Saturday Nights We wish all our Friends and tomers a Happy and Prosperous Year FRED SKINNER New In and Director SGHOMBERQ ERROR c lhe musical performance was One morning in the early part Interrupted when a boy not far of the present century says Mr lhe samc Heckles Willson in his Life of j HfiJIoTom You working down LordStrathcona an elderly in- dividual not very prepossessing as to appearance called at the of- flee of the High Commissioner for Canada in London and asked to I Dont Forgot the Party Now that the snow is hero and the air clear and sometimes the moon Is bright come and join he AYPA of St Pauls in their annual sleighing party We promise you miles and miles of snowpacked roads fiery steeds and the best of drivers You must provide the rest Pull out your oldest sweaters and woolli est toques bring the horns and bells you used on Peace Day Come yourself and bring her with you Meet at the Sunday School Room at eight oclock January prepared for two hours of solid enjoyment and perhaps while we arc out kind fairies will provide cakes and coffee enough for everyone Let us show our returned boys that the AYPA has forgotten how to laugh and fling and oat Hire In a Sell did estimated ill Tony was mysteriously murdered in Hamilton beside a house Whore a New Years party was being held Harry Cox was almost Instantly killed in the Canada Chatham his clothing enter ing on a shaft John Turk of Brant- ford fired at a Hungarian girl ho greatly admiros but missed her and turned his revolver on him self inflieting grazing wounds IT HE riiore were only three- boys in today who could answer tt that the teaeher asked up said a lad to his mother And I hope hoy was one of the three said the fond parent Well I was answered the lad very It makes your mother proud of you What question did Hie teacher ask Johnnie Who broke the window see Lord He was fold that his lordship was far loo busy to see any but those who had appointments with him Well was the confident re ply hell see me if you tell him that my father drove him to Aberdeen when he sailed for Can ada The message was taken it to Lord and word out that the visitor was In be ad mitted Five minutes emerged with a fivepound note crackling in his palm Three weeks Intel- the same man reappeared Again they told him how busy High Com missioner was and again his an swer was Tell him my father drove him sailed for Canada He was ad livepound note A few weeks laler he at Pratt and Gibsons yet Sure I am How are things going Fine Why do you know Nelson we did double the bus- iness this- month that we did the same month last year Hows that for growing As the two lads passed on a gentleman who stood standing on the corner after the pair I wish I could get bold of a few boys of that stamp be told his friend The friend looked astonished Why I didnt see anything so unusual about him II is unusual though That boy is probably an earning three dollars a week or possibly four But be feels as interested in lhe affairs of the firm as if he were a partner They are doing fine not because bis salary raised but because the is doing double the bus iness it did a year ago He Mtia An looked through the dark at the led and emerged rustling an- lw0 boys If that youngster should himself a third lime The I secretary fll hat the limits must have been HIDING reached He went into the private HIS HIDING PLACE office and said Here is this come lo me Id lake him applying for a job on A Scotchman and an Irishman once set out together on a Aberdonian my lord come see you again Sandy entrusted all man who his father the yon In Aberdeen when you went injunction not ivc him Canada He has bad two nve- mo than a stated sum for ex pound notes from lordship each day After a few already days Sandy pleaded for an Indeed said Lord Strath- but in vain Afterward in his way him j confessed to Pat that on the another flvepound nole and MX him he need not come again refusal to comply with his wish he got out of bed every may add thai his father did when the Irishman drive me to Aberdeen when asleep and searched for the cash lo Canada As a matter of could never succeed in walked it Where did you keep it Well said Pat Be t vou po lrsl AS IF HE WERE A whcn werent A PARTNER every wnen you was trudging Poking I put purse into one low over hi I was always a7s hi poekets j J In the morning and took n woollen tippet wound about out ilq neck in lieu of an ooo ml for all his chilly look he ho TudhopcAnderson Co The boy ward his nulled a hi seemed in good ipirHs of have shipped a large whistled the same consignment of farming implo- a of popular of their own manufacture melody o modified that it Is to Lyons France to bo exhibited lis author exhibition lobeheld there in reeopniing next March had I