Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1918, p. 8

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I Prevented by Fruitatives TheWonderful Fruit Medicine i St my opinion no other medicine- is good as for Indigestion and Constipation For years I suffered with these dreaded diseases trying all kinds of treatments until I was told I was Incurable One day a friend told me to try To my surprise I found this medicine gave immediate relief and in a short time I was all rizht again DON AT r a box for trial siie 25c At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa HOUSE TO North end Main St Possession at once per month Apply at Era Office senior with earner of the stomach The Christinas tree Christinas a Methodist great interest with the children and young Albert lias closed- up his house and has taken a position on the Davis farm south of the village Rev Dr Moore was a at Samuel Irwins on Sunday Stanley Paisley who underwent a critical operation for appendicitis by our doctors Is likely to recover Schomberg TOOK VINOL Picked The Lock Of Davy Jones HOW BRITISH SUBMARINE GREW SAVED THEMSELVES FROM a i SURE DEATH rfie- passing the Naval Censor H0U8ET0 RENT On St Newmarket Ap ply 10 ROBERTSON Water St Newmarket H0U8EJT0 RENT Brick House Prospect Ave Electric Light Possession 1st January Apply to Mrs Hatch Charles St East Toronto TO RENT Store and Dwelling with gar den opposite Post Office For particulars apply to M Bos- well Newmarket or to I Per kins Ave Toronto FARM FOR Acres more or rear end of lots 20 and 21 in the sixth concession of East Bank cement stables driving house and buildings good frame house of flight rooms good cellar hard and soft water good orchard creek crossing Doth lots Tor further particulars Apply Box Newmarket Post Office or Mr Frank Weir P Ontario Personal effects valued at and the bank made up the es tate of Miss Margaret Itevlin who died in December By a will executed with her mark Nov the deceased left her clothes to the House of Providence to the Parish priest at for masses for the repose of her soul and the residue to the building fund of the Roman Catholic Church at Murphy of and Thomas A Walker of Toronto are the executors ZEPHYR A number of farmers attended the convention of the 17 at Brechin on Saturday Mr Horner is rapidly getting the hall fixed for the Sterling Bank A considerable number of new books have been put in the library Mr J moved into the house lately vacated by Mrs P Mc- who has moved on the farm to spend the winter with her son Mor ris Geo and left Ottawa last week with the Siber ian Rev preached in the Meth- church on Sunday afternoon On account of the postponement of the Christmas market from Tuesday Dec to Friday Dec the Womens Institute gave their dinner on the latter date v Now She is Strong and Well Berkeley Cat I nervous Irritable no appetite could hot sleep and always tired so my house work a great effort After many other medicines had failed VInol built me op and made me strong I hare a good appetite and sleep well Every nervous weak ailing woman should try it JIrs Edmunds wight Way Berkeley Cat We ask every nervous weak run down ailing woman in this town to try this cod liver and iron tonic on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to help them J Patterson Druggist Also at the Best Druggists in all town- Aurora FARM FOR Acres south half lot eon- cession This farm is No grain farm good clay loam First class brink clad room ed house with summer kitchen attach ed Frame house fur hired man A good barn 36X74 on stone founda tion with good stabling cement pig pen with sheep pen above Oarage and Implement house The farm is well watered There an acres of fall wheat acres clover Fall ploughing done About acres maple hush Easy terms 6w46 Bond Mead Out In a letter received by J B of Aurora from his sister Mrs Howie wife of Rev Dr Howie Presbyterian Missionary in Palestine Mrs Howie throws some interesting sidelights on the condition of the Christians during the war in the Holy Land From the very outbreak she and her husband were under close confinement by the Turks suf fering great privations from lack of food Money wired from America never arrived and but for the fart that she had friends tf AND HOME The real meaning of the word home is not understood by the Japanese There is nothing homelike In a Jap anese house By the lifting of a few shutters it can be thrown open to the four winds of heaven and although the greatest care is taken to keep the woodwork and matting spotlessly clean a man is far prouder of the possession of a few yards of garden than of the noblest palatial residence without a tree or a shrub do the very best I know how the very best I can and J mean to keep doing so until the end If the end brings me out all right what is said against me wont amount to anything If the end brings me out wrong ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference Abraham Lin coln TO MISS ONE WOULDNT MATTER I vant to a house to rent told the real estate agent All right my friend I have just you want threeroom house rent eight dollars but under stand there Is no bathroom house I Dot makes me no difference only van it for a year DO IT YOURSELF the We A certain editor and publisher once told his employees that one of he must effective lessons he ever learned in she and Dr Howie would have starved Twothirds old of the Christian population of Ml Lebanon where they were im prisoned were starved and driv- people in the of be place She knew by nothing of the progress of the war until her I A of was held to explain the meaning of a certain word the gentleman replied Prank there dictionary- A great many id on -V- FARMS FOR SALE Acres Township North All tillable Large Born First Stables underneath Litter Carrier Hay Fork water lass Brick House Lo cated miles from miles to shipping point f miles from Metropolitan Railway mile from School and Church Acres Township of North All tillable acres Fall Wheat acres New Heeding Barn Driving House Cement stabling for for Stork Frame House Plenty water This is First class oil acres adjoining was offered and would not sell Will give special terms to quick buyer A in he Council Chamber Friday determine what action should taken in raise funds for he million dollar campaign being put on by the Salvation Army Mr Mansfield organized for tin- Salvation Army and Adjutant Coy addressed the meeting it was decided thai this own together with other municipalities in the eounty should petition the Coun ty Council to a lav oh whole county to raise The money will he used in ncclion Salvation Army work for returned applied today hi administration of the Of left by her broth er Iferberl of Au rora The estate consisted of Ihe proceeds from an auction sale deceaseds property and by THE MIND Henry that said by nam- of like hot said old Mickey any- the excuse does for deserting wife He Hays eon- HOME man give oiidml was respeel l seciiiH she after lie had Willi a poker greed MORE LOCOMOTIVES PENALTY terms to quick buyer A soap deceaseds property and j w Acres Township All will be shared under cultivation Good nam by children s stabling Good House Well Amy acres Pall Wheat Church and School ti- J In the periods 4 mile I miles lo point Ad Ideal acre Farm 1 oo Acre Good itivn stone stabling Frame House Water ping a Bargain Acres Province of near vilkli on easy terms down only Interest for first Ivo yearn and balance In four equal pay ments Interest per rent 1ncc per acre GOING STRONG Pi The Family Herald and Wl-isJc- of Montreal is flic from ship- 1 best year in history- Their subscriptions for months of November exceeded by almost per cent the same month of any previous year December will also he a recordbreaker The Family Herald Publishers arc perfecting plans for elaborate Improvements The public FOR 8ALE should not confuse that great Store dwelling stock general weekly with a small daily paper in village of Out soinewhal similar name now In btveslfgotc This Is fi money maker There is no fear such a tiling happening with Family Herald The word side Family should not be omitted of Arden Ave Seven rooms and in the address of that paper We hath Hardwood floors Up to are informed that heir offer of date In I a War Alburn lo all who I If hatch over I FOR Brick house Veneer West For and prices apply lo i scribe still remains but the demand is bo great that it may have lo be withdrawn soon The Family Herald is big value and the Album is most attractive so i no wondertbey are securing thousands of new machine shop and Haws Mandrills Haw and other Machinery In First Class order and be sold cheap of Hank of Toronto Proprietor LET EM GROW Mrs rid ley was doing morn ing and she was deter mined that the srocer should not take Of her youth and Inexperi ence Theseeggs ar- sinall she criticised Thats the kind the farmer hrins It in said the cattle thieves Georgetown stole animals worth shout 91000 and sold them for about me answered the grocer They are lust fresh from the country this morning said the bride and the trouble with those armors They are ho anxious lo set their eggs sold that they off the neat loo soon in Irmuary and to January two or 700 must be Hies I is are not carried mil regularity the Hermans will he forced to loi-o- as a penally Other despatches from say Urn French gencrnl dur ing the negotiations of the Interna tional armistice commission request ed an authentic list of all the war pris oners liberated by and also a lsl containing the names of all tin who died in that country it Is asserted that the French dele- gates also reminded Germany that she must feed prisoners of war during heir journey home were kill ed in he war lias removed the veil of obscurity which lay our Fleet for so long and many thrilling incidents are being reported revealing unmistakable fashion that the morale and spirit of British Feet has in no wise deter iorated andIhal the sons of Ulster maintain with the best the traditions of Drake Dumpier- and Nelson Isaac Gibson who served his lime as a mechanic in the Belfast spinning mill of Messrs J- and T M Grecves Joined Navy in March as an engineroom artificer serving in that capacity with the fleet in var ious parts of the world On return ing home waters he volunteered for service in submarine also for diving and salvage work becom ing expert and in both these branches of He was for a time diving instructor his base where owing to his skill and daring he was most expert exponent of the art He held the record for deep diving which was however subsequently beaten by a diver with improved diving gear On the outbreak of war he was stationed at as chief engine- room artificer in charge of machinery and engines of submarine one of our submarines on patrol duty in the Firth of Clyde About this period he invented a device for use in submarines for cutting craft free when entangled in enemys nets also a improved design of boat for accompanying divers and various other tools and appliaces which he found useful and laborsaving in the course of his practice All of these were freely and unreservedly given to he naval aulhoritles The Raising of the In shortlyafter the outbreak of war the A10 was on one of her usual runs when a defect developed which caused the tank to flood and she sank in 32 fathoms of water The pumps were quite useless at this depth being designed for about the pressure due to half that head at the almost Every expedient known to the ser vice at the time was tried to clear tanks and raise her but she only re sponded by settling deeper In he of the sea bottom Nothing remained but to wait for death With the forti tude of men for there was apparent ly not the remotest chance of being picked up or rescued from such a depth feet down each man disposed himself according to taste disposition or religion and as men will under such circumstances talked little but thought much her machinery was in good order and they had light and all were resigned to their fate The sea water was percolating through the seams show ing that the poor little craft was feel ing the effects of terrible strain due pressure such unusual depth Chief Artificer Gibson had noted these grim Indications and decided the time was come to state a project he had been turning over in his mini whirli gave a minute ray of hope The whole party gathered round while he explained his proposal Which was utilize high pressuiv of the flask lo clear the Hooded tanks emergency He pointed nut that hf boat was leaking already and unlikely to ad ditional pressure necessary In over come the Impressing sea Tie- tanks were not designed for such Irealnienl If they used oxygen in Hie usual way would keep them alive a num ber hours more but I hey would ultimately come tie- same pass Willi no chance of remedy and weakened suspense and be unable In fare tin- end the they now dis played If on oilier hand as he pro posed the high pressure of Ihe oxy gen was tin- Links cither those tanks would hurst inwards drowning them Instantly or as he hoped JI would expel tin- sew and their boat would be able lo ris- and make for purl on surface A brave man ran die hut once while a Ward dies by anticipation in every in word crew weir unanimous was project into effrii arid leave llie Is sue In the hands of God Yob A You say The man who could illness would make a for tune Of course no man can- in the sense you mean tell prelly what expect own body to do How Get this Your body machine baa to be repaired It also must have fuel to supply heat and energy Your food supplies both repair material and fuel But a furnace always produces ashes and clinkers If these accumulate the furnace becomes clogged and caunot work properly If bowels become clogged you suffer from constipation Perhaps you hurry to work or play and neglect to obey Natures call Waste matter in the bowels You go right on eat ing drinking working What happens The consipation be comes established Waste matter undergoes decay fermentation and germ action Poisons are formed absorbed carried all over the body They attack the weakest part of you first Then you know youre sick In reality been getting sick sin put missed that first movement- If you want to keep well wholly well all the time so that youre on your toes every day remove the waste Many people take pills castor oil purgative mineral waters to force the bowels to act These act but they irritate tire out the muscles make the trouble worse Others take salts which attract water to the intestines and Bush the bowels about as gently as a firehose A reaction follows that and aggravates the constipation You neednt do this and weaken your system just because all of your ancestors did The Treatment moves the waste regularly and easily It is a purely mechanical process ab solutely harmless based on a simple principle that you can move a softened mass out of a tube more easily than a hard dry one It doesnt gripe you know you have taken anything until after a few days your bowels move at the regular hour It makes you regular as clockwork Dont try to illness Fore stall Dont wait until you are lick Keep well now Your druggist has I f J a is sold iu sealed bottle Nujol Trade Mark on Yon may suffer from substitutes MARK For Constipation Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY I New York tiling if fft on afplicai ffjrrfs Monti ILS A tat wards Would sure oxygen hold r valve there impending pen Was nursling seemed the tin Was there volunu drive liein imminent full eiioilll if hey did th another on WAS a sense of What the end Noting nil I ra Ads bring Try on Heres Ml Ik Convenience or fuw ticket no bottles to In the fiTtn of dry will no Oeeie or lour Always on tuii for any use when such It with yoir On I flsver proves Itdrink J Hi Commonded to God were noon made for all worked hard mak ing the When all was ready the commander gathered the men in a circle all sectional differ ences forgot Ion in their common Jeo pardy and commended them all in thlh moment of supreme leal Ho rend prayers for the dyhiff from the manual gave a few moments for flee Hon then tones he rend the burial service an of and solemn they gave to try under Hod how the invention would act Never probably hi all the history of mankind was On invention thought out made applied and tested under such thrilling and with a stake To say that the moment was tense in to play with the meaning of words These men had Just heard own burial service read and the moment wus come to put Into Opera tion a hitherto unheard of and un dreamt of method of bringing them In to contact with their fellowmen of the world above They hud no as to their chances nor were buoyed up with any fulse hope They had deliberately chosen be tween u possible immediate death with a slender chance of before a lingering death with none and as only seamen can they stood calmly round while Chief Artificer ap plied his Invention of unmoved us any of the group he Open ed the valve controlling the connec tion and watched Ids gauges and dlcators no result Again and again slightly unlit the pressure was rising In the tanks which were bulging in- ominous and dread signs he resolutely opened more linger of the gauge shivered Tis no reflecllun of Ihe brave men around to say I hut loads of perspiration stood on foreheads hut what manner of man is he who stands by the and his gauges indiralors at tie inIll a A Thrilling Moment A false move a hasty move ment and all Is and II knows of all men there entombed he alone and the slender upon which he Is working and his mind Is made up Yet Ids hand shakes not nor toes his attention wander Another of the wheel an answering of the gauge full pressure opened out now the Indicators show distinct ris ing the boat Is righting herself on her keel She breaks out of ooze slowly at first hut gathering speed as she ascends rises like a flash through the waters and out through like a giant porpoise falling pack upon waves on an even keel A few curt commands the conning tower was opened Tin crew uproarious and In haled groat gulps Of fresh air they had thought never to breathe again Then to and boat put In trim for the run home on the surface In a short time arriving at the pier Ardrossan as hearty as If they had not a short hour death by he lock of Davy Jones locker In spite of regulation or discipline or censor paid a tribute to the- In vent ve genius and courage of ship mate who had saved lives There was rejoicing In many borne and at many a fireside In that night thai otherwise would have had mourning Most a Heating Device- in For Full Information or Phono J s A Phono AURORA Solo Agent for NEWMARKET AURORA m Dec Fire which broke out about one oclock this morn ing totally destroyed the Human Cath olic Church The loss was partly covered by Insurance of The Methudlsl Church officials have- placed building at the disposal of the stricken congregation i French soldiers made the supremo sacrifice will rapidly improve yoor arousing the liver putting stomach and Wood good order MctUciDa la fold til bout NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE 1 I I archives NOTICE IS David of Toronto In the County of York and Ontario will apply w the Parliament of Canada at Session thereof for a of from Wife Vera of W City of Toronto In the County of and Province of Ontario on the of adultery and Dated at the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario this Mill W Septomber A DAVID By his Solicitors Godfrey A j 1 I lH Sa5

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